Lisa Marie Presley * Designated discussion thread for everything LMP

Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

People are still talking about this though...if I came in here without knowing exactly what she said, I'd have thought that she did an entire interview on him instead of three comments!

yeah..there are people all over this site who were associated with Michael that are getting a lot of mileage in threads, because they were associated with Michael. That's why people keep wanting to associate with his name.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I think MJ fans should just stop talking about her. Just treat her as if she's non existent.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Some of us are making a fuss of it because she's using Michael's name once again to promote herself, there's no need to talk about him if she's promoting an album.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

People are still talking about this though...if I came in here without knowing exactly what she said, I'd have thought that she did an entire interview on him instead of three comments!

She just needs to shut up about him and leave him alone. If she does that I don't think many MJ fans will have a word to say about her.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

She just needs to shut up about him and leave him alone. If she does that I don't think many MJ fans will have a word to say about her.

Exactly. I can assure you I don't give a shit what she's doing or saying unless it's about MJ just like the rest of the world doesn't either which is why she keeps bringing him up. As long as she keeps bringing him up she'll feel the anger of his fans.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Actually, no I did get what u were saying and that's why I said what I said. Because a lot was said about MJ by others that contributed to the hate he received and let me tell u Lisa was one of them! And I don't think pointing that out is hating on her when I'm just pointin out the facts.

I just want to say thanks for this response, and that I use his words not to defend anything she said but because his words help me relate to life and how I choose to see things. :heart:

Victory22;3726383 said:
Do you think I give a flying fig what Lisa Marie fans are saying about criticism of her on their forums? Of course they are going to worship her and bash Michael to justify the fact she was outright inhumane toward him while he was alive. Hell she could go out and murder someone and her fans would most likely still find a way to justify her actions. That’s not going to happen with me.

Secondly, I know for a fact her fans and Lisa herself are not laughing or you would simply ignore me. Maybe it’s so upsetting to you because you know I’m spot on exposing Elvis’s little princess and SHE is wrong. Now I’m laughing. Haa! Thank you for confirming my effectiveness.

By the way I think a lot of the things she said about Michael did murder him.
It's not about justifying her actions. It's called moving on. When you're able to legitly explain why it is you still care this much about this woman, then maybe your angry words will then be taken seriously again. Instead you guys choose to do all this huffing and puffing over the most flimsiest things. It's like you guys are just that desperate to make this about MJ.

And to be effective, you have to be able to back up your arguments. As for upsetting me, i'm someone who has followed Lisa since 94, so nothing is wrong with me putting in my two cents. It's not like what i'm saying to you isn't true. You guys can't even name the last time she talked about MJ on any of her many, many, many appearances on the entertainment programs and talk shows, but y'all are screaming for her head to be on a platter because she's supposedly using MJ to keep her name out there? LOL How can you not expect anyone to respond to this crap?

As for fans hate for her being seen as a joke, it's not even just her fans that think this but anyone that has come across fans angry words towards her. Go to any non forum or rant about her below these articles and watch what is said. I already know what jokes will be said. While with the Jacksons you will see everybody and their mama repeating the exact same things we say.
Short reply to your post I don’t “Move on” from people who attack Michael I MOVE AGAINST THEM with everything I’ve got so I guess you and whoever else you are talking about can keep on with your laughing and thinking it’s a joke just like Lisa joked about him while he was alive. It’s not a joke and Lisa Marie Presley will be held accountable for her vicious, hateful, and uncalled for attacks on Michael Jackson. I don’t have to justify ANYTHING to you. Lisa’s words and her classless, evil behavior speak for itself.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

What you're saying isn't making sense. i didn't follow her every move. i followed Michael's every move. and....if people follow somebody and that somebody betrays them, they stop following them. that's not hypocrisy. that's getting back what she put out. Do you know why you say everybody laughs at MJ fans? Because MJ fans are the most envied. They are fans of something real. You make fun of and ridicule someone you envy, because it makes you feel better about yourself. That is what envy is. Nobody has talked about this woman for years and years. She is like a reality show. she works on trying to make herself relevant. If she doesn't mention Michael..nobody says a peep of her.

