May 6, 2009 -Wednesday Raymone Bain Sues MJ!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas
ATTN: all South African Fans - here's a way to win tickets to the upcoming O2 concerts!

Algoa FM and Michael Jackson

Issued by: Algoa FM

Upon their return... they'll tell stories of a place they visited where buskers are not permitted to sing; where Eric Clapton's Lead II Fender guitar accompanies a great meal; they'll share pictures taken from 135 meters above the ground in a city where the Queen will soon be joined by a King. But before they can do any of this, they'll need to win Algoa FM's Michael Jackson promotion!

The latest in a series of big station promotions, Algoa FM is giving its listeners the chance to win a sensational trip to London to see Michael Jackson “live” at the O2 Arena. All of Michael Jackson's fifty show dates for London were sold out within hours of the announcement. Previous promotions run by the Eastern Cape's favourite destination station saw listeners fly to London to see Madonna, Neil Diamond and Bon Jovi. The station has also sent listeners to see Billy Joel, Cliff Richard, Lionel Richie, Rod Stewart and the Oscars.

Programme Director Alfie Jay: “Michael Jackson is the official King of Pop and the biggest entertainment news of 2009. Clearly we wanted our listeners to share in this historical moment. What makes this promotion so particularly special for us is that, to our knowledge, we're the only radio station in South Africa offering this wonderful prize!” Algoa FM's Michael Jackson package includes a three day/two night stay in London; dinner at the famous Hard Rock Cafe; The London Eye; the Underground and the very special VIP seats close to the stage to experience Michael Jackson "live” at the O2 Arena!

The competition starts on Monday the 4th and continues until Thursday the 28th of May 2009. Listeners will be cued to enter via sms and the station will draw finalists throughout the day. All finalists will go into an audited draw on the 1st of June, when the winner will be announced. Jay: “We continually strive to provide our listening community with the experience of a life-time and so far so good. But this promotion is just so big - there's not a jock on my team that wouldn't want to go to this concert!"

For more details visit or


Here's a little something to get everyone ready for the upcoming tour! :D


Hundreds of workers are toiling in Burbank on the sets for Michael Jackson’s coming stage concerts to be seen this July in London. And “MJ” – as everyone refers to him instead of saying his whole name – is omnipresent, personally on hand overseeing the hundreds of workers.

After the sets are done, they’ll be shipped to England and reassembled for the already-sold-out concerts. Do you wonder how Michael Jackson can make a “comeback” after all he’s been through and all that has happened since he beat the rap at a much-publicized pedophile trial?

Well, he has Philip Anschutz, a Denver billionaire, as a producer. Mr. A. once owned the Southern Pacific Railroad. His company, AEG, also owns the Staples Center in Los Angeles.



The board next to the pub provided quite an explanation. Scribbled on it in white was ‘Michael Jackson night’. Well, this man still makes music lovers go weak in the knees and it was evident from the maddening crowd that turned up at the do. :wub:

The musical night that featured Crystal Grass along with Anita Basu Mullick and Jayshree Singh began with the number, Thriller, and what a response there was! The crowd not only cheered with loud seetis, when Liberian Girl and Bad were performed, but also got busy capturing the magical moments on their handycam.

Rahul Mehra, manager of Crystal Grass (CG), said, “People get to read all sorts of odd things about the singer and to have a performance like this is heartwarming.” Tanya of CG was overwhelmed with the crowd response, “I allowed them to sing to They don’t care about us and the response was mindblowing!” Apart from Michael Jackson numbers, CG also belted out three of their own songs, much to the crowd’s delight.

Today in
Michael Jackson History
1986 - Michael Jackson's second contract with Pepsi was finalized. The contract included two commercials and sponsorship of a solo world tour.

1997 - Michael Jackson was inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame as part of the Jackson 5.

Diana Ross introduces the Jackson 5 as they are inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997, in Cleveland. From left are Marlon, Tito, Jermaine, Jackie and Michael. (The Associated Press)​
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Waiting for the This is it rehearsal VDO :D
Thank you for posting the news and Today in MJ History I alway love to read and enjoy :)
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Hundreds of workers are toiling in Burbank on the sets for Michael Jackson’s coming stage concerts to be seen this July in London.

^what does this mean.. I'm confused lol
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Hundreds of workers are toiling in Burbank on the sets for Michael Jackson’s coming stage concerts to be seen this July in London.

^what does this mean.. I'm confused lol

Maybe they are constructing the set there and will ship it over to London when it's complete???

What is or where is Burbank???

