London Tribute Concert CANCELED

Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

That's too bad. I know that Jermaine really wants to do a tribute. Perhaps he can align himself with the estate because I believe they said they would plan something eventually.
McClain and Branca have access to more powerful and more than likely solvent sponsors who could make this happen.

In the end, it will happen when its suppose to happen.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

yeah, I agree this was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone could see the outcome of this but JERMaine
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Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

I can't resist posting this..


That says it better than anything I could've said myself.
Oh Jermaine, Jermaine... I almost feel bad for the guy. Emphasis on the word 'almost'.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

This is certainly odd to hear, why would it cancel the London concerts. I know Jermaine's Michael's brother but I would rather a tribute concert to organised by Kenny. That way you know it will be done professionally and with integrity.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

That's too bad. I know that Jermaine really wants to do a tribute. Perhaps he can align himself with the estate because I believe they said they would plan something eventually.
McClain and Branca have access to more powerful and more than likely solvent sponsors who could make this happen.

I agree with what you said regarding McClain and Branca, but I just don't think Jermaine would be interested in taking a "back-seat," if you will.

And then you have Jermaine's "foundation" to contend with. What exactly is Jermaine's foundation all about, does anybody know? Has Jermaine's foundation every done anything or provided for anybody?

(NOTE: The 1st time I heard about Jermaine's foundation was during the "never gonna happen" Vienna tribute.)

If all of that is NOT on the up & up, I don't think the estate would be interested in attaching that "foundation" to any possible Michael Jackson Tribute. It would be too risky for McClain and Branca, in my opinion.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

I agree with what you said regarding McClain and Branca, but I just don't think Jermaine would be interested in taking a "back-seat," if you will.

And then you have Jermaine's "foundation" to contend with. What exactly is Jermaine's foundation all about, does anybody know? Has Jermaine's foundation every done anything or provided for anybody?

(NOTE: The 1st time I heard about Jermaine's foundation was during the "never gonna happen" Vienna tribute.)

If all of that is NOT on the up & up, I don't think the estate would be interested in attaching that "foundation" to any possible Michael Jackson Tribute. It would be too risky for McClain and Branca, in my opinion.
I doubt they'd be interesting in attaching anything that has to do with Jermaine with the Michael Jackson brand imo.
Poor Jermaine if ''Word2bad' hadn't happened then maybe... just maybe, Michael would have let JERM run his empire and the poor fella would have had a real job. lol
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

It looks like the folks in charge of that competition should have VERIFIED and/or CONFIRMED that there was actually going to be a tribute show, instead of just taking Jermaine's word for it.

Maybe the NEW prize will be joining the brothers on their World Tour. LOL!

Cold! Just...COLD! :lol:

I can't resist posting this..


That says it better than anything I could've said myself.
Oh Jermaine, Jermaine... I almost feel bad for the guy. Emphasis on the word 'almost'.


In all seriousness, this kinda sucks for fans who, AGAIN, have had another MJ event fall apart...but it might be for the best if someone can organize something better. It does make me wonder what they plan to offer as a prize in the Move Like MJ competition tho. :unsure:
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

You know, Its better if fans all around the world do something on the 25th next year. Where ever we are be it The US. UK, Japan, China, India, Africa,... we should do something together cuz personally i'm tired of waiting for someone "famous" to do a tribute show and not all fans can go so why not make our own tribute! Now that would be a site to see...:D

Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

UPDATE from the BBC

Jackson UK tribute gig in doubt

A Michael Jackson tribute concert in London next year is in doubt after the company organising the show dissolved.

The Austrian firm, World Awards Media, said the decision to wind-up was made in November.

No further details have been released but liquidator Martin Schneider said the company had lost the financial support of its main sponsor.

It is not yet known if Jackson's brother Jermaine will still put on the gig himself.

The concert was set to take place in June.

It was initially planned to take place outside Vienna's Schoenbrunn Palace in September, but it was moved London's Wembley Stadium after running into problems.

Organisers said too many performers were unable to commit because of scheduling conflicts.

The Austrian media was also accused of stirring up a negative atmosphere.

Former chief promoter Georg Kindel told the Austria Press Agency that he and Superfund founder Christian Baha - the majority owner of the now defunct company - split in October.

Neither Mr Kindel nor Mr Baha could be reached for comment.

Jackson died in June in Los Angeles aged 50.

The tribute has not officially been cancelled as of yet. Jermaine could put this on himself or find another company.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Perosnally, June 25 is a SAD day for me. Someone took Michael's life. Not that he died from natural causes, someone MURDERED him. I don't want a "show" per se - but a day of remembrance. A killer is still free on the loose.

For June 25th, a pilgrimage trip to Forest Lawn - with a gospel choir - just something respectful, sedated. I'm still mourning - as many of us are.

For his birthday though - the biggest party in the world like Spike's party in Prospect Park Brooklyn - I'd love it if each major city had one like the way they did the Thrill the World parties.

