Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record *Update- Perry Matches MJ's Record*

Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Katy Perry's album will never beat the magic that was Bad.

The music of today has little longevity in them. Bad will forever be heads and shoulders above any album put out today.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

at least mj still has the record of the most SELF-WRITTEN u.s. number ones on a single album, with 4. katy perry can't sing live for s--- and still has to rely on outside songwriters.

'bad', along with 'purple rain', is the ultimate pop-singer-songwriter-superstar album!
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

So bloody what? When Katy Perry changes music and television history, we'll talk, but until then, even if she surpasses this meaningless sales mark [really counters of what is popular material, not necessarily having anything to do with the quality of such things], she'll be entire galaxies away from the magnum talent Michael was. She's already proven that she's just one of the dime a dozen pop stars which permeate the mainstream music industry. The point which no one writing these articles seems to want to mention is that none of these new contenders will ever reach the spheres of influence Michael Jackson single-handedly achieved. They simply lack the amount of talent and vision that Michael Jackson had.

It's funny how none of them mention current artists "closing in" on records set by white musicians such as Elvis, or The Beatles. Even Madonna doesn't get as much slack as Michael does, and of course, we all know why. I hate to sound like some sort of extremist, but it's the bloody truth goddammit--they don't want to see a black man be the very best at anything, especially a free-thinking, highly intelligent, multi-talented black man who dances in the face of their stereotypes and destroys them effortlessly.

Well, guess what. No matter how many articles you write, or how much you may wish for things to have been otherwise, Michael Jackson, by sovereignty of his talent, will always be number one not only in the field of music, but in people's hearts. People from all over the world do not mourn the death of someone who wasn't worthwhile, or who meant nothing to them. Michael was one of those rare people who is like glue, holding otherwise extraneous groups of people together, in the effort to create a better tomorrow.

When Katy Perry does anything which can even hold a candle to the massive legacy Michael has left behind, we'll talk. Until then, good day to you sirs!

put them all together and you'll have MJ's little finger :D

Not even. Maybe a cuticle, and even that's being generous.

Honestly, though, I like Katy Perry. She seems like a good girl, and she's not the one making these claims--it's the media. I think she knows she's nowhere near as talented as MJ, has never claimed to be, and [judging by what I've seen of her character thus far] would never dare claim such a thing. I'm happy for her album's success, so my comments above are not meant as an attack towards Perry, but rather a wake-up call to the people who write these things to stop comparing every artist who has a good album sale to Michael. It got old the first time, and nobody truly believes it anyway, so they should stop wasting paper/bandwidth with this nonsense. Let Perry have her day without having to compare her to something else--it's as much an insult to her as it is to Michael. Nobody should have the pressure of having to live up to something they couldn't possibly surpass--it's sending out the wrong message, and it's not nice to either party. It's like saying her success isn't really important unless she beats X person, which we know is beyond the scope of her capacity anyway.
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Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

^^^^^Yeah, I noticed that every new artist today compares himself and media does it too, with Michael rather than anybody else and they aim to surpass Michael's achievments.

But I guess that we should be proud, it means that Michael and his entire career is such a high standard and intangible I'd say, for them that.

Michael should've won as many Grammys for Bad like he did for Thriller.I guess he didn't because they couldn't keep giving him all the awards, wasn't the other's fault that they had to compete with Michael.I remember this article about 88 Grammy, always made me smile proudly

"Michael should have swept the board.But this year it was A&M and WEA record companies turn to win and that's was Sting and Paul Simon got their awards.But you should have seen the look on their faces after Michael stole the show when he sAng MITM.It was a look of absolute pure sheer horror.They were transfixed by his real talent and mortified when they compared it to their own stars.It comes down to a choice between the music industry and MJ - and I'd rather have MJ any time".

Jonathan King

We are talking about Sting, Paul Simon here.

Wich is Katty's competition?Ke$ha?Rhianna?JB?:hysterical:
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

"Michael should have swept the board.But this year it was A&M and WEA record companies turn to win and that's was Sting and Paul Simon got their awards.

