John Landis suing Michael Jackson?!

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Noone is disrespecting anyone, Michael did the singing danceing, John was only the director.

There can't be one without the other.

Michael signed the contractual agreement.

Bottom line.
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If someone does NOT truly know ALL The Facts and such
Involved how can one place judgement upon someone or
something? I dont understand that? Just My Opinion...


yeah well thats easy for you to say. walk a day in someones else shoes. and having 50 k and paying your local taxes and gas bills is hardly the same as dealing with a billion £ business and all its off shots. one is slightly harder to deal with and run than the other

:doh: Doesn't matter if you owe a dollar or 10 billion dollars at the end of the day it falls on you to deliver no one else. Can lay the blame all you want it simply doesn't matter. It's your debt not their's.
I have and I have done it; that is why I can speak on it.

(hmm, quote feature temporarily working. Strange. . . ) Actually, not. . . There is no one on this board who has walked in Michael's shoes with regard to finances. When you get to the stratosphere where Michael is, there are companies nested within companies, investments with multiple partners, cash that flows here and there, and it would take a TEAM of people with business degrees/higher finance expertise to sort it all out and keep it all running. The question is, who is that team and in what ways did they/can they take advantage?

If all was running smoothly with financial planning, this would NOT have happened. It's not a question of Michael sitting down at a desk, with his reading glasses on and a notebook, you know! The tragedy is that Michael didn't have better employees to keep track of his financial matters. Hopefully now he can regroup.

How clueless can some of you be, claiming that Mike "did all the work" on Thriller and therefor deserves all of the profit.

It's okay to be a fan, but at least try to have some sensibility, people.
yeah well thats easy for you to say. walk a day in someones else shoes. and having 50 k and paying your local taxes and gas bills is hardly the same as dealing with a billion £ business and all its off shots. one is slightly harder to deal with and run than the other
And again, the MORE money you are handling means the more you should be on it (you keep proving my point). If Oprah can did it, Bill Gates, and all of these other BILLIONAIRES who has a billionaire dollar business and a billion in cash, why can't Michael do it? So what excuse are you going to give about these people who are in better shape than Michael who are managing their fortune/empires? Yes, people get sued but not like this. It is on the document that Michael signed off on this so it is in black and white. Sorry but no more excuses. Michael is just not handling his stuff. Again, I hope it works out for him and he get his stuff together.
Lets face it Michael has had problems since 93 people sueing him two child abuse claims against him, he has had nothing but bad luck. People who he has trusted even accountants have screwed him over what is the guy to do. He is trying to get his life back, and i would of thought John of all people would understand that.

As i said before maybe mike thought John had been paid we just don't know all we are getting is that John is sueing MJ.

Maybe we need to know more before we as suppose fans judge MJ
Doesn't matter if you owe a dollar or 10 billion dollars at the end of the day it falls on you to deliver no one else. Can lay the blame all you want it simply doesn't matter. It's your debt not their's
yes we know it falls on you. your the one who gets sued.but ppl shouldnt be so quick to act like they are an expert on the issue interms of going off at mike all the time. when they have had no experience of owning such an empire and all the issues that come with it. if mj owes him then it will get settled as i said its hardly seems to be a complex case. just a shame that those who mj hires cant do their jobs properly in the first place
Lets face it Michael has had problems since 93 people sueing him two child abuse claims against him, he has had nothing but bad luck. People who he has trusted even accountants have screwed him over what is the guy to do. He is trying to get his life back, and i would of thought John of all people would understans that.
No matter how much "bad luck" Michael has had, it doesn't justify the breach of any given contract.
(hmm, quote feature temporarily working. Strange. . . ) Actually, not. . . There is no one on this board who has walked in Michael's shoes with regard to finances. When you get to the stratosphere where Michael is, there are companies nested within companies, investments with multiple partners, cash that flows here and there, and it would take a TEAM of people with business degrees/higher finance expertise to sort it all out and keep it all running. The question is, who is that team and in what ways did they/can they take advantage?

If all was running smoothly with financial planning, this would NOT have happened. It's not a question of Michael sitting down at a desk, with his reading glasses on and a notebook, you know! The tragedy is that Michael didn't have better employees to keep track of his financial matters. Hopefully now he can regroup.

