June 3, 2008: A BIG Jackson Surprise? Interview w/ Jackie and LaToya on post #31

I don't agree with this at all, especially the part in bold. If the Jacksons are so great without Michael then when he left the group to focus on his solo career, they would have continued on and remained popular, as they did when Jermaine left the group. Also if they could do something they thought would be successful with out Michael they would have done it by now... I mean I guess they may have wanted to include Michael originally, but after a while you think if they were really itching to get back together they would, with or without him.

Don't get me wrong I think they are talented, but in my opinion Michael carried that group and I'm not saying that to be mean. If some of the brothers and great song writers, then write songs, or whatever, but I don't think they should do shows without Michael, I don't think their singing is strong enough, and I feel the same way about the way they perform as well.

If they were going to get back together with Michael I think it would be nice to see them do some of they're old stuff, maybe even something new, but I think they need Michael to be complete, and I always thought Michael seems more comfortable when he is on stage with his family:yes:

Some MJ fans are of the opnion that if mJ doesn't do then the Jacksons cannot do, but you are so very wrong. The Jackson family are an iconic family and they are loved all over the world. The world would like to see them on stage with or without Michael Jackson.
They say they are in the recording studio and I believe them. Many of the jackson songs that we love so much were written by Jackie and Randy. They write good songs.
I believe that what they are doing in britain has something to do with them relaunching themelves in the public eye cause they have been away for too long.

I believe that there will be a Jackson family event, with or without Michael
It will be sad if MJ doesn't join in cause it will give the media fudder to attack him and it may create a rift within the family. MJ's family is large and includes his nieces and nephews. Nobody is an island.

The Jackson family can make it without Michael. Jamaine did very well here in britain. With latoya and Janet joining in they could put on a good show. Don't forget that the younger Jacksons would be showcasing their talents too, including 3T and siggie. I think it could be a bonanza, bigger and more spectacular than anything Michael alone could do.
The jacksons on tour is nothing without MJ...as seen by the many many many years of egging MJ to be on board with said tour. If they really could've made it without MJ then after the 3rd or 4th or maybe 5th year of begging MJ...they would've launched something on their own.
The jacksons on tour is nothing without MJ...as seen by the many many many years of egging MJ to be on board with said tour. If they really could've made it without MJ then after the 3rd or 4th or maybe 5th year of begging MJ...they would've launched something on their own.

exactly! they ain't doing nothing without MJ. The media wouldn't even be interested
The jacksons can't tour without mj it would be a disaster. But good luck with whatever they have planned still love the guys
If the Jacksons are so great without Michael then when he left the group to focus on his solo career, they would have continued on and remained popular, as they did when Jermaine left the group.

I agree with this. The Jacksons are legends and they are great. But why do they need MJ for a reunion tour? Either go without him or let it go. I used to be for the reunion tour, but these days, I do not care for it.

Thanks for the news, BTW.
The Jacksons will tour with or without MJ. They will not be touring as THE JACKSON's, they will be touring as a family act. This will include 3T, Ziggie, and Janet. Janet already says she will join them. I believe that they will have the backing of the media, who seems to be pushing this thing. If signiture can do a great show copying MJ why can t the Jacksons do a show by themselves. I believe MJ will join in. he has not said no. MJ would not want to be left out but if he doesn't join in they will do it without him. There is a huge demand for the Jacksons world wide.

Mamma and papa joe want to see all their children on stage one last time and they will do it for their parents.
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The Jacksons will tour with or without MJ

How do you know that? Did they ever state that? If that was the case, what is taking so long to get the tour up and running? The family is better off doing a reality show than waiting for Mike to join them in the reunion tour.
I never said they will be better without MJ. I still believe that the Jacksons without Jermaine was a lot weaker, but the Jacksons are musicians in their blood and if they want to do it one last time they will. Lots of old groups are reforming. If the Jackson family want it enough they will do it. They have the support of Janet who is a big star in her own right. They have 3T which is quite popular around Europe. they got more than most bands out at the moment. I do not think they need Michael, but if he joined them it would help.
it's been good news, but how often has this type of stuff been said??
To put it like this:

The Jacksons without Michael Jackson is like Queen without Freddie Mercury; the hardcore fanbase will go and see them, while the general public don´t care. The Jacksons NEED MJ but MJ doesn´t need anyone else. That´s the main difference.

