Katherine Jackson Speaks For First Time Since Michael's Death

This thing with Joe is a generational thing. Times were different back then. And Joe is right about the teachers in the schools because I was a kid back in the sixties and I can remember getting my hands beaten with a ruler by the teacher! It was acceptable back then for any adult to discipline children that were in their custody.

But something else is going on here. Children in the same family can interpret things differently. Jermaine says his father didn't abuse them. But Michael said he did. Michael was a very sensitive child and I think that to him, it was abuse. No matter what Jermaine says. I believe my mom abused me....in fact, I know she did. But my mom denies it and my brother denies it. Well, he didn't "get it" like I did from my mom. So of course he, just like Jermaine, would say that my mom didn't abuse us. But to me, she did. So I don't believe that Michael is lying at all. Joe was a strict disciplinarian and he needs to start taking responsibility for how his actions affected Michael.

This is so true. I too can relate to that.
You 'fans' need to get over yourselves.

God bless his FAMILY
I couldn't agree more. I would say more but I'm tired of always trying to say something to defend MJ's FAMILY so I'll just say his family is in my prayers and walk out of this 'diss'cussion.

P.S. It was nice to hear Katherine speak, I think I'll write the family a letter, now I'm leaving
Thanks much for posting this. :( She sounds so devastated but she is so strong, I'm glad too she has the children. Hopefully things will work out with the family.
This thing with Joe is a generational thing. Times were different back then. And Joe is right about the teachers in the schools because I was a kid back in the sixties and I can remember getting my hands beaten with a ruler by the teacher! It was acceptable back then for any adult to discipline children that were in their custody.

But something else is going on here. Children in the same family can interpret things differently. Jermaine says his father didn't abuse them. But Michael said he did. Michael was a very sensitive child and I think that to him, it was abuse. No matter what Jermaine says. I believe my mom abused me....in fact, I know she did. But my mom denies it and my brother denies it. Well, he didn't "get it" like I did from my mom. So of course he, just like Jermaine, would say that my mom didn't abuse us. But to me, she did. So I don't believe that Michael is lying at all. Joe was a strict disciplinarian and he needs to start taking responsibility for how his actions affected Michael.

Agree. When i was little, my mother abused me, too. She used to beat me with whatever happened to be near. She hit me even when i became 15, 16 which believe me can be vry frustrating for a teenager. And don`t get me wrong - i wasn`t bad. It was just that these were very hard times, i understand her partly. When i got old, once i told her that the only thing i will never forgive her were these beatings. Until that moment she had never realised how this affected me. She considered it normal. Just like Joe does. And Jermaine obviously.As for me - i firmly believe Michael was abused. This is not the right way for disciplining children, no matter who says what. I cannot approve it, i cannot accept it. It is fact that children who were abused in this "normal" way grow up to be shy and introvert. The saddest thing is that even now, in the 21 century, there are parents who still use these methods and moreover, their children are taught this is right. So, it is a never ending sad story.
Agree. When i was little, my mother abused me, too. She used to beat me with whatever happened to be near. She hit me even when i became 15, 16 which believe me can be vry frustrating for a teenager. And don`t get me wrong - i wasn`t bad. It was just that these were very hard times, i understand her partly. When i got old, once i told her that the only thing i will never forgive her were these beatings. Until that moment she had never realised how this affected me. She considered it normal. Just like Joe does. And Jermaine obviously.As for me - i firmly believe Michael was abused. This is not the right way for disciplining children, no matter who says what. I cannot approve it, i cannot accept it. It is fact that children who were abused in this "normal" way grow up to be shy and introvert. The saddest thing is that even now, in the 21 century, there are parents who still use these methods and moreover, their children are taught this is right. So, it is a never ending sad story.

Just because you see it as abuse to , others may not. I don't see spankings to discipline as abuse. However, physically punching and whatever is. There is a difference.It is a matter of perception.It is an opinion. MJ loved his father and had a relationship with him. He said he moved on from it and his fans should also.
Interesting conversation, but. . . . .

I believe only Michael's own words. I believe them totally, and do not really CARE what family members have to say. Michael said he was thrown against a wall. He said his mother yelled, "Joseph, STOP! You're killing him." (Michael said this in the "Bashit" docu). That level of abuse transcends any generational, cultural, or family standards of "discipline." "Throwing against a wall" qualifies as abuse in any language, any era. That is not Michael's being just "sensitive." This is not a difference in "perception," and it's not about "spankings." I believe Michael, and I'm not sure why some of you do not.

For a child to be "thrown against a wall" is unacceptable. Period. Add to that the Michael SAID he was so scared that he would faint, as an adult, in Joseph's presence. Again, I believe his words. I cannnot imagine why this is even being debated. If it is a condition of custody that Joseph have no contact with those children, then GOOD. Anything else is too great a risk, given the history, according to MICHAEL.

carry on,

I wish she would stop covering up for Joe.

