Kathy/Paris Hilton Talks About Michael On Piers Morgan Tonight


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

CNN.com - Transcripts

MORGAN: Kathy, when we come back, I want to talk to you about your very good friend, Michael Jackson.


MORGAN: Back with the Hiltons. Kathy, this is fascinating. A lot of people claim to have known Michael Jackson. You actually went to high school with Michael Jackson. And you stayed close friends with him right until the end of his life.

And you've never really spoken about him much in public, not that I can see. Tell me about your relationship with him.

K. HILTON: We met when I was 13 and he was 14 and developed a friendship and a bond throughout the years. And we always kept in touch. And then when I moved to New York and he would come, and we'd always go to his concerts. And, you know, we started with -- we used to make prank phone calls together. And we were little kids.

We had a really great time. And then he came and visited when Paris was born. And then he ended up living at the --

MORGAN: He was there when Paris was first brought into this world. K. HILTON: She was just a few months old.

MORGAN: Really?

K. HILTON: He ended up moving into the Waldorf for six months when we were living there for eight years. And right before he died, he was at the Bel Air Hotel, where we were living while we were renovating our home. So he was there about three or four months.

So we got to spend, you know, great time.

MORGAN: We talk about misconceptions with Paris. What were the misconceptions about Michael, do you think?

K. HILTON: Well, there was not a kinder, more generous, loving, sweet, smart, smart -- I can't -- the most wonderful father. At the Bel Air, he did not have any nanny at all. And when I'd go to pick up the kids to take them somewhere, he'd be brushing their hair and buttoning up the sweater and just so warm and wonderful.

And I just -- I love him. His whole family, they're a really wonderful, beautiful family.

MORGAN: Where were you when you heard he died?

K. HILTON: I had just come back to the hotel.

MORGAN: How did you hear the news?

P. HILTON: My assistant told me. And I literally fell on the floor. And my sister came and picked me up and we went directly to the house, because I thought the children would be there.

MORGAN: Did you go to the hospital when you --


MORGAN: What was the scene there?

K. HILTON: The children and Mrs. Jackson and all the brothers and sisters and just everybody was in this room. And just crying and hugging each other and just in a daze.

And this is a father that was so with his children. He's dedicated since they were born to raising and being with them. And then Latoya and Randy took me in to say good-bye.

I think if I hadn't, I would never quite in my head believe. Because even though he's a friend, he was such a powerful person.

MORGAN: Was he still alive when you --


MORGAN: Did you say anything?


MORGAN: What did you say?

K. HILTON: I rubbed his head and his arms and his legs and his feet and I just -- I told him I love him so much and, you know, whispered some funny things to him, and that was it.

MORGAN: Incredibly sad end to his life, wasn't it?

K. HILTON: And he was so fabulous at the hotel. Up early every morning, playing with the kids. Really shocking.

MORGAN: Paris, did you know Michael well?

P. HILTON: Yeah, I grew up -- just my mom -- I remember -- one of the first memories I have of him was when my mom took us to the music video set of "Thriller." And we have the pictures still. I just always loved him. I used to go to his concerts and he'd bring my sister and I on stage and we'd sing up there.

I just always loved him so much. He was such an amazing man.

MORGAN: He said to me, Kathy, I'd like to go see Paris. I said, well, she's out of town. Well, I'd like to see her recording studio. And I said, OK, all right. And I said just jump in the car. It was like 8:30 at night.

I said we don't have to get any security right now. Let's just go. Rick will drive. You jump in the back. And so the kids came and we all went up and we were up there at Paris'.

And he loves to look at everything. So he's looking at all the pictures on the walls. And he loves art. And in her closet and at all her collections of Pinocchio and Tinkerbell and all that.

And he said she reminds me -- she -- she's -- what did he say? Something like, she reminds me sometimes a little of the way certain things that I like. And he loved the gold and the frames and --

P. HILTON: You took him in the studio.

K. HILTON: I took him in the studio and he got to see everything.

MORGAN: And he was an extraordinary talent, wasn't he? And he took your name, of course, for one of his children. How did that make you feel?