However, I do believe that if there is supposed to be a Jackson Family Show, that could be successful without MJ if Janet joins in. Janet could draw a lot of attention to the show, but NOTHING compared to what the show could be if Michael Jackson decided to get involved.

The Jackson Family can like it or not, but the fact is that it´s MJ that is THE star and main attraction of the family, and chances are that they might get burned if they try something without him. But who knows. Would be good to get something soon, though.
To put it like this:

The Jacksons without Michael Jackson is like Queen without Freddie Mercury; the hardcore fanbase will go and see them, while the general public don´t care. The Jacksons NEED MJ but MJ doesn´t need anyone else. That´s the main difference.

However, I do believe that if there is supposed to be a Jackson Family Show, that could be successful without MJ if Janet joins in. Janet could draw a lot of attention to the show, but NOTHING compared to what the show could be if Michael Jackson decided to get involved.

The Jackson Family can like it or not, but the fact is that it´s MJ that is THE star and main attraction of the family, and chances are that they might get burned if they try something without him. But who knows. Would be good to get something soon, though.
I think a lot of people forget how big the Jacksons were. All 5 of them.I believe there are more J5 fans than MJ fans. Most of the Jackson fans supported MJ but they never forgot that they were J5 fans. There is a lot of nostalgia that goes with being a Jackson fan. Those fans are still waiting in the wings for a reunion.
If MJ doesn't join them they will still be successful, I believe MJ will disappoint his Jackson fans by not joining, but I believe they wiill be successful. All they need is sponsers and I think that is what Channel 4 is securing for the group right now, :yes:
Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

I am surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Latoya and Jackie were interviewed by Exta Tv about a BIG Jackson family surprise.


La Toya and Jackie Jackson let the cat out of the bag during their red carpet appearance at Saturday's grand opening of Palms Place Hotel & Spa.
During an interview with the syndicated TV show "Extra," Jackie Jackson told Tanika Ray "we're putting something together with the whole family. It's coming soon."
Everyone including Janet, Ray asked.
"Everybody," said La Toya.
Jackie added that family members have been in a recording studio working on a new CD.
"It's going to be a big surprise...it's going to happen," said La Toya. But she hedged when asked if the big event included Las Vegas, "I don't know about here in Vegas."
See video of the red carpet interview. [extratv_warnerbros_com]

Now, that's a rumor I hope comes true. But like others have said, there's been so many rumblings about this sort of thing and then nothing happens so I'll believe it when an official announcement is made and I have a ticket in my hand. :fortuneteller: Thanks for the updates. :)
Re: June 3, 2008: Michael Jackson News and Mentionings

