Lisa Marie Presley * Designated discussion thread for everything LMP

Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

It seems she tries to redime herself rather than helping Michael. When she was all mean and nasty, she wasn't a lady whatsoever, a woman with no class. As long as she doesn't succeed for herself she will continue to bring Michael for self promotion and that's it.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I think some forgot the topic of the thread. It is not about "why we are talking about Lisa." This misconception is causing a back and forth about the relevance of the topic, and causing people to post the same thing over and over. Hopefully, we can go back to discussing the comments made in the interview and not focus on counting how many posts there are or who followed Lisa, loved/hate her, etc.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

well I am glad to see her comments/interviews didn't do a darn thing for her album sales there.. According to someone who posted the UK charts ending the week Oct 27th, she didn't even chart in the top 100...
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

well I am glad to see her comments/interviews didn't do a darn thing for her album sales there.. According to someone who posted the UK charts ending the week Oct 27th, she didn't even chart in the top 100...

Really?? You know that called "the Presley power" :lmao:

I think she lost her credibility, the world doesn't care if she wrote some love songs about Michael Jackson, they don't get that feeling....and she wrote a song mocking Debbie Rowe, right?....

I'm done and hopefully this will be my last post.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Which brings us to Jackson and what she thought of the recent and controversial Martin Bashir TV documentary on Jackson, which raised fears again the pop star was having inappropriate relationships with children."I thought what everyone else thought -- it seemed manipulated," she said.Still, she added she wasn't surprised at how strange and possibly dangerous Jackson came across. "Honestly, not really. If I thought he was that okay (a guy), I would have stayed."

This is the first time I've ever seen this quote from her. I am so disgusted with that woman I can't even express it.

It's another song called "discple", Rolling Stone quoted the lyrics and asked her about it, that interview was full of disgusts that even Michael released an official statement to say he's a gentleman and he refused to comment on anything she said.

I remember that statement. I loved it, it showed how MJ had class Lisa could only ever dream of having.

I never knew Michael or had a conversation with him but I have no hesitation to say that he would never hurt anyone like that especially kids. Lisa likes to go with whatever the media is doing. Even Debbie who was married to him and had kids with him knows he would never do something like that.

People might say that Michael never had a real relationship with Debbie but she has shown him more respect as an ex-wife and a person who knew Michael closely than Lisa ever did. I would value Debbie's opinion over Lisa's anyday. You don't think that Debbie has been offered the opportunity to talk about Michael to the media? Yet she doesn't. Whatever Lisa says now means very little. The media choose to forget how she acted in the past just like they choose to forget that they didn't make Michael's life hell. The morals of the media and Lisa are quite similar. It's sad.

:bow: This is so true! I have the outmost respect for Debbie. She gave Michael his children without any hesitation and she has stayed loyal to him even after his death, Lisa couldn't even stay loyal when he was alive and needed her the most.

Really?? You know that called "the Presley power" :lmao:

I think she lost her credibility, the world doesn't care if she wrote some love songs about Michael Jackson, they don't get that feeling....and she wrote a song mocking Debbie Rowe, right?....

I'm done and hopefully this will be my last post.

Lisa wrote a song mocking Debbie? What is there to mock Debbie about? That she has been a nice person to Michael and gave him his beloved kids? If anyone should be mocked it's Lisa.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Lisa wrote a song mocking Debbie? What is there to mock Debbie about? That she has been a nice person to Michael and gave him his beloved kids? If anyone should be mocked it's Lisa.

I don't remember the song exactly, but she says something like her face isn't great but he went to her and she took my place, she did what I refused to do"..something similar to that.....I'm sure her fans here would help you if you want the lyrics, maybe it's one of their favorite songs.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

well I am glad to see her comments/interviews didn't do a darn thing for her album sales there.. According to someone who posted the UK charts ending the week Oct 27th, she didn't even chart in the top 100...

Her "music" didn't chart? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! LMBO @ THE PRESLEY POWER!!!!! She couldn't even drum up enough of her daddy's fans to buy it?
Victory22;3727661 said:
Who are you trying to convince that Lisa is relevant? Statistics show that the Elvis’s franchise is struggling to keep fans interested and his shows have practically died out in Vegas. Tourism is down at Graceland. On the other hand MJ’s brand is spreading like wildfire so Lisa’s wrinkled old butt will be a thing of the past very soon whereas the Jackson kids are young, beautiful and I’m sure 1,000x’s more talented, classy and smarter than lisa.

