Katherine Jackson Speaks For First Time Since Michael's Death

ahhhh God truly bless her and keep her strong!!! she is protecting her family, Joe may be banned from the home.(who truly knows) but publicly she would put on a united front. thats the way it is, mj is dead, the kids need her, she dont need to be telling of abuse stories now, she has got too much on her plate.
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Maybe in her mind, Joe was disciplining (sp?) Michael not 'beating'

She comes from an era where that was exactly what it was called. They even hit kids in school in her generation.

Unfortunately, whatever she says about Joe is countered by Joe's big mouth. His promoting his own interests when he was asked about his son's death during the BET tribute did more damage to him than Katherine will ever be able to counter for many.
I wish she would stop covering up for Joe.

Basically makes Michael look like a liar about the beatings. I am someone who always criticized Michael for lying when he does but I don't believe he lied about the beatings. Nobody makes up something like that and nobody turns out the way he did without a reason.

I have no doubts about Joe's nature any more since I have seen him at the BET awards, two days after Michael's death. Or when he went on TV to fuel rumours about Omer being Michael's son. And are we supposed to believe Michael was the liar here, oh c'mon!

I have nothing against Katherine personally but I wish she would stop covering Joe's ass. Basically she already should have done it while Michael and his siblings were kids...

I agree
Well, they can call it whatever they want. It's still abuse. Just cause everyone else is doing it doesn't make it right.

it's not right today, but back then it was different. My dad use to get his butt whipped by the math teacher at school, my husband said he would cop a beating when he misbehaved, at school kids were "caned". NOW we have been educated that corporal punishment isn't the way to go, when joe jackson was the father of young children he did all he knew to keep them in line. Michael did not lie. He probably sees it now as though he was beaten because now it is considered so wrong to lay an hand on a child, but i bet joe (and every other parent...cause they all did it...even teachers) didn't know back then that in the future this sort of discipline would be considered abuse...

in some countries it still continues.

joe sees it that he brought up law abiding, successful young men and women.....and he's right. Now days his ways are frowned upon. But back then it's all he knew, thats why mama doesn't hate him for the past. today it will be different, they are just as elightened as the rest of us.

she's not protecting him, she probably thought it was the right way to bring up kids as well.
I don't care if it was *okay* back then.
Listen to the way Michael talks about his Dad. Every time he said something that Joe might not have liked, he'd quickly look down and away from the camera and say he was sorry and please forgive him for what he said.
That sound like it was *okay*?? Don't f*ckin think so.
I was abused as a child and no one gave a damn. I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here flat footed and listen to Joe.
Thanks for the link.
I actually don't know what to think about this. Yes she is devastated and she seems trying to be strong... Michael always loved her for being so sweet and loving.. I just don't like the fact that all her life, she never told Joe to stop doing what he was doing....
I feel sorry for Michael to have a disfonctionnal family like this.
maybe she views his discipline as whoopings, as she may have gotten as a child and she views beatings as something more destructive and serious - that would leave a person with black eyes, bloody noses, broken bones, bloody lips, etc. Its all about perspective - lots of people think hitting their children with whips or belts is a form of spanking not beating.
For those saying that beatings used to be the normal, that's true but how many people do we know of who were beatened/disciplined in such a way that they regurgitate when they see the person/parent who beat/disciplined them? That's when you know there's a difference between discipline and abuse!

In the Oprah interview Michael said there were times when he would regurgitate when he knew he was going to be seeing his dad and this would happen when he was an adult as well as a child.
Many families are dysfunctional. It's just that his fam's dysfunction is unfortunately right out there on Front Street for everyone to see. THAT is the unfortunate thing.

I'm sure that Katherine knows that Joe abused his children... he also cheated on her, so she's not blind to his indiscretions and behavior. IMO Katherine is trying to be strong for her family and basically not add fuel to the fire. Let's also keep in mind that while she does have custody of MJ's children there is no reason that Debbie couldn't at any time, decide to amend that arrangement for fear or Joe's involvement in their lives, among other reasons DR had for whatever the hell it is she does. Anyway, Katherine is very aware of this I"m sure which might be one of MANY reasons why she's trying to downplay the abuse allegations. I mean let's not kid ourselves here, we ALL know that Joe's handling of his children was a hot mess, but I don't think we should fault Katherine for trying to basically keep family business at home and not out in the streets, at least for those who are or were unaware that Joe was an abusive father.
Everyone knows that I can't stand Joe sometimes when he talks about the business of MJ. However, I will defend him with the whipping thing. Back in the day many parents and familes whipped their kids. My mom did the same with belts and tree branches. Did we see it as abuse? No! We knew if we did wrong we were going to get our butts torn up.lol. We laugh about it to this day.Maybe Michael saw the punishment too hard, but even in the Bashir documentary he said his father was a genius regardless, and I agree. I hate defending Joe, but people need to stop calling him a child abuser. Even Katherine was cited in her book as a believer in whoopings as we call them. Sorry I am with Joe with this one, and I see why Katherine defends him.
I don't care if it was *okay* back then.
Listen to the way Michael talks about his Dad. Every time he said something that Joe might not have liked, he'd quickly look down and away from the camera and say he was sorry and please forgive him for what he said.
That sound like it was *okay*?? Don't f*ckin think so.
I was abused as a child and no one gave a damn. I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here flat footed and listen to Joe.

