London Tribute Concert CANCELED

yeah like Jermaine is gonna come out and say ''listen folks I've never gotten over loosing the lead back some 40 years ago, I've always been jealous off my brothers success, cuz if the time were right.... blah blah blahablah.. it could have beenblahmeblah.... now I just want to make a quick buck and get my mug out, now its my time to shine'' please. your argumentation is as invalid as JERMaine is.
Actions speak louder than words, and his actions have spoken very clearly and loudly since June 25
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Nice one Jermaine, you incompetant tit.

:clapping::clapping: PMSL I just spit my drink on to my computer thats is friggin hilarious and soooooo true!!!

What I want to do on the 25th is meet up with MJ fans at the o2. Listen to his music, dance to his music, share stories and share a few drinks as we remember our hero with the end of the evening releasing balloons into the sky with our messages to him. Someone poignant and being with people who loved him unconditionally.

Im there hun :D
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

I can't resist posting this..


That says it better than anything I could've said myself.
Oh Jermaine, Jermaine... I almost feel bad for the guy. Emphasis on the word 'almost'.


Every once a month or so, someone drops by with the perfect "picture response" - that was definitely one of those :lol:

Haha, thanks Brucey! That's well appreciated, coming from the true master of picture responses :lol:

Michael Jackson tribute concert scrapped

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29 mins ago

A Michael Jackson tribute concert, which was moved from Vienna to London after top acts dropped out, has been canceled after the event's organizer closed down, the company's liquidator said on Friday.

Organizers, led by Michael's brother, Jermaine, canceled the Vienna concert in September after struggling to get stars to perform on short notice.

A London concert was planned for summer, but that has been scrapped as well.

Martin Schneider, liquidator for the organizers, told Reuters: "The company cannot sign any new contracts and will certainly not plan any new events."

Event organizer World Awards Media GmbH decided to close on November 30, the company's liquidator said in an e-mailed statement. World Awards Media and its previous owner directed all queries to its liquidator.

A spokeswoman for Jermaine Jackson in Los Angeles was unavailable for comment.

Ticket sales for the Vienna tribute stagnated after billed acts like R&B stars Mary J. Blige and Chris Brown and veteran singer Natalie Cole started to back away from the concert, which would have taken place at a 17th century palace.

Organizers blamed Austrian media, saying they treated the line-up as "B-List" artists and sullied the memory of Jackson.

The 50-year-old singer died in June from an overdose of powerful medications. His 1982 "Thriller" is the highest-selling album of all time.

(Reporting by Sylvia Westall and Bob Tourtellotte in Los Angeles)
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED

Me too. The park is about 30 feet, front door to grass, from me. =) It was amazing because it was all just real people, reflecting, respecting and loving on Michael. Not some place people go to be seen or go because it's a big event. It wasn't a spectacle. It was just about the music and the man and that's all. We should definitely have an MJJC meet-up there. ;)

Well put. That's how it was. There was no one person taking the spotlight for very long. This celebration was all about Michael and his music. I would love to go again next year.
Now we got the confirmation oh well a job done by Jermaine can only end up in this way.
You guys make me laugh, but gotta admit I DO feel slightly sorry for Jerm. as it has to be embarrassing when you cock something up and really is your fault.
Re: London tripute concert CANCELLED


There will be the Soccer competition during the 2010 summer, and even though here is North America, we don't care much for soccer (or football as it is called outside of NA), the rest of the world will be focused on the games.

Well I will be focused on the 2010 World Cup as it is the biggest event for a single sport in the world.....And I LOVE football!!!!!!

It should be finished by July, which will be perfect a tribute concert!!!!!
there is an unsettling feeling that I have about Janet, Jermaine and Randy regarding Michael...

one thing about Jermaine.. I feel he has an un-natural obsession with the J5 era that prevents him from letting go and moving on...
Why doesn't the estate employ Michael's friends and colleagues such as:

Frank Dileo....As Manager

Kenny Ortega....As Director

Berry Gordy and Quincy Jones....As the people to get the legendary singers.

The This Is It Band....obvious

The This Is It Backing Singers....obvious

The This Is It Dancers....obvious

Slash, Eddie Van Halen, Steve Stevens, Santana, Jennifer Batten, Orianthi and Louis Johnson....Guitarists (Louis plays bass guitar)!!!!