If a nobody journalist mentions Michael, that journalist gets a mention. That's why there is a bandwagon of people trying to use Michael's name to get attention. If people are not laughing at Mj fans going at the rest of the Jackson family, it's because they are Michael's family. Michael is the centrifugal force here. Not Ms. Marie. Not the Jacksons. If You mention Michael Jackson enough, somebody will eventually tune their ears to you.

I don't know who you are, but I know plenty of other Lisa haters and they have for years followed Lisa's every move. It's them who have the most Lisa posts, not me. It's them who are the most eager to see the latest pic of Lisa. That's why it's funny seeing a particular poster making the rounds riling up the fans to go after Lisa. Because I remember them being the ones to fight to keep a long ass Lisa thread on another forum open because they admitted nothing was going on in the MJ world. Or it was them who was upset when a video of Lisa and her mother at some event wouldn't play. Or it was this same poster who use to pm me and ask me Lisa questions all time like for example, how will Lisa feel if MJ makes a comeback and there is just so much more. So is it much of a surprise if i'm saying WTF to some of this over the top hate i'm now seeing? And no need to tell me MJ fans are envied. I preach this everytime MJ fans get shit for being crazy. I'm everywhere defending fans and questioning the double standard between us and the other hardcore fanbases.

And about nobody talking abut Lisa, she's still getting all these interviews with all these A-list media and making appearances on all the shows, award shows etc. This era has shown the Presley name carries an awful lot of weight within the media. That's why I ask where is all this MJ talk, if she needs to use MJ like you guys say she does? This era he has been truly invisible.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I don't know who you are, but I know plenty of other Lisa haters and they have for years followed Lisa's every move. It's them who have the most Lisa posts, not me. It's them who are the most eager to see the latest pic of Lisa. That's why it's funny seeing a particular poster making the rounds riling up the fans to go after Lisa. Because I remember them being the ones to fight to keep a long ass Lisa thread on another forum open because they admitted nothing was going on in the MJ world. Or it was them who was upset when a video of Lisa and her mother at some event wouldn't play. Or it was this same poster who use to pm me and ask me Lisa questions all time like for example, how will Lisa feel if MJ makes a comeback and there is just so much more. So is it much of a surprise if i'm saying WTF to some of this over the top hate i'm now seeing? And no need to tell me MJ fans are envied. I preach this everytime MJ fans get shit for being crazy. I'm everywhere defending fans and questioning the double standard between us and the other hardcore fanbases.

And about nobody talking abut Lisa, she's still getting all these interviews with all these A-list media and making appearances on all the shows, award shows etc. This era has shown the Presley name carries an awful lot of weight within the media. That's why I ask where is all this MJ talk, if she needs to use MJ like you guys say she does? This era he has been truly invisible.
you made my point. i guarantee you, if Michael never met Lisa Marie, Lisa Marie wouldn't get all those threads that you're talking about. As you said..those fans said that nothing was going on in the MJ world, at the time. But that's because those fans are always thinking about MJ, or they wouldn't say that. Because they can't think of anything to say about MJ, they say something about someone he was associated with, and that happens to be Lisa Marie Presley. Elvis does not carry in the MJ world like you think, because if Lisa Marie didn't meet MJ, then Elvis would be too far in the past for MJ fans to think about him, or his daughter. I guarantee you, if Paris Hilton was in Lisa Marie's place, she would replace Lisa Marie getting all this talk that Lisa Marie is getting, and Lisa Marie wouldn't get this much talk. I'll give you another example...Dr. Arnold Klein. Does he have the Presley name? No. But he gets as much talk as Lisa Marie Presley..simply because he was associated with Michael Jackson. So the Presley name has nothing to do with it. It's being associated with Michael that has everything to do with it.
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Only 1 interesting question for lucky b.i.t.c.h will be : Do you think Michael was a pedo, yes or no.