Ok so now you're going to throw up statistics? What about the important statistic that she most of the time isn't actually talking about MJ? Or what about the statistics that show the headlines and tweets have been about her dad, kids and scientology this time around and not MJ? Or let's talk about her TV appearances? Where are all MJ segments if she's using MJ? All this back and forth is only because you haters aren't backing up your hate. Back it up and I can't say anything. Do this embarrassing rehash and outdated crap and of course i'm going to call out the BS.

You guys say you hate her, but you sure do make it awfully easy for me to rub your face in the fact that when it comes to her, it's all about Elvis and not MJ.

jaydom7;3727707 said:
Angie please.. Girl I am a fan.. I was not his wife. I had never met MJ and I have never had a relationship with MJ unlike Lisa. He had no idea who the hell I was.. He did know who Lisa was and he heard every single nasty word she said about him. She was negative about him, his personality, his character and everything else. You can't compare a fan being upset with MJ to his freakin' ex-wife.. Come on now.. I am a fan who was pissed at MJ for getting himself into terrible situations for allowing folks to take advantage of him and for not getting his career back on track. I don't see anything wrong with that. I cared about him and his well-being unlike his ex-wife who said she felt 'nothing' about him.. You can't compare the two. You just need to admit that Lisa was a nasty witch to MJ and that right now she's probably feeling guilt and that's why she's trying to play nice now.. She had no awakening or ephiphany since his death, this is all about trying to save her ass.

Oh, please Jaydom. We've established that your hate for this woman is nothing but a farce. This anger didn't come from you until she got pregnant with her twins. You didn't give a damn about what she was saying about MJ before. I mean, come on now. You say you cared about MJ, but even when he was out with his kids, you attacked it. So give me a break. You should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to spin away your actions and using MJ and the fans to push this weird hate that you obviously have for this woman.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Her "music" didn't chart? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! LMBO @ THE PRESLEY POWER!!!!! She couldn't even drum up enough of her daddy's fans to buy it?

unless someone gave the wrong information it appears that way.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Ok so now you're going to throw up statistics? What about the important statistic that she most of the time isn't actually talking about MJ? Or what about the statistics that show the headlines and tweets have been about her dad, kids and scientology this time around and not MJ? Or let's talk about her TV appearances? Where are all MJ segments if she's using MJ? All this back and forth is only because you haters aren't backing up your hate. Back it up and I can't say anything. Do this embarrassing rehash and outdated crap and of course i'm going to call out the BS.

You guys say you hate her, but you sure do make it awfully easy for me to rub your face in the fact that when it comes to her, it's all about Elvis and not MJ.

Oh, please Jaydom. We've established that your hate for this woman is nothing but a farce. This anger didn't come from you until she got pregnant with her twins. You didn't give a damn about what she was saying about MJ before. I mean, come on now. You say you cared about MJ, but even when he was out with his kids, you attacked it. So give me a break. You should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to spin away your actions and using MJ and the fans to push this weird hate that you obviously have for this woman.

well you know you love her and for you to still love her even though you know what she did to MJ really demonstrates to me that you don't care either. And you're right, she didn't 'use' MJ this time and it obviously didn't work because her album sales have been disastrous. Hopefully she will continue to not mention MJ so that she can disappear into oblivion.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

well I am glad to see her comments/interviews didn't do a darn thing for her album sales there.. According to someone who posted the UK charts ending the week Oct 27th, she didn't even chart in the top 100...

And? Her type of music isn't known to do well on the charts, so no surprise there. Unless I missed something no pundits ever expected her to do anything on the charts.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

And? Her type of music isn't known to do well on the charts, so no surprise there. Unless I missed something no pundits ever expected her to do anything on the charts.

she expected to though.. why else do you make an album and promote it? the goal is to sell records correct? why is she 'touring' if she doesn't want to sell records?
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

well you know you love her and for you to still love her even though you know what she did to MJ really demonstrates to me that you don't care either. And you're right, she didn't 'use' MJ this time and it obviously didn't work because her album sales have been disastrous. Hopefully she will continue to not mention MJ so that she can disappear into oblivion.

Obviously I did care because unlike you, at the time I didn't have a problem with calling her out on what she was saying, while you made excuses up the wazoo because you didn't want anyone to interrupt you getting that daily smut that you so desperately wanted to read about her and MJ's past relationship.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Obviously I did care because unlike you, at the time I didn't have a problem with calling her out on what she was saying, while you made excuses up the wazoo because you didn't want anyone to interrupt you getting that daily smut that you so desperately wanted to read about her and MJ's past relationship.

whatever... I am a MJ fan and I always will be. How can you tolerate such a lying wench? she bashed and abused MJ and then pretends to love him when he dies. How can you be a fan of someone like that?
Victory22;3728107 said:
Her "music" didn't chart? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! LMBO @ THE PRESLEY POWER!!!!! She couldn't even drum up enough of her daddy's fans to buy it?

