June 13th.

this thread gave me goosebumps :)
michael you are so strong
I remember skipping school to see it on TV, and then crying so much out of relief and happiness.
I wasn't a fan at the time, but I just remember watching on the news the jurors after the trial talking about the case and stuff.
My heart was beating like crazy when they started reading the verdict. I was watching the whole ride from Neverland to court on CNN, and just before they arrived, my mom yelled upstairs that "something about Michael Jackson was on tv". Like I didnt know. I was so happy when he was found not guily, but I also saw what the trial had done to him. He was wasted that day.
I was watching the news, on my knees on the floor of my living room. Wide eyed and grinning with happiness. I don't know why I was on the floor. So I could be closer to the TV I guess. Haha.

Me too! I somehow found I had slid off the chair onto the floor (and I was lodging at the time, the tv was TINY, and on the ground, so i was literally bent down to look at it on my knees...

except I was crying. Not tears of sadness.... tears of realisation that it is finally over, and so much relief and liberation came over me, as I could feel everyone else's emotions too that were strong at that moment. xx
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I remeber all this, b/c i was at work doing my night shift at the time, When i heard the verdict i was jumping up and down and crying with happeness. I heard it on me loaco radio station and then had txts coming tho me phone from friends and family telling me the good news.
I saw it live on TV.

I had an exam next day, but I couldn't focus on anything else but the aqqitual.

I was soooo happy and I had an A in my exam! :lol: Good days for me back then! - And MJ and all MJ fans.
Back home and updating teletext like a maniac and all of a sudden I recieved the wonderful news.

a historical day indeed.
Jesus. every year :smilerolleyes: its not an anniversary u know. how about moving on and not bringing back horrible memories ?

I get what ur saying but this is the ONLY time we EVER talk about it so its nice to have that memory its been 4 years now and all the hurt might not have gone but there's Happiness in everyone of us. This is a positive thing. For Michael and children and of course All the fans.:D
I was at work (in Seattle). I couldn't stand the idea of hearing the verdict while sitting there at my desk, so I tried to delay my lunch (hoping my boss wouldn't notice, since we weren't allowed to delay more than like 30 minutes). They kept saying MJ's "on his way". I finally left my desk for "lunch" once he arrived at the courthouse. I went out to my car and listened there, in private, on the radio. OH, HALLELUJAH when I heard! I think I was smiling, both in joy and relief (!) the rest of the day, but it was all still tinged with the sadness of all that wasted time and emotional effort for everyone involved. Poor Michael :(

But then I'd had a dream the night before about hearing a woman reading, "We the jury..." blah blah for all counts and each time saying "not guilty". Then the news people in the dream were saying "Michael Jackson not guilty on ALL counts". So I was also kind of amazed that this dream had come true, exactly as I'd dreamed it... a woman reading the verdict and everything.

Thank God it came true.
It's been 4 years now since Michael got aquitted. what were you doing when you knew about Michael being proved not guilty? I was watching it on the news and screaming.

I was on this board with thousands of other fans celebrating justice. In fact, I believe I was the first to post the verdict!
i was in the car on my way to the ranch, going 80 mph...each ng we screamed, cried, and freaked out cuz i let go of the wheel.

that night i spent it w/ family.....fans from around the world, despite ourdifferences, we banded together and celebrated like no other.

mavericks....the cowboy bar on broadway....it was ours for the night.

i drank and drank and drank! lol and when my friends took my money and cut me off, god bless raffles, he paid for me to get some more drinks.....we celebrated into the night and then went to denny's....

it was amazing. the outpouring of love from his family at the ranch...great to rub it in to the media...who were utterly gobsmacked but it was poetic justice

i'll be celebrating it by watching my buddy cain fight in ufc 99 tmrw....drinking and wearing my 'not guilty bitches' shirt! lol






I get what ur saying but this is the ONLY time we EVER talk about it so its nice to have that memory its been 4 years now and all the hurt might not have gone but there's Happiness in everyone of us. This is a positive thing. For Michael and children and of course All the fans.:D

I know...the celebration is that he won! I remember waking up every morning during the trial and not believing that He was going through all that. I was actually at work and I was on pins and needles and I couldnt show it! but one of the guys had the radio on and when I heard the first not guilty...and then the next not guilty...and next it was the most amazing feeling in the world! I lived to see a miracle....amazing
I think i stayed home all day that day and waited for the verdict.
When the verdict came out , i was like "YES!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!..MICHAEL UR THE BEST! :)

Altough it is painful to look back, but i guess we can celebrate the fact that mike is safe now with his children and is happy. Well i hope he is :)
i had just came home from school,and i walked n2 the kitchen and my mom had the news on,it was breaking news,with live coverage outside the courthouse. Then the lady said the verdict wud be read within minutes,i just dropped everything and waiting. i was happy,scared,nervous,and angry all wrapped ito 1. I remember seeing the lady release doves after each not guily read. After the last 1 i ran and opened the front door and screamed @ the top of my lugs and opened all the windows and played D.S. over and over lol
Just thinking about it and remembering that day vividly has my heart pounding. I shall never forget the day I cried so much for someone whom I don't know but care about so much. He certainly had been through hell and back. Now is the time to focus on the future and that is Michael performing once again. That is what we should be focusing on is the good that he does. :yes:
That was an odd day for me. I got home from school, saw that he was on the news. Take note that i was not a MJ fan at the time. I saw that they were going to read the verdict, my mom and dad were watching it on TV...my parents had a feeling he would get all not guiltys, but i was dead set on him getting convicted. But something happened afterwards, when all the NGs were read. I started to get into Michael's music and talent. I bought all his CDs, and became a giant and huge MJ supporter. Its odd, but the day of the trial was the 1st day that I became a Michael Jackson fan. Its funny how things turn out isn't it?
i was watching the tv silently..getting upset the way the media was talking about him going to jail. i cryed worried michael was getting deeply depressed. even though it turned out okay in the end.. i still would never count this as an anniversary.
I was on my way to school and about to get out of the subway station and happened to watch the outcome on TV there while walking past it. I was not a fan at that time, so my reaction wasn't emotional like many of yours. But I remember feeling good to see the outcome. I mean, I knew he had been wronged becuz of jealous, racist, money-hungry, cunning MFs living in their own AmeriKKKa.
I was glued to the TV just after I heard the verdict had come In. I was sitting in a chair kind of hugging myself and rocking beciause I was so anxious _ when the verdict was read _I jumped up punching my fist in the air shouting YES YES YES _Thank you Jesus :wild: Then when I saw him walk out of the courhouse I just started wailing crying like a baby_ he looked so broken and weak _ I was exausted and a mental wreck so I cant even imagine the hell he had been going through _ My sister called me shortly after that to talk as she knew how much I loved him _Im so greatful and happy for how it turned out _ and each yr I say I wont celebrate but I just cant help it .. It was an amazing historical happy moment in MJ history

Like I said earlier, I was not a fan at that time and wasn't getting emotional on that day, but now that I'm a fan and while reading what y'all went through and felt,

I feel I have to salute each and every one of you for having stuck together to stick by Michael during one of the most painful times of his life:angel::bow:
I remember that day - that night - 4 years ago as if it was yesterday. I know exactly how I felt, everything. It was an intense time and I'll never forget the meaning of that date
I feel I have to salute each and every one of you for having stuck together to stick by Michael during one of the most painful times of his life:angel::bow:
Aww thanx helena :hug: :)
That day l got really sick couldn't even go to work. I recall people that l had not talked to ages calling to check on me:(

What a nightmare.