If she can't answer or doesn't want to say no, so then we could wish her the worst.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

The only reason she gets attention is because Elvis Presley was her father. Anytime she does something he gets talked about and then she was married to Michael and they bring him up too. Whatever she does the people interviewing her will ask her something about them. They just have to do it.

I just ignore her because her opinions about Michael don't matter to me anymore. They divorced in 1996 and Michael died 2009. Even if they spent time together after the divorce she wasn't a part of his life for a really long time. He moved on with his kids. I will never forget what she did in the past. That's why I don't trust or believe what she really says now. She is just like anyone else who knew Michael who say they opposite of him then what they said before he died. I don't give them the time a day and we shouldn't give her the time of day.

I hope I don't offend anyone with what I have said. She is negative energy to us and we don't need that. If she were to ever say something direspectful towards Michael then like with anyone who does that we should say something. When you hear or see something you don't like on tv we change the channel. With her just change the channel so to speak. She is not worth it.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

The only reason she gets attention is because Elvis Presley was her father. Anytime she does something he gets talked about and then she was married to Michael and they bring him up too. Whatever she does the people interviewing her will ask her something about them. They just have to do it.

I just ignore her because her opinions about Michael don't matter to me anymore. They divorced in 1996 and Michael died 2009. Even if they spent time together after the divorce she wasn't a part of his life for a really long time. He moved on with his kids. I will never forget what she did in the past. That's why I don't trust or believe what she really says now. She is just like anyone else who knew Michael who say they opposite of him then what they said before he died. I don't give them the time a day and we shouldn't give her the time of day.

I hope I don't offend anyone with what I have said. She is negative energy to us and we don't need that. If she were to ever say something direspectful towards Michael then like with anyone who does that we should say something. When you hear or see something you don't like on tv we change the channel. With her just change the channel so to speak. She is not worth it.

exactly. it's like a person is in a relationship and they are betrayed by that person. sure, you'd like to get them out of your mind if they betray you, but other people complain about how you just keep talking about the betrayal. when someone breaks trust, you never forget that. you can forgive, but you don't want to get hurt again. and the sad reality in life is, people make promises to never betray again, but as you well know, if you've been betrayed by someone, it alters your relationship, permanently. No exceptions, unless you think you're better than the rest of us. We can move on, but nothing is quite the same, especially since people have a tendency to repeat betrayals. And it's easy to say what could have been, after somebody dies..because death makes it easy to say things would be different. But as harsh as this may sound..death makes it easy to make another promise and convince people you'll keep it, because they're not around anymore for you to betray. As humbling as it may sound, that's why death changes things. But nobody should make the mistake of thinking that just because it's not forgotten that it's not forgiven. However, if somebody is going to bring up someone they betrayed, just in time for an album promotion, that does nothing to convince sound thinking that that person has really changed from being someone who betrays. It would be a little easier to consider the change, if there was no promotion for an album involved. Please, don't tell me, that if anyone in here is betrayed, and the person doing the betraying decides to seem to make a change, just in time for something that benefits the person doing the betraying that the person that was betrayed can consider that 'change' to be sincere. Maybe the person doing the betraying can't help it, but the pain is still the same. Hopefully, the fact that there is reaction to the betrayal can be a teaching tool for the one doing the betraying, but more often than not, the lessons are never truly learned. We all move on, we do forgive, but we are all altered. These things should not be confused, as, so often, people confuse them, mightily, when it comes to assessment of MJ fans. And that talking in two directions makes it hard to convince us that the person talking in two directions, is talking in one direction. it's hard to convince us we're preaching to the choir when a choir member keeps accusing us of hate. That accusation is unwarranted. Deep anger is based on passion. A person doesn't have a basis for knowing that it is hate. They're just guessing. I don't hate Lisa Marie. I don't have time for that. But Michael interests me, and I talk about him and things associated with him.

