June 3, 2008: A BIG Jackson Surprise? Interview w/ Jackie and LaToya on post #31

jackson family thing impossible for at least another year. janet is planning her tour right now and that will take us through until into 2009.

too many rumours. some clarification would be nice.

collaborators say jackson has a new album coming

half jackson family reckon theyre recording in studio.

half jackson family reckon there doing a family tour soon.

janet reckons she has no idea what michael is doing with his career.

latoya said only like 2 weeks ago that michael aint ready to get back into working yet.

I dont think ANYONE knows what Michael is gonna do... including HIM!
jackson family thing impossible for at least another year. janet is planning her tour right now and that will take us through until into 2009.

too many rumours. some clarification would be nice.

collaborators say jackson has a new album coming

half jackson family reckon theyre recording in studio.

half jackson family reckon there doing a family tour soon.

janet reckons she has no idea what michael is doing with his career.

latoya said only like 2 weeks ago that michael aint ready to get back into working yet.

I dont think ANYONE knows what Michael is gonna do... including HIM!
Which is why I wish they would stop talking to the press and getting people's hopes up for a 'reunion' when it for so many years is just all talk and no action. I mean back in the early 80s they literally had to beg michael to do the motown 25 and victory tour. Which makes me more and more hope michael just goes it alone cus it seems like everyone including his own family use his name to get attention.
Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

Beautiful words, Jacksons!!

"COMING SOON..." :yes:

I feel ya, and I'm looking forward to it!! :flowers:
There's a reason why this "Family" is in the Guiness Book of World Records.

Go Jacksons! Go Jacksons! Go Jacksons!

I LOVE this family! They are just the coolest!
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am surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Latoya and Jackie were interviewed by Exta Tv about a BIG Jackson family surprise.
theyve been saying that for the last 15 years. lol
aww she was sweet, they both were. Giggly and happy. They all seem just adorable.
Which is why I wish they would stop talking to the press and getting people's hopes up for a 'reunion' when it for so many years is just all talk and no action. I mean back in the early 80s they literally had to beg michael to do the motown 25 and victory tour. Which makes me more and more hope michael just goes it alone cus it seems like everyone including his own family use his name to get attention.
Actually, I didn't hear MJ's name mentioned there. The Jackson family has a right to speak, why should they shut up, they did their fair share of entertaining too. They are celebs too and they own the name Jackson too. Fans are always talking yet the moment a jackson speak they call for them to shyut up. If you don't want to hear it, turn the volume down. I love Jackie Jackson and look at that Jackson smile beaming. Go Jackie and Toya.:D
sometimes I do feel a bit sorry for the Jackson siblings not because of the more ruthless accusations they have to face from the media but because sometimes I feel they are compelled, almost expected to say something to the effect of a reunion.

I wish they would just stop! Different siblings have come out and said different things and none of them bear fruition or has not to this day. If the Jackson brothers munis Michael are in the studio recording as has been the case for the last 5 + years then great. But, then they also talk of a possible Michael involvement only to have Janet say that Michael isn't really committed to it.
Some MJ fans are of the opnion that if mJ doesn't do then the Jacksons cannot do, but you are so very wrong. The Jackson family are an iconic family and they are loved all over the world. The world would like to see them on stage with or without Michael Jackson.
They say they are in the recording studio and I believe them. Many of the jackson songs that we love so much were written by Jackie and Randy. They write good songs.
I believe that what they are doing in britain has something to do with them relaunching themelves in the public eye cause they have been away for too long.

I believe that there will be a Jackson family event, with or without Michael
It will be sad if MJ doesn't join in cause it will give the media fudder to attack him and it may create a rift within the family. MJ's family is large and includes his nieces and nephews. Nobody is an island.

The Jackson family can make it without Michael. Jamaine did very well here in britain. With latoya and Janet joining in they could put on a good show. Don't forget that the younger Jacksons would be showcasing their talents too, including 3T and siggie. I think it could be a bonanza, bigger and more spectacular than anything Michael alone could do.
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Datsmay, at last some one that says it how it is!!

