Katherine Jackson Speaks For First Time Since Michael's Death

You fans need to stay out of the Jackson's private business that man is her husband the son that got the abuse said he forgave him many times. Give it a rest.

Sometimes I feel that these fans killed Michael by their demanding ways. Mike was not doin those 50 shows mainly for him it was for us the fans.

I recall coming on this board couple of months before he died, and all the majority of the fan was talking about is where the new album. Never considering that maybe he might not want it. Some even declared that the were givin up on him cause the album wasn't coming fast enough.

Yeah Joe may of whopped MJ he did it to the others to they were better able to cope than Michael. Michael allowed things to affect him differently. This man is Katherine husband she love the man we weren't there we do not know the whole story.

You fans need to give this Joe thing a rest.

I totally agree with you.. :clapping:
I am not saying Joe was the Best Dad in the world but he is still Michael's father. I choose to believe MJ forgave his dad for whatever it is he felt that Joe did wrong, we should move one. If he didn't love/like his father then I don't think MJ would've had him around his kids. Point blank...
Some of you all give the ppl that are under investigation more credit than you give MJ's own father..
God bless Mrs. Jackson and the children. Mrs. Jackson is a strong woman and she'll do whatever it takes to protect Michael's children and raise them right. I firmly believe that. She's always protected her family and I don't expect her to ever stop.

As for Joe. . . all I know is that Michael stated in his Oxford Speech in 2001 that looking back, he understood why his father did what he did. That he realized that his father had always loved him, just had a different way of showing it. Michael wanted to forgive his father, shed the past and have a new relationship with his father because that was the only father he was ever going to have. It sounded like he was trying to make peace with the past and his father and I hope that he really did that. So if Michael let go of his grudges against his father, then why can't his fans?

That speech was amazing, and showed how intelligent he really was.
The stories and poems by MJ in Dancing the dream are like that too..
they show how incredibly intelligent he was. There are are also
those secret phone calls on Youtube where MJ talks to a friend about several things...amongst them is things about Joe. I never doubted MJ
any second when he told those things about Joe.
I believe only Michael's words. See my above posts. I, too, come from an abusive family. My mother was wonderful, but she was also in denial and she failed to protect her children. It is very complicated. What I DO believe, given my and Michael's histories, is that his mother was a loving person, and that she also failed to protect him. I believe HIS words, only. I hope that Joseph is allowed NO contact with those precious children. I stand by that, and believe it. I believe MICHAEL, only.
Also we all know Joe did beat his kids, MJ said it and also it came up in Jackson's An American Dream. That film was produces by Jermaine's ex, and him.

I was thinking bout that the other while i was watching it.
I mean why would co make a film bout his father beating him & his sibilings up , if it werent true? It just doesnt make sense at all.

I think mrs jackson feel since joe is her husband, its her "duty" as a wife to stand up & for her husband.. as the wedding vowels goes


I think mrs jackson took those vowels very seriously the day they got married, as i guess most women would when they get married.

Understand the difference to people of that generation!! Just stop blabbing and take a moment to understand their (Joe and the oldies) differentiating between BEATING vs WHIPPING.

MJ thought he was abused, fine, he is entitled to that.

I believe only Michael's words. See my above posts. I, too, come from an abusive family. My mother was wonderful, but she was also in denial and she failed to protect her children. It is very complicated. What I DO believe, given my and Michael's histories, is that his mother was a loving person, and that she also failed to protect him. I believe HIS words, only. I hope that Joseph is allowed NO contact with those precious children. I stand by that, and believe it. I believe MICHAEL, only.

I couldn't agree more :flowers:
MJ thought he was abused, fine, he is entitled to that.

So he *thought* he was abused. What the f*ck does that mean? It was all in his head??

*beating* *whipping*
Same sh*t different day.

I've been abused. Don't stand here and tell me Michael made it up. Don't stand here and tell me a beating and a whipping are two different things. They're not. I could give a f*ck less what *generation* Joe is from. That's just a neat way to excuse what he did.

So since I was abused, should I be allowed to beat the hell out of my kids? Well, my step-mom is from the old school. So it made what I went through okay??
F*ck you and everyone who stands on Joe's side.