Basically makes Michael look like a liar about the beatings. I am someone who always criticized Michael for lying when he does but I don't believe he lied about the beatings. Nobody makes up something like that and nobody turns out the way he did without a reason.

I have no doubts about Joe's nature any more since I have seen him at the BET awards, two days after Michael's death. Or when he went on TV to fuel rumours about Over being Michael's son. And are we supposed to believe Michael was the liar here, oh c'mon!

I have nothing against Katherine personally but I wish she would stop covering Joe's ass. Basically she already should have done it while Michael and his siblings were kids...

I understand you respect77 however, there is an investigation going on. There is already enough that Katherine is dealing with, why should she go public now and diss Joe? It's not the time for it. She has enough on her shoulders. I'm sure she kicks him in his groin when out of public view... so let's just ride with this for now so that Michael, the kids and us fans can get the justice that we all need to give us piece of mind.
I just think that everyone could have problems with parents, and feel hurt at times, but that doesn't mean that you don't love your parents. Joe is his father, and all of his kids became so rich beacause of Joe pushing them. I just feel he always wanted the best for his boys, he wanted for them what he never had. That's why I think Katherine supports him, she knows his heart better than we do.
How could anyone believe that Katherine beat him more than Joe?

Have any of you heard/seen the way Michael speaks/treats his mother? She was like a goddess to him! :blink: He loved her madly and NEVER spoke a bad word about her!!!
Do you think that would have been the case had she beaten him more than Joe?

I believe Michael not only because I trust him and know he'd have no reason whatsoever to lie - but also because I've noticed the way he treated his dad. He didn't enjoy being around him, crystal clear if you ask me. You don't feel hate (even if he's forgiven him) towards a man who never hurt you. And to hear Michael say he hated ANYONE - well, knowing his heart, that someone must have been a truly awful person :blink:
Just because you see it as abuse to , others may not. I don't see spankings to discipline as abuse. However, physically punching and whatever is. There is a difference.It is a matter of perception.It is an opinion. MJ loved his father and had a relationship with him. He said he moved on from it and his fans should also.

I love my mother very much. My relationship with my mather after i moved out became deeper and so intense. Unlike before. But that does not mean i justify her methods for disciplinig me. I think i could do better without them. Yes, everybody has an opinion and mine is that kids shoud not be spanked. There are much more successfull methods to explain something to a child. I am sorry. I just hate seeing it.
I love my mother very much. My relationship with my mather after i moved out became deeper and so intense. Unlike before. But that does not mean i justify her methods for disciplinig me. I think i could do better without them. Yes, everybody has an opinion and mine is that kids shoud not be spanked. There are much more successfull methods to explain something to a child. I am sorry. I just hate seeing it.

That is okay, but Joe shouldn't be called a monster or whatever because he felt he did nothing wrong.

Michael never said he hated his dad. He said the beating got to him, but every time he said he loved his dad too. He also said he got a lot of qualities from his dad, and they got along better. In addition, Joe was one of the last family members to see MJ alive in June. That doesn't spell hate to me.
You're right... It's easier said than done though... I have read so many accounts of women, some of them almost beaten to death, that keep coming back to their husbands. They cannot escape it. Being controlled is a very powerful thing, you'll do as you're told without questions. It even looks normal to you.

Esp during that time period. I know my mother and father had rocky times...some more so than others, yet she couldn't go anywhere. The 60's and 70's were a time when if you talked about abuse, you where shunned for it, it was almost your fault. Women had very little education adn ways to turn. The men literally did wear the pants in the family.

Thank God things have changed. However, I know that Katherine did what she could do, with what she was given. Bless her for standing by her childern. I know she wanted to defend at tiems, yet it was hard. Her situation was different. We can't sit here and judge for what we didn't witness.
Interesting conversation, but. . . . .

I believe only Michael's own words. I believe them totally, and do not really CARE what family members have to say. Michael said he was thrown against a wall. He said his mother yelled, "Joseph, STOP! You're killing him." (Michael said this in the "Bashit" docu). That level of abuse transcends any generational, cultural, or family standards of "discipline." "Throwing against a wall" qualifies as abuse in any language, any era. That is not Michael's being just "sensitive." This is not a difference in "perception," and it's not about "spankings." I believe Michael, and I'm not sure why some of you do not.

For a child to be "thrown against a wall" is unacceptable. Period. Add to that the Michael SAID he was so scared that he would faint, as an adult, in Joseph's presence. Again, I believe his words. I cannnot imagine why this is even being debated. If it is a condition of custody that Joseph have no contact with those children, then GOOD. Anything else is too great a risk, given the history, according to MICHAEL.

carry on,


Thank you thank you thank you!!!
That is okay, but Joe shouldn't be called a monster or whatever because he felt he did nothing wrong.

Michael never said he hated his dad. He said the beating got to him, but every time he said he loved his dad too. He also said he got a lot of qualities from his dad, and they got along better. In addition, Joe was one of the last family members to see MJ alive in June. That doesn't spell hate to me.

