Justice For Michael Demo's / Fans demand Justice

Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

I will try getting there. Can you PM me Jenny about this and we could maybe meet somewhere near it?
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

Oh, I wish I could go. :(
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

i,ll be there in spirit take care guys,i,m sure you guys will represent all of us fans who cannot make it,
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

After considerable thought I have decided that I am not going to go to this afterall. My heart is of course so very involved and my mind will be on the happenings in the court house.:(
I will be praying for justice and tweeting. How much we want justice for Michael. It hurts so much doesnt it.:doh:
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

Hey, thanks for this Jenny :) I can't go unfortunately 'cos i've got essays to do, but i'll be thinking of those who are there and keeping a close eye on the news! xxx
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

^^^ yeah me too Blue Eyed Belle.
Despite being involved with other things family wise my heart and mind will be on MJ:wub:
Hope your studying goes well:)
stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

you dont have to live in a major city, you dont have to spend money buying JUSTICE4MJ tshirts from some fan group, you dont have have get a professional banner made at a printers...

All you have to do is inform your self with the facts, and have a little imagination.

Its time to stop all the talking, all the oh I wish I could do something and get off your butts and go out on the streets.

Get some pens and paper, and write whats in your heart.

It dosnt matter if its just you and your friend, its the whole fact of actaully doing something.

We did it yesterday, less than 20 of us, in a public area, handing out flyers and talking to the general public, telling them the facts, all the info thats not being reported in the general media.

And you know, the response was amazing, people were genuinelly surprised at the lack of info being reported and had soo much respect for what we were doing, standing up for something we believe in.

Ok so we did it in a major city, but it dosnt matter.

I did the same back in 2004/2005. That time though it was slightly different. It was a smaller city, and 5 of us had a MICHAEL IS INNOCENT demo. We had banners and flags, information about the case and lots of imagination and enthusisaim. We even called the local paper, made lots of noise and told them that there was 50 of us! and the next day they printed it!

It dosnt matter if you have no money, it dosnt matter if its just a few of you, what matters is that you are doing something positive and if just one person listens to what you are saying and goes home and researches the case, then you have achieved something


fans with homemade banners at the JUSTICE4MICHAEL demo London, Eros Statue, Picidilly Circus, saturday 3 April 2010


my banner, homemade
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

you dont have to spend money buying JUSTICE4MJ tshirts from some fan group, you dont have have get a professional banner made at a printers...

All you have to do is inform your self with the facts, and have a little imagination.


fans with homemade banners at the JUSTICE4MICHAEL demo London, Eros Statue, Picidilly Circus, saturday 3 April 2010


my banner, homemade

Hi moonstreet, I agree with what you said and thanks for what you and your friends did yesterday. I will take it as a reference for what my friends and I will do soon. Thank you!
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

Great effort. This is deffo the spirit. Michael would be proud of these fans right now wouldnt he?
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

yes. We got to.
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

Just wanted to say I wish I was with you all there today.
I feel awful that I cant make it :(

But I will be there in spirit.

I hope that everbody remembers to make our stand in a peaceful and respective mannor - we are representing Michael as we fight for his Justice.

All my L.O.V.E

Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

Good luck everyone who is going today. I unfortunately cannot be there as I have to work bank holidays but I will be with you in spirit. Just a couple things. I have been told there will be media there so do what you can to get the message across. Secondly there will be a certain group attending so everyone needs to bind together. Lets all bind together for justice for our beloved Michael.
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

Still pretty quiet outside the US embassy:


Posted on Twitter by thrillerchild.
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Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April.

Just sitting in the 9/11 memorial garden. 1 & half hours til the rally is supposed to start:



Posted on Twitter by thrillerchild.
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

you dont have to live in a major city, you dont have to spend money buying JUSTICE4MJ tshirts from some fan group, you dont have have get a professional banner made at a printers...

All you have to do is inform your self with the facts, and have a little imagination.

Its time to stop all the talking, all the oh I wish I could do something and get off your butts and go out on the streets.

Get some pens and paper, and write whats in your heart.

It dosnt matter if its just you and your friend, its the whole fact of actaully doing something.

We did it yesterday, less than 20 of us, in a public area, handing out flyers and talking to the general public, telling them the facts, all the info thats not being reported in the general media.

And you know, the response was amazing, people were genuinelly surprised at the lack of info being reported and had soo much respect for what we were doing, standing up for something we believe in.

Ok so we did it in a major city, but it dosnt matter.

I did the same back in 2004/2005. That time though it was slightly different. It was a smaller city, and 5 of us had a MICHAEL IS INNOCENT demo. We had banners and flags, information about the case and lots of imagination and enthusisaim. We even called the local paper, made lots of noise and told them that there was 50 of us! and the next day they printed it!

It dosnt matter if you have no money, it dosnt matter if its just a few of you, what matters is that you are doing something positive and if just one person listens to what you are saying and goes home and researches the case, then you have achieved something


fans with homemade banners at the JUSTICE4MICHAEL demo London, Eros Statue, Picidilly Circus, saturday 3 April 2010


my banner, homemade
The only thing you forgot, is that NOTHING we do will bring Michael back. Sure, we want justice, and sure, we want Murray to pay for what he did; which is take the life of a father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and friend. This man has killed Michael whether it was by accident, or fully planned. If we want justice, we have to demonstrate it where we need it; in Los Angeles.

To be honest, 20 fans demonstrating anywhere in the world is not really enough to make a difference. If anything, it will make people frown and question us, as they have always done. It's what happened in 2005, and it's what's happening now. If we want something done, we have to take a stand as a community.......because strength is in numbers. Especially now, since there are thousands of people worldwide who were not 'here' to support Michael before. They are here now, after he passed, and we need those people to help us this time.

Just my opinion, and I do wish you luck and all the best in your 'demonstrations'.
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April - INCLUDING UPDATES AND PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT.

So is anything happening there at all?
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

I think I'm gonna do the leaflet thing.
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April - INCLUDING UPDATES AND PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT.

From what I have heard there is a lot of confusion about the time. Some people thought it was 4pm our time but some people have been told its at 9pm our time.
Re: stop talking about JUSTICE4MJ and get off your butt and do something

We played our part today. We did a quiet and nice "demo" in front of the USA embassy in our country. I managed to be there and join my friends, just for a while since I was at the office (thanks lunch time!).

I read there were some 70-80 fans outside the court at LA. There were some 40 of us in our case. No question, a small group of fans in Chile made no single difference in the case. Who cared about us? Just some newspapers and the pics will be there tomorrow. We didn't expect to make any change for that is completely out of our reach. So that was not our goal.

Our goal was to be together, to support one another, to show we care, to say we don't forget, to say we as fans love each other too.... and to say that to anyone who would want to listen. That was our goal and we got it. I can't describe the feeling of love and unity among us while standing there, just for the sake of love. Love for Michael, love for each other. And yes, we felt proud to be doing our small effort to keep his legacy of love alive.

The trial will come and go. One day all this legal battle will be over, for better or worst. But when that happens, I hope I will hold close in my heart the feeling of unity and love and support we shared today.

Certainly, we didn't change the world/the case. But it did feel good to support each other :)
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April - INCLUDING UPDATES AND PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT.

I went to this yesterday. We were there from 4pm uk time. First everyone was in the park in front of the Embassy and then everyone moved to the gates of the Embassy. The banners were excellant and really well made. The organiser, Sophie had made JUSTICE4MICHAEL ribbon armbands for everyone and and also phoned Paris, France where a similar demo was taking place at the American Embassy at the same time.

It was more a fan meetup than anything else. There was a good lot of fans there and they were singing and chanting and dancing and walking up and down outside the Embassy with the banners.

There wasnt much general public about, as The Embassy was closed as Monday 5 April was a public holiday here in The Uk. Also, where the Embassy is located is a side street in a mostly office area, away from the main shopping and tourist part of London.
What else can I do?

I just want to do as much as I can to help bring justice.

I live in the UK and I cannot travel because of exams etc. Therefore, the only thing I'm doing is praying for justice, keeping up with the case, telling those around me about it and sending out emails every now and then.

What more can I do?
Anyone have suggestions?
Re: Rally in London UK at the US embassy 5th April - INCLUDING UPDATES AND PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT.

I went to this yesterday. We were there from 4pm uk time. First everyone was in the park in front of the Embassy and then everyone moved to the gates of the Embassy. The banners were excellant and really well made. The organiser, Sophie had made JUSTICE4MICHAEL ribbon armbands for everyone and and also phoned Paris, France where a similar demo was taking place at the American Embassy at the same time.

It was more a fan meetup than anything else. There was a good lot of fans there and they were singing and chanting and dancing and walking up and down outside the Embassy with the banners.

There wasnt much general public about, as The Embassy was closed as Monday 5 April was a public holiday here in The Uk. Also, where the Embassy is located is a side street in a mostly office area, away from the main shopping and tourist part of London.

thank you to the U.K. and French fans for supporting and loving Michael. I wish I could have joined you but I live in the U.S. I am proud and grateful to all the MJ fans around the world!
Re: What else can I do?

I just want to do as much as I can to help bring justice.

I live in the UK and I cannot travel because of exams etc. Therefore, the only thing I'm doing is praying for justice, keeping up with the case, telling those around me about it and sending out emails every now and then.

What more can I do?
Anyone have suggestions?

I am always in admiration of the U.K fans I truly love you all. You have shown your loyalty to Michael ten fold. I would just say, keep up with what you are doing, and if you hear of any rallies going on around your area, try to attend and get as many ppl to be there as possible. The public needs to see how we care about Michael and how we want justice for him. I just wish I lived over there!:clapping:
Re: What else can I do?

^ Thank you.

I'll keep a look-out on ANY way that I can help.
Re: What else can I do?

There's always rallys going on in London. I've been told of one that is happening in a few weeks time which I'll post more details on when I hear it. Its all for Michael.