Lisa Marie Presley * Designated discussion thread for everything LMP

Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

It's another song called "discple", Rolling Stone quoted the lyrics and asked her about it, that interview was full of disgusts that even Michael released an official statement to say he's a gentleman and he refused to comment on anything she said.

She was practically calling him manipulator drug addict! :puke:

Michael being a gentleman is totally true, he never spoke badly about her. WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE OF CHARACTER!
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

What Lisa had done during michael's lowest time is so unforgivable and unforgettable. You dont hit a person when he's down, even to your enemy. She obviously felt ashamed of the Michael the public perceived back then. she could care less the man was fighting for his life cause nothing is important than making herself look good as the "victim" while promoting her album. Didnt this ever cross her mind that her hateful words, lies and half truth about Michael at that crucial time may affect the jury's decision and the outcome of the trial? didnt she know Michael was going through hell at that time? Well, according to her, she knew because Michael called her:smilerolleyes:. IMO her words about Michael before and after Michael's death are all self serving. If she didn't talk about Michael or her father, there will be no interview, no press because no one cares about her.

Originally Posted by MJTheKing

"Honestly, not really. If I thought he was that okay (a guy), I would have stayed."
but you still obsessed and chased him around the world when you thought he was not that ok.
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

That is just disgusting what she has said before Michael died. I don't care how mad or hurt you are. She said all those things and her music career didn't take off like she wanted to either. This is why I really don't care for her speaking about Michael and if she does I want to ignore her. She lowered herself and her opinion has little or no value now.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

That is just disgusting what she has said before Michael died. I don't care how mad or hurt you are. She said all those things and her music career didn't take off like she wanted to either. This is why I really don't care for her speaking about Michael and if she does I want to ignore her. She lowered herself and her opinion has little or no value now.

and now she was in love with him and he was lovable.. yeah right:bugeyed
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

And by the way, Lisa once said about Michael in 2004 regarding LWMJ doc "if there were anything good about him, I wouldn't leave him" so how could his death make him that wonderful person? I know death made Michael an eternal legend...

She said that?when? i dont remember that
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Which brings us to Jackson and what she thought of the recent and controversial Martin Bashir TV documentary on Jackson, which raised fears again the pop star was having inappropriate relationships with children."I thought what everyone else thought -- it seemed manipulated," she said.Still, she added she wasn't surprised at how strange and possibly dangerous Jackson came across. "Honestly, not really. If I thought he was that okay (a guy), I would have stayed."

She said that?when? i dont remember that

MJTheKing found the correct quote but it has the same meaning.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Who cares if the media interviews Lisa for her daddy's fame still. That isn't even the point. The point is why this new found "love" for MJ after he dies when she speaks of him? But, couldn't even stand the memory of him when he was alive. I mean seriously. o_O What is that all about? Love the dead but hate the living? Is that how she rolls?
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I'm not mistaken about it, it has the same meaning, l couldnt remember every word of it because I read it in 2009 and l even spent almost an houre to search for this quote, and if you think she meant Jackson was okay, and she wished if she would've stayed with him, then you're free.

Glad you're attacking me rather than being upset of someone said Michael "wasn't okay".....

No one has attcked you. In fact I thanked you for bringing in the correct quote. I just asked you to verify the quote, so Lisa wouldnt be misquoted in this discussion, nothing more. and no I dont think her quote meant she was saying MJ was Ok . but it also doesnt mean she was saying there was "nothing good" about him either. I guess we will just have to disagree on that. A disagreement is not an attack. We just dont see eye to eye here and thats ok :)

Girl...Lisa said worst than that, yet qbee is mad at me because I used " " in my post.
Im certainly not mad at you or anyone. :better: Please dont go there and misrepresent my intentions
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I've got to stick up for her here. They were only married for what? 2 years?? I was married for almost 9 years and I can't say I speak all roses about my ex. Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I wonder what would have happened had we stayed together (till I come to my senses again), sometimes we talk as friends but most of the time he doesn't even come into my mind. I am pretty certain that though he often still annoys the heck out of me, when he dies one day, I will cry. I will be sad. I'll wonder what I could have done to help or regret certain things and I WILL grieve. A part of grief is talking about the person who passed away. It helps to remember them and to talk about them. It isn't malicious or terrible to do, it just happens sometimes. Also whether she said she would never talk about him again or not, people feel strongly about something sometimes, and that changes over time. It's all pretty normal in my eyes, even her talking undesirable about him while he was alive and they were divorced. Would it have been better had she never mentioned him in any interviews? Yeah probably, but what comes out of our mouths isn't always planned. She really seems to be someone who says whatever comes to mind no matter what she would like. How can she be blamed for that? She's real. Take her or leave her, love her or hate her. She's just herself. I can't fault her for that.

