June 13th.

it must have been a welsh thing cause i done exactly the same and yelled at the top of my voice "yes" with each 'not guilty'.

i felt some highs and lows at that time, a totally wierd feeling.

Joy, Ecstacy, Relief, Sadness and sympathy.

Michael Jackson Sir, you are quite simply the Greatest entertainer and humanitarian ever to breath life on this planet.

I thank you.

I'm english and was living in England at the time. I've only been in Wales since April this year. :happy:
Happy Vindication day everyone:clap::jump::flowers:!
Thankyou God for blessing dear Michael with Victory, Vindication, Freedom and for letting his innocence be proved! Thankyou dearest Michael for being the light you are, for the truly amazing inspiration you are to the world and to your ever-growing global fan base! You are not only the greatest artist, but also one of the greatest human beings and humanitarians ever and your courage, resilience, faith, graciousness and loving kindness continues to shine and make us so very proud to be Michael Jackson fans! We love you forever sweetest angel and we thank God for you always:flowers:!

May God bless the King of pop forever and may the dedicated, loyal, wonderful Michael Jackson fan community continue to grow, loving, admiring, appreciating sir Michael Jackson the one and only KING now and forever more!
Amen :flowers:
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it was late night and i was watching it on CNN and a friend of mine from France was on the phone listening to mine TV and when the jury ended reading i couldnt stop crying for a long time. it was so much happiness and pain at the same time. pain for what he was through and us with him and hapiness for his victory. I always think of 13th as of his second bithday, because he was in real danger that time with all these haters after him.

Thanks God
and Mr.Mesereau
Me too..
He doesn't deserved it, he deserved all kindness in the world and so much more nice things
Yeah!! He have gived so much to the World.. Yes!
he deserve kindness:yes:

Can't belive I'm going to see this beautiful Angel.

Happy Vindication Day everyone! :D

Oh boy....what was I doing on that day....umm....I got to school on the bus, then I walked to Best Buy (electronics store) it was about 7 blocks away :lol: I got there and it was on every t.v. only they all had different stations on. So that saved me from flipping channels. I picked a nice big Sony flat screen to watch it on ;) They were showing fans outside the courtroom and I cheered every time I saw the fans out there. I wished I was there so badly. Anyways, I was watching it till a countdown clock was on. Man did I get nervous. I swear my eyes were so close and glued to the tv, they haven't been that close since the o2 announcement! But yea, I watched and just saw the clock and it got closer and closer. Then they deliberated early. My heart sank and I fell to the floor. I was looking up at that tv like it was a messenger of good news. I was praying that he would be vindicated. I knew he was innocent but was weary about the jury. I heard first "not guilty" and screamed and was crying like a baby. It just got worse every time I heard another "not guilty." I was so happy I was going around the store and telling everyone. I was a crazy nut then :lol: I kept watching it until they stopped their coverage of it at around 9-10 pm. Let's just say I got home and was grounded for 3 months :lol:

It was a great day :D

Thank you to all the fans that were there. You guys never gave up or gave in. I'd hug you in person but virtually will have to do now :hug: :lol:
I was terrified and when he was acquitted on all counts, although I was relieved, I wasn't happy, because regardless of whether Michael had been found guilty or not, the allegations had still ruined his life and his career, and tarnished his mainstrean reputation forever.

It felt good to see him walk out a free man, but I was waiting for an absolution that didn't seem to come. The verdict should have reflected fairness but any inch of fairness was overshadowed by the immense unfairness of what they had done to Michael all together.

I understand that some would want to forget these events, but I really don't think that's appropriate. We shall keep the memory alive to remind ourselves of how close we came to danger.

That being said, this day made me realise it's taken four years for Michael to recover from those allegations, and finally make a move to restart his career and remind the world of his profession rather than his celebrity.

I only hope it won't be another four years until a new album is released.
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Gosh it was crazy this time 4 years ago! I think I was a mod at MJHQ.com at the time which is a fansite that no longer exists. That's when I first heard the news of the verdict. I remember being so relieved. And I think I've mentioned this a million times before, but this image has never left me for some reason. Just before MJ walked into the courtroom to hear his fate, he raised his hands to his fans one last time. It was as if he didn't know whether he was gonna see them again. Damn it was powerful. And then the look on his face when he was being scanned by the metal detectors, my heart just broke for him.

:boohoo: I don't know how these people could be so heartless.

Anyway, I'm so happy that it's all over now. Michael's future looks brighter than ever, and I'm so happy he's been able to get back on his feet again. I kinda thought that after the trial he would dissappear forever. I guess I was wrong! I hope MJ's shows are a great success. No one deserves it more than him!
I cant hardly believe that it is ONLY 4 years ago. It seems like another lifetime.