P. HILTON: I was honored.

MORGAN: Was it a direct result?

K. HILTON: You know, Latoya will tell you the story. When we were younger, we all would say that whoever has the first girl is going to name her Paris. And I had the first girl. So I got to do it first. And then when he had his daughter -- MORGAN: Have you seen the children much since he died?

K. HILTON: I saw them a couple weeks ago. We went out and had dinner. And I can't believe how big they are. We went over there about three weeks ago.

MORGAN: And are they being well looked after?

K. HILTON: Oh, are you kidding? They're in a new house and Mrs. Jackson is there. They have an incredible, beautiful home, great security. And we had a big family dinner. They went up and did their homework and came down and showed grandma and had their bath and said good night, grandma, I love you. And it was great to see them.

MORGAN: There's a kind of feeling because I guess of the impending court actions involving the doctor and his death and everything else, that he'd become sort of a pathetic character in the end, addicted to all this medication and so on. Is that an inaccurate portrayal, do you think?

K. HILTON: Well, I can tell you that when he was at the Bel Air Hotel, there was none -- there was none of that. Because I had -- he was right underneath where I was. And we talked all the time. In fact, if we would be going somewhere in the daytime, he'd say 1:00 down at the fountain. And if I was five minutes late, he was very on top of it.

And he was with his kids. I believe in my heart that as he got into the concert thing, it was hard for him to sleep probably. He was not a drug addict. He had a problem going to sleep.

I mean, this is not somebody that recreationally would abuse something and I guess the levels went up and up and up.

MORGAN: What do you think his legacy will be, Michael Jackson?

K. HILTON: Well, I think that now that he's gone, everybody realizes what a good person, all the wonderful things that he's done for charity. And it's interesting that we don't hear -- well, I won't get into any of that, but he's left three beautiful children.

MORGAN: Who will be his legacy, I think.

K. HILTON: Absolutely.
That was great :)
I liked that she stressed he was NOT an addict that he just wound up over the concerts and wanted to sleep
Kathy said the truth but his own family threw him under the bus
I enjoyed reading that but it also made me sad. I still can't accept he's gone. I miss you michael:(
I am so glad Kathy Hilton said all that about him. The Jacksons should really listen and learn.
This was a great interview, I like that she emphasized that Michael wanted to sleep and that he was not a drug addict. I also like that she talked about what a loving, attentive father Michael was.
MORGAN: And he was an extraordinary talent, wasn't he? And he took your name, of course, for one of his children. How did that make you feel?

P. HILTON: I was honored.

MORGAN: Was it a direct result?

K. HILTON: You know, Latoya will tell you the story. When we were younger, we all would say that whoever has the first girl is going to name her Paris. And I had the first girl. So I got to do it first. And then when he had his daughter --

Someone asked Paris on her formspring when she had it active a few months ago about her name and if she was named after 'Paris Hilton'. Paris actually answered (first time Ive heard it) that Kathy "stole" the name from her auntie LaToya. Paris said that Toya had told Kathy that if she got a girl she would name the girl Paris and if she got a boy she would name him London :) But then Kathy went and stole the name haha :p Woow, and here is Kathy confirming the story, or at least some parts of it. More truth then that it was actually Paris real formspring back then because I dont think that whole name-story had been out before she said it.

Anyways.. was Paris really named after Paris Hilton? :s I thought she was named after the city because she was conceived there :)

K. HILTON: And right before he died, he was at the Bel Air Hotel, where we were living while we were renovating our home. So he was there about three or four months.

Kathy got the timeline a bit wrong though. Mike stayed at Bel Air Hotel in autumn 2008 and not right before he passed. He had been living at Carolwood for 4-5 month before he passed.
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More like 6 months, he celebrated Christmas at Carolwood, thought they moved in late November/early Dec.

