Justice For Michael Demo's / Fans demand Justice

Re: What else can I do?

I am always in admiration of the U.K fans I truly love you all. You have shown your loyalty to Michael ten fold. I would just say, keep up with what you are doing, and if you hear of any rallies going on around your area, try to attend and get as many ppl to be there as possible. The public needs to see how we care about Michael and how we want justice for him. I just wish I lived over there!:clapping:

I 'm in the same boat :hug:
Re: What else can I do?

Joining the justice for MJ groups on Facebook is one place to start as they will give you details of all the justice for MJ events.
Re: Justice for Michael demo London 12 June

I'll be there. I don't have Facebook but I'll just show up on the day.
Re: Justice for Michael demo London 12 June

I'll be there. Is anything being organised for the Monday?
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Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

I'm gonna be much stronger at the next event. Still have many regrets that I didn't stay longer at the embassy :weeping:
Re: Justice for Michael demo London 12 June

I'll be making sure I'm there. If work moan they can shove it, this is way more important. I've missed too many events because of it.
Irish Flag/banner heading to LA for the display at the court

hey everyone, the Irish flag /banner in my avatar is a banner which I made for the London Justice4Michael demos last weekend. In the next few weeks I will be sending it to an LA fan who goes to all the court appearance. She will bring it with her to the next court appearance on June 14, for all of us Irish fans who cant be there
Re: What else can I do?

I know what you mean, I've got exams when the trial begins and so I can't attend any rallies in London.
I feel so helpless
Russian fans demand justice for Michael

Hi guys!

I want to show you the flag I am going to take to LA next week so that it will represent Russian fans during the trials. The friends from Justice4MichaelJackson.com gave me a picture and I had it printed. I also collected signatures from people all over the country who can't sign the flag themselves. I wrote their names on the flag (almost 150 people!!!) and today I am taking the flag to our Michael place in Moscow where the local fans can sign it.

Here's a photo of a flag without signatures.

Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

It looks so great!

You've done a good job, JMie :flowers:
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

Hey the flag looks great.....the dutchies had made a flag too.....here it is

Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

Looks great, I wish I could go to LA with one...has anyone from the UK made one that I can put my name on ??
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

I could maybe make one, But I can't get to LA... Maybe I could send it to someone who is going ?
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

High-five to the Russian fans!
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

Looks great, I wish I could go to LA with one...has anyone from the UK made one that I can put my name on ??

Yes somebody in the UK is doing a flag just like that...The person who's doing the UK flag will be going to LA in june and take the flag with her. At this moment I'm still waiting on when and where the UK flag can be signed...as soon as i know this i will post this on our website.

You can check over here ( http://www.justice4michaeljackson.com/fanact_0006.php ) wich countries are also involved in getting their flags. Some of the flags are already in LA but most of them will be sent to LA in june.
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

I can ask the same question, raz *g*

Has anyone from Germany made one that I can put my name on ?
Or should I make one? :scratch:


On your website is a contact person from Germany. Is she a member of MJJC?
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

I can ask the same question, raz *g*

Has anyone from Germany made one that I can put my name on ?
Or should I make one? :scratch:


On your website is a contact person from Germany. Is she a member of MJJC?

The person who is doing the flag for germany is in this case also our contact person from germany...so best thing you can do is sent her an email with your questions. You can also find her on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000455363193&ref=ts
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

Yepp esther, I know *g*
I wanted only know if she is a member here .. I will email her.

Thanks :)
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

We signed the flag!!



Now I need to give it to people in LA.
Re: Russian fans demand justice for Michael

woow coollllll....so many names....way to go Russia
Is anybody going to join the event "Justice for Michael" in this June Trial?

The time is:

June 14th, 2010
- Los Angeles: Courthearing
Time: 1.30pm (LA Time)
Court Address: 210 W. TEMPLE STREET
Court City: LOS ANGELES.

June 26th, 2010 - There'll be a protest at Los Angeles Staple Center

Fans from all countries are invited: http://www.justice4michaeljackson.com/fanact_0006.php

btw, I'm asking for those living in USA wish to join the event, so we can go together.
Re: Is anybody going to join the event "Justice for Michael" in this June Trial?

the website www.justice4michaeljackson.com did not organize the march on june 26th ... we only make sure the word gets out...if you have any questions regarding this march on june 26th please contact Taaj through fb.
Re: Is anybody going to join the event "Justice for Michael" in this June Trial?

Some french fans were in LA on april 5th with a big banner demanding justice for Michael - (see the second picture)


I believe that some others are planning to go to LA on june, but I don't know if they begin to organize it - If they do it perhaps they could contact you via MJJC so you could meet them on there ?
Re: Justice for Michael demo London 12 June

Is there any more information regarding this, like who is organising this?
What will be happening?

Sorry im not on FB so cant check it out