Now, that's a rumor I hope comes true. But like others have said, there's been so many rumblings about this sort of thing and then nothing happens so I'll believe it when an official announcement is made and I have a ticket in my hand. :fortuneteller: Thanks for the updates. :)
Would you still be holding your ticket of MJ doesn't join?
How many times have we heard about these Jacksons reunions? It ain't happening. Without MJ nobody would care. Even established acts have a hard time selling tickets these days, imagine the Jacksons without Michael. :lol:
How many times have we heard about these Jacksons reunions? It ain't happening. Without MJ nobody would care. Even established acts have a hard time selling tickets these days, imagine the Jacksons without Michael. :lol:
The Jackson welcoming party sold out in minutes and not all the Jacksons are there. If the media play it's part there will be a successful concert, with or without MJ.:D
if michael were smart he stay the heck away from this
his family, there leeches, they have always rode on his fame
the only one who i think ever cared for mj is janet , I do not believe
anyone else does other than making a name for themselves, Im
sorry but there was too much control with joe and heavy damage
to michael from it, he has always said there going to get back together
they hurt him more by showing at trial then they helped him, Latoya
yeah how flattering was she , shes the one who said michael abused
many children , yeah yeah i know under her husband, but yet she showed up
at trial all in white to support him, do you remeber during jury deliberations
and joe showed up thinking it was time on the wrong date wrong time,
he aint close to Michael , and he might very well be the cause for ALL of this
child like sleepover amusement park craziness, yet he showed up to court
and signed autographs. I know at one point in time mj was close to his
mom, but you know his mom allowed joe to abuse him to the point he threw
up as in adult, I know its sounds as if im plaing the blame game, but what kind
of Mother allows a child or children to be tramitized like that? this type of envirioment
is why michael is the way he is, hes better off away from them.
and the truth is THEY need him, he dont need them.
if michael were smart he stay the heck away from this
his family, there leeches, they have always rode on his fame
the only one who i think ever cared for mj is janet , I do not believe
anyone else does other than making a name for themselves, Im
sorry but there was too much control with joe and heavy damage
to michael from it, he has always said there going to get back together
they hurt him more by showing at trial then they helped him, Latoya
yeah how flattering was she , shes the one who said michael abused
many children , yeah yeah i know under her husband, but yet she showed up
at trial all in white to support him, do you remeber during jury deliberations
and joe showed up thinking it was time on the wrong date wrong time,
he aint close to Michael , and he might very well be the cause for ALL of this
child like sleepover amusement park craziness, yet he showed up to court
and signed autographs. I know at one point in time mj was close to his
mom, but you know his mom allowed joe to abuse him to the point he threw
up as in adult, I know its sounds as if im plaing the blame game, but what kind
of Mother allows a child or children to be tramitized like that? this type of envirioment
is why michael is the way he is, hes better off away from them.
and the truth is THEY need him, he dont need them.
Wow, You have a lot of pain in your heart, don't you? You really need to let it out.:(
jackson family thing impossible for at least another year. janet is planning her tour right now and that will take us through until into 2009.

too many rumours. some clarification would be nice.

collaborators say jackson has a new album coming

half jackson family reckon theyre recording in studio.

half jackson family reckon there doing a family tour soon.

janet reckons she has no idea what michael is doing with his career.

latoya said only like 2 weeks ago that michael aint ready to get back into working yet.

I dont think ANYONE knows what Michael is gonna do... including HIM!

maybe it's just an opinion of mine, but i have to concur
I agree with Damian Shields. There is way too much confusion going on and nobody knows nothing. I dont' believe a word Latoya or Jackie is saying
The Jacksons will do a reunion in the future, I can just tell
Who knows if they are in the studio at this point in time recording new stuff??
Knowbody knows to be honest whats going on, and like everything else that has being said we just need to take a back seat and wait for if or when it happens...... I guess
Datsmay, at last some one that says it how it is!!

Remember!! Michael STARTED as one of the THE JACKSON 5!! The Jacksons are iconic, and if anybody has any doubt that a family so talented and so strong could not pull together and make HIStory again! then you are very sadly mistaken!!

Yes they have been saying for years but look at what had been going on in the past! accusations and morem accusations, high profile court cases and legal issues that would of killed any kind of major project DEAD in its tracks!

I for one would really love to see them all come together, i know that people young and old generation would love to see this magic happen!!

I love Michaels music and Janets but to have the whole family is a dream come true! Now its time for the peacock to rise again and spread its wings and bring some harmony to this troubled world!

WELCOME back the Jacksons family we await your next move.

Yes, I agree! It's definitely time for the peacock to rise again ;) , as an appetizer for Michael to rise again! I mean, hell, even the Osmonds reunite! If they can, the Jacksons also could do even without Michael! And just 2 days ago Janet again said on BET, that she "absolutely" would open up the show for her brothers! The way I see it, the whole family would profit from a reuonion... Michael, Janet, Latoya, Rebbie, the brothers, 3T.... everyone! All of them have seen better times and a reunion or a family outing would be spectacular!
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Sure they have been said it only since 1990.... :S BTW if they will ever do anything I have a feeling that MJ would not be a part of it.