And Michael made a big positive impact on care more about him, so this betrayal thing affects us deeply.
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

You can be sure Lisa will never let go of him now because he is legend. She loves to soak up his brilliance as if it belongs to her but when he needed her the most she was using him as a punching bag just like all of his worst haters.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

You can be sure Lisa will never let go of him now because he is legend. She loves to soak up his brilliance as if it belongs to her but when he needed her the most she was using him as a punching bag just like all of his worst haters.

I kind of agree with you Victory.. Before she hated him, was embarrassed by him, ashamed that she had married him, said she 'got out of that one' when asked about giving him kids, now suddenly she's trying to be nice by saying he was lovable, yes she wanted kids in the beginning but others got in the way, and best of all ' no way is he gay, in no way, shape or form'.. She said none of this crap when MJ could've used some kind words back in 2003-2008. She was anti-MJ and coudn't even mention his name, now suddenly she's calling him 'Michael' again in these interviews she's given.
:bugeyed she is full of crap but I don't agree she will be mentioning him all the time. She can't play the Priscilla role because she has no connection to MJ at all like kids or anything so she won't be able to 'suck' it up because he is legend like her mother still does with Elvis even though they were divorced 5 years before he died and she dissed the hell out of him too.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

You can be sure Lisa will never let go of him now because he is legend. She loves to soak up his brilliance as if it belongs to her but when he needed her the most she was using him as a punching bag just like all of his worst haters.
now that is the statement of the century and the gospel truth..every word you said there. and there doesn't have to be a biological connection...all there has to be is the fact that she got to spend the kind of time and moments she did with him. she can make it emotional, spiritual..mental might as well be like they had kids..even though he has none by her. Not that many people got to have the kind of moments with him that Lisa Marie had.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

You can be sure Lisa will never let go of him now because he is legend. She loves to soak up his brilliance as if it belongs to her but when he needed her the most she was using him as a punching bag just like all of his worst haters.
SO TRUE! U can tell that is how she felt in that O interview too and she even said she felt a certain way about it, because she had both Elvis and MJ in her life. SMH I get her father because that's her dad. But, MJ? When she was so mean to him when he was alive. Some seem to forget it was only MONTHS before MJ died that she was still talking ill about him. Now we have this "Change" by her because he died? So if he still were living he would still be the biggest mistake she ever made and we would have NEVER gotten this "change." And people wonder why even if it's one comment about MJ that is nice by Lisa we can't take it seriously. That's basically what some are here including me are trying to say, it really is that simple. So maybe next time a thread like this won't have to be so long?
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Probably the thread got so long because some Lisa's fans here are complaing because we attack her for the things she caused herself. If I'm not mistaken, since 1996 said her marriage to Michael was a mistake, if I'm wrong, I'm probably confusing dates. In 2005 she didn't know if Michael loved her or not during their marriage and nowadays she pretends to rewrite their love story. If she really left Michael alone, we wouldn't be pissed about this thread. I understand she uses her connections with her father, Elvis will be always part of her life but she supposedly left clear she "wasn't interested to be linked to Michael" months before he passed away.
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

You can be sure Lisa will never let go of him now because he is legend. She loves to soak up his brilliance as if it belongs to her but when he needed her the most she was using him as a punching bag just like all of his worst haters.

Exactly. Lisa said she would never marry someone other than the fact she loves him, well she married Nice Cage but she doesn't milk him the same way she milks MJ? The same with that guy she was engaged to in late 90s, he's a nobody.. those people aren't legends enough!!!

Again, I think some fans like her and feel sorry for her bc she's a female, and maybe bc she's a Presley, and I'm tired of hearing "she was loved by Michael so respect her", this is BS, I'm sorry.. we all know Michael loved Uri Galler, Rabbi and felt comfortable and relaxed with Martin Bash!t, hmmmm do we have to respect them?

