Kenny Ortega Just tweeted

Do you think Oprah took all of our advice from he website and investigated MJ a little more? She sort of seem to have a change of heart. I don't know if it is real or not but she seems different.

I'm wondering too. I think she may have watched MJ's memorial and all his friends talk about and think to herself, that maybe she was a little to harsh. You can't watch the memorial and not think "he was human after all." Especially after Paris spoke.

OMG, thank you!!! I am going to watch that Bad dance clip over and over again! It was AMAZZZZING!

How amazing is that Bad clip?!
When Oprah first started talking about what a great loss it was, and how it was too soon, did it seem to you like she was on the verge of crying? It seemed that way to me. :boohoo: I cried through a lot of it. I am going to take a box of Kleenex with me to the theater.


EDIT: Ughhh...too bad she asks Kenny: did you see any signs of the drug abuse? I guess Oprah doesn't do research for her interviews. :smilerolleyes:

Here's the video from the Oprah Interview. Kenny comes in around 7.00

Thanks! :D
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Here's the video from the Oprah Interview. Kenny comes in around 7.00

Thanks for this, Steph. Much appreciated! I will try to watch again when it re-airs in my area tonight. I think someone asked about the show Oprah does where she continues to talk to guest after her show goes off. I think it's on the Oxygen channel. Will have to go check in a bit.

Haven't watched Oprah in a while. Didn't even watch the youtube footage on her show weeks ago about MJ. But this was a nice little segment. Could have been longer as it seemed Kenny was just getting warmed up talking about things. Loved what I saw so far. Kenny seems honest and caring. He didn't say anything I haven't speculated about on this board as well as other fans. Michael was being Michael...or what we "know" about how Michael worked. But working at such a pace and in such a way is bound to catch up with anyone every now and then. Doesn't mean death is imminent as a result and things don't eventually stabilize, imhO. Conspiracy theories aside for a second, if it hadn't been for Murray's incompetent arse, Michael could have very well still been with us today...same as he made it thru History tour. :(

Anyway, can't wait to see the movie...altho I'm starting to worry that we're seeing too many "new" clips and by the time the movie is released there won't be much we haven't seen.
must I be a Premium member to see the show on megavideo ? :S
Do you HAVE to sign up and give them your credit card info in order to watch the video, or am I doing something wrong? I know it's free either way, I just don't like the idea of giving out my info for no good reason.

No. Just keep hitting the play button :D
give them to

it's interesting, when they thought of getting into details of concerns, that time ran's as if something mystical don't need to know..or somn..

but such never got tired, dancing..but the dancers did..
Do you think Oprah took all of our advice from he website and investigated MJ a little more? She sort of seem to have a change of heart. I don't know if it is real or not but she seems different.

I agree, she seems quite upset.
he looked so happy when doing the TDCAU in the red shirt, he was smiling and everything :(
Kenny is great! Looking forward to seeing more of him....I wish he could accept an Oscar on behalf of MJ...that would be sooooooooooooo nice!
Kenny direct messaged me again :)

"I'll be in London doing press re the film. Travis Payne and Michael Bearden Choregrapher and MD will be traveling with me. All the best!"
Yeah Kenny DM'ed me twice before. :lol: I felt 'special' :lol:
But,Ohh Andy, You was invited by Kenny Ortega to go to the London Premiere. How Nice. Great. :)