When you look it that way......its SIMPLE!!!!!
there is an unsettling feeling that I have about Janet, Jermaine and Randy regarding Michael...

one thing about Jermaine.. I feel he has an un-natural obsession with the J5 era that prevents him from letting go and moving on...

I agree.

I think it has a lot to do with him breaking away from the group. I think he really regrets it.

Things would have probably be so different if Jermaine stayed with the group.
I want Jermaine to stay the hell away fromMJ's legacy. Nothing good ever comes out of his scams.

Even after his death, Michael Jackson's untouchable legacy continues to be hit by a quagmire of controversy and mishaps. The latest casualty: a tribute concert which was originally scheduled to take place in a 17th century palace in Vienna, then moved to London, has now been cancelled altogether. According to Billboard, Jackson's brother Jermaine made the call to scrap the Vienna tribute when it appeared they couldn't secure as many headliners as they had hoped, at such short notice.

Confirmed acts including Mary J. Blige and Natalie Cole appeared to be anything but confirmed. Organizers claimed that ticket sales were further impeded by the Austrian media's portrayal of the tribute as featuring mostly second-string artists. A replacement concert, which was scheduled to take place in London this summer, has now been shelved as well.Furthermore, event organizer World Awards Media GmbH shuttered its doors at the end of November and has since redirected all inquiries to a liquidator. As we witnessed in the days immediately following his death this past June, despite controversy and even mismanagement, Michael Jackson's actual body of work remains as unbeatable and as revered as ever.
The ones who got the right to do something are his estate and his children and no one else and certainly not incompetent greedy people who are out to make a quick buck.

EXACTLY. :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

I'd like to think MJ is doing his best NOT to let Jermaine's tribute happen. He is looking down on this....and putting hurdles to stop the insanity train from bamboozling his legacy.
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Unless we hear jermaine himself saying he wants to make quick money out of his brothers death we shoudld be carefull by judging him.
And give him benefit b the doubt
Maybe it,s not the way we should have done it.
But we are all different.
I "like" the idea and the concept.
But it shoudl happen with patient and respect.
Unless we spoke to jermaine in person we should pay some more respect to michael, by respecting his family.
Michael never dished his own family in public like how some fans are doing it now.
I mean this in general, not anyone in particular.

KEEP WAITING FOR HIM TO ADMIT IT. Are people still that innocent...and clueless in this day & age?

I hope you hold Jermaine to the same standard because he has disrespected his family "brother" openly in the press for years. He did it again last week, by publicly calling his dead brother a liar.

I,m not innocent and i,m not,s MY opinion, thank you.

Fans are putting words in someone,s mouth they didn,t say.
They are filling in and saying they know what the other is thinking.
Guess what?
We don,t!
We don,t know a thing!
Till then i won,t stop by rspecting michael,s family.
That doesn,t mean they are my friends or that i agree.
But i simply respect the people who also were a part of the legacy michael became.
this is good news for me.. coz a tribute that Jermaine will organise will suck! he should go and do something productive with his own life instead of doing Michael related stuff!
I guess we'll find out tomorrow night what is happening with it. The Move like Michael Jackson show is live tomorrow night and Jermaine will answer it then hopefully.
:lol: lol you guys are so harsh on Jermaine...but he deserves it, so I really can't feel any sympathy for him about this.

Even if this one doesn't amount to anything, I just really hope someone, sometime can put on a tribute show worthy of Michael. It's too bad his brother doesn't care enough to, but there has to be someone who is capable of pulling it off.
Oh we respect MJ's family - it's that some of us dislike how some of them bring down the Jackson name by making abject fools of themselves because of their greed.

That's my opinion, of course.


I,m not innocent and i,m not,s MY opinion, thank you.

Fans are putting words in someone,s mouth they didn,t say.
They are filling in and saying they know what the other is thinking.
Guess what?
We don,t!
We don,t know a thing!
Till then i won,t stop by rspecting michael,s family.
That doesn,t mean they are my friends or that i agree.
But i simply respect the people who also were a part of the legacy michael became.
cancelled? good! now Jermaine as you have the time please go find a life. come back if you'll have find a job feeding all your kids, wives and ex-wives. thank you!
So they are not going to have a tribute in London next year right? I don’t know if we can say it was canceled since there was no second date for the tribute show in 2010.