Katherine Jackson Speaks For First Time Since Michael's Death

Everyone knows there was abuse in the past. The Jacksons - An american dream, Living With MJ, Moonwalker (if that was the book...)... No need to deny ofcourse, the reason why she denies it is because it WOULD be inapropriate for her to come out and say such things when she has 3 grandchildren to look after NOW. What good comes out of telling the world Joe was an abuser and have Paris, Prince and Blanket hear their grandmums statements and add more fuel to the fire? No need to scare the kids!!! I believe in my heart Joe is good to them. No need to bring up pasts.

Im not trying to defend no body here, but I dont see any reason why Katherine needs to ''admit'' there was abuse going on. Because it was a LONG long time ago..

but she doesnt need to ring up to categorically deny it. that seems like the whole purpose of the phonecall... to defend joe

i know how much MJ and his mum adore each other... all i'm saying is that shes seems to be being controlled by joe.

You know what, I think Michael said it best himself: *Everyone thinks the Jackson family, "Oh they're so tight, tight my ass"*

wheres this from?

You 'fans' need to get over yourselves.

God bless his FAMILY

what? like someone said earlier.. if it wasnt for MJ.. i dont have the slightest interest in his family. i dont automatically "love and defend" them all. Michael said he loved and forgave his dad "cos he wanted a dad, and he's the only one he's got"... well , he's not our dad!
Good bless Mrs. Jackson. I send her all my love ans support. I think it must be very dificult to take care of 3 kids while you are in such pain. Anyway, too all the people talking baddly about Joseph, just to let you know Michael forgive him and love him, and he said that him self.
I think we should stop judging him, since we are no one to judge nobody and because that is what Michael wanted:

Min 6:33


Love you Michael!
So black people abuse their kids? Joe #@#@$ his son up emotionally and physically, not just with his fists but with his mouth and all the name calling. Words hurt too.

Nope. PEOPLE abuse their children. Black. White. Whatever. I was just speaking from MY point of view since the subject of African American families came up earlier... Since MJ was member of an African American family it was thrown out there as a reason for Joe's treatment of his kids. It is a difficult thing to explain, and it's not something I can really type about it would take me forever.....
but she doesnt need to ring up to categorically deny it. that seems like the whole purpose of the phonecall... to defend joe

i know how much MJ and his mum adore each other... all i'm saying is that shes seems to be being controlled by joe.

wheres this from?

what? like someone said earlier.. if it wasnt for MJ.. i dont have the slightest interest in his family. i dont automatically "love and defend" them all. Michael said he loved and forgave his dad "cos he wanted a dad, and he's the only one he's got"... well , he's not our dad!

WTF, Did you even watch the clip????

This thread is full of ridiculous accusations and bashing of Joe and Katie that had NOTHING to do with the actual interview that took place.

Some of you just invent drama when there is none.
it's not right today, but back then it was different. My dad use to get his butt whipped by the math teacher at school, my husband said he would cop a beating when he misbehaved, at school kids were "caned". NOW we have been educated that corporal punishment isn't the way to go, when joe jackson was the father of young children he did all he knew to keep them in line. Michael did not lie. He probably sees it now as though he was beaten because now it is considered so wrong to lay an hand on a child, but i bet joe (and every other parent...cause they all did it...even teachers) didn't know back then that in the future this sort of discipline would be considered abuse...

in some countries it still continues.

joe sees it that he brought up law abiding, successful young men and women.....and he's right. Now days his ways are frowned upon. But back then it's all he knew, thats why mama doesn't hate him for the past. today it will be different, they are just as elightened as the rest of us.

she's not protecting him, she probably thought it was the right way to bring up kids as well.

