London Tribute Concert CANCELED

Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Now I wanna see the estate put on a massive celebration day for August 29th next year... maybe somewhere like Hyde Park... and get all sorts of acts lined up - Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, get a little motown tribute thing going on and some more contemporary acts to perform. Kenny O could choreograph something and the TII dancers and band could perform idk... anything but as long as it's not nothing. But if it's gonna be done, it has to be done properly. Jermaine's concert thing has all been so damn vague and now it's not even happening?

Fingers crossed I win the lottery jackpot or something then I will rent out Hyde Park for a day and everyone is invited lol.

*puts a lottery ticket in with adores Christmas card* Every little helps :cheeky:
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

I'm sure they'll find another company to host/fund the event, after all the winner of this coming Sunday's Move Like MJ Final is meant to be performing at this as their prize - would look terrible on Jermaine if they were now working towards nothing before the show has even finished.

What?! What about Move Like MJ, the BBC3 competition? The final's on Sunday and the prize is to perform there.

That didn't even cross my mind.
The auditions for Move Like MJ in The Netherlands are still going, the show will start next year...
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

JErmaine would deserve one for himself for his countless efforts to uphold the memory of MJ. lol
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Nice one Jermaine, you incompetant tit.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

The Move like MJ final is live onn Sunday so if the tribute is definitely not happening it will be mentioned. They cant legally mention its happening if it isn't. The BBC has very strict rules about this sort of thing.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

like someone said they can offer them to open on the brothers much anticipated comeback world tour.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

I laughed when I heard about this on Sky News. I knew it would never happen with Jermaine.
Just let a real star organise it Jermaine and stop trying to make money out of Michael.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

If Jermaine wasn't the narcissist that he is. I'd pity him, he was born to be a failure.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

But he said ''See you in June'' :(

My answer to that statement--->

Can he see what those words mean to us??? What is the idea of playing with our feelings this way? Why doing that to us? Can they see we are suffering here??? I mean... it is all about money and taking advantage of Mike's good name and of our love for Michael. This is mean.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

I knew it was gonna end up as a failure....

Even if the show actually managed to go on, it will still end up as a failure.

Jermaine's ex-wife is right. Jermaine is a bad business man. Tsk Tsk....
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Perosnally, June 25 is a SAD day for me. Someone took Michael's life. Not that he died from natural causes, someone MURDERED him. I don't want a "show" per se - but a day of remembrance. A killer is still free on the loose.

For June 25th, a pilgrimage trip to Forest Lawn - with a gospel choir - just something respectful, sedated. I'm still mourning - as many of us are.

For his birthday though - the biggest party in the world like Spike's party in Prospect Park Brooklyn - I'd love it if each major city had one like the way they did the Thrill the World parties.

Exactly. On the 25th of June or even The month of June should be where all fans gather. I didnt mean a show...I meant where fans could gather all around the world and just be, you know.

Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

I'm not defending Jermaine, but a lot of tribute concerts have been held on the anniversary of an artist's death. For example, "The Concert for George" was held one year after George Harrison died and had everybody from Paul McCartney to Ringo, to Eric Clapton to Billy Preston to George's son. Celebrating on the anniversary is not as morbid as you guys are trying to make it out to be.

But I hope the Estate takes over. I'd love to see the Bad tour band reunited or hell just put all the former musicians up there and have them jam. Imagine Jennifer and Orianthi both up there. Michael Bearden and Greg Phillinganes. It'd be good stuff. Have some Motown acts, The Jacksons, Janet, Chris Brown, Usher, Timberlake, Whitney Houston, Madonna, New Edition, TII crew, etc. Have it be an all day concert benefiting some of MJ's favorite charities. Sort of like a Live-Aid type event. Do it either around June 25th or August 29th. Would be huge.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

June 25 is a day of mourning, not celebration. :cry:


That's been my point all along. June 25 will forever be a day of loss & mourning & remembrance and JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL.

God knows what he's doing if this all came caving down for Jermaine.

If his killer is not caught then - I propose non-violent protest demonstrations all across the globe.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

I'd prefer what you proposed here on MJs birthday, not the anniversary of his death.

