June 13th.

It was an important day. The great victory of Michael. I do not remember exactly what I was doing that day (this is a long time! Lol.) The only thing I remember is that I prayed a lot for this nightmare end. I was very sad and with heart in hand for everything that was happening. It was impossible to believe. I asked God to show much for all those bad people who believed that Michael was guilty, that everything was a big lie. My prayers and for all fans around the world worked. Michael was innocent. The time has passed and now he is back to doing what he loves: the music. The big day is coming and again, this time we have to pray much for him to give everything right, so that everything happens the way that Michael planned. Nothing can go wrong and is not go wrong, because all the fans around the world are praying for him and the God never abandons, he is next to Michael, the lighting, and removal of protecting their way of life and all bad things. I am sure that 2009 will be a great year for Michael: the year of accomplishments and achievements! :)

This is how I remember it ... innocence found. That is what today means to me, relief of much angst and pain. The optimum outcome to a horrid injustice ... my heart was heavy at the thought of a guilty verdict. No matter how I had tried to brace myself for the worst...no amount of preparation was going to matter. It was a joyous day!!

I praised that jury for coming to the truth, in spite of the prosecution's lies and deceptions.

This day is very important to me. Every year since 2005, I have made sure to remind people of it's significance ... today at work, they will all be reminded what happened on this date in 2005. Some will have a smart comment to make ... if they choose to open that door, they better be ready to deal with the facts. This is the one day that I hold nothing back. I look forward to this day to set them all straight.

When i get home the party starts!! The food has been bought, the drinks are chilled, the guests invited .... it is ON !!

Yall can chose to forget this day if it holds a harsh or bitter memory but for me, it is a day to celebrate the end of a fucked up time in our lives :zformation:
thats how i look at it xx
I was at work......on this board (mjjf) and when the verdict was about to come down I ran to the break room to watch the TV and it was packed. After the verdict was read I cried and flipped two people the bird, went outside and walked around the block. Holla!

I was at work......on this board (mjjf) and when the verdict was about to come down I ran to the break room to watch the TV and it was packed. After the verdict was read I cried and flipped two people the bird, went outside and walked around the block. Holla!


'the bird, went outside and walked around the block' what lol
I remember going to the living room and my entire family was just cleaned to the TV. So I watched it with them and after the verdict my mother yelled "YES YES YES!!"

Today Im "celebrating" it by baking a cake, and wearing an armband.

"In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tripulations
Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
Ill never let you part
For youre always in my heart."
I remember going to the living room and my entire family was just cleaned to the TV. So I watched it with them and after the verdict my mother yelled "YES YES YES!!"

Today Im "celebrating" it by baking a cake, and wearing an armband.

"In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials
And my tripulations
Through our doubts
And frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear
And my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
Ill never let you part
For youre always in my heart."
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I watched the news in my bedroom. I'd never felt so many emotions at the same time before. Once all the not guilty's had been read, I just sat there and tried to take it all in without crying. It was a very emotional day, for all of us. Even now, watching the footage brings back all those feelings, but at the same time I feel strong. Watching all those fans and seeing all the support is amazing. MJ fans really are an incredible group of people. :D
My story is a bit unusual. I had virtually checked out of watching any news regarding the trial since his arrest. I didn't need to watch countless half truth news bits to know he was innocent. Ever since the documentary aired i had a feeling a set up of some kind was around the corner. That day I was taking a break after my college orientation class so I had zero clue the jurors were even deliberating, that the trial was wrapped. I turned on the news in the late after noon not having a clue what I was going to see. It was about five here in Arizona, the sun was starting to set and there was a helicopter shot of the fans outside the courthouse cheering and a NOT GUILTY on the bottom of the screen. Instead of cheering I just leaned against my front door and breathed out the biggest exhale of my life. I didn't follow most of the news coverage after either because I knew they would hardly cop to the agenda they had of painting Michael as guilty for ratings. If they had done their job before or after the majority of people especially here in the states wouldn't still be so many with their backs turned against him. I just exhaled and said a quick prayer of thanks. If found guilty, he would have been vindicated eventually, nut it would have taken decades and he would probably have been gone. Justice does eventually come in cases like the hurricane boxer framed for murder, Charlie Chaplin accused of being a communist, Mohammed Ali for refusing to fight an unjust war etc. I'm just glad it came sooner rather than later. It saved a lot of grief.
Now THAT is one of the coolest pictures I have ever seen! Respect!!!
lol danke and YES i won the water fight! my boi had another gun hiding behind the gate once mine ran out!:tease:

and shaun...ugh y i gotta look at beyaki? damn son....really?:doh:
Happy vindication day to everybody!

I always knew that Michael was innocent.I just wanted very much that justice was done,to shut up some people that prefer to go on believing everything they hear or read,instead seeing the truth!

I love you so much Michael!
what a wonderful day i had 4 years ago,when justice was being done!!!!
Those pictures are intense...brings it all back. In a way it feels like a million years ago and in another way it doesn't.

I was at home revising for an A level exam I had about 2 days later. Throughout the deliberations I would be revising in silence in my room and I'd have my msn on with my speakers on and if there was any news my friend would IM me and I'd get the alert sound. It was the only way I could actually revise! When the verdict came though I was online anyway, on MJNO and msn and it came through that they had reached the verdict. I remember them saying that all 10 counts were either guilty or not guilty which scared the crap out of me. Deep down I knew it had to be 10 not guiltys but the way things were we just never knew. I went downstairs and watched the whole thing on TV. It's all a blur...I can't even explain how I felt. It was probably one of the most emotional moments of my life although I wasn't happy. I was relieved but sad. Seeing Michael broke my heart. :( The whole thing should just never have happened! So unfair. And it scares me to this day how evil people can be, especially towards someone so kind and who only ever wanted to help. such a good soul. After a few hours of being on the phone to fans and talking online I had to sleep because I had such a fat headache from the emotion overload! They were scary times.

I'm prouder than ever of him right now, and these shows will be amazing. I'm so thankful that he's decided to do stuff again, that alone shows his strength of character! I don't like to look back but we can't ignore it, just to take a moment to reflect on it is a good thing, it kinda puts things into perspective sometimes. But onwards and upwards! Starting one month from now! :D
Here it was the evening, I was watching the news live, between tv & pc, on my knees... Prayed..... heart was beating like crazy like never in my life before.....
The memories giving me goosebumps..
I sensed God's presence. He delivered MJ out of the dark. I had seen God's Glory that day and Never forget it. Thank you, Dear Lord.

God Bless you, Michael & your family and protect you Always! Amen! :angel:
We Love you Very Very Veeeeeeery Much :heart: :flowers:
And I think I've mentioned this a million times before, but this image has never left me for some reason. Just before MJ walked into the courtroom to hear his fate, he raised his hands to his fans one last time. It was as if he didn't know whether he was gonna see them again. Damn it was powerful.

you're so right. i thought at that moment "Gosh at this moment Michael you can still think of fans" this is something i will never forget. he doesnt even need to tell fans he loves them. it's enough to remember this moment to know whether he's telling the truth
you're so right. i thought at that moment "Gosh at this moment Michael you can still think of fans" this is something i will never forget. he doesnt even need to tell fans he loves them. it's enough to remember this moment to know whether he's telling the truth

Yep totally, he is a one off! Even at that time he was thinking of other people! Such an inspiration!
WOW! Those Photos brings back so strong and emotional feelings and
memories :cry: :boohoo:
