John Landis suing Michael Jackson?!

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well maybe he shouldn't have a billion pound empire then its obviously too much for him to handle, if he is to take care of everything ie payments debts etc. I thought thats why people hire accounts etc to do that sort of thing. I agree there should be meetings etc to discuss things but you put you trust in these people to do the right thing, and to do their jobs properly
Is this thread DONE yet? It's become circular.

1. It is NOT Landis' fault that he wants to collect on a debt. He's mentioned this in the past, but apparently got tired of waiting.

2. A contract is a contract. The "fairness" of a contract Michael signed when he was 24 years old is really not debatable now. He paid on this for years, and then stopped, for whatever reasons, so obviously at one time, he thought it was fair. The only defense I can see in this civil-suit is the validity of the contract. The fact that Michael paid on it for years, would indicate that it is valid. I don't see this one even going to court.

3. Nobody here knows what Michael faces in terms of the complexity of his finances, or even his personal life. Sure, there are other rich celebrities. Some have done just fine in managing their finances, and some have NOT. (Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy at least once. . . )

4. Michael obviously has had/continues to have staffing problems. We cannot fully know the reasons for something so personal.

5. This will either be solved and the debt paid, or it will not be.

Are we DONE yet?
maybe we shouldnt worry about trying to figure it out and let those who have to sort it out do so, and we will read the reports later?
The man's in the wrong (again)....just like he was with the Sheikh.

Why can't fans accept that?
I have no doubt ths will be sorted, don't even think it will go to court
Oh come on the sheiks claims were just stupid, and thats why he bottled it at the last minute. Mike was getting on that plane and the sheilk crapped his pants
I don't think Johns should get 50% Michael put all the work into Thriller and he shouldn't have to pay for that

John Landis helped make Thriller. Michael did the acting, dancing, and singing, but John directed it and put the whole thing together. It was a film, do you think that the directors of major films like Stephen Spielberg shouldn't get money for making films like E.T., either?

Thriller wouldn't have been Thriller without John Landis.
Oh come on the sheiks claims were just stupid, and thats why he bottled it at the last minute. Mike was getting on that plane and the sheilk crapped his pants
How do you know it wasn't Michael who bottled it?

Oh, that's don't. you're just expressing an opinion from a fan's perspective :)
And around and around we go.

Guys, please take the time to read the thread from the beginning so you don't just repeat and repeat?

It's doubtful that this will go to court. It's pretty clear-cut.

carry on (hopefully NOT?)

How do you know it wasn't Michael who bottled it?

Oh, that's don't. you're just expressing an opinion from a fan's perspective
neither do you know what went on. more upset that you didnt get to see mj
neither do you know what went on. more upset that you didnt get to see mj
Well, yeah, that's true. I'll give you that.

Just like I said to the media at the time, I was a bit disappointed in not seeing him, but at the same time glad that it's settled.

Whatever the reason was, I'm sure we were all happy about the settlement.

Let's hope something positive comes out of this case (for MJ at least) :)
For me it's clear that Michael is not going to let this case goes to court.

The only bad thing is that we are going to see this news in a lot magazines and websites
Well, yeah, that's true. I'll give you that.
yeah well that sums it up. perhaps you should have spent your time in the court room listening to the facts then in the previous days instead of it always being a case of mj is in the wrong because thats hardly the inmpression that came from those who testifyed such as guy (crazy frog)
For me it's clear that Michael is not going to let this case goes to court.

The only bad thing is that we are going to see this news in a lot magazines and websites
....and the fact that (again & again) they're gonna remind us of previous cases and previous legal troubles.

Bottom Line: The Media have a different agenda to what's really important.
so is michael actually being sued himself? because if so that is not right! :mad:

Why is that not right? Since the record company had nothing to do with it and since Optimum Productions = Michael Jackson (no other shareholders/owners than MJ himself).
Whats the big anyways...this is no supprise...this will settle eventually
That's funny he's suing him because they show Thriller very rarely nowadays. So is this Landis out of money or what!?
That's funny he's suing him because they show Thriller very rarely nowadays. So is this Landis out of money or what!?

What is so funny about Landis suing him? I don't think Landis personal economy has anything to do with it, I think he just wants his money.

And even if it airs rarely nowadays the video has been released on several dvds which continue to sell decently. (It was also part of the Thriller 25th anniversary album, which has sold 3 or so million copies.)
So is this Landis out of money or what!?
Even if he's out of money, that doesn't justify a breach of the contract. He has every right to get his money for a legal contract that he and Michael both signed.
Even if he's out of money, that doesn't justify a breach of the contract. He has every right to get his money for a legal contract that he and Michael both signed.

I know but I mean that short film hasn't made so much money at all anymore. I think Landis just thinks it makes lots of money. I think he has got money but he thinks that isn't 50% even thou it is.
I know but I mean that short film hasn't made so much money at all anymore. I think Landis just thinks it makes lots of money. I think he has got money but he thinks that isn't 50% even thou it is.
Sorry, but you're not making sense (to me).
Well wasn't "Thriller 25" a big deal? "Thriller" the video has been getting a lot of publicity in the last two years with tribute videos, views of the original video itself, and the release of "Thriller 25" included the "Thriller" video as part of the DVD, I say it has done its share and is still being viewed in one level or another. Hell it was the number-one selling video on iTunes for the Halloween weekend. :lol: I'm sorry but "Thriller" DOES remain a big deal and John has said that MJ owed him some money but the time he said it, it was after the trial and MJ was overseas or in another American city (usually Nevada) so he was probably hoping Michael had contacted him and when he supposedly didn't, that's when the suit was filed. Something broke down between John and his company and Michael and his now-defunct one that has messed this up, plus the video's not even in Sony's control so I guess you have to read between the lines on this one. I don't think neither side is to blame for any of this, it's a communication problem.
Sorry, but you're not making sense (to me).

I mean Michael has paid him and it's not said that Michael is responsible to give away information about the profits. So Landis is just supposing he hasnt got all the money belonging to him and that's why this happens in the first place.
I've just removed an article that was disrespectful to Michael. Please don't post it here again. Thank u.
I mean Michael has paid him and it's not said that Michael is responsible to give away information about the profits. So Landis is just supposing he hasnt got all the money belonging to him and that's why this happens in the first place.

In the contract Michael agrees to give a quarterly statement about profits to John Landis. He hasn't received those statements in quite sometime so who knows how much the thriller video made in those 4 years or more.
I mean Michael has paid him and it's not said that Michael is responsible to give away information about the profits. So Landis is just supposing he hasnt got all the money belonging to him and that's why this happens in the first place.

This is so off the wall, I don't know what to say. Maybe re-read the official filed document on the first page to get a better understanding of the whole thing?

Edit: Oops, sorry Mod 1, we must have been typing at the same time.
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