It might not be *my business* but a child getting abused anywhere in the world should be our business.
So he *thought* he was abused. What the f*ck does that mean? It was all in his head??

*beating* *whipping*
Same sh*t different day.

I've been abused. Don't stand here and tell me Michael made it up. Don't stand here and tell me a beating and a whipping are two different things. They're not. I could give a f*ck less what *generation* Joe is from. That's just a neat way to excuse what he did.

So since I was abused, should I be allowed to beat the hell out of my kids? Well, my step-mom is from the old school. So it made what I went through okay??
F*ck you and everyone who stands on Joe's side.

It might not be *my business* but a child getting abused anywhere in the world should be our business.

Aww im so sorry that happened to you sweetheart :better:
Bottom line is that is Michael's mother. Michael loved his mother. She deserves our respect. All families have theri own dynamics. Who are we to sit here and judge. :no:
poor katherine ,but I don't know what's she still doing with joe,..lol.I though they where divorced

which makes me understand more why Michael did not name his mother an executor of his will...

Katherine will love those children but Michael know what he was doing with that will...

I can understand her wanting to be at the table and be consult on things but not to manage... if she was executor....just put the name Joe Jackson in her place
For those who just can't stand the existence of Joe Jackson in the Jackson family.
What do you want to do? Take him to prison? Have him cut out of the family? Have him isolated on a deserted island away from all humanity?

Remember, as much as we are fans & a "family" for Mike, his REAL family comes first. He's not leaving his kids to any of us. He's leaving them to his family (& one of his Motown family in Diana Ross).

There are some who are so into Michael & so admiring of his qualities that they grow a blind spot to anything outside of him. As if he doesn't have faults or errs significantly.

Jackie Jackson said that in Michael's young days "Michael was bad when he was little." He said it with a smile in a joking way but it was honest.

We all see Michael as an angel but at one time Michael was rambunctious. We see the remnant of that part of his personality when he was on stage. The crotch grab anyone?

And here's an example or two for those talking about Michael as nothing but an angel. Sister Janet's nickname is Dunk, right? Who do you think gave her that nickname? Michael. And you know what it was short for? Donkeybutt. He was talking about Janet's big butt as a youngster & even as an adult. Janet's future worry about her weight & looks were probably influenced by this nickname Michael used to call his sister. He used to call LaToya 'Moonface' because of her full round face. Marlon was called 'Liver Lips' by the brothers becuase of his lips. I remember seeing this 1975 home movie of The Jacksons spending Christmas on this ranch with Michael, Randy, & Jermaine all working the camera, you hear Michael refer to Randy as "that big ugly ape".

It looks to me that Michael could dish it out but couldn't take it. He teased his family just as much as they teased him. Exception was when he was on the receiving end, he couldn't take it. It affected his esteem & being in the spotlight added fuel to the fire. And Joe may have teased him to give him a taste of his own medicine. You don't know exactly how that family interacted. We weren't there.

Michael was the only one bold enough to challenge his father when he was young. He reminds me of this little cousin I just visited with today & this weekend over my family reunion. He's got a sassmouth & will sometimes slap you in the face when he's feeling himself & getting rowdy. You see the good in him too but he's just got too much energy & starts really acting up.

Some of y'all need to get acquainted with the animated movie BeBe's Kids to understand this. Some kids don't behave & spanking is not necessarily abuse. If you can discipline your kids without spanking, then good. It shouldn't be overused anyway. But if you think all kids listen to reason, you just haven't dealt with any highly spirited "bad ass" kids.

Joe was right. He worked two jobs. If you don't think Katherine spanked those 9 'spirited' kids in a house no bigger than a 2 car garage, then you're fooling yourself. Now of course Joe's spankings were probably more fearsome as he had the role as disciplinarian. And I wouldn't deny that maybe he took it too far & went all James Evans from Good Times on them. One thing for sure those kids didn't backtalk or badmouth their parents like some kids nowadays do.

Joe's problem was that he didn't show affection. THAT was his problem. He looked like a monster because he didn't outwardly show the love he had for his kids like Katherine. He felt it was the man's role to be hard & stern. If Joe showed a little more affection there would not be an image of him being emotionally abusive. The stance on physical abuse depends on your cultural beliefs & generation of birth.