Exactly. At the time, it was how children were discipline. We now know the devastating effects of it, but it wasn't considered abuse then.
Sorry as much as Joe gets on my nerves, he can't be blamed for all of Michael's problems. Michael has to take responsibility for some of the bad things he did to others and to himself. Now I love him, but I know to love someone you have to realize they have faults too. Other members of the Jackson family was able to have healthy relationships, so I think it is wrong to blame Joe for all of Michael's problems. People need to stop making such a big deal about their relationship because no one knows but them. It was obvious they were on speaking terms when Michael passed, so people just need to stop putting Joe down in that aspect. No one knows what is going on in the Jackson household but them.If Katherine or other family members don't hold a grudge, who are we? It is getting ridiculous.
Sorry as much as Joe gets on my nerves, he can't be blamed for all of Michael's problems. Michael has to take responsibility for some of the bad things he did to others and to himself. Now I love him, but I know to love someone you have to realize they have faults too. Other members of the Jackson family was able to have healthy relationships, so I think it is wrong to blame Joe for all of Michael's problems. People need to stop making such a big deal about their relationship because no one knows but them. It was obvious they were on speaking terms when Michael passed, so people just need to stop putting Joe down in that aspect. No one knows what is going on in the Jackson household but them.If Katherine or other family members don't hold a grudge, who are we? It is getting ridiculous.

you are saying no one knows about Michael and Joseph's relationship, yet you are four square sure of bad things Michael did to himself and others. you don't know Michael, either. so you don't know what Michael 'did'.

i'm not blasting Joseph. and i also know not to blast Michael, because i know neither of them. and neither do you.
Hell I believe him. As a African American woman I've seen family members beat their children, that's just what we did back then and I'm not even gonna get in to my theories of the history behind it. However, I do feel that Joe might have - no I'm SURE he did - take it to another level which MJ and maybe some of his other siblings felt was abuse. I think it's just a matter of perception. Joe didn't think he abused his kids, MJ did. That's it in a nutshell. Arguing about crazy ass Joe ain't gonna make him change his mind about it.

So black people abuse their kids? Joe #@#@$ his son up emotionally and physically, not just with his fists but with his mouth and all the name calling. Words hurt too.

heartbreak hotel is not saying that black people abuse their kids i know of other ethnic group that also discipline their children physically, now OU8 etc you may see it as abuse, but for most of us that got disciplined physically we only got that physical discipline when we are really bad. now i am not going to defend what joe did to mj because he took it to the extreme, which i see as abuse.
i got disciplined verbally and physically, i only got a physical discipline, if i was really really naughty after 2 warnings. and that was very rare.

what joe did was wrong, but then again if he did not push his kids, to become great, we wont even be having this talk. would mj be what he was today, or some random guy living in Indiana, would we be listening to a large collection of timeless music? let me stress i am not justifying Joe's actions I am just saying.........
The extent and reason of the beatings can be different. To me it's OK to whip a child if he does something really, really bad. It happened to me once or twice in my childhood, I don't have any negative effects from it. However beat your children FREQUENTLY on things like making a bad dance move or sing a bad note is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, no matter how some of you try to justify it!

Look at the end result! Look at how unhappy Michael was all his life! Do you think it was worth? I personally would have rather had Michael a little less of a star but a much happier man. And I am a fan. His parents priority should have been that he turns out to be a happy, healthy man, not a wounded superstar!

And I don't think he would have turned out to be this hurt and wounded if it was just a little "whipping". It was a lot more serious than that, it's simply too obvious from his behaviour and life.
I do in any way want defend Joseph because beating him was absolutely wrong. But I think it was a number of thing that made him unhappy really. His childhood´, he was beaten by his father (according to the book Moonwalk he was beaten more that all of his sblings put together, that is what he says). And then if you consider how he reacted to his problems with acne as a teenager just imagine the reacten when he was diagnosed with both Lupus and then Vitiligo at the age of 25 maybe. It is not strange that he couldn´t take that and that I believe made him even more isolated. Many people who has gotten vitiligo isolated themsalf for a long time (according to what I have read in forums etc) and he had his fame on top of that.
Sorry as much as Joe gets on my nerves, he can't be blamed for all of Michael's problems. Michael has to take responsibility for some of the bad things he did to others and to himself. Now I love him, but I know to love someone you have to realize they have faults too. Other members of the Jackson family was able to have healthy relationships, so I think it is wrong to blame Joe for all of Michael's problems. People need to stop making such a big deal about their relationship because no one knows but them. It was obvious they were on speaking terms when Michael passed, so people just need to stop putting Joe down in that aspect. No one knows what is going on in the Jackson household but them.If Katherine or other family members don't hold a grudge, who are we? It is getting ridiculous.