And by the way, Lisa once said about Michael in 2004 regarding LWMJ doc "if there were anything good about him, I wouldn't leave him" so how could his death make him that wonderful person? I know death made Michael an eternal legend...
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

And by the way, Lisa once said about Michael in 2004 regarding LWMJ doc "if there were anything good about him, I wouldn't leave him"
Lisa has said a lot of hurtful things but I dont think she said ever that. Ive never heard anyone else contribute this statement to her either. Is it possible I guess but maybe you misquoted something you heard. Can anyone verify or provide a link. Thanks
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

she said it or something similiar to it. It went something like 'if he was ok or if things were ok I would not have left' She definitely said something like that in that ball park.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

you made my point. i guarantee you, if Michael never met Lisa Marie, Lisa Marie wouldn't get all those threads that you're talking about. As you said..those fans said that nothing was going on in the MJ world, at the time. But that's because those fans are always thinking about MJ, or they wouldn't say that. Because they can't think of anything to say about MJ, they say something about someone he was associated with, and that happens to be Lisa Marie Presley. Elvis does not carry in the MJ world like you think, because if Lisa Marie didn't meet MJ, then Elvis would be too far in the past for MJ fans to think about him, or his daughter. I guarantee you, if Paris Hilton was in Lisa Marie's place, she would replace Lisa Marie getting all this talk that Lisa Marie is getting, and Lisa Marie wouldn't get this much talk. I'll give you another example...Dr. Arnold Klein. Does he have the Presley name? No. But he gets as much talk as Lisa Marie Presley..simply because he was associated with Michael Jackson. So the Presley name has nothing to do with it. It's being associated with Michael that has everything to do with it.

But the obvious question is, why were and are these fans giving her this much attention in the 1st place? Why in the world would this woman have by far the biggest thread on the longest running MJ forum? No set of fans would ever allow this to happen. It just highlights the ridiculousness of this whole thing when you look at Whitney's fans. Try bringing up Bobby Brown to Whitney's fans. You will be made to feel like the biggest loser for still caring about him. And this is someone who can't do an interview without it being all about Whitney and shitloads of headlines always comes from his interviews and still it makes her fans sick to their stomach to waste any energy on him. But we freak out over just a mention from Lisa? And on most forums, Klein would never in a million years have a thread that has the amount of responses that a Lisa thread would have. For example on one forum, someone posted news about that lame TLC thing about the kids that would be airing and the usual suspects would be on it talking their ignorant nonsense, and guess how many responses the thread got? 19. While a thread that had the latest pics of Lisa just crossing the street got 400 responses.

And of course it's because of her connection to MJ, fans are interested in Lisa. But I was talking about the Presley name having alot of clout with the media. Here is someone who isn't exactly a huge personality and her music sure as hell isn't mainstream and she is someone who is now in her 40's, the age the media doesn't give a crap about and most important, she doesn't have to speak about MJ to them, but she is still able to get most of the media to kiss her ass and treat her like royalty. I know the media thinks the world of Elvis, but still it's just amazing to see this sort of clout after all these years. In comparison, Paris isn't even 15 yet and already the media twists her innocent memories of her dad into something ugly.

So this is why I don't get how any fan can overly preach that she needs to use MJ. The media is at her beck and call. It's not at all like the Jacksons where if they don't talk about MJ, the media goes nowhere near them.

Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson


I think the point is the fans were keeping Lisa at her word which was after the 2010 Oprah interview , which was totally unnecessary in my opinion by the way, that she would never ever mention Michael again. She told Oprah in 2010 that she was talking then because when her album came out she didn't want to discuss him. Well in the UK, in a recent interview, she answered questions about him from the interviewer. All she had to say was 'No MJ questions' right? she could've easily reiterated that they needed to refer to the Oprah 2010 interview.. That's all.. No need to answer questions about MJ being lovable or if she wanted kids with him or if he was gay.. That had nothing to do with her album promotion. And why would she go along with answering those questions when back in the day she would've answered with so much nastiness and vindictiveness that it would've been terrible.. Now that he's gone she answers them with much respect trying to pretend like she loved and cared about him.. Don't you find that suspect?
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Lisa has said a lot of hurtful things but I dont think she said ever that. Ive never heard anyone else contribute this statement to her either. Is it possible I guess but maybe you misquoted something you heard. Can anyone verify or provide a link. Thanks