There are some who live by the Bible's saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child". Some accept this way of life & some don't. A spanking is not necessarily abuse but it's not mandatory for everyone. I got whooped with a switch & a belt too. I'm Black & from the South. I'm not emotionally traumatized or shy & withdrawn. It affects certain people differently. Some Blacks who received this type of discipline choose not to continue the tradition while others do.

In my grandma's day if you acted up, the whole neighborhood gave you spankings depending on who you offended & THEN you got spanked by your parents too. You act up at somebody's house, they would spank you send you home & then your parents will spank you AGAIN. I guarantee you there was a lot more respect for the parents then there is now because of that. Not for the spanking aspect but the community aspect of discipline.

Remember not to be so caught up in Michael to badmouth his family. That's in bad form. If you were truly his fans, you would understand his view on his family & accept it. I never liked when fans ran down family members like that. THOSE are the people who will back you up when nobody else will (a good one anyway). You don't have to agree with all of their decisions but respect Michael's stance on his family. That walling away some of his staff did is the same thing we do when we try to erect walls between Michael's kin & himself.

John Lucas
which makes me understand more why Michael did not name his mother an executor of his will...

Katherine will love those children but Michael know what he was doing with that will...

I can understand her wanting to be at the table and be consult on things but not to manage... if she was executor....just put the name Joe Jackson in her place

demanding fans killed michael cos of the 50 shows!!!! WHAT.. that really is the lowest

Michael hired the wrong people, he lost control of what was going on around him and ended up in a situation of doing 50 shows when he thought he signed for 10 (i'm speaking like this is fact based on lucy lesters interview in which she said he spoke of this to her.. and i'm certain in my belief MJ would not sign up for 50 shows)


michael worked and worked to be the greatest entertainer of all time... do you think he wnted his fans not to be too bothered about whether he performed or not? he wanted people to be screaming their heads off, he wanted people to yearn to see him live.. thats what he worked so so hard to achieve.... and yet now some are blaiming us for daring to want to see him live?

this isnt our fault, sorry
Wow.... Shame on you KJ!!!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Katherine, Joe did fool you more than once, right?

Your son is dead and you are saying that he is liar?
oh please can people not blame the fans for michael's death. people are already suicidal and some have taken their lives or are thinking about it - blaming fans isnt going to help anyone!
For those who just can't stand the existence of Joe Jackson in the Jackson family.
What do you want to do? Take him to prison? Have him cut out of the family? Have him isolated on a deserted island away from all humanity?

Remember, as much as we are fans & a "family" for Mike, his REAL family comes first. He's not leaving his kids to any of us. He's leaving them to his family (& one of his Motown family in Diana Ross).

There are some who are so into Michael & so admiring of his qualities that they grow a blind spot to anything outside of him. As if he doesn't have faults or errs significantly.

Jackie Jackson said that in Michael's young days "Michael was bad when he was little." He said it with a smile in a joking way but it was honest.

We all see Michael as an angel but at one time Michael was rambunctious. We see the remnant of that part of his personality when he was on stage. The crotch grab anyone?

And here's an example or two for those talking about Michael as nothing but an angel. Sister Janet's nickname is Dunk, right? Who do you think gave her that nickname? Michael. And you know what it was short for? Donkeybutt. He was talking about Janet's big butt as a youngster & even as an adult. Janet's future worry about her weight & looks were probably influenced by this nickname Michael used to call his sister. He used to call LaToya 'Moonface' because of her full round face. Marlon was called 'Liver Lips' by the brothers becuase of his lips. I remember seeing this 1975 home movie of The Jacksons spending Christmas on this ranch with Michael, Randy, & Jermaine all working the camera, you hear Michael refer to Randy as "that big ugly ape".

It looks to me that Michael could dish it out but couldn't take it. He teased his family just as much as they teased him. Exception was when he was on the receiving end, he couldn't take it. It affected his esteem & being in the spotlight added fuel to the fire. And Joe may have teased him to give him a taste of his own medicine. You don't know exactly how that family interacted. We weren't there.