There's my two cents.
MJTheKing;3727270 said:

Which brings us to Jackson and what she thought of the recent and controversial Martin Bashir TV documentary on Jackson, which raised fears again the pop star was having inappropriate relationships with children."I thought what everyone else thought -- it seemed manipulated," she said.Still, she added she wasn't surprised at how strange and possibly dangerous Jackson came across. "Honestly, not really. If I thought he was that okay (a guy), I would have stayed."

WOW! Well there we have it! Another example of Lisa caught outright casting doubt and dispersion on MJ but now she loves him. This woman has a problem!

Also @ AngieJ, you stated that the MEDIA has twisted Paris’s innocent memories of her dad into something ugly???? Since when??? I thought it was a few hater internet trolls or maybe people on Lisa's forums. Can you provide the links to these media attacks? From what I’ve seen Paris is treated as royalty and the media has kissed her ass far more than Lisa’s because they know they will draw in a hell of a lot more ratings with an appearance by Paris Jackson then they will with Lisa Marie Presley.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

But the obvious question is, why were and are these fans giving her this much attention in the 1st place? Why in the world would this woman have by far the biggest thread on the longest running MJ forum?

Good question.

It's sad that this thread is going on and on and on (and frankly, it's always just about going circles about the same old thing again and again in threads about LMP) when threads about Michael's music often struggle to reach even page 2. Then we wonder why the media focuses on such things instead of his music?

If LMP's goal with the MJ mentions really is to draw attention to herself (which I don't think is the case, but many of her detractors seem to think so) then it's her detractors within the MJ fandom who make sure she succeeds. Because, frankly, otherwise no one gives a damn about these mentions. I checked out a couple of blogs and forums mentioning her and people are a lot more interested in whether she really left Scientology or not and whether some of her songs are about that.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

^ The two of you also help this thread to go on and on...
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

everybody is looking at different blogs then. And if they say Lisa doesn't look as if she is using MJ to draw attention, that's what they decide to say. It's not just MJ's detractors. Those who don't agree with us are in this thread with us. Everybody is interested. I've seen blogs that do have MJ mentions. Those who do not wish to see what we are saying choose not to see what we are saying. It's just the old agree to disagree thing, if that is how it is to be put. But those who disagree keep wanting to ask us the same questions over again, as well, when we gave the this is about adding to the pain we feel with this back and forth..then that's what it is.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

^ The two of you also help this thread to go on and on...

Well, it was my second or third post in this thread. How many do you have? It's a fact that you guys, who hate her, talk and care the most about LMP.
I’m really not too concerned about how many pages this tread has because I’m honestly not counting. All I care about is making sure that as many members of MJ’s fan base as possible are aware of Lisa’s vindictiveness and cruelty toward MJ. It’s an important part of their relationship that cannot be forgotten or in my opinion forgiven.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Well, it was my second or third post in this thread. How many do you have? It's a fact that you guys, who hate her, talk and care the most about LMP.