Again, i agree. I cannot tell Joe is a monster. Absolutely no. But seeing his appearances after MJ`s death i cannot tell anything good for him, either. Sorry, this is not a normal reaction of a father to his son`s passing according to my personal views. I am sure Michael loved his father and was thankful of what Joe has given him, but that does not mean he enjoyed his time around his father as a child. I think his relationship with Joe became true when Michael grew up and realised some things. As we all do, it is a natural process. Perhaps he knew that what his father did to him was just what he thought was best for his son judging from his own view of life. Michael could not blame him, nor could he hold any bad feeling for him. But he did not like, did not approve of and did not accept his father`s ways of bringing a child. That is why Michael said he will never be like Joe to his children. Now we all hear the same thing - Michael was such a great father. His children are so well bred. So, humans can go without spank, right? Judging from Michael`s story it is even better not to spank, right? I respect him so deeply about his attitude towards fatherhood. Despite all the nasty things happening to him, he never let his nervousness, his troubles to prevail in his relation with children. Many people are not able to stand the pressure of life distresses and inevitably their children suffer from that.

Anyway, this is a thread about Catherine, not Joe and for her i only hold admiration and respect.
wow, we think we have a hard time with michaels passing.. we can just imagine what she's going through right now :( i really admire katherine, she is so strong, and we all love her.
yes Ms Jackson is a strong women the pain must be very deep and hard as a Mother i can only imagine how she must feel

Michael was very blessed with her as his Mom...
"all i know is my son is dead" god that was painful,love u katherine god bless u and the kids
Poor Kathy. I know she is suffering daily perhaps made worse by the media. I know she has stuff she wants to say too but can't somebody tell her Geraldo is not the person to talk to?? Neither is the Sun or TMZ etc. I know reporters may misrepresent themsleves as other than tabloid but they need to be wiser about these things.
I am so happy she has the kids now, just hope Joe leaves them go up out of the limelight like Michael was doing throughout their life's.

Also we all know Joe did beat his kids, MJ said it and also it came up in Jackson's An American Dream. That film was produces by Jermaine's ex, and him.
I am so happy she has the kids now
I am too. Everybody's saying that this is best for the kids, and of course it is. But it's best for Katherine also. Not only will she give a lot of love to those kids, she will also get an equal amount of love back from them. Knowing that she will be able to do what Michael wanted her to do - taking care of his kids must be a big comfort to her.
God bless Mrs. Jackson and the children. Mrs. Jackson is a strong woman and she'll do whatever it takes to protect Michael's children and raise them right. I firmly believe that. She's always protected her family and I don't expect her to ever stop.

As for Joe. . . all I know is that Michael stated in his Oxford Speech in 2001 that looking back, he understood why his father did what he did. That he realized that his father had always loved him, just had a different way of showing it. Michael wanted to forgive his father, shed the past and have a new relationship with his father because that was the only father he was ever going to have. It sounded like he was trying to make peace with the past and his father and I hope that he really did that. So if Michael let go of his grudges against his father, then why can't his fans?
The speech Michael made in Oxford is brilliant, and to me it shows how far he has come in understanding the past, and understanding his father and their relationship. But forgiving and understanding does not mean to forget, and even if he knew why his father acted like he did, and see that there is also love between them as father and son that does not mean that his father has changed. Michael may have reached a deeper understanding of his heritage, and where he came from and how it has affected him. But as long as Joe does not change, it may mean that he was kept at an arms length at times.
One can forgive and love people, but still keep ones distance because you know them and understand them- and you know you some times need to shield yourself from them..............
I don`t think its ok to disrespect Joe. As none should judge another person without knowing them.

But I am glad that Katherine is the one who is the caregiver.
You fans need to stay out of the Jackson's private business that man is her husband the son that got the abuse said he forgave him many times. Give it a rest.

Sometimes I feel that these fans killed Michael by their demanding ways. Mike was not doin those 50 shows mainly for him it was for us the fans.

I recall coming on this board couple of months before he died, and all the majority of the fan was talking about is where the new album. Never considering that maybe he might not want it. Some even declared that the were givin up on him cause the album wasn't coming fast enough.

Yeah Joe may of whopped MJ he did it to the others to they were better able to cope than Michael. Michael allowed things to affect him differently. This man is Katherine husband she love the man we weren't there we do not know the whole story.

You fans need to give this Joe thing a rest.
Thanks for the link.
I actually don't know what to think about this. Yes she is devastated and she seems trying to be strong... Michael always loved her for being so sweet and loving.. I just don't like the fact that all her life, she never told Joe to stop doing what he was doing....
I feel sorry for Michael to have a disfonctionnal family like this.
How would you know that?
From what I've heard, one of the special things about Katherine is that she was not afraid to stand up to Joe when it really mattered. She may be soft-spoken but is no pushover.
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Oh that just hurt my heart to hear her say, that even though it's been a month it feels like it happened yesterday. I feel the same way.. God bless her..