Kenny Ortega Just tweeted

Wow the clips they have shown have been AMAZING!!! I hope someone captured it!


Can you believe the clips they showed? AMAZING!!!!

"I gotta cue that...I gotta cue that...." Loves it.

Oprah just said, she hasn't been to a real theater in ages...but on the 28th, she will be in a theater to see "This is it". So am I!!!

Oprah's clips were just amazing...I wanna cry....MJ was not ready to go.

and I am not ready to let him go. Ever.
Just saw the interview. GREAT. Michael dancing with TDCAU was good. His movement and timing was great. This man was ready to get back on stage. He danced better than the 20 year old. DAM YOU MURRAY. Oprah is going to see it..
daaaaaaaamn I'm so eager to hear the details and see the clips, please someone tell us evvvvery thing
Like Oprah said, WhAT a great lost. When it was going to break, Orpah looked down and shook her head as if this does not seem real. It does not. I was crying the whole time. This hurt so much.
tell us everything please!!!!!!!!!
Kenny was as sweet as can be, and Michael's voice and dancing were AMAZING! There was a part where Michael was singing that high part from Human Nature and it made me cry. :sad: His voice could not have sounded more perfect and angelic.

Kenny said he was honored and blessed to have known Michael and also that he is still struggling to get over Michael's death, but that all of them (dancers, technical people, etc.) working on getting the film put together was a great support system for them all. One thing was very clear to me though...Kenny loved Michael as a good friend. When he talks about Michael he smiles and laughs just remembering him. ANYONE who has talked shit about Kenny is gonna be eating that shit when the movie comes out and they see how sharp and with-it Michael is throughout the whole thing. His dance form has never looked more spot-on and polished. "In poor health" MY ASS!!!
This is what I SAW FORM OPRAH :

30 min about the TII movie. Like 5 minutes of new clips. Live vocals from Mike on The way you make me feel. A long whos bad/they dont care abous us clip with the *army*. Michael said to Ortega that he loves Prince and especially Purple rain (after talking about : God will give ideas to Prince). We saw Mike chewing gum when talking to others lol. Mike dancing was really great. Kenny said that they were suppose to fly in london on July 1st or 2nd. Michael was always up to play his role of father and to create news songs.

Mike seemed in a good shape !

And Oprah saw 12 mins of the movie
Where can I see Kenny on Oprah and the new footage?????? Has it been uploaded??
Like Oprah said, WhAT a great lost. When it was going to break, Orpah looked down and shook her head as if this does not seem real. It does not. I was crying the whole time. This hurt so much.
When Oprah first started talking about what a great loss it was, and how it was too soon, did it seem to you like she was on the verge of crying? It seemed that way to me. :boohoo: I cried through a lot of it. I am going to take a box of Kleenex with me to the theater.
When Oprah first started talking about what a great loss it was, and how it was too soon, did it seem to you like she was on the verge of crying? It seemed that way to me. :boohoo: I cried through a lot of it. I am going to take a box of Kleenex with me to the theater.

she seemed teary.... like she was gonna cry after mentioning seeing the dvd this morning.... SHOCKED ME..... :bugeyed
Ok I am watchin' Oprah, how come it is Mike Tyson instead? Is it not in America or something? :/
When Oprah first started talking about what a great loss it was, and how it was too soon, did it seem to you like she was on the verge of crying? It seemed that way to me. :boohoo: I cried through a lot of it. I am going to take a box of Kleenex with me to the theater.
She did look like she wanted to cry.
Ok I am watchin' Oprah, how come it is Mike Tyson instead? Is it not in America or something? :/
It a two half hour. Tyson in the first half of the show and Kenny in the last 20 to 25 minutes.
I am crying now still. I will have to get something for my nerves when I go into the movie. I must go (I already have my ticket for the 29th) but it is going to be hard. My whole family is going.
where can we watch the after show... i bet oprah and kenny are still talking and people will be asking questions....

anyone got access to the after show??? it runs on some channel.

I know in usa on east cost time it re-runs a MYZTV (NBC network channel @ 7 PM Eastern Time
I am crying now still. I will have to get something for my nerves when I go into the movie. I must go (I already have my ticket for the 29th) but it is going to be hard. My whole family is going.
:huggy: I am still crying too, on and off. :sad:

We won't be able to take anything for nerves because the first showing we have tickets for is an hour's drive away. Gotta have a clear head for driving, but I'm not gonna be embarrassed crying in the theater. There will be a lot of other people crying too, I just know it. :sad: