June 3, 2008: A BIG Jackson Surprise? Interview w/ Jackie and LaToya on post #31

i think the Jackson do need MJ. If they were going to do concerts, one of the first questions people are going to ask is, "Is Michael Jackson going to be with them?" If the answer is no, then alot of peeps just arent going to bother.

If people know before hand that MJ will not be there they will not expect him. Tickets are sold out for a welcoming party for the Jacksons in Devon and the neighbours left flowers and goodies at their gate to greet them. The media will do a good job with them. Their will be a younger set of jacksons, some may be very talented. I thing this could be exciting.:D
"Bad" was the second biggest selling album of all time for a long time. That was after he left. Randy and Janet helped him put the demos together for some songs. But Michael wrote those songs on his own. He did "OTW" and "Thriller" with zero input from his brothers. Those were 100% solo projects and there's no use in trying to make them seem otherwise. In my humble opinion, Michael is better without his brothers because one, he can find better backing singers, two, he can find better backing dancers, three, he can find better musicians, four, his best songs are the songs he's written on his own, and four, he doesn't need any help in the stage command/performance department.

Precisely what I was thinking. Saved me the time and effort of stating the obvious really!
If the Jacksons didnt need MJ, why are they trying to get him to tour with them so badly? Even Janet is trying to get MJ on board.

Because he is 1/6 of the group. They have to ask him to come with them, just as they have to ask Marlon and Randy. They is nothing to say that MJ will not go. he could easily have said no, but so far he hasn't. I doubt MJ will want to see his brothers on tour and him not going as well, esp if the whole family are going, including Janet.
I think you took that wrong because it makes sense to me... basically they pressure Michael into joining them (the leave him alone if he doesn't want to do it part) because THEY know they will not be very successful if at all successful without Michael.

Like I said in another post, I don't have anything against them, sometimes I feel sorry for them because they do have talent and they had all that fame when the Jacksons were together, but that was Michael's doing (mostly) and that is proven by history. When it comes to talent they will never be that successful, because Michael will always outshine them, The only way is for them to all be together with Michael, which I really couldn't care less either way.

I want to see Michael I don't care who the background singers are. If he wants to be with his brothers great, if not that's great too.

Some people are so funny. When we Say the jacksons are doing it alone, they jump out and say they have no talent and they can't do it without Michael. Then on another level, they want to say that MJ don't have to do anything with them and leave him be. That sounds like blackmail to me.
The jacksons will do their thing, with or without MJ and they will be successful. jermaine had the whole of great britain eating out of his hand. He was all on his own too and we couldn't get enough of him. Channel 4 is making a big party for the jacksons down in Devon and the whole media was reporting on it. The Jacksons wioll be successful because the entiore world is asking for them.
Their are many tribute artist being successful singing Jacksons songs so why shouldn't they be successful doing a tour on their own.
MJ can join them if he wants to he doesn't have to, but it would be an easy tour for him as he would have his family to share the weight. And the Jacksons are loved and very talented and they have many fans all over the world. Michael was not the only Jackson.
They is nothing to say that MJ will not go. he could easily have said no, but so far he hasn't. I doubt MJ will want to see his brothers on tour and him not going as well, esp if the whole family are going, including Janet.

Thats another assumption Dats. In fact there is more to indicate that MJ has said no being that Janet recently said she was trying to get MJ on board and that she didnt know what he was doing.
Plus I think Michael's main objective right now it to re-establish himself in the music industry.

I'm concerned with Michael's success, not his brothers. And that's where I think Michael needs to be focusing. On himself. It's always been his selflessness that's gotten him in to so much trouble. It's time for him to look out for his own well being, at the moment.

I doubt the Jacksons will attempt anything without Michael, and even if they did, I doubt Michael would be eager to join in. I'll site "2300" again as an example. They did that on their own, Michael didn't want anything to do with it and he didn't have anything to do with it save for one or two verses sung on one song. I doubt he'll feel left out if they try it on their own, which I doubt they will.
Actually, I didn't hear MJ's name mentioned there. The Jackson family has a right to speak, why should they shut up, they did their fair share of entertaining too. They are celebs too and they own the name Jackson too. Fans are always talking yet the moment a jackson speak they call for them to shyut up. If you don't want to hear it, turn the volume down. I love Jackie Jackson and look at that Jackson smile beaming. Go Jackie and Toya.:D

you are exactly right.. they did NOT mention Michael's name... and I didn't hear them say the word "tour" either...

anyways..Jackie is still FIONE...
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i would like one more project with the family though i doubt it will ever happen. i'd like to see MJ just do his thing one more time tough regardless.
I have said it so many times..

I would like Michael to do a concert set on his own..

The last concert in the set would be an HBO special..

* Janet as the Opening Act
* The Jacksons come out durring the appropriate times for the Jackson(s) songs etc.. But is primarily still an MJ concert..
They are celebrating black artists on Jammin' 98.3 this week and just did the Jackson Family both as a group and Janet and Michael. Played their music and gave praise.
Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings


La Toya and Jackie Jackson let the cat out of the bag during their red carpet appearance at Saturday's grand opening of Palms Place Hotel & Spa.
During an interview with the syndicated TV show "Extra," Jackie Jackson told Tanika Ray "we're putting something together with the whole family. It's coming soon."
Everyone including Janet, Ray asked.
"Everybody," said La Toya.
Jackie added that family members have been in a recording studio working on a new CD.
"It's going to be a big surprise...it's going to happen," said La Toya. But she hedged when asked if the big event included Las Vegas, "I don't know about here in Vegas."
See video of the red carpet interview. [extratv_warnerbros_com]

Ooooooh :clapping:
Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

The main thing though is that the are putting two things together and possibly implying more than they should. There is still the remote possibility that Michael shows up in that house in England for instance. The 'something together' could be only that.

I don't think he will be in the house in England :2cents:
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Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

Sherri kind of killed the moment aswell when she was giving so much props to janet and then admitting that michael is her favorite and that janet is her second favorite.

You know Most people would say that about Michael being their first favorite and Janet ,The second.
Sherri was so nervous I guess anything would have been blurted out.
You would be too if you saw Janet or Michael.
Hey unless you were born in the middle 70s or the 80s or 90s and so on,And you watched Janet on Goodtimes,Different strokes or Fame or saw her Movies and listened to her music and saw her concerts ,then you could put Janet first,but if you were born in the 60s like me,Michael will always become the first fave.
Seeing is believeing when it comes to rumors on what the Jackson family is doing,Whether it's coming from the Media,Spokespeople for The Jackson family or The Jackson family themselves. I just want To See and Hear some truth to the rumor.
Give me some Truth, Give me some Proof.
Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

You know Most people would say that about Michael being their first favorite and Janet ,The second.
Sherri was so nervous I guess anything would have been blurted out.
You would be too if you saw Janet or Michael.
Hey unless you were born in the middle 70s or the 80s or 90s and so on,And you watched Janet on Goodtimes,Different strokes or Fame or saw her Movies and listened to her music and saw her concerts ,then you could put Janet first,but if you were born in the 60s like me,Michael will always become the first fave.
Not really. Being born in the 70's and 80 can still make Michael someones favorite (look at Chris Brown). People like who they like. SOme like Jermaine better than Janet. Michael is the biggest of the two so often that means he is liked more than two. That is why people ask Janet about him compare to the other way around. And no, I do not think sherrie killed the moment (unless you are someone who like Janet over Michael). Like you said, Sherrie was nervous and excited and Janet knows the deal.