Again, Michael is not the only rich and famous person as some fans seem to act as if he is (heck some of them have more money and employees than Michael). I am not talking about people on this board but others who are in the same financial class as Michael. Even with regrouping, you still have to oversea things. If others can do it, so can Michael.
And again, the MORE money you are handling means the more you should be on it (you keep proving my point). If Oprah can did it, Bill Gates, and all of these other BILLIONAIRES who has a billionaire dollar business and a billion in cash, why can't Michael do it? So what excuse are you going to give about these people who are in better shape than Michael who are managing their fortune/empires? Yes, people get sued but not like this. It is on the document that Michael signed off on this so it is in black and white. Sorry but no more excuses. Michael is just not handling his stuff. Again, I hope it works out for him and he get his stuff together.
your over dramatising this like its something major. one lawsuit big deal from an obviously over sight that happened in 05 the middle of the trial. all the major suits have been delt with by londell and this one will be sorted. i have no idea about gates and oprah i dont follow their careers. im sure like any big empire they have their issues aswell. fortunalty for them they aint supid interms of hiring german con artist and porn directors to work for them. they prob arent as cluesless as mj when it comes to things like that. its just as normal some are turning this into a big drama that it suddenly means mj losing it again and londell is leaving and oh no the sky is falling because there was an oversight for whatever reason and it will be delt with one way or the other.. its hardly a case of mj losing the sony/atv cat.
Yeah but Michael is an easy target, who ever thought Bob Jones would do what he did to mike and he worked for him for years. You can't trust anyone mike knows how the business works you all have him down as being stupid.
hmm, quote feature temporarily working. Strange. . . ) Actually, not. . . There is no one on this board who has walked in Michael's shoes with regard to finances. When you get to the stratosphere where Michael is, there are companies nested within companies, investments with multiple partners, cash that flows here and there, and it would take a TEAM of people with business degrees/higher finance expertise to sort it all out and keep it all running. The question is, who is that team and in what ways did they/can they take advantage?

If all was running smoothly with financial planning, this would NOT have happened. It's not a question of Michael sitting down at a desk, with his reading glasses on and a notebook, you know! The tragedy is that Michael didn't have better employees to keep track of his financial matters. Hopefully now he can regroup.

u say it so much quicker and better than me lol.

im sorry but sometimes some ppl just sound so dam self rightous in regards to these thing, never have and never will walk anywhere near mjs shoes interms of business empires ect yet seem to post like they are talking down to him and like they are gates and oprah rolled into one
yes we know it falls on you. your the one who gets sued.but ppl shouldnt be so quick to act like they are an expert on the issue interms of going off at mike all the time. when they have had no experience of owning such an empire and all the issues that come with it. if mj owes him then it will get settled as i said its hardly seems to be a complex case. just a shame that those who mj hires cant do their jobs properly in the first place
If you signed a contract to pay someone money, especially if you have been owing it for a few years. Do not have to own an empire to know that. That is common sense. If we (the public) knew about John comment back then, you know they know. Again, Michael is NOT the only rich person in the world.
I admire John for leaving it for 4 years after the trial to bring this up, I think it shows he cares quite a lot actually, because he would be missing out on quite a lot of money in them 4 years.

I'm sure they will both sort it out soon, if not already lol
i am talking about personal communication between michael HIMSELF and john. not about michael's camp and john. how do i know ? because i know michael as a person and i know for a fact that he'd never deny someones well-deserved payment. michael is someone who is generous to a fault and hes given fortunes to ppl that didnt deserve a nickle and to charities and here and there yet he'd deny to pay someone who worked hard for his money and was/is his friend ? thats how i know. he could have talked to michaels camp and they could have ignored it. but not michael himself. thats why i said and emphasized that he should have talked to michael personally and nobody else. by the looks of it he didnt.

Hey, just to add to your comment on how generous Michael is to the point of paying someone who worked hard for his/her monies, New York's 'Daily Newspaper' is reporting based upon the 'Mirror', if true, the following about Co-Star Ola Ray in MJ's 'Thriller' video:

Jackson helped her out with money from time to time, cutting her checks for several thousand dollars, according to the Mirror.

On another note, what was mentioned next in the 'Daily News' did not set right with me. The article stated:

For a while, Ray blamed Jackson for not getting her more money from the "Thriller" video, but in an interview last year, she said she had forgiven him.

I don't understand. Is Ola implying that she was entitled to more money, originally, or that she just felt that her pay check should have been larger? And if so, if the Mirror rings true:smilerolleyes:, how can anyone, imo, get upset or direct anger at someone who is assisting you financially during your time of need? Perhaps, I am missing something here or maybe it's just the 'Mirror' at their old tricks again, writing crap.
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Yeah but Michael is an easy target, who ever thought Bob Jones would do what he did to mike and he worked for him for years.
If he hasn't paid John Landis, then he isn't an easy target for nothing - he put himself into that situation.