Michael was the only one bold enough to challenge his father when he was young. He reminds me of this little cousin I just visited with today & this weekend over my family reunion. He's got a sassmouth & will sometimes slap you in the face when he's feeling himself & getting rowdy. You see the good in him too but he's just got too much energy & starts really acting up.

Some of y'all need to get acquainted with the animated movie BeBe's Kids to understand this. Some kids don't behave & spanking is not necessarily abuse. If you can discipline your kids without spanking, then good. It shouldn't be overused anyway. But if you think all kids listen to reason, you just haven't dealt with any highly spirited "bad ass" kids.

Joe was right. He worked two jobs. If you don't think Katherine spanked those 9 'spirited' kids in a house no bigger than a 2 car garage, then you're fooling yourself. Now of course Joe's spankings were probably more fearsome as he had the role as disciplinarian. And I wouldn't deny that maybe he took it too far & went all James Evans from Good Times on them. One thing for sure those kids didn't backtalk or badmouth their parents like some kids nowadays do.

Joe's problem was that he didn't show affection. THAT was his problem. He looked like a monster because he didn't outwardly show the love he had for his kids like Katherine. He felt it was the man's role to be hard & stern. If Joe showed a little more affection there would not be an image of him being emotionally abusive. The stance on physical abuse depends on your cultural beliefs & generation of birth.

There are some who live by the Bible's saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child". Some accept this way of life & some don't. A spanking is not necessarily abuse but it's not mandatory for everyone. I got whooped with a switch & a belt too. I'm Black & from the South. I'm not emotionally traumatized or shy & withdrawn. It affects certain people differently. Some Blacks who received this type of discipline choose not to continue the tradition while others do.

In my grandma's day if you acted up, the whole neighborhood gave you spankings depending on who you offended & THEN you got spanked by your parents too. You act up at somebody's house, they would spank you send you home & then your parents will spank you AGAIN. I guarantee you there was a lot more respect for the parents then there is now because of that. Not for the spanking aspect but the community aspect of discipline.

Remember not to be so caught up in Michael to badmouth his family. That's in bad form. If you were truly his fans, you would understand his view on his family & accept it. I never liked when fans ran down family members like that. THOSE are the people who will back you up when nobody else will (a good one anyway). You don't have to agree with all of their decisions but respect Michael's stance on his family. That walling away some of his staff did is the same thing we do when we try to erect walls between Michael's kin & himself.

John Lucas
THANK YOU for talking some sense :clapping::clapping::clapping:
lol i love Bebe's kids, that movie is too funny :lol:
You fans need to stay out of the Jackson's private business that man is her husband the son that got the abuse said he forgave him many times. Give it a rest.

Sometimes I feel that these fans killed Michael by their demanding ways. Mike was not doin those 50 shows mainly for him it was for us the fans.

I recall coming on this board couple of months before he died, and all the majority of the fan was talking about is where the new album. Never considering that maybe he might not want it. Some even declared that the were givin up on him cause the album wasn't coming fast enough.

Yeah Joe may of whopped MJ he did it to the others to they were better able to cope than Michael. Michael allowed things to affect him differently. This man is Katherine husband she love the man we weren't there we do not know the whole story.

You fans need to give this Joe thing a rest.

Well sad.

Some of you 'fans' know a little too much for your own good.
For those who just can't stand the existence of Joe Jackson in the Jackson family.
What do you want to do? Take him to prison? Have him cut out of the family? Have him isolated on a deserted island away from all humanity?

Remember, as much as we are fans & a "family" for Mike, his REAL family comes first. He's not leaving his kids to any of us. He's leaving them to his family (& one of his Motown family in Diana Ross).

There are some who are so into Michael & so admiring of his qualities that they grow a blind spot to anything outside of him. As if he doesn't have faults or errs significantly.

Jackie Jackson said that in Michael's young days "Michael was bad when he was little." He said it with a smile in a joking way but it was honest.

We all see Michael as an angel but at one time Michael was rambunctious. We see the remnant of that part of his personality when he was on stage. The crotch grab anyone?