AngieJ;3728111 said:
Ok so now you're going to throw up statistics? What about the important statistic that she most of the time isn't actually talking about MJ? Or what about the statistics that show the headlines and tweets have been about her dad, kids and scientology this time around and not MJ? Or let's talk about her TV appearances? Where are all MJ segments if she's using MJ? All this back and forth is only because you haters aren't backing up your hate. Back it up and I can't say anything. Do this embarrassing rehash and outdated crap and of course i'm going to call out the BS.

You guys say you hate her, but you sure do make it awfully easy for me to rub your face in the fact that when it comes to her, it's all about Elvis and not MJ.

Oh, please Jaydom. We've established that your hate for this woman is nothing but a farce. This anger didn't come from you until she got pregnant with her twins. You didn't give a damn about what she was saying about MJ before. I mean, come on now. You say you cared about MJ, but even when he was out with his kids, you attacked it. So give me a break. You should be ashamed of yourself for even trying to spin away your actions and using MJ and the fans to push this weird hate that you obviously have for this woman.

LOL! Since you thought it was ok to bring up unsubstantiated claims the media is attacking Paris’s relationship with her father and Lisa’s supposed “Star Power” I thought it was appropriate to point out that the Elvis brand is suffering. I don’t appreciate cheap shots at MJ’s kids and his legacy cloaked in defense of Lisa trying to slip into this discussion.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

she expected to though.. why else do you make an album and promote it? the goal is to sell records correct? why is she 'touring' if she doesn't want to sell records?

How could she?

Her music isn't exactly being drove down anyone's throat, so no shit if the public isn't snapping up her album. I say screw the sales and just put her energy into touring like she is.
Victory22;3728131 said:
LOL! Since you thought it was ok to bring up unsubstantiated claims the media is attacking Paris’s relationship with her father and Lisa’s supposed “Star Power” I thought it was appropriate to point out that the Elvis brand is suffering. I don’t appreciate cheap shots at MJ’s kids and his legacy cloaked in defense of Lisa trying to slip into this discussion.

What's with the sensitivity? No one was attacking MJ's kids, I was just making a point that you are unable to deny. Lisa is all over the print media, tv programs, award shows, etc, even though she isn't having any hits. Why is that if there isn't major love for her father from the powers that be? And never do they twist what she, her mother and daughter says about Elvis, while we already saw the media twist Paris's comments about the masks to Ellen. We had already said how unfair that was and that Paris has to be careful, so what's with the sensitivity about my comments?

And no shit the Elvis brand is suffering. But so what? It's not making much of a difference to the media and the public. Is it not him we're hearing and reading about when it comes to her these days.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

The company cares about sales... it's called show BUSINESS.. her company wouldnt kiss her ass like her fans would.
Here's the lyrics about Debbie.. I just found it.

"Over Me"
I’ve seen her face, its okay it ain’t nothing great
Yeah she’s cool in a gap toothed Hippy chick way
I’ve seen the way you and she
Put on a playAnd how she plays the part
Much better than I played


Can it be you're over me She took my place,
she saved the day It’s hard to see you're over me
That when she took my place
She saved the day

I’ve seen that she likes to eat
Whatever you make
And how well she can bake that cake I wouldn’t bake
What a breath of fresh air she is In my wake


You hope there’s no bad blood,
You want to be my friend
To say hi now and then
You know there’s very bad blood
And I was never your friend to say hi
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Since Lisa mocked Debbie, I can use Debbie to mock Lisa!


:lmao: It's so suitable! :rofl:
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

whatever... I am a MJ fan and I always will be. How can you tolerate such a lying wench? she bashed and abused MJ and then pretends to love him when he dies. How can you be a fan of someone like that?

Because i've seen worse. Any Whitney fan will tell you, they would kill if Bobby Brown just put out some shitty quotes about Whitney.

It's just easy to move on when she isn't talking about him 95% of the time.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

What's with the sensitivity? No one was attacking MJ's kids, I was just making a point that you are unable to deny. Lisa is all over the print media, tv programs, award shows, etc, even though she isn't having any hits. Why is that if there isn't major love for her father from the powers that be? And never do they twist what she, her mother and daughter says about Elvis, while we already saw the media twist Paris's comments about the masks to Ellen. We had already said how unfair that was and that Paris has to be careful, so what's with the sensitivity about my comments?