Remember!! Michael STARTED as one of the THE JACKSON 5!! The Jacksons are iconic, and if anybody has any doubt that a family so talented and so strong could not pull together and make HIStory again! then you are very sadly mistaken!!

Yes they have been saying for years but look at what had been going on in the past! accusations and morem accusations, high profile court cases and legal issues that would of killed any kind of major project DEAD in its tracks!

I for one would really love to see them all come together, i know that people young and old generation would love to see this magic happen!!

I love Michaels music and Janets but to have the whole family is a dream come true! Now its time for the peacock to rise again and spread its wings and bring some harmony to this troubled world!

WELCOME back the Jacksons family we await your next move.

I love ALL of the Jacksons. Whatever they have planned I'm sure will be spectacular. Yes, they are an iconic family, but they are also very very close. And that is such an admirable trait - especially in todays society. I WISH THEM THE BEST LUCK IN THE WORLD!!
Datsmay, at last some one that says it how it is!!

Remember!! Michael STARTED as one of the THE JACKSON 5!! The Jacksons are iconic, and if anybody has any doubt that a family so talented and so strong could not pull together and make HIStory again! then you are very sadly mistaken!!

Yes they have been saying for years but look at what had been going on in the past! accusations and morem accusations, high profile court cases and legal issues that would of killed any kind of major project DEAD in its tracks!

I for one would really love to see them all come together, i know that people young and old generation would love to see this magic happen!!

I love Michaels music and Janets but to have the whole family is a dream come true! Now its time for the peacock to rise again and spread its wings and bring some harmony to this troubled world!

WELCOME back the Jacksons family we await your next move.

Amen. I am so excited. Only the Jackson family can bring the world together in music in that way. They are the first family of music. I believe the world want it too, and I beleve they will get the sponsers for it:D. :clapping:
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Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

I am surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Latoya and Jackie were interviewed by Exta Tv about a BIG Jackson family surprise.


La Toya and Jackie Jackson let the cat out of the bag during their red carpet appearance at Saturday's grand opening of Palms Place Hotel & Spa.
During an interview with the syndicated TV show "Extra," Jackie Jackson told Tanika Ray "we're putting something together with the whole family. It's coming soon."
Everyone including Janet, Ray asked.
"Everybody," said La Toya.
Jackie added that family members have been in a recording studio working on a new CD.
"It's going to be a big surprise...it's going to happen," said La Toya. But she hedged when asked if the big event included Las Vegas, "I don't know about here in Vegas."
See video of the red carpet interview. [extratv_warnerbros_com]

I saw it but thought it might be considered tabloid and since you are cracking down I let it slide. It was actually written up last night already in one of the trashy papers before it was in Norm's column.

The main thing though is that the are putting two things together and possibly implying more than they should. There is still the remote possibility that Michael shows up in that house in England for instance. The 'something together' could be only that.

There sure has been a flurry of trash references and mentionings about Michael the last couple of days. Even MSNBC had a long article debating whether he would make it in Vegas. I was a bit disappointed in them. I would say it was more negative than objective. There was a poll with the article however and of 160 votes at the time over 30% said they would pay a high ticket price to see him and over 30% more said they would go if the tickets were priced so they could afford them.
Which is why I wish they would stop talking to the press and getting people's hopes up for a 'reunion' when it for so many years is just all talk and no action. I mean back in the early 80s they literally had to beg michael to do the motown 25 and victory tour. Which makes me more and more hope michael just goes it alone cus it seems like everyone including his own family use his name to get attention.
so far each time anyone said the whole family would do something we didn t see it so i just wait for mikchals pple to tell the news before believing it
so far each time anyone said the whole family would do something we didn t see it so i just wait for mikchals pple to tell the news before believing it
Well, according to Janet, they have been waiting for MJ to make up his mind. I have this feeling, judging from what is happening in Devon, that the Jacksons have decided to go on without MJ. If he wants to he can join in. I think they have got the sponsers they need and there is a huge public demand for them to come back, so I think they will do it and I think that they will have Janet on board.
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