Jonathan King

I'm not really surprised it goes like this: whose turn is it this year? I have always felt Michael should have won a lot more. I mean they totally ignored him after Thriller (apart from the lifetime achievement award in 1993).
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

To Me MJ has more then just 5 #1s off bad! Hello, Leave Me alone went #1 too. Even though it was added as a bonus back then. But, still today and for along time since it's as been considered part of the album like the rest were, u know? Oh well, Perry is...she's okay, nothing special though..
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

I'm not really surprised it goes like this: whose turn is it this year? I have always felt Michael should have won a lot more. I mean they totally ignored him after Thriller (apart from the lifetime achievement award in 1993).

No surprise there. Look at what kind of singers they're in love with. Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Justin Bieber, Usher, Justin Timberlake, etc. The list goes on, ad nauseam. I'm not saying there is anything particularly wrong about liking any of these people [there isn't], however, it is evident to anyone who has eyes that, when compared to Michael in any way imaginable, every one of them is completely left behind coughing up his dust.

Their kind of music and his kind of music (especially after Thriller) are completely divorced in terms of theme and value. What do Justin Timberlake, Gaga and Co. sing about? Sex, love, booze, drugs, etc. Things which appeal to the id and have no lasting value [much like their music]. The effect they attempt to achieve is further obscured by the fact that they all sing about the same thing, so that if the songs could be broken up and left in abstract terms, you'd have a pretty tough time figuring to whom the material in question belongs.

Michael, on the other hand, sang about things which actually matter in this world, timeless themes, and modern issues. More importantly, he sang about them sincerely, putting all his heart into every syllable, penning the words with utmost wisdom, resulting in the creation of something which has infinite value. It is priceless music, music which only a few can truly understand, and those of us who do are very fortunate, because we have glimpsed into eternal beauty as imagined in his mind, or have come to the realization of a great truth from hearing his words.

Those who would rather forget about the true beauty or the current problems of the world would be repelled by such compositions, preferring to carry on with the endless party, drugging the id with mindless fodder ad infinitum. That is why Michael's post-Thriller music doesn't receive the amount of recognition it should. It is on a completely different wavelength than most people's mindsets. There is a reason why the most popular forms of entertainment are also the stupidest--reality TV, violent sports, pointless sitcoms/cartoons, etc. It is the sorry way of the world. It's no wonder the average American reads less than ten books per year [four, as of 2007, with one in four Americans reading no books at all], but I can guarantee you they have mountains of pop music CDs [either physically or in digital format] or mainstream films of the romantic comedy/mindless violence persuasion, and more than one television set [and 1-2 computers] in their household. There is nothing inherently wrong with watching television, viewing films, listening to music, or using the Internet. However, what matters is not so much the medium but the quality of the material being absorbed--the most popular material tends to be the most banal, with books like Twilight, television like Jersey Shore/American Idle, music with simple lyrics and not-so-useful messages like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, etc., films like the previously mentioned genres, and Internet time being used to socialize/look for pornography [sad but true] rather than enriching the mind. Again, there is nothing wrong with partaking in any of these things once in a while, but the problem arises when they become a form of escapism, so that the average person is unwilling and unable to grasp anything of importance to the world.

The same exists in music, and it is no coincidence that, as Michael's songs became more meaningful/important/genius, the attention he received became more negative. How can you expect people like that to understand something with such sophistication? It's evident, what those who give the awards prefer, the devil is in the details, as they say, and the patterns set in times past paint a picture which foreshadows the continuation of a disturbing trend.

In short, yes, he should have received much more recognition from the mainstream than he did, especially in his later [and IMO better] years. However, I'd rather have things as they currently are than have him be hailed as the best at the price of him having to conform to their mud standards.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Yes! Je suis tres heureuse! x
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Even if she DID beat his record, can the majority of the world name her 5 number one singles?