that is not a fact...and you are truly misrepping by using the word 'hate'. at the same time, you say we care about LMP. that's your opinion. every time you state your opinion as fact, you are off base. i know you would not want anyone to do that to you. What if i state that what i say is a fact, concerning you, when i know it's my opinion? Why can't you see that? We care about Michael Jackson. that is it. you are comparing the post count? you're in the same boat with us, here. And we can say you care as much about LMP as you say we do, as long as you post in this thread. Please see how it feels when something is directed at you that you wish not to be directed at you, but you direct it at us. an opinion and a fact are two different things. Look all over this website. You'll see long threads on many people who were involved in Michael's life. Not just this one. So we don't pick one person to care more about above others in his life. Michael, i repeat, is the central figure for us, here. You want a list of other people who there are visceral threads for? There's Dr. Murray..other members of the Jackson family....heck..i have one for the owner of AEG. and if it looks like most of them are negative...well you can look for a member on this board who has a signature that has a quote from Liza the way..we think was a good friend for Michael..along with Elizabeth Taylor...Liza said that Michael was nothing but a commodity to most of the people around him. I'm sure that member will let you know who they are if you want to know. So LMP does not win first prize for the most talked about person surrounding Michael.
It's one thing to disagree. It's another to keep being contrarian, knowing how that makes us feel. We already know how you feel, so why keep telling us?
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Victory22;3727392 said:
I’m really not too concerned about how many pages this tread has because I’m honestly not counting. All I care about is making sure that as many members of MJ’s fan base as possible are aware of Lisa’s vindictiveness and cruelty toward MJ. It’s an important part of their relationship that cannot be forgotten or in my opinion forgiven.
although we may disagree on the idea of forgiveness, but i certainly understand where you're coming from, perhaps for those who want to hear what you have to say, email or pm is good, because there are people who might want to avoid all the back and forth going on in this thread, and just hear what you have to say, because no matter how many quotes you put in bold, that Lisa Marie has said, those who choose not to see those quotes as you do [what's the use of quoting someone if many people are going to give a million interpretations of that quote to make it harder for you to make your point to them, that they may want to hear from you, specifically] can not be involved. that way it can be more peaceful. At least we can strive for that, and there not be people badgering each other for one upmanship..because that's what it is, whether we agree or not. People never want to admit this..but it's always about the last word...even if we already see each others points of disagreement. Will it be us who gets the last word, or those who don't wish to hear what you and I have to say? I don't mean to tell you that you shouldn't be in this thread, Victory22...i'm just looking for a more peaceful solution. I agree with most of what you said about LMP.
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

Well, it was my second or third post in this thread. How many do you have? It's a fact that you guys, who hate her, talk and care the most about LMP.

I think a better question is how many does AngieJ have? As I said I'm not counting but for the ones who are so concerned about the count please count yourselves.
jaydom7;3727249 said:

I think the point is the fans were keeping Lisa at her word which was after the 2010 Oprah interview , which was totally unnecessary in my opinion by the way, that she would never ever mention Michael again. She told Oprah in 2010 that she was talking then because when her album came out she didn't want to discuss him. Well in the UK, in a recent interview, she answered questions about him from the interviewer. All she had to say was 'No MJ questions' right? she could've easily reiterated that they needed to refer to the Oprah 2010 interview.. That's all.. No need to answer questions about MJ being lovable or if she wanted kids with him or if he was gay.. That had nothing to do with her album promotion. And why would she go along with answering those questions when back in the day she would've answered with so much nastiness and vindictiveness that it would've been terrible.. Now that he's gone she answers them with much respect trying to pretend like she loved and cared about him.. Don't you find that suspect?

But Jaydom, you yourself was nasty towards MJ. You were so nasty and unfair you were banned from certain MJ forums. So how are you sitting here throwing stones at what Lisa said in the past? Going by your logic fans should still despise you then because you were extremely critical of MJ before his passing. And do not respond by saying, all you wanted was for MJ to comeback. No fan that cared about a comeback said the things that you said.

Victory22;3727373 said:
Also @ AngieJ, you stated that the MEDIA has twisted Paris’s innocent memories of her dad into something ugly???? Since when??? I thought it was a few hater internet trolls or maybe people on Lisa's forums. Can you provide the links to these media attacks? From what I’ve seen Paris is treated as royalty and the media has kissed her ass far more than Lisa’s because they know they will draw in a hell of a lot more ratings with an appearance by Paris Jackson then they will with Lisa Marie Presley.

Look at some the headlines that came from her interviews with Ellen and the recent one with Glamour magazine. And yeah, obviously Lisa does draw the ratings because why is she still in the media and programs like she is when she isn't a mainstream artist? Why is it that she can pick up the phone and appear on Letterman and The Grammys, etc. This is what I meant by Presley power. And don't even get me started on her daughter. All it took was 1 single appearance with her mother for her career to be launched. If that's not power and clout I don't know what is.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

everybody is looking at different blogs then. And if they say Lisa doesn't look as if she is using MJ to draw attention, that's what they decide to say. It's not just MJ's detractors. Those who don't agree with us are in this thread with us. Everybody is interested. I've seen blogs that do have MJ mentions. Those who do not wish to see what we are saying choose not to see what we are saying. It's just the old agree to disagree thing, if that is how it is to be put. But those who disagree keep wanting to ask us the same questions over again, as well, when we gave the this is about adding to the pain we feel with this back and forth..then that's what it is.

Overall, the point is, no one cares what Lisa is saying about MJ. Everytime y'all blow up what she says I always go to twitter and google to see what I missed and I always find nothing. So this is why i'm just asking what's with the continued drama over her.

If y'all just want to attack her just to attack her, why not just admit to it?

I think a better question is how many does AngieJ have? As I said I'm not counting but for the ones who are so concerned about the count please count yourselves.

That is what is so funny. As long as I have been on this site and MJJForum, this is the most I have ever posted about Lisa on here.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I think perhaps we should all just agree to disagree. I for one am never going to change my mind that when Michael actually needed her to say kind things, ie when he was alive and particularly in 2005, she, instead publicly ridiculed him and said hurtful things.

Perhaps Lisa feels some sense of guilt and regret which is why she now says kinder things, but she hasn't said that and nobody has asked her why, in public, does it appear that her attitude has changed.

If it is all about album sales.... well doesn't say much for her confidence in her work.
AngieJ;3727643 said:
Overall, the point is, no one cares what Lisa is saying about MJ. Everytime y'all blow up what she says I always go to twitter and google to see what I missed and I always find nothing. So this is why i'm just asking what's with the continued drama over her.

If y'all just want to attack her just to attack her, why not just admit to it?

That is what is so funny. As long as I have been on this site and MJJForum, this is the most I have ever posted about Lisa on here.

Who are you trying to convince that Lisa is relevant? Statistics show that the Elvis’s franchise is struggling to keep fans interested and his shows have practically died out in Vegas. Tourism is down at Graceland. On the other hand MJ’s brand is spreading like wildfire so Lisa’s wrinkled old butt will be a thing of the past very soon whereas the Jackson kids are young, beautiful and I’m sure 1,000x’s more talented, classy and smarter than lisa.
Victory22;3727661 said:
Who are you trying to convince that Lisa is relevant? Statistics show that the Elvis’s franchise is struggling to keep fans interested and his shows have practically died out in Vegas. Tourism is down at Graceland. On the other hand MJ’s brand is spreading like wildfire so Lisa’s wrinkled old butt will be a thing of the past very soon whereas the Jackson kids are young, beautiful and I’m sure 1,000x’s more talented, classy and smarter than lisa.

Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

But Jaydom, you yourself was nasty towards MJ. You were so nasty and unfair you were banned from certain MJ forums. So how are you sitting here throwing stones at what Lisa said in the past? Going by your logic fans should still despise you then because you were extremely critical of MJ before his passing. And do not respond by saying, all you wanted was for MJ to comeback. No fan that cared about a comeback said the things that you said.

Look at some the headlines that came from her interviews with Ellen and the recent one with Glamour magazine. And yeah, obviously Lisa does draw the ratings because why is she still in the media and programs like she is when she isn't a mainstream artist? Why is it that she can pick up the phone and appear on Letterman and The Grammys, etc. This is what I meant by Presley power. And don't even get me started on her daughter. All it took was 1 single appearance with her mother for her career to be launched. If that's not power and clout I don't know what is.

Angie please.. Girl I am a fan.. I was not his wife. I had never met MJ and I have never had a relationship with MJ unlike Lisa. He had no idea who the hell I was.. He did know who Lisa was and he heard every single nasty word she said about him. She was negative about him, his personality, his character and everything else. You can't compare a fan being upset with MJ to his freakin' ex-wife.. Come on now.. I am a fan who was pissed at MJ for getting himself into terrible situations for allowing folks to take advantage of him and for not getting his career back on track. I don't see anything wrong with that. I cared about him and his well-being unlike his ex-wife who said she felt 'nothing' about him.. You can't compare the two. You just need to admit that Lisa was a nasty witch to MJ and that right now she's probably feeling guilt and that's why she's trying to play nice now.. She had no awakening or ephiphany since his death, this is all about trying to save her ass.
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Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

If Tom Sneddon were still going on TV trashing MJ, telling lies and accusing MJ of illegal activities & doing everything he could do to put MJ in prison and destroy him, then we would have many lengthy threads calling him out constantly about it to remind the world how full of hate & deceit he is. He is talked about regarding his evil acts but he has remained quiet. Lisa is just like Tom Sneddon but she cannot move on nor let go of MJ, so she continues to talk and talk every chance she gets regarding MJ. She is so obsessed (just like that crazy lady-Billie Jean Jackson).