Nobody says Michael was not partly responsible for his own problems. But just because his brothers reacted to the abuse in a different way than Michael did, doesn't mean they weren't affected. Randy, for example, was found guilty for abusing his wife in 1991. Wonder where did he learn that from....

Michael said it to Glenda in the phone convos that, when angry, most people turn it on other people, while he turned it on himself. It's just a different way of reacting to things, because he had a more sensitive personality. With a little less sensitive personality he might have been "just" a wife cheater or abuser, like some of his brothers.....
WTF, Did you even watch the clip????


ill ask you thing same thing

what do you think the purpose was to this interview then? cos that ladies in mourning for her son and i really doubt she just wanted a casual chat with a reporter...
therefore... that interview had a purpose

and the purpose was to defend joe

thats my opinion
Nobody says Michael was not partly responsible for his own problems. But just because his brothers reacted to the abuse in a different way than Michael did, doesn't mean they weren't affected. Randy, for example, was found guilty for abusing his wife in 1991. Wonder where did he learn that from....

Michael said it to Glenda in the phone convos that, when angry, most people turn it on other people, while he turned it on himself. It's just a different way of reacting to things, because he had a more sensitive personality. With a little less sensitive personality he might have been "just" a wife cheater or abuser, like some of his brothers.....

very interesting thoughts

what joe did was wrong, but then again if he did not push his kids, to become great, we wont even be having this talk. would mj be what he was today, or some random guy living in Indiana, would we be listening to a large collection of timeless music?

You know what? If Michael would be a happy, healthy man instead, I could take it. Someone's life and happiness is a lot more important than a career as far as I am concerned.
I think MJ was more emotionally/verbally abused than physically abused by Joe.
Emotional abuse is more damaging than just normal beating and whipping for disciplinary purpose.
NOTE: Joe Jackson did not have to emotionally abuse MJ by calling him big nose or that he's so black to make him Michael Jackson! Joe Jackson did not have to tell MJ 'he should sleep around with woman like his brothers did!' which is against MJ's religious ideal to make him what he was today!
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"All I know is that my son is dead"....


Whe Katherine said that, it made me mad about Michael dying all over again. I'm too sensitive I guess. But this man should still be here walking around and smiling that great smile of his. He should not be laying in a casket. It's not fair.
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You know what? If Michael would be a happy, healthy man instead, I could take it. Someone's life and happiness is a lot more important than a career as far as I am concerned.
I think we forget a bit of the picture and that is that either way he would still have both Lupus and Vitiligo ( it was once again conformed by Arnold klien) so there is no way he would be like that photoshoped picture that the media sometimes print.
ill ask you thing same thing

what do you think the purpose was to this interview then? cos that ladies in mourning for her son and i really doubt she just wanted a casual chat with a reporter...
therefore... that interview had a purpose

and the purpose was to defend joe

thats my opinion

Quite clearly, the interview had a purpose to cover more than what was aired.

LISTEN to the questions being put to her, none of them pertain to Joe and Michaels relationship. She isnt excusing or defending Joe over any of his actions relating to Michael, yet this thread is intent on flying off the handle, bashing them both for matters not even asked about!

Whether abuse took place within the family really is none of anyones business. I'll let all you "experts" get on with it.
I think we forget a bit of the picture and that is that either way he would still have both Lupus and Vitiligo ( it was once again conformed by Arnold klien) so there is no way he would be like that photoshoped picture that the media sometimes print.

Autoimmune diseases (both vitiligo and lupus are that) have a bigger chance to develope in people who were abused as children...

But even if they would have developed in Michael despite of not being abused, I think he would have dealt with them better if his father hadn't mocked him as ugly when he was younger.
Autoimmune diseases (both vitiligo and lupus are that) have a bigger chance to develope in people who were abused as children...

But even if they would have developed in Michael despite of not being abused, I think he would have dealt with them better if his father hadn't mocked him as ugly when he was younger.
Yes, you are probably right about that...
I don't understand some of the replies either. She didn't actually deny what Michael said about the beatings, she said that people are arguing over something that happened 39 years ago and that he's a good grandfather.
Seriously now - is there anyone who TRULY thinks Joe could beat his grandkids? :huh: At his age with SO many people around them to protect them? :blink:
He ain't the "big man" in the family anymore...

I think Katherine was trying to maintain the image of a united family, the same image we saw during the trial. I, for one, applaud her for that.