Maybe I'm getting too lapsed Catholic here, but I truly feel it's not the date to have a party.

Our hero died that day.

I'm not defending Jermaine, but a lot of tribute concerts have been held on the anniversary of an artist's death. For example, "The Concert for George" was held one year after George Harrison died and had everybody from Paul McCartney to Ringo, to Eric Clapton to Billy Preston to George's son. Celebrating on the anniversary is not as morbid as you guys are trying to make it out to be.

But I hope the Estate takes over. I'd love to see the Bad tour band reunited or hell just put all the former musicians up there and have them jam. Imagine Jennifer and Orianthi both up there. Michael Bearden and Greg Phillinganes. It'd be good stuff. Have some Motown acts, The Jacksons, Janet, Chris Brown, Usher, Timberlake, Whitney Houston, Madonna, New Edition, TII crew, etc. Have it be an all day concert benefiting some of MJ's favorite charities. Sort of like a Live-Aid type event. Do it either around June 25th or August 29th. Would be huge.
What I want to do on the 25th is meet up with MJ fans at the o2. Listen to his music, dance to his music, share stories and share a few drinks as we remember our hero with the end of the evening releasing balloons into the sky with our messages to him. Someone poignant and being with people who loved him unconditionally.
wow, i didn't even know Jermaine was actually planning another tribute. I guess that's because I didn't follow the thread about the Move like MJ show.

Anyway, I am not surprised. I can't take Jermaine seriously anymore. I wasn't looking forward to his tribute, so I am glad it's not happening. I want Michael's tribute concert to be a huge event, to draw attention around the world, to be broadcast everywhere. But it's only possible if professionals are in charge. Jermaine keeps proving he doesn't know what he's doing. I hope the Estate steps in and does what's right in this situation.

Also, I agree, June 25 is a wrong date for a concert.
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Surprise, surprise, NOT!!!!!

Any tribute show to Michael should be one that is well thought out and planned, this was neither of those things!
I hope there will be a tribute in june, one way or another.
I respect michael,s family.
And if there are a few people who have the "right" to do a enormous tribute, i think it is his family.
No one else.
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media needs to stop determining final cause of MJ's death as a final buzz line, since the police haven't finished the investigation.

I have a feeling Jermaine saw this video before he cancelled a second time. :lol:

I remember this - whoever Musikfactory is - THANK YOU.

I hope there will be a tribute in june, one way or another.
I respect michael,s family.
And if there are a few people who have the "right" to do a enormous tribute, i think it is his family.
No one else.

I hope that Michael's family does do something - but not what Jermaine plans to do.

I think whatever they do should be solemn and respectful. Not this parade of "Jermaine's Big Comeback" BS he's been trying to do. He evern dissed his other brothers on the reality show!!!!
The ones who got the right to do something are his estate and his children and no one else and certainly not incompetent greedy people who are out to make a quick buck.
Unless we hear jermaine himself saying he wants to make quick money out of his brothers death we shoudld be carefull by judging him.
And give him benefit b the doubt
Maybe it,s not the way we should have done it.
But we are all different.
I "like" the idea and the concept.
But it shoudl happen with patient and respect.
Unless we spoke to jermaine in person we should pay some more respect to michael, by respecting his family.
Michael never dished his own family in public like how some fans are doing it now.
I mean this in general, not anyone in particular.
Surprise, surprise, NOT!!!!!

Any tribute show to Michael should be one that is well thought out and planned, this was neither of those things!

Yeah! I don't understand why Jermaine had to rush to organise the tribute concert? And what we got... Vienna turned out to be a completely joke. He should have sat back and do everything properly and most of all with time.
The ones who got the right to do something are his estate and his children and no one else and certainly not incompetent greedy people who are out to make a quick buck.

And I'd like to add ...

To take advantage of Michael's death and his fans' PAIN.

Yes, PAIN.

This pain is very, very real to me. Losing Michael's been bigger and more traumatic than losing my grandma to colon cancer.

Murdered - that happened to MJ.

And after all Michael endured - to have his brother say "oooh, this is my time" - uhhh, NO.