They divorced in 1996(?) and as of 2012, Lisa still cannot move on.
Lisa thinks that if she continues to talk about MJ or allow interviewers to bring up his name so she can respond and try to sing songs (lol) about him--that she will be linked to his legacy. The problem is that she believes in her sick mind that people will think she loved him and adored him and she was devastated by the marriage/Divorce and by him. But, she s wrong. She will be remembered just like Billie Jean Jackson---an obsessed fan. People will remember that she was married to him for 18 months, but it won't be Lisa that people feel sorry will be MJ, who waited so long to get married, hoping to find the right person unfortunately ended up marrying a very mentally distubed person (Elvis Presley's daughter) and thankfully, they had no children together. She was so disturbed that she pleaded for him to allow her to have nine children for him and wrote begging letters to his mother, basically offering herself up as a surrogate for him since he would never consider remarrying her. For Michael Jackson it was "better the second time aroud." He remarried quickly to Debbie Rowe whom he had had a relationship with for over twenty years and they had two beautiful children together.

Lisa has never been a victim a day in her life will be remembered with Pity, just like Billie Jean Jackson. I don't think she has enough smarts to realize this.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

If Tom Sneddon were still going on TV trashing MJ, telling lies and accusing MJ of illegal activities & doing everything he could do to put MJ in prison and destroy him, then we would have many lengthy threads calling him out constantly about it to remind the world how full of hate & deceit he is. He is talked about regarding his evil acts but he has remained quiet. Lisa is just like Tom Sneddon but she cannot move on nor let go of MJ, so she continues to talk and talk every chance she gets regarding MJ. She is so obsessed (just like that crazy lady-Billie Jean Jackson).

They divorced in 1996(?) and as of 2012, Lisa still cannot move on.
Lisa thinks that if she continues to talk about MJ or allow interviewers to bring up his name so she can respond and try to sing songs (lol) about him--that she will be linked to his legacy. The problem is that she believes in her sick mind that people will think she loved him and adored him and she was devastated by the marriage/Divorce and by him. But, she s wrong. She will be remembered just like Billie Jean Jackson---an obsessed fan. People will remember that she was married to him for 18 months, but it won't be Lisa that people feel sorry will be MJ, who waited so long to get married, hoping to find the right person unfortunately ended up marrying a very mentally distubed person (Elvis Presley's daughter) and thankfully, they had no children together. She was so disturbed that she pleaded for him to allow her to have nine children for him and wrote begging letters to his mother, basically offering herself up as a surrogate for him since he would never consider remarrying her. For Michael Jackson it was "better the second time aroud." He remarried quickly to Debbie Rowe whom he had had a relationship with for over twenty years and they had two beautiful children together.

Lisa has never been a victim a day in her life will be remembered with Pity, just like Billie Jean Jackson. I don't think she has enough smarts to realize this.

This post is so good and so true it needs to be posted twice! Well said Joyce.
Lisa wasn’t smart enough to realize her cruelty toward Michael could come back and bite her in the butt one day. Well it has and it couldn’t have happened to a meaner or self-absorbed person.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

The problem I have with this interview is that Lisa again says she saw nothing while she was around when asked about the allegations. She could say the same thing about the gay question--that when she was around him she saw no indication of any homosexual behavior. However, she does not say that but says NO. Why couldn't she say NO for the allegation question, since a man could sleep with a woman and still on the sly have romantic/sexual relationships with a man? You see, here is where I do not understand her logic. What makes her certain about the gayness and not about the allegations?

I have no proof, but I have come to the conclusion that either Lisa believes the allegations and does not want to say so outright, or she wants to be on the media's side to promote her work so takes a position in the middle. Either is distasteful to me. The allegations are worse than being gay, so I cannot take the position of being over jubilant about this interview. The situation that caused Michael Jackson serious pain and suffering was the allegations and not the comments about gayness.

I will thank her for all the truthful or nice things she said about him, but her interviews both in print and on video always contain comments that insinuate something unwholesome about Michael.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

I never knew Michael or had a conversation with him but I have no hesitation to say that he would never hurt anyone like that especially kids. Lisa likes to go with whatever the media is doing. Even Debbie who was married to him and had kids with him knows he would never do something like that.

People might say that Michael never had a real relationship with Debbie but she has shown him more respect as an ex-wife and a person who knew Michael closely than Lisa ever did. I would value Debbie's opinion over Lisa's anyday. You don't think that Debbie has been offered the opportunity to talk about Michael to the media? Yet she doesn't. Whatever Lisa says now means very little. The media choose to forget how she acted in the past just like they choose to forget that they didn't make Michael's life hell. The morals of the media and Lisa are quite similar. It's sad.
Re: New--- Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson

If Lisa cannot say Michael would never hurt a child it shows she never took the time to learn anything about him as a person and all she has ever been interested in is the fame. It means she was never a friend, never a lover and never a wife. Debbie has proven her love for Michael and I have a lot of respect for her.