On the other hand, I'm not sure why the interview took place either.....maybe to throw in some good words after Joe's big mess-up ? :scratch:
Love her and all but that was a pointless interview. What statements? She did not have to state anything, who gives a crap about rumours. I dont. ''I know sweetheart..'' Sorry, I love Geraldo, he's cool.. But that comment was so unnecessary... He does NOT know how they feel! Pointless interview.. Its only been a month.. Why ask questions she cannot answer.

I thought her portion wasn't recorded because she did not want to go on record at this time.
In the Jacksons movie they address the beatings. Now, beatings have a different meaning. He "whipped" his boys but by thier definition he did not beat them. Remember, this was the 70's b4 the days of reported child abuse. A Lot of kids were whipped with belts, extention cords, or the branches from trees

Doesn't mean it hurts any less. Just means there was a lot of abuse that was not regulated.
This thing with Joe is a generational thing. Times were different back then. And Joe is right about the teachers in the schools because I was a kid back in the sixties and I can remember getting my hands beaten with a ruler by the teacher! It was acceptable back then for any adult to discipline children that were in their custody.

But something else is going on here. Children in the same family can interpret things differently. Jermaine says his father didn't abuse them. But Michael said he did. Michael was a very sensitive child and I think that to him, it was abuse. No matter what Jermaine says. I believe my mom abused me....in fact, I know she did. But my mom denies it and my brother denies it. Well, he didn't "get it" like I did from my mom. So of course he, just like Jermaine, would say that my mom didn't abuse us. But to me, she did. So I don't believe that Michael is lying at all. Joe was a strict disciplinarian and he needs to start taking responsibility for how his actions affected Michael.
This thing with Joe is a generational thing. Times were different back then. And Joe is right about the teachers in the schools because I was a kid back in the sixties and I can remember getting my hands beaten with a ruler by the teacher! It was acceptable back then for any adult to discipline children that were in their custody.

But something else is going on here. Children in the same family can interpret things differently. Jermaine says his father didn't abuse them. But Michael said he did. Michael was a very sensitive child and I think that to him, it was abuse. No matter what Jermaine says. I believe my mom abused me....in fact, I know she did. But my mom denies it and my brother denies it. Well, he didn't "get it" like I did from my mom. So of course he, just like Jermaine, would say that my mom didn't abuse us. But to me, she did. So I don't believe that Michael is lying at all. Joe was a strict disciplinarian and he needs to start taking responsibility for how his actions affected Michael.

I agree with this too.

Back in the day, if you didn't do right, you got a spanking. Sometimes you were supposed to go outside and break your own branch to get spanked with! My older brother thinks my dad was really harsh on him and lenient on me, but the way I saw it, my brother was a hothead and did a lot of stuff that warranted a punishment, whereas I didn't feel the need to do anything because my brother did most of the bad things....I actually felt bad for my parents and therefore became the "good" kid.

I'm not saying MJ was a bad kid, just that the I agree with the previous poster that you can be in the same household and have different views. I still believe the Jacksons were a pretty normal household, even with all the allegations we've heard over the years. Boy, if MY walls could talk! -_-
This thing with Joe is a generational thing. Times were different back then. And Joe is right about the teachers in the schools because I was a kid back in the sixties and I can remember getting my hands beaten with a ruler by the teacher! It was acceptable back then for any adult to discipline children that were in their custody.

But something else is going on here. Children in the same family can interpret things differently. Jermaine says his father didn't abuse them. But Michael said he did. Michael was a very sensitive child and I think that to him, it was abuse. No matter what Jermaine says. I believe my mom abused me....in fact, I know she did. But my mom denies it and my brother denies it. Well, he didn't "get it" like I did from my mom. So of course he, just like Jermaine, would say that my mom didn't abuse us. But to me, she did. So I don't believe that Michael is lying at all. Joe was a strict disciplinarian and he needs to start taking responsibility for how his actions affected Michael.
Basically makes Michael look like a liar about the beatings

Basically she already should have done it while Michael and his siblings were kids...
sadly you're so right!

not to forget, Joe himself said about two weeks ago KATHERINE has beaten Michael more often than he, 'cause she was at home much more. May be that's true? And that's the reason why she backs Joe?