Thank you. I agree with you totally. The Jacksons can rewrite history however they want, and Michael is not here to refute it. I expect several books to come out glowing with family-values and unity. However, Michael said in his book and in public on several occasions that he was whipped with a belt, with switches from trees, and with cords from irons. He said on the "Bashit" interview that he was thrown against walls and that at one point, he said, his mother screamed, "Joseph, STOP! You're killing him!" He also said he was so scared of Joseph that even as an adult he would have to throw up or he would faint, just if he saw him. That kind of reaction goes far beyond that of someone who has been "disciplined" as a child.

I understand about cultural differences in disciplining children, and differences in eras. I choose to believe Michael on this one. His abuse went far beyond "discipline" or spankings, culture, or "eras." He was badly abused by a father who terrified him. I, for one, choose to believe Michael and not to ever forget what he said. . . his own words. He is the only one I believe.

As I've said before on this board, my allegiance and love was for Michael, and not his family or his staff or anyone who is NOT Michael. I would not have the slightest interest in Joe, Katherine, or the siblings, or the staff and former staff who run their mouths, if it were not for Michael. He was his own person. In my opinion, Joe needs to be quiet to the point of perpetual silence, and stay the HELL away from Michael's children.
she didn't really cover for Joe. she did say "something that happened 39 years ago". she's just saying that he's a good grandfather and that Michael's children can attest to that.
I got news for that family, Joe can't *attest* for anything.
He f*cked Michael up.
Michael raised those children.
Michael disciplined those children.
Michael fed an sheltered those children.
Michael gave them life.
Where the f*ck does Joe come into play? No where.
I want to send her a letter, do someone know her mail address?
I would like to email her as well. Can someone pm me as well her email or any other Jackson. I have some things to say to them.
It's funny (strange) that many of you think you love Michael and always in his best interest much more than his own parents. While I don't support beatings, My parent beat me when I was younger too. Sometimes I want to speak about it with an unhappy mood, but it doesn't mean that they were never in my best interest or they are simply dark animals. Most Black people know they have to go to the extra miles to give their kids the push to be successful and being strict parent is part of it. I'll leave it as is so I don't sound like a racist. The much older and some reasonable few members have better understanding.
In the Jacksons movie they address the beatings. Now, beatings have a different meaning. He "whipped" his boys but by thier definition he did not beat them. Remember, this was the 70's b4 the days of reported child abuse. A Lot of kids were whipped with belts, extention cords, or the branches from trees

The extent and reason of the beatings can be different. To me it's OK to whip a child if he does something really, really bad. It happened to me once or twice in my childhood, I don't have any negative effects from it. However beat your children FREQUENTLY on things like making a bad dance move or sing a bad note is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, no matter how some of you try to justify it!

Look at the end result! Look at how unhappy Michael was all his life! Do you think it was worth? I personally would have rather had Michael a little less of a star but a much happier man. And I am a fan. His parents priority should have been that he turns out to be a happy, healthy man, not a wounded superstar!

And I don't think he would have turned out to be this hurt and wounded if it was just a little "whipping". It was a lot more serious than that, it's simply too obvious from his behaviour and life.
I think most of you are misreading what she says. To me, it sounds like she was refuting that Joe was in any way a danger to the grandchildren now, and in part addressing the reports that surfaced supposedly from Debbie saying she was concerned about Joe being with the kids. Which is ludicrious, as much as Joe has his faults, I dont believe he is a danger to Michaels kids.

Instead, this thread has gone off on a tangent about Michael being abused when I dont believe that was the intended line of questioning on the interview.
I think most of you are misreading what she says. To me, it sounds like she was refuting that Joe was in any way a danger to the grandchildren now, and in part addressing the reports that surfaced supposedly from Debbie saying she was concerned about Joe being with the kids. Which is ludicrious, as much as Joe has his faults, I dont believe he is a danger to Michaels kids.

Instead, this thread has gone off on a tangent about Michael being abused when I dont believe that was the intended line of questioning on the interview.
Actually, that's correct. What she says is to emphasise that Joe poses no threat to the children today. And I believe this is true. I think we're reading too much into her comments.
I remember reading years ago Ebony or Jet magazine ask Janet have her father ever abuse her or her sibling she said "NOPE".
I remember reading years ago Ebony or Jet magazine ask Janet have her father ever abuse her or her sibling she said "NOPE".

So Michael made it up all? He made it up so well that even he believed in it and that's why he turned out the way he did? So it was just all on his mind?

But then Jermaine too made the same thing up, because he produced "Jacksons: An American Dream" where the beatings are well documented too....

Maybe by the time Janet could understand things Joe didn't beat the kids that frequently or he did when they were away from home, on tour, where the girls weren't with them. Or Janet is just covering her father like Katherine does.
Bless her.

Lord knows why she sticks up for her monster husband, but in the circumstances.... :-/
Well sign me out for whatever sickness Michael had that made him make up those beating. No one believed me either.
Damn we must have an over active imagination.

Yeah, I can understand how horrible it must be to be abused and then, on the top of that, not to be believed about it.
Hell I believe him. As a African American woman I've seen family members beat their children, that's just what we did back then and I'm not even gonna get in to my theories of the history behind it. However, I do feel that Joe might have - no I'm SURE he did - take it to another level which MJ and maybe some of his other siblings felt was abuse. I think it's just a matter of perception. Joe didn't think he abused his kids, MJ did. That's it in a nutshell. Arguing about crazy ass Joe ain't gonna make him change his mind about it.
So black people abuse their kids? Joe #@#@$ his son up emotionally and physically, not just with his fists but with his mouth and all the name calling. Words hurt too.