Burbank is in California, USA. North of Los Angeles.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Thanx for the news
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's


Haha, I don't understand german, but that seems to be a beer commercial. What's MJ got to do with beer you wonder? Well, there's a man who is famous for his beer-knowledge, and his name also happens to be Michael Jackson. ;)
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Maybe they are constructing the set there and will ship it over to London when it's complete???

Burbank is in California, USA. North of Los Angeles.

Yes and yes - They are constructing the set / stage design in Los Angeles (Burbank area) and then will put it in several boxes, ship it to London, and put the puzzle together again.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Michael completely involved in the entire production just like Thriller days (I recall rerading that Michael went so far as to specify a billboard in those days) is something I thought might happen this time around. It is something producers said they wanted to see from Michael if he was to pull off a 'comeback'.

That little clip is a very important little piece of confirmation. Thank you for finding it. I had heard that Michael was very serious about this. 'Hungry' was the term I heard. I don't think many of us not in the business (and even some who are) fully comprehend what goes into a production like this. I know it is hard/impossible for me. I just know there has been a lot of hard work over a long period to make it all happen right. I am so thrilled about it all.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Raymone Bain Sues Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s legal woes continue to mount. Now the King Of Pop’s longtime spokesperson Raymone Bain is suing him. Raymone just filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C. saying she wants Michael to pay up. In a statement Raymone tells

“It is with deep regret that I find myself at this place, having to file a lawsuit against my longtime employer, and someone whom I have greatly admired and respected, Michael Jackson.

“Mr. Jackson and I have had a long, productive and mutually beneficial business relationship.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson has elected not to honor the financial obligations

of our contractual relationship, despite my numerous attempts to amicably resolve this matter. I am sincerely disappointed in Mr. Jackson’s failure to honor his obligations.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

In 2005, Bain was fired by Michael’s brother Randy just days before the singer’s acquittal on child molestation charges. But, in 2006 she was made General Manager of the Michael Jackson Company.

Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Raymone Bain Sues Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s legal woes continue to mount. Now the King Of Pop’s longtime spokesperson Raymone Bain is suing him. Raymone just filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C. saying she wants Michael to pay up. In a statement Raymone tells

“It is with deep regret that I find myself at this place, having to file a lawsuit against my longtime employer, and someone whom I have greatly admired and respected, Michael Jackson.

“Mr. Jackson and I have had a long, productive and mutually beneficial business relationship.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson has elected not to honor the financial obligations

of our contractual relationship, despite my numerous attempts to amicably resolve this matter. I am sincerely disappointed in Mr. Jackson’s failure to honor his obligations.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

In 2005, Bain was fired by Michael’s brother Randy just days before the singer’s acquittal on child molestation charges. But, in 2006 she was made General Manager of the Michael Jackson Company.


oh jeez is that really true?
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Wow raymone, just wow.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

NO Not Raymone Too. I hope this is not true. If So, I hope this can be settled.I can't understand why this is happening now of all times just when Michael is trying to do a comeback tour. There were rumors that she was Fired then Hired.Now he has a new manager and team.Whatever happened between Raymone and Mike must have been something of a misunderstanding.I don't really know for sure and who's idea was it to not have Raymone in the fold.Who put that bug in Michael's ear to not be associated with her.Time will tell. I just hope thing will end smoothly in time for the concerts.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

I knew the Raymone Bain lawsuit was coming when I no longer saw her around him in the latest pictures. The lawsuits always do when people leave his employ. I'm not sure why but I am very troubled by as to why it always ends this way.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Shame on her, she is an idiot. I never liked her anyway but now she saw money coming from Michael. Well, I don't want to bad mouth her but she is something, isn't she? Then to court Michael will confront you and show you right!
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

From her official site (Kaymon @ KOPD):


Washington, D.C. (May 5, 2009) …… “It is with deep regret that I find myself at this place, having to file a lawsuit against my longtime employer, and someone whom I have greatly admired and respected, Michael Jackson.

“Mr. Jackson and I have had a long, productive and mutually beneficial business relationship.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson has elected not to honor the financial obligations of our contractual relationship, despite my numerous attempts to amicably resolve this matter. I am sincerely disappointed in Mr. Jackson’s failure to honor his obligations.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

“On a personal note, I would like to thank all of the individuals who have given so much of their time and effort to assist me throughout the Jackson years. I thank you for your support and prayers. To the Jackson fans who have written letters to me, thank you, and I wish you all the best.

“Despite the action I have been compelled to take for professional and business reasons, when looking back, I have no regrets. Michael Jackson, in my opinion, is the ‘King of Pop,’ and I wish him, and his family, only the best.”