Which brings us to Jackson and what she thought of the recent and controversial Martin Bashir TV documentary on Jackson, which raised fears again the pop star was having inappropriate relationships with children."I thought what everyone else thought -- it seemed manipulated," she said.Still, she added she wasn't surprised at how strange and possibly dangerous Jackson came across. "Honestly, not really. If I thought he was that okay (a guy), I would have stayed."
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

she said it or something similiar to it. It went something like 'if he was ok or if things were ok I would not have left' She definitely said something like that in that ball park.

I dont care what side of the fence one stands. saying "if he was that Ok" and saying if there was "anything good about him" has a different meaning. There is no need to misquote or put words in anyones mouth that they never stated in order to shore up ones opinion. (knowingly doing that is dishonest) That's why I graciously replied she was probably mistaken about the quote. A QUOTE is exact words someone says. (Not paraphrased with someone elses meaning)

"Honestly, not really. If I thought he was that okay (a guy), I would have stayed."

Thank you
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I dont care what side of the fence one stands. saying "if everything was Ok" and saying if there was "anything good about him" is a HUGE difference and has a complete different meaning. There is no need to misquote or put words in anyones mouth that they never stated in order to shore up ones opinion. (knowingly doing that is dishonest) That's why I graciously replied she was probably mistaken about the quote. A QUOTE is exact words someone says. (Not paraphrased with someone elses meaning) Im just at a loss as to why you would defend it as meaning the same thing. It's Not even close.

I'm not mistaken about it, it has the same meaning, l couldnt remember every word of it because I read it in 2009 and l even spent almost an houre to search for this quote, and if you think she meant Jackson was okay, and she wished if she would've stayed with him, then you're free.

Glad you're attacking me rather than being upset of someone said Michael "wasn't okay".....
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I'm not mistaken about it, it has the same meaning, l couldnt remember every word of it because I read it in 2009 and l even spent almost an houre to search for this quote, and if you think she meant Jackson was okay, and she wished if she would've stayed with him, then you're free.

Glad you're attacking me rather than being upset of someone said Michael "wasn't okay".....

You're right.. it has the same meaning.. she said it to be mean and nasty.. I just don't understand how anyone can forgive her and believe her fake grief now.. There is no way she loved Michael Jackson saying those evil things and much worse. Now she wants folks to believe that she took his death hard and that she still has pain? I will never believe it
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

You're right.. it has the same meaning.. she said it to be mean and nasty.. I just don't understand how anyone can forgive her and believe her fake grief now.. There is no way she loved Michael Jackson saying those evil things and much worse. Now she wants folks to believe that she took his death hard and that she still has pain? I will never believe it

Girl...Lisa said worst than that, yet qbee is mad at me because I used " " in my post, Lisa wrote a whole disgusting song about him singing he made people blind so that's why they defend him..
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Girl...Lisa said worst than that, yet qbee is mad at me because I used " " in my post, Lisa wrote a whole disgusting song about him singing he made people blind so that's why they defend him..

Do you mean the song Idiot? I might looks for it and listen. It's probably full of hate and wrote it out of spite but I don't know why she felt that way if she decided to leave him and file for divorce... :scratch: HYPOCRITE, BACKSTABBER!
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Do you mean the song Idiot? I might looks for it and listen. It's probably full of hate and wrote it out of spite but I don't know why she felt that way if she decided to leave him and file for divorce... :scratch: HYPOCRITE, BACKSTABBER!

It's another song called "discple", Rolling Stone quoted the lyrics and asked her about it, that interview was full of disgusts that even Michael released an official statement to say he's a gentleman and he refused to comment on anything she said.