You can't trust anyone mike knows how the business works you all have him down as being stupid.
And exactly how do you know how much knowledge he posses?
your over dramatising this like its something major. one lawsuit big deal from an obviously over sight that happened in 05 the middle of the trial. all the major suits have been delt with by londell and this one will be sorted. i have no idea about gates and oprah i dont follow their careers. im sure like any big empire they have their issues aswell. fortunalty for them they aint supid interms of hiring german con artist and porn directors to work for them. they prob arent as cluesless as mj when it comes to things like that. its just as normal some are turning this into a big drama that it suddenly means mj losing it again and londell is leaving and oh no the sky is falling because there was an oversight for whatever reason and it will be delt with one way or the other.. its hardly a case of mj losing the sony/atv cat.
Well, I know about Gates and Oprah and that is why I bring them up. that is why I do not buy into your reason for this about Michael being sued all the time. Yes, they have problems, like all business, but not like this. And no is saying the sky falling for Michael. this is just a discuss that WE ALL are talking about on this board.
Regardless of anyones experiences or financial status. A debt is still a debt and we don't have all the information so we can't lay blame or support to anyone. Both are respected individuals.

Love the man for what he gives us don't worry bout the rest - we are all human. Too many focusing on other peoples problems that we have nothing to do with :lol:
you signed a contract to pay someone money, especially if you have been owing it for a few years. Do not have to own an empire to know that. That is common sense. If we (the public) knew about John comment back then, you know they know. Again, Michael is NOT the only rich person in the world
i have never contested that point. as i said in my first post. its a straight forward enough case if the money is owed then it will be sorted. the contract has nothing to do with what i was saying. it still comes down to the money being paid by the accountants who are paid to pay the bills etc. a contract that mj signed in the 80 is irrelvent.he knows what the agreement is thats obvious. the issues is the ppl who are paid to pay the bills and these payements for whatever reason not being made and why
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Regardless of anyones experiences or financial status. A debt is still a debt and we don't have all the information so we can't lay blame or support to anyone. Both are respected individuals.
Exactly. I just find it completely irrational and absurd how some fans think they know everything about MJ and as soon someone goes against him, they believe he's innocent in any given case. A whole lot of sensibility is lacking there.

If true he has breached the contract, he should stand up and pay the debts. Nothing less nothing more.
why I do not buy into your reason for this about Michael being sued all the time.

which is what? cause i havnt made excuses. as ive said a thousand times if the money is owed it will be paid. and u spend as much times on oprah and gates forums discussing any lawsuits/issues that come up in the business? shit was happening through 05 we all know that. the fact is there wasnt any of this sort of trouble before then and the incoming of the likes of weisener and no mj isnt and wasnt doing this all the time. it built up from 03 onwards we all know that. and vertually everything now has been cleared by londell. this hasnt and now will be. big deal. or just you it as another stick to beat mj. as u say u have such experience with billion £ empires. so what happened?
If true he has breached the contract, he should stand up and pay the debts. Nothing less nothing more.
exactly and then find out why it got to this stage and was over looked by those paid big $ to deal with such issues..
Regardless of anyones experiences or financial status. A debt is still a debt and we don't have all the information so we can't lay blame or support to anyone. Both are respected individuals.

Love the man for what he gives us don't worry bout the rest - we are all human. Too many focusing on other peoples problems that we have nothing to do with :lol:

Im saying! remind me of a dog chasing its tail? :doh: :lol:
This is a response to everyone who says that Landis was only the director and that Mike did everything else.

Nether Michael nor the record company could/would fund the video. It was Landis who made the deals with Showtime and MTV for the money needed. It was Landis who fixed a studio, crew etc, and he also co-wrote the whole video. He's credited as director, producer and writer of the Thriller video.

Even with another director there still wouldn't be a video since neither Michael nor the record company wanted to pay for it. It was Landis who stuck his own neck out to get the cash needed for it.

Of course a 50/50 deal was acceptable, since he produced it and all. It was a good deal for Michael.

This is a response to everyone who says that Landis was only the director and that Mike did everything else.

Nether Michael nor the record company could/would fund the video. It was Landis who made the deals with Showtime and MTV for the money needed. It was Landis who fixed a studio, crew etc, and he also co-wrote the whole video. He's credited as director, producer and writer of the Thriller video.

Even with another director there still wouldn't be a video since neither Michael nor the record company wanted to pay for it. It was Landis who stuck his own neck out to get the cash needed for it.

Of course a 50/50 deal was acceptable, since he produced it and all. It was a good deal for Michael.

Amen and thank you!
But as elusive said he has accountants to sort all this out, everyone is blaming MJ for this as i said maybe he thought he had paid him
I don't personally think "everyone" is blaming Michael for this going by the posts in this thread. What I see as being said by many/most of the posters is that ultimately this problem is something that now must be handled by Michael and his advisors since it has gone this far without remedy.
But as elusive said he has accountants to sort all this out, everyone is blaming MJ for this as i said maybe he thought he had paid him

None of us have a right to blame anyone but at the end of the day it's Michael that has to deal with Michael's staff, his contracts and his debts along with everything else in life. We don't know the all of this case and should steer clear of judging anyone :yes: (especially each other which some seem to do :scratch: )
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