And he said once she was named after the City Paris. And since LaToya talked about London it´s obvious it´s after the city and not Hilton, and he loved France and Paris.

Anyway, thanks for posting :)
Nice interview .shouldnt have read the part about her being at the hospital though.stuff like that tortures me. I get pics of it in my mind and it upsets me no end.

Piers morgan is an arsehole trying to imply crap.glad she put him in his place.

When i met mj in 2001 he said the kids were staying in new york with someone he went to school with.always wondered if it was kathy
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Aww nive interview & nice words from kathy & paris :)
Thanks for posting. Really nice interview. I like how Kathy defended him.
It's quite interesting to me that after all these interview of different people through the past few years.
All the people have contact with MJ said he was happy and in good shape.
The people in Barhrin, the owner of the place where MJ stayed in Ireland, Dr. Patrick Treacy, the 3 bodyguard and now Kathy Hilton
They all said they didn't see a sign that MJ was abusing with drugs.
The J family didn't seem to even have to many time together with him but they all said he was in denial.
However, all the other people who have more contacts with MJ in later years all said he was healthy and happy with his 3 kids.
I just can't understand why J family keep saying MJ was abusing with drugs and he was in denial (even Janet said that)?
I actually think what Kathy Hilton comments here is more close to the truth.
That was very nice of Kathy Hilton to talk like that, so sincere and empathetic and everything... Very touching. ...

As for Piers, I don't think he tried to imply anything but play his role as a journalist, he spoke like a fascinated fan again in places... But I think his British humor kicked in toward the end, or so I think. ..

And Michael's daughter was named after the city she was born in. ...
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This interview makes the Jacksons look even worse (I wasn't sure that was possible).

How can they claim to have been very close to MJ when they didn't even know what was going on in his life? Here you have a FRIEND, telling of her time with MJ how happy he was, what a great father he was to his kids...and all they keep hammering about is his drug abuse, his denial and insinuating how how happy the kids are now without him.

I hope Oprah & the other interviewers are taking notes....comparing what the Jacksons have said in the past 2 years ....to Kathy Hilton and a hos of other friends and employees.

And Paris' name is after the city she was born in
Los Angeles?

From what Kathy Hilton said, Latoya will next show up on Piers tonight to plug her book. I hope he asks her all the hard questions...otherwise, I will pass.
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K. HILTON: Well, I can tell you that when he was at the Bel Air Hotel, there was none -- there was none of that. Because I had -- he was right underneath where I was. And we talked all the time. In fact, if we would be going somewhere in the daytime, he'd say 1:00 down at the fountain. And if I was five minutes late, he was very on top of it.

And he was with his kids. I believe in my heart that as he got into the concert thing, it was hard for him to sleep probably. He was not a drug addict. He had a problem going to sleep.

I mean, this is not somebody that recreationally would abuse something and I guess the levels went up and up and up.
I LOVE the way Mrs. Hilton broke that down. I don't understand why "certain" members of the Jackson family find it so hard to do likewise. It's really not that hard.

I also appreciate that over the years, Mrs. Hilton had done things and gone places with Michael's children, but we NEVER saw any pictures of them doing so. I'm sure Michael appreciated that fact and probably never had a problem allowing Mrs. Hilton to take his children out in public without out him being present.

I'm also thankful that Mrs. Jackson still allows Kathy Hilton to associate with the children. It's good that they are still able to enjoy that connection with one of their father's dear friends.
That was very nice of Kathy Hilton to talk like that, so sincere and empathetic and everything... Very touching. ...

As for Piers, I don't think he tried to imply anything but play his role as a journalist, he spoke like a fascinated fan again in places... But I think his British humor kicked in toward the end, or so I think. ..

And Michael's daughter was named after the city she was born in. ...

morgans a a nasty peice of work.ex editor of one of the worst uk tabloids.lost his job cause of a scandal and flip flops on his comments on mj.trying to make mj out like he died a raving druggie who had no clue about what he was doing etc.i guess he hasnt seen TII.what joy he must have got saying what a tragic way for mjs life to end..wish i hadnt read the inteview. stuff like that only upsets me.its like reliving that day again.