And here's an example or two for those talking about Michael as nothing but an angel. Sister Janet's nickname is Dunk, right? Who do you think gave her that nickname? Michael. And you know what it was short for? Donkeybutt. He was talking about Janet's big butt as a youngster & even as an adult. Janet's future worry about her weight & looks were probably influenced by this nickname Michael used to call his sister. He used to call LaToya 'Moonface' because of her full round face. Marlon was called 'Liver Lips' by the brothers becuase of his lips. I remember seeing this 1975 home movie of The Jacksons spending Christmas on this ranch with Michael, Randy, & Jermaine all working the camera, you hear Michael refer to Randy as "that big ugly ape".

It looks to me that Michael could dish it out but couldn't take it. He teased his family just as much as they teased him. Exception was when he was on the receiving end, he couldn't take it. It affected his esteem & being in the spotlight added fuel to the fire. And Joe may have teased him to give him a taste of his own medicine. You don't know exactly how that family interacted. We weren't there.

Michael was the only one bold enough to challenge his father when he was young. He reminds me of this little cousin I just visited with today & this weekend over my family reunion. He's got a sassmouth & will sometimes slap you in the face when he's feeling himself & getting rowdy. You see the good in him too but he's just got too much energy & starts really acting up.

Some of y'all need to get acquainted with the animated movie BeBe's Kids to understand this. Some kids don't behave & spanking is not necessarily abuse. If you can discipline your kids without spanking, then good. It shouldn't be overused anyway. But if you think all kids listen to reason, you just haven't dealt with any highly spirited "bad ass" kids.

Joe was right. He worked two jobs. If you don't think Katherine spanked those 9 'spirited' kids in a house no bigger than a 2 car garage, then you're fooling yourself. Now of course Joe's spankings were probably more fearsome as he had the role as disciplinarian. And I wouldn't deny that maybe he took it too far & went all James Evans from Good Times on them. One thing for sure those kids didn't backtalk or badmouth their parents like some kids nowadays do.

Joe's problem was that he didn't show affection. THAT was his problem. He looked like a monster because he didn't outwardly show the love he had for his kids like Katherine. He felt it was the man's role to be hard & stern. If Joe showed a little more affection there would not be an image of him being emotionally abusive. The stance on physical abuse depends on your cultural beliefs & generation of birth.

There are some who live by the Bible's saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child". Some accept this way of life & some don't. A spanking is not necessarily abuse but it's not mandatory for everyone. I got whooped with a switch & a belt too. I'm Black & from the South. I'm not emotionally traumatized or shy & withdrawn. It affects certain people differently. Some Blacks who received this type of discipline choose not to continue the tradition while others do.

In my grandma's day if you acted up, the whole neighborhood gave you spankings depending on who you offended & THEN you got spanked by your parents too. You act up at somebody's house, they would spank you send you home & then your parents will spank you AGAIN. I guarantee you there was a lot more respect for the parents then there is now because of that. Not for the spanking aspect but the community aspect of discipline.

Remember not to be so caught up in Michael to badmouth his family. That's in bad form. If you were truly his fans, you would understand his view on his family & accept it. I never liked when fans ran down family members like that. THOSE are the people who will back you up when nobody else will (a good one anyway). You don't have to agree with all of their decisions but respect Michael's stance on his family. That walling away some of his staff did is the same thing we do when we try to erect walls between Michael's kin & himself.

John Lucas

Thank you so much for this....

I need to PM you.
for those who just can't stand the existence of joe jackson in the jackson family.
What do you want to do? Take him to prison? Have him cut out of the family? Have him isolated on a deserted island away from all humanity?

Remember, as much as we are fans & a "family" for mike, his real family comes first. He's not leaving his kids to any of us. He's leaving them to his family (& one of his motown family in diana ross).

There are some who are so into michael & so admiring of his qualities that they grow a blind spot to anything outside of him. As if he doesn't have faults or errs significantly.

Jackie jackson said that in michael's young days "michael was bad when he was little." he said it with a smile in a joking way but it was honest.

We all see michael as an angel but at one time michael was rambunctious. We see the remnant of that part of his personality when he was on stage. The crotch grab anyone?