And no shit the Elvis brand is suffering. But so what? It's not making much of a difference to the media and the public. Is it not him we're hearing and reading about when it comes to her these days.

There was no need to bring up the press questioning Paris's relationship with her father at all since we were talking about LISA. You did not say anything about the mask thing on Ellen you said the press were questioning her relationship and implied it was of an inappropricate nature. Yes I'm very sensative about that and would like to know what media outlets said that.
MJTheKing;3728143 said:
Here's the lyrics about Debbie.. I just found it.

"Over Me"
I’ve seen her face, its okay it ain’t nothing great
Yeah she’s cool in a gap toothed Hippy chick way
I’ve seen the way you and she
Put on a playAnd how she plays the part
Much better than I played


Can it be you're over me She took my place,
she saved the day It’s hard to see you're over me
That when she took my place
She saved the day

I’ve seen that she likes to eat
Whatever you make
And how well she can bake that cake I wouldn’t bake
What a breath of fresh air she is In my wake


You hope there’s no bad blood,
You want to be my friend
To say hi now and then
You know there’s very bad blood
And I was never your friend to say hi

WOW! This is so mean.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Because i've seen worse. Any Whitney fan will tell you, they would kill if Bobby Brown just put out some shitty quotes about Whitney.

It's just easy to move on when she isn't talking about him 95% of the time.

To be honest what exactly has Bobby ever said negatively about Whitney? I don't ever remember seeing or hearing Bobby say anything remotely as bad as what Lisa said about MJ.. From what I remember Bobby has always maintained he loved Whitney and he never did or said anything bad about her. Whereas Lisa went from interview to interview bashing MJ to anyone she could. Bobby never did that.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

To be honest what exactly has Bobby ever said negatively about Whitney? I don't ever remember seeing or hearing Bobby say anything remotely as bad as what Lisa said about MJ.. From what I remember Bobby has always maintained he loved Whitney and he never did or said anything bad about her. Whereas Lisa went from interview to interview bashing MJ to anyone she could. Bobby never did that.

Plus Bobby and Whitney were married for decades and they have a daughter together.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Plus Bobby and Whitney were married for decades and they have a daughter together.

exactly.. 15 years I think as compared to MJ and LMP 18 months and no kids together.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

There was no need to bring up the press questioning Paris's relationship with her father at all since we were talking about LISA. You did not say anything about the mask thing on Ellen you said the press were questioning her relationship and implied it was of an inappropricate nature. Yes I'm very sensative about that and would like to know what media outlets said that.

I was just trying to make the point that the media would never ever twist anything Lisa or her family ever said about Elvis, while they already have with Paris.

To be honest what exactly has Bobby ever said negatively about Whitney? I don't ever remember seeing or hearing Bobby say anything remotely as bad as what Lisa said about MJ.. From what I remember Bobby has always maintained he loved Whitney and he never did or said anything bad about her. Whereas Lisa went from interview to interview bashing MJ to anyone she could. Bobby never did that.

See this is the constant thing you get from you, you aren't at all that knowledgeable about anything. And obviously what you say above isn't true, because everyone bashes Bobby for what they believe he did to Whitney, while you can't find anyone that even remembers what Lisa said about MJ. So so much for the "she bashed him at every turn" nonsense you guys push.

But back to Bobby, he only beat her, cheat on her in her, spit in her face, blamed her for getting him onto drugs which everyone and their mama knew was a bold face lie, make her appear on that terrible reality show that turned her into a joke, constantly get arrested, shamelessly piss away her money with his kids, and overall at anytime just say the most asswipish things about Whitney which brought her loads and loads of bad press. Lisa on the other hand, hasn't mentioned MJ to her "go to" interviewers (ET, GMA, Extra, Access Hollywood, etc.) in YEARS!!!!

Even his kids got in on the act. And you know things are bad when it was Krissi their own daughter, that told her mother that she had to finally leave Bobby. And it wasn't much of a surprise to anyone when Simon Cowell called out Bobby on national tv the night Whitney died. He said what so many were thinking. But you guys sit here and try to blow up a couple of shitty dated quotes from Lisa.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Well according to Lisa the press has twisted what she has said about Michael on several occasions and if you think Lisa and Elvis are immune to negative media criticism you are delusional. I have read many negative reports about both Lisa and her father over the years.