Paris was born in bev hills. U mean concieved in
I was talking about Michael's daughter. *rolls eyes* ....

Paris was born in LA :)

How can they claim to have been very close to MJ when they didn't even know what was going on in his life? Here you have a FRIEND, telling of her time with MJ how happy he was, what a great father he was to his kids...and all they keep hammering about is his drug abuse, his denial and insinuating how how happy the kids are now without him.

I completelly agree with this. When the Jacksons first started doing their interviews, I expected something along the lines from them, but they began talks of addiction, denial and interventions. What a shame.

I applaud Kathy Hilton for standing up for her friend!
Beautiful interview, Thanks so much to Mrs. Hilton breaking it down how it was. I loved how she shut Piers up. The Jackson's should pay attention right there ''he was not a drug addict he had a problem going to sleep' simple words that will most likely never come out of certain Jackson's mouths.

Anyways big props to Kathy, also it was nice to hear about Paris' name :lol:
I LOVE the way Mrs. Hilton broke that down. I don't understand why "certain" members of the Jackson family find it so hard to do likewise. It's really not that hard.

I also appreciate that over the years, Mrs. Hilton had done things and gone places with Michael's children, but we NEVER saw any pictures of them doing so. I'm sure Michael appreciated that fact and probably never had a problem allowing Mrs. Hilton to take his children out in public without out him being present.

I'm also thankful that Mrs. Jackson still allows Kathy Hilton to associate with the children. It's good that they are still able to enjoy that connection with one of their father's dear friends.
Yeah and she did, after Michael died she once said that she'd go out with the kids without anyone recognizing them. She'd go shopping with them without Mike.

She also said that the were staying with her when Mike was away around early 00s when Mike went to the U.K alone. Like Elusive said Mike also mentioned this saying he left his kids behind with a schoolfriend
Yeah and she did, after Michael died she once said that she'd go out with the kids without anyone recognizing them. She'd go shopping with them without Mike.

She also said that the were staying with her when Mike was away around early 00s when Mike went to the U.K alone. Like Elusive said Mike also mentioned this saying he left his kids behind with a schoolfriend

yeah i guess it was kathy then.who the kids were staying with.like everyone else says its nice to know mj had some true friends. I thank kathy for that. For getting him. For seeing what we see and for being there for him.and still being there.

Michael Jackson's longtime friend Kathy Hilton collapsed on the floor when she heard the devastating news of his death, before racing across Los Angeles to comfort the pop superstar's children.

The Thriller legend and Hilton became friends when they were young and remained close throughout adulthood.

Jackson died in 2009 after suffering a cardiac arrest brought on by an overdose of anaesthetic Propofol, and Hilton was once of the first to be informed of the tragedy.

Upon hearing the news, Hilton "fell on the floor", before heading to Jackson's home to comfort his three children.

After learning Prince, Paris and Blanket had followed their father when he was taken in an ambulance to Los Angeles' Ucla Medical Center, Hilton went to the facility to be with the star's family - and say her last goodbyes to her pal.

She tells U.S. chat show host Piers Morgan, "My assistant told me (about Jackson's death) and I literally fell on the floor. My sister came and picked me up and we went directly to the house as I thought the children would be there.

"Yes (I then went to the hospital). The children and Mrs Jackson and all the brothers and sisters were in this room and just crying and hugging each other and in a daze. This is a father that was so with his children. He's (been) dedicated since they were born, to raising and being with them.

"LaToya and Randy took me in to say goodbye (to Michael). I think if I hadn't I would never have quite in my head believed (he was dead) - even though he was a friend, he was such a powerful person.

"No (he was not alive when I saw him). I rubbed his head and his arms and his legs and his feet and I told him I love him so much and I whispered some funny things to him and that was it."