Washington, DC (May 5, 2009) …… “It is with deep regret that I find myself in this place, having to file a lawsuit against my longtime employer, and someone whom I have greatly admired and respected, Michael Jackson.

“Over the years, as Mr. Jackson’s Spokesperson and General Manager, sometimes during periods of critical and adverse circumstances, I have been his voice to media, fans, supporters, business interests and associates as well as those who dislike, misunderstand and constantly malign him. I have also been the constant defender against those who have, in the past,
attacked him in any fashion or form. Regardless of who you are, I believe you are entitled to a brief explanation about why I felt compelled, at this time, to take the action I have taken.

“Mr. Jackson and I have had a long, productive and mutually beneficial business relationship.

“We have experienced quite a lot together, from the child molestation trial in Santa Maria, to transitions from the United States to Bahrain, Bahrain to Ireland, Ireland back to the United States…and, all in between. At almost every step of the way, we have had constant detractors and naysayers. Throughout this relationship, I did not look at him as just a client, but a family
member, a fact that I, and others who were a part of the Jackson team, always considered, when making numerous personal sacrifices, and when making any decisions which would affect him and his children. For this reason, many of you will not understand my actions.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson has elected not to honor the financial obligations of our contractual relationship, despite my numerous attempts to amicably resolve this matter. I have done everything possible to avoid this unhappiness and distraction…I have been left no choice.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

“On a personal note, I would like to thank all of the individuals who have given so much of their time, assistance and effort, to help me throughout the Jackson years. To the Jackson fans who have written letters to me, thank you, and I wish you all the best.

“Despite the action I have been compelled to take for professional and business reasons, when looking back, I have no regrets. Michael Jackson, in my opinion, is the ‘King of Pop,’ and I wish him, and his family, only the very best.”


There's also a video statement...
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

"Hundreds of workers are toiling in Burbank on the sets for Michael Jackson’s coming stage concerts to be seen this July in London. And “MJ” – as everyone refers to him instead of saying his whole name – is omnipresent, personally on hand overseeing the hundreds of workers.

After the sets are done, they’ll be shipped to England and reassembled for the already-sold-out concerts. Do you wonder how Michael Jackson can make a “comeback” after all he’s been through and all that has happened since he beat the rap at a much-publicized pedophile trial?

Well, he has Philip Anschutz, a Denver billionaire, as a producer. Mr. A. once owned the Southern Pacific Railroad. His company, AEG, also owns the Staples Center in Los Angeles."

C'mon L.A......C'mon Mike y'know you wanna come to L.A...the city of Angels needs ya, man, it needs some of that Mike Jackson energy....**Oh, well Imma be like Dusty Springfield and be off wishin' and hopin'***
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

At least she managed to make a correct statement for the first time
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

Raymone Bain Sues Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s legal woes continue to mount. Now the King Of Pop’s longtime spokesperson Raymone Bain is suing him. Raymone just filed a lawsuit in Washington D.C. saying she wants Michael to pay up. In a statement Raymone tells

“It is with deep regret that I find myself at this place, having to file a lawsuit against my longtime employer, and someone whom I have greatly admired and respected, Michael Jackson.

“Mr. Jackson and I have had a long, productive and mutually beneficial business relationship.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson has elected not to honor the financial obligations

of our contractual relationship, despite my numerous attempts to amicably resolve this matter. I am sincerely disappointed in Mr. Jackson’s failure to honor his obligations.

“This lawsuit will result in some discussion about the relationship between Mr. Jackson and me. Hypothetical theories, accusations and rumors, if gauging from the past, will be many. However, all of these will be replaced in court with the truth.

In 2005, Bain was fired by Michael’s brother Randy just days before the singer’s acquittal on child molestation charges. But, in 2006 she was made General Manager of the Michael Jackson Company.

I do not believe it! It was not to address this off? It seems that people love to take that kind of thing to the public. Will now begin to talk about Michael. Poor Michael... looks like a chase! I pray that this is resolved soon! :angel:​
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

At least she managed to make a correct statement for the first time

my thoughts exactly! this is her BEST press release true, so sad!!!

look, i'm not in the party that automatically knee-jerks into believing whoever sues MJ is the devil... if she didn't get paid, then she needs to get paid. ...

so i don't know what exactly to say other than... glad she's gone. and that has NOTHING to do with her lawsuit.
Re: May 6, 2009 -Wednesday - N & M's

have you tried saying "n&m's"? just doesn't flow right..

thanks for the n&m's though.