I didn't think so.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Good, I am glad MJ hold the record.
I actually like some of Katy's songs.
However, her live really sucks~~~
She can't even sing in tune for so many award performance.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Who cares? I couldn't name any MJ records apart from best selling album and most Grammies won on one night (joint record). To me that's elementary stuff, there are a lot of great artists that never broke any records. It's far more important to me that people know and like MJ's music, and I can assure you that Katy Perry will never 'beat' Michael in that respect, no matter how many #1 singles she has.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

... I think that unfortunately it will reach no. 1, maybe the next week, or in 2 weeks....
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

I've got nothing against Katy Perry so well done to her.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

I don't really care. MJ is still the KING OF POP and will always be!
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

It's a fantastic achievement to have and although I'm of the older (or should I say more mature) crowd, I still like a few of her songs. Yet having number one hits doesn't solitify you as a 'King of Pop' or 'Princess of Pop,' it's also the overall performance and how you touch people's lives. I think it's wonderful when an artist such as Perry can inspire younger audiences with her performance, and as time progresses I'm hoping her music and charity work will inspire people to give more. Having a voice is so important in this day in age, all artists should use it the better the world, not only their number ones. :)
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

Unlike Michael's singles from "Bad", there is very little substance to the Katy Perry singles...which says a lot about pop music today.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

We are talking about Sting, Paul Simon here.

Wich is Katty's competition?Ke$ha?Rhianna?JB?:hysterical:

:hysterical: :hysterical:

When katy sells more than 45 million copies of that album, then you can call me. I'm so sick of these comparisons. I don't hear this crap about elvis or beatles or whoever?! Actually, forget about the album sales coz that will never happen. Lets go to my litttle village in south western Uganda and ask anybody if they know who katy perry is. I know for a fact they know who Michael is. Even the kids know thriller :)

what's with artists selling prozac? justin b. kate p. ... just saying.
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Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

She failed again this week.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

If it does it does. Getting a number one song isn't hard now, just get it on Glee-instant number one.
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

It's a fantastic achievement to have and although I'm of the older (or should I say more mature) crowd, I still like a few of her songs. Yet having number one hits doesn't solitify you as a 'King of Pop' or 'Princess of Pop,' it's also the overall performance and how you touch people's lives. I think it's wonderful when an artist such as Perry can inspire younger audiences with her performance, and as time progresses I'm hoping her music and charity work will inspire people to give more. Having a voice is so important in this day in age, all artists should use it the better the world, not only their number ones. :)

I think this should be said again.

I don't listen to Katy Perry, but did enjoy her California Girls song last summer when it was popular. She's a good singer who seems to attract immediate attention, so therefore would be perfect for shelling out the singles. Do I worry that her career could overshadow Michael's? Of course not. Good on her producers and handlers for figuring out a formula that works for her fans and the popular crowd. Let's congratulate her! Maybe if we give her enough attention she'll want to be a better role model for kids (her larger demographic).
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

What is the name of her album?If I don't know that now,how will people in years to come?It is obviously a great achievement but I'm sure people will know Bad forever and ever
Re: Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record

I don't actually give a flying you know what.
Katy Perry Misses Out On U.S. Pop Chart High Five

Katy Perry Misses Out On U.S. Pop Chart High Five


Katy Perry has missed out on making history at the top of America's Hot 100 pop chart after landing another week at number two with her hit Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F).

The star made her mark on the Billboard Pop Songs Chart when she became the first artist to reach the top spot with five singles from the same album earlier this week (beg01Aug11) - but she has been unable to match that success on the mainstream countdown, which will be released on Thursday (04Aug11).

Had she toppled Lmfao's Party Rock Anthem, Perry would have been one of only two artists to land five number ones from one album. The only star to land the feat remains Michael Jackson with 1987's Bad.

Instead, Lmfao score a fifth week at number one.

Meanwhile, Britney Spears returns to the top 10 at nine with Go - her third hit from the album Femme Fatale and 12th top 10 on the Hot 100.

The new chart's highest debut belongs to rapper Kreashawn, who enters at 82 with Gucci Gucci.