You know, Its better if fans all around the world do something on the 25th next year. Where ever we are be it The US. UK, Japan, China, India, Africa,... we should do something together cuz personally i'm tired of waiting for someone "famous" to do a tribute show and not all fans can go so why not make our own tribute! Now that would be a site to see...:D

Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Perosnally, June 25 is a SAD day for me. Someone took Michael's life. Not that he died from natural causes, someone MURDERED him. I don't want a "show" per se - but a day of remembrance. A killer is still free on the loose.
yeah. only jerm could do something as crass as planning it for june 25th.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

The tribute has not officially been cancelled as of yet. Jermaine could put this on himself or find another company.

No offense to Jermaine, but I seriously doubt that he could take this on alone. With what money?

And with what happened in Vienna, I doubt any CREDIBLE company would want to be involved with Jermaine.

It's a huge undertaking and will require a lot of money.

P.S. Was Wembley ever really confirmed or was it the type of confirmation we saw in the press regarding Mary J. Blige's "supposed" confirmation?
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

No offense to Jermaine, but I seriously doubt that he could take this on alone. With what money?

And with what happened in Vienna, I doubt any CREDIBLE company would want to be involved with Jermaine.

It's a huge undertaking and will require a lot of money.

P.S. Was Wembley ever really confirmed or was it the type of confirmation we saw in the press regarding Mary J. Blige's "supposed" confirmation?

I dont think he can do it by himself either. Wembley was never confirmed, the press just assumed it was Wembley.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

P.S. Was Wembley ever really confirmed or was it the type of confirmation we saw in the press regarding Mary J. Blige's "supposed" confirmation?
he just said after vienna was cancelled that they would have it in london instead.dont think there was ever any proper press release
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Really???!!!! Oh wait......... not in the slightest bit surprised!!! I was planning on gettin as fair away from London as possible when i heard Jermaine was doing this any way June 25th is not a day for celebrating!!! :(
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

I can't resist posting this..


That says it better than anything I could've said myself.
Oh Jermaine, Jermaine... I almost feel bad for the guy. Emphasis on the word 'almost'.

That is brilliant! :lol:
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

But he said ''See you in June'' :(
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

yeah. only jerm could do something as crass as planning it for june 25th.
Maybe for him june 25 is a regular day like any other. According to the Islamic calender Michael didn't die on june 25, he might believe in the Islamic calender idk.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Maybe for him june 25 is a regular day like any other. According to the Islamic calender Michael didn't die on june 25, he might believe in the Islamic calender idk.

I truly don't think so. I'm not Islamic - but I believe the Islamic lunar calendar is mostly used to track religious/cultural holidays, as does the Jewish & Chinese one.

The 365-day calendar is used around the world.

I highly doubt Jermaine would use this excuse.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Maybe for him june 25 is a regular day like any other. According to the Islamic calender Michael didn't die on june 25, he might believe in the Islamic calender idk.

nah thats grasping. doesnt matter what calendar u follow the date is the date. if u were gonna do it it should be on his BD to celebrate his life
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

if u were gonna do it it should be on his BD to celebrate his life

Exactly my point. Why would anyone want to celebrate a tribute concert on the anniversary of someone's death - caused by MURDER????

No - it's just .... wrong.

Birthday: YES. As Spike Lee did it - as events all around the world did it, like the Mexican one at the Socalo. Bring out the pomp & circumstance and breakdancers and MJ impersonators.

But anniversary of MJ's death: WTF, Jermaine???
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

nah thats grasping. doesnt matter what calendar u follow the date is the date. if u were gonna do it it should be on his BD to celebrate his life
you are right, I was just trying to give him the benefit of a doubt lol
yeah a tribute should be held on his birthday only, not on the day he died, or else it would be like celebrating his death not life.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED


Me personally, I am going to Spike Lee's bash on August 29th at Prospect Park. I hope to see a lot of fans.

Me too. The park is about 30 feet, front door to grass, from me. =) It was amazing because it was all just real people, reflecting, respecting and loving on Michael. Not some place people go to be seen or go because it's a big event. It wasn't a spectacle. It was just about the music and the man and that's all. We should definitely have an MJJC meet-up there. ;)
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

Me too. The park is about 30 feet, front door to grass, from me. =) It was amazing because it was all just real people, reflecting, respecting and loving on Michael. Not some place people go to be seen or go because it's a big event. It wasn't a spectacle. It was just about the music and the man and that's all. We should definitely have an MJJC meet-up there. ;)

Definitely -- I was at the Prospect Park celebration this year and will definitely go next year and would love a meetup. :yes:
Re: London tripute concert CANCELED

Now I wanna see the estate put on a massive celebration day for August 29th next year... maybe somewhere like Hyde Park... and get all sorts of acts lined up - Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, get a little motown tribute thing going on and some more contemporary acts to perform. Kenny O could choreograph something and the TII dancers and band could perform idk... anything but as long as it's not nothing. But if it's gonna be done, it has to be done properly. Jermaine's concert thing has all been so damn vague and now it's not even happening?

Fingers crossed I win the lottery jackpot or something then I will rent out Hyde Park for a day and everyone is invited lol.