London Tribute Concert CANCELED

I am GLAD!!!!!!!!!! this is Michael from above, he does not want anything to do with Jermaine or Joe or any of those brothers and sisters, except for that one sister called Rebbie, i think she's not like the others, and may be Janet, but who knows about her, she seems so COLD... hope Michael kids are doing fine, i mean inside, it must be so different now that Michael is not there to protect them anymore... i would be devastated.... that jermaine is so stupid, sorry, im just beeing sincere
Im sad, i wanted a tribute like Freddy Mercury had..

Don't hold your breath expecting it from Jermaine. The estate...? Probably.

Poor Jermaine Jackson can't seem to get anything right. He may be the only person on earth unable to make money out of having known Michael Jackson.

Jermaine was last heard of organizing an MJ tribute concert for London for next June.

But few big acts were lined up for this extravaganza, his Austrian partner company had no Jackson-industry background, and prospects weren't very good.

Now they're awful: The Austrian company is being dissolved. News reports say that an outfit called Superfund, majority shareholder in the concert sponsor World Awards Media, decided in

November to fold the smaller firm.

There's been no comment from Jermaine, but it's hard to see this as a good thing for his big show.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Nice one Jermaine, you incompetant tit.

without sounding like an arse... I know its dissapointing AND hilarious... but can I just remind everyone of the MJJC rules regarding slagging off family members. keep it clean yeh ;) love love
I guess we'll find out tomorrow night what is happening with it. The Move like Michael Jackson show is live tomorrow night and Jermaine will answer it then hopefully.

So did they say anything about any possible "tributes" last night? Any updates on this?
Txs! :)
people are actually happy he didn't do that is funny
and with this I hope we never hear from Jermaine again :bye:
Well Jermaine didn't say it was cancelled on Move Like Michael Jackson last night (which was a live show). There was lots of talk about it like it was still happening.. so I'm confused.. perhaps he's looking for someone else to help him with it.

I hope they don't just continue for the sake of saving face. If it isn't going to be quality and worthy of MJ then I'd rather they cancel it.. and in the future have something fitting.
he wouldnt say on live tv thats its cancelled. hes daft but not that daft. tbh it doenst make much difference re this firm going under if he can get another backer. its not like he could only use that firm and no one else.
I hope this is the end of this horrible idea now. If he was doing it with pure intentions I would be behind him, but his behaviour does not point to him doing it 'for Michael'. Michael barely gets a mention, it's so wrong. :(
he wouldnt say on live tv thats its cancelled. hes daft but not that daft. .

Well if it is cancelled he could have least been quiet about it, instead there was lots of talk about the tribute concert and Jermaine talked quite in detail about it.

If it is cancelled it'll be worse when people find out he was speaking like that when he knew it wasn't happening.
Well if it is cancelled he could have least been quiet about it, instead there was lots of talk about the tribute concert and Jermaine talked quite in detail about it.

If it is cancelled it'll be worse when people find out he was speaking like that when he knew it wasn't happening.

Ok.... :ermm:
Well if it is cancelled he could have least been quiet about it, instead there was lots of talk about the tribute concert and Jermaine talked quite in detail about it.

If it is cancelled it'll be worse when people find out he was speaking like that when he knew it wasn't happening.

It will be worse for the folks who are producing this particular program. The contract is with them.

And, most likely, Jermaine won't care.

He will be off to whatever he has lined-up for himself next. After that fiasco in Vienna, anybody taking Jermaine's word for anything should be held accountable, in my opinion.
This is the same guy who kept talking about a reunion for like 20 years.

I'll be extremely suprised if he EVER got ANYTHING done.
What don't you understand?

Did you watch the MLMJ live show last night? - because thats what I'm talking about.

Oh, sorry, I was not clear enough :)
I did understand what you say, my :ermm: goes to Jermains and his comments.
I didn't watch the show, I live in the other side of the world and I am not that interested in the show and have no cable TV. That is why I asked ;)
Michael Jackson is the biggest figure in music history, to not have a tribute concert by the biggest names in music today just wouldn't be right.

I truly hope that a tribute concert, an official one, the best they could possibly offer a true king, will be made. The Princess Diana tribute concert was beautiful, for Michael, I hope its even bigger and better than that...
people are actually happy he didn't do that is funny
I am happy. I don't trust Jermaine to pull something that should be the biggest of its kind off.
I just pray that an official tribute concert is made by professionals in the business. Michael deserves it and deserves the best.
people are actually happy he didn't do that is funny
and with this I hope we never hear from Jermaine again :bye:

Its not that people don't want there to be a tribute, I really do. But I'd rather it be organised by someone that knows how to pull off a big event like this like Kenny Ortega for example. He's an amazing director and is a wonderful friend of Michael's. Jermaine doesn't know the first thing about organising such a huge thing such as this. It goes beyond just confirming acts and getting them to sing on a stage and selling tickets. The sound acoustics of such a big stadium need to be right, the lighting needs to be right, the seating needs to be right, the cues need to be right, the timing needs to be right and thats just the beginning. Kenny has done a wonderful job with Michael's tours and knows every single detail about how to organise something so big. Michael deserves to have a tribute that is perfect. He doesn't deserve a tribute marred by people saying how disapointed they were, how they couldn't hear, how they coudn't see etc. He deserves perfection which is why personally I'd prefer for it to be organised by someone like Kenny who knows what they are doing.
I hope MJ gets an official tribute after Murray is sent to jail to rot.

I hope the estate can pull it off nicely. MJ deserves it more than anyone.

Or they can always wait for the 5th anniversary of his passing. By then the two oldest could work with the estate to make it happen.
Watching the brothers on their show you can see what has been happening. They all agreed to perform and record, and agreed on the concert, but when it comes to them agreeing about what to do they can't agree. Jermaine and Tito want to, Marlon and Jackie don't seem to have the same commitment.

If they are going to do it they absolutely need someone who can organise it, Kenny, or David Gest who organised the 30th anniversary concert. The brothers need a referee to get it off the ground.
Why is this on first page?
Any real updates on this?
yes?? yes?? dates?

thanks in advance!!

its pretty sad to think about the fact that in 5 years, 10 years, 25 years the man still wont be here and we'll still be left with basically everything we have now..

but a the same time, to be honest, it wouldve been so weird to see him aged into his 70s!

I'd like to see a MJ tribute concert along the lines of the Freddie Mercury tribute Concert i mean that Concert took place just a year or so after Freddies passing and it went down a storm! and also raised alot of Money for AIDS awareness :) It'd be nice for MJ to have a Similar thing and have the proceeds go to one of the charity's he sponsored