My own life hasnt changed much, but Michael and his life is different now. For the better :)
Gosh it was crazy this time 4 years ago! I think I was a mod at MJHQ.com at the time which is a fansite that no longer exists. That's when I first heard the news of the verdict. I remember being so relieved. And I think I've mentioned this a million times before, but this image has never left me for some reason. Just before MJ walked into the courtroom to hear his fate, he raised his hands to his fans one last time. It was as if he didn't know whether he was gonna see them again. Damn it was powerful. And then the look on his face when he was being scanned by the metal detectors, my heart just broke for him.

:boohoo: I don't know how these people could be so heartless.

Anyway, I'm so happy that it's all over now. Michael's future looks brighter than ever, and I'm so happy he's been able to get back on his feet again. I kinda thought that after the trial he would dissappear forever. I guess I was wrong! I hope MJ's shows are a great success. No one deserves it more than him!
i liked that thanx sooooo much
Hi all,

when I heard the news four years ago, I was just happy that it matters what happens in court, not outside.

But when I actually saw MJ leaving the court on TV, I only cried. Poor man, I thought.

Ever since I had read his letter on his Website when it all started I knew he was innocent.

All the years I am aware of that there are so many "stories" in the news... It is necessary to read different papers offline or online to get as close to the truth as one can get. And to always question both views of the story... constant vigilance!

all the best, fellow MJJCs, MJ,
God bless you,

Gosh it was crazy this time 4 years ago! I think I was a mod at MJHQ.com at the time which is a fansite that no longer exists. That's when I first heard the news of the verdict. I remember being so relieved. And I think I've mentioned this a million times before, but this image has never left me for some reason. Just before MJ walked into the courtroom to hear his fate, he raised his hands to his fans one last time. It was as if he didn't know whether he was gonna see them again. Damn it was powerful. And then the look on his face when he was being scanned by the metal detectors, my heart just broke for him.

:boohoo: I don't know how these people could be so heartless.

Anyway, I'm so happy that it's all over now. Michael's future looks brighter than ever, and I'm so happy he's been able to get back on his feet again. I kinda thought that after the trial he would dissappear forever. I guess I was wrong! I hope MJ's shows are a great success. No one deserves it more than him!

yeah i know what you mean. He has always had a real emotive face where he can't hide his feelings.

thank you for your post.

you raise an important point. I still think that MJ has not recovered, it will take time.

The media play their part ... they chose not to accept that he is innocent. They talked themselves into believing the lies. And they would have to admit they did wrong. I believe there is still a long way to go.

it all pretty much depends on the This is it! - shows. The first, and all the 50 others... that's my guess.

On a personal level, i believe it was important for MJ to stop living in his own country. Despite the interest of criminal papparazzi, everyone else is fine with him and his people in their neighborhood.


This is how I remember it ... innocence found. That is what today means to me, relief of much angst and pain. The optimum outcome to a horrid injustice ... my heart was heavy at the thought of a guilty verdict. No matter how I had tried to brace myself for the worst...no amount of preparation was going to matter. It was a joyous day!!

I praised that jury for coming to the truth, in spite of the prosecution's lies and deceptions.

This day is very important to me. Every year since 2005, I have made sure to remind people of it's significance ... today at work, they will all be reminded what happened on this date in 2005. Some will have a smart comment to make ... if they choose to open that door, they better be ready to deal with the facts. This is the one day that I hold nothing back. I look forward to this day to set them all straight.

When i get home the party starts!! The food has been bought, the drinks are chilled, the guests invited .... it is ON !!

Yall can chose to forget this day if it holds a harsh or bitter memory but for me, it is a day to celebrate the end of a fucked up time in our lives :zformation:
Well, when I saw the title of this thread I thought yay its a month to go til the opening show! I dont dwell on the trial, it was a horrendous time and I dont like to re-visit it at all. Michael is moving onwards and upwards and is about to return to his roots....music and entertainment. The next few weeks will be so exciting, lets revel in it!
OMG i forgot all about it, till i saw this thread. I was in my sitting room and turned over the news to see if there was any latest news on MJ, and was sooooo scared that day! But it was such of a relief when i heard the outcome!
june 13th.. was a day of happiness and joy. I will never forget that date. crying of happiness back then lol :)
You know, watching those old videos, there's one person standing in the crowd outside the courtroom that says:

"Michael, on behalf of mankind, we're sorry."

That about sums up today for me. There are joyous memories, but memories that also spark a profound sadness. It took a number of bad people for it to ever get as far as it did. Thank the Lord good won out in the end.