And here's an example or two for those talking about michael as nothing but an angel. Sister janet's nickname is dunk, right? Who do you think gave her that nickname? Michael. And you know what it was short for? Donkeybutt. He was talking about janet's big butt as a youngster & even as an adult. Janet's future worry about her weight & looks were probably influenced by this nickname michael used to call his sister. He used to call latoya 'moonface' because of her full round face. Marlon was called 'liver lips' by the brothers becuase of his lips. I remember seeing this 1975 home movie of the jacksons spending christmas on this ranch with michael, randy, & jermaine all working the camera, you hear michael refer to randy as "that big ugly ape".

It looks to me that michael could dish it out but couldn't take it. He teased his family just as much as they teased him. Exception was when he was on the receiving end, he couldn't take it. It affected his esteem & being in the spotlight added fuel to the fire. And joe may have teased him to give him a taste of his own medicine. You don't know exactly how that family interacted. We weren't there.

Michael was the only one bold enough to challenge his father when he was young. He reminds me of this little cousin i just visited with today & this weekend over my family reunion. He's got a sassmouth & will sometimes slap you in the face when he's feeling himself & getting rowdy. You see the good in him too but he's just got too much energy & starts really acting up.

Some of y'all need to get acquainted with the animated movie bebe's kids to understand this. Some kids don't behave & spanking is not necessarily abuse. If you can discipline your kids without spanking, then good. It shouldn't be overused anyway. But if you think all kids listen to reason, you just haven't dealt with any highly spirited "bad ass" kids.

Joe was right. He worked two jobs. If you don't think katherine spanked those 9 'spirited' kids in a house no bigger than a 2 car garage, then you're fooling yourself. Now of course joe's spankings were probably more fearsome as he had the role as disciplinarian. And i wouldn't deny that maybe he took it too far & went all james evans from good times on them. One thing for sure those kids didn't backtalk or badmouth their parents like some kids nowadays do.

Joe's problem was that he didn't show affection. That was his problem. He looked like a monster because he didn't outwardly show the love he had for his kids like katherine. He felt it was the man's role to be hard & stern. If joe showed a little more affection there would not be an image of him being emotionally abusive. The stance on physical abuse depends on your cultural beliefs & generation of birth.

There are some who live by the bible's saying "spare the rod, spoil the child". Some accept this way of life & some don't. A spanking is not necessarily abuse but it's not mandatory for everyone. I got whooped with a switch & a belt too. I'm black & from the south. I'm not emotionally traumatized or shy & withdrawn. It affects certain people differently. Some blacks who received this type of discipline choose not to continue the tradition while others do.

In my grandma's day if you acted up, the whole neighborhood gave you spankings depending on who you offended & then you got spanked by your parents too. You act up at somebody's house, they would spank you send you home & then your parents will spank you again. I guarantee you there was a lot more respect for the parents then there is now because of that. Not for the spanking aspect but the community aspect of discipline.

Remember not to be so caught up in michael to badmouth his family. That's in bad form. If you were truly his fans, you would understand his view on his family & accept it. I never liked when fans ran down family members like that. Those are the people who will back you up when nobody else will (a good one anyway). You don't have to agree with all of their decisions but respect michael's stance on his family. That walling away some of his staff did is the same thing we do when we try to erect walls between michael's kin & himself.

John lucas

I totally agree with Victoria83, Joe went too freaking far with his "dicipline". And I'm still afraid for those kids (Michael's). Maybe, hopefully Joe is calmer nowadays but people like that don't change.

Michael said that he forgave his father in 2000 (Oxford speech) yet in the will he made in 2002 he left Joe out and granted the custody of his children only to his mother. Doesn't look like Michael really forgave Joe. :smilerolleyes:
NEways, I think over the past month we've already seen what kind of man Joe really is, so just let him do what he does and he will destroy himself.
Katherine is old school and I won't knock her defending and staying married to an abusive, womanizing ***. At this time, she's trying to keep the family together in this difficult time, especially for her son's kids. That's the main thing she's really concerned with. Still, the fact that Jackson died with so much unresolved emotional scarring and talked about wanting love from his father but never getting is a testament to the fact that the man wasn't exaggerating.