John Landis suing Michael Jackson?!

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Dang, this thread just keeps going in circles. I'm having trouble understanding why it is so hard to grasp the concept that money is legally owed to John Landis over a period of the last several years; nothing more and nothing less.:scratch:
In the contract Michael agrees to give a quarterly statement about profits to John Landis. He hasn't received those statements in quite sometime so who knows how much the thriller video made in those 4 years or more.

This could not possibly be more clear. What do some folks still not understand? If not, read back, please? It's all there, all that can be known at this time.

This is SO discouraging. Is anyone really READING here? Not targeting any, one, person, but you guys (some of you) are firing off responses like random farts. LOL

Sigh. Michael has a contract with Landis. It doesn't matter now how the contract reads, just that Michael has been honoring it since he was 24 years old. For the last several years, he hasn't been paying Landis, or giving him statements about how much money he is owed. Landis wants his money now, whether it's a thousand bucks, or a million. This is very, very obvious.

Carry on (and I'm sure you will. . . . )

I guess fans just wanna search for an excuse as to why MJ might not be honouring this contract, or a way to put down Landis.
Somerhing smells and maybe going to court will clear it up.
the only thing that 'smells' is Michael not paying money to someone who is entitled to it. LOL

mj needs to sort out paying people. At first i thought people had it in for him. But this is getting silly. He is screwing up relationships with people who can be a big help to him! What is the point!
I agree. I believe Michael has just lost track of who needs to be paid what.

He should just pay him and tell him to go to h@ll afterwards...
Why tell him to go to hell? Landis is only trying to get the money he deserves. And to be fair, he could have sued MJ ages ago so it might very well be that Landis waited in hopes of seeing Michael make some money so he could pay him.

This is SO discouraging. Is anyone really READING here? Not targeting any, one, person, but you guys (some of you) are firing off responses like random farts. LOL

I'm reading hun! LOL
I beleive Michael when he says the music business is full of sharks and thats why i think Michael takes ages to do new albums, and i guess thats why he he taking his time with this one and nothing is being said or leaked. He is being very careful.

I don't think Johns should get 50% Michael put all the work into Thriller and he shouldn't have to pay for that
That doesn't matter, Mike does as he signed the contract. John didn't force Mike to sign, so obviously Mike thought the contract was fair. It wasn't like the Motown Records contract, where the J5 were children and told to sign. Mike didn't put all the work into it anyway. There were other people like John, Michael Peters, the dancers, Ola Ray, film crew, etc. How long it takes to record an album has nothing to do with contracts or "sharks". The record business has always been the same, in the old days a lot of the record labels was run by the mafia and the acts then put out records often. Just like the ATV song catalog, he or Sony has to pay the songwriters of the individual songs.
That's funny he's suing him because they show Thriller very rarely nowadays. So is this Landis out of money or what!?

Thriller wasn't the only thing John Landis has done, he will still be getting money from all his other majorly succesfull movies.
Well it really is not that big of a deal. John says he is owed money John will be paid I am sure but lets not act like it is the end of the world here. I mean some of you are going on like Michael is going to go to jail
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Interesting. Seems like Thriller is hitting Broadway.

Word of the suit comes just after an announcement that Jackson has signed a deal to take the dancing zombie story to the Broadway stage.

The Nederlander Organization, a Broadway production company, announced Tuesday that it had signed a contract with Jackson to produce "Thriller" on stage. The show, which Jackson is to be involved with, also is to include music from other Jackson albums, the company said.
The court has set May 11 as the date for lawyers to hold a conference with a judge concerning the lawsuit.
at least Mike and John got a better deal out of Thriller than vincent Price LOL
This is so off the wall, I don't know what to say. Maybe re-read the official filed document on the first page to get a better understanding of the whole thing?

Edit: Oops, sorry Mod 1, we must have been typing at the same time.

No, I understood it very well. I just mean it's not Michael who should inform Landis about profits. Probably Michael haven't got any reports either. These kind of lawsuits aren't unusual, it happens all the time. It's just that it's not that easy to handle Michael's economy. And there happens to be mistakes. And sometimes lawsuits are the only way to contact a person. It's not easy to contact Michael if you don't know how. Even if you were another celebrity. And this is usually also the fastest way to handle problems.

We are talking probably about one million dollars or less, not more.
Questions are, who prepared the contract for MJ's signature? Was it the law firm guy that had a secret account on the Cayman Islands while getting cash on a side deal to wrestle the Beatles catalog away from MJ for SONY? Was it the accountants that failed to pay his Workers' Comp bill at Neverland or the vet who took care of the animals? The accountants were paid a great deal of money to handle his affairs and didn't. I am amazed at John Landis anyway, where is MJ going? If this is the case, obviously ,you haven't been paid in 4 years you mean you couldn't wait a little longer or until after his career and business got going again. I thought you loved him as you stated in the "Making of Thriller video", I thought Landis even stated that MJ called SONY to put up the advance cash for THRILLER and they didn.t want to do it so MJ did it himself or something to that effect. WOW..It amazes me how many crooks had their hands in MJ's pocket. All the people who paid themselves, ie: Schaffrel, etc way above what was normal for their work.
Its no BIG Deal and is just a way of coming to the bargaining Table
it has nothing to do with their friendship _ It how businesses bargain
Most likely the attorneys will come to an agreement and settle it out
of court - so dont be bashing anyone when you dont understand or
know all the facts _ This is done all the time in the entertainment
business its just not usually publicized .. I'm sure MJ knows what is
going on and doesn't take this to heart _ Its business as usual :)
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Questions are, who prepared the contract for MJ's signature? Was it the law firm guy that had a secret account on the Cayman Islands while getting cash on a side deal to wrestle the Beatles catalog away from MJ for SONY? Was it the accountants that failed to pay his Workers' Comp bill at Neverland or the vet who took care of the animals? The accountants were paid a great deal of money to handle his affairs and didn't. I am amazed at John Landis anyway, where is MJ going? If this is the case, obviously ,you haven't been paid in 4 years you mean you couldn't wait a little longer or until after his career and business got going again. I thought you loved him as you stated in the "Making of Thriller video", I thought Landis even stated that MJ called SONY to put up the advance cash for THRILLER and they didn.t want to do it so MJ did it himself or something to that effect. WOW..It amazes me how many crooks had their hands in MJ's pocket. All the people who paid themselves, ie: Schaffrel, etc way above what was normal for their work.

MJ did this deal with Landis in 1983 :blink: Neverland didn't exist back then. Neither did MJ's owndership of the ATV catalogue.

It's a legit deal, and I doubt signed under duress or pressure from outside parties, because MJ has been paying Landis for the better part of 25 years without hassle.

(Maybe I am confused by your post :unsure:)
A shout to the globe: Leave michael jackson alone at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God he's had enough already!! They just don't seem to want to leave him alone!!!
I don't know how to post it so I am not going to bother doing so but John as sued again. Why? John is saying Michael does not have proper rights to produce that play we heard about. In other words John IMO wants in. Now if Michael owes you money that is one thing but really John I can see what this is about now

Oh wait
Eww, Landis' attnorney's last name is Feldman. Creepy coincidence.

Anyway, John Landis really seems like he's going after Michael now because he thinks he can make more money off of the video. He hasn't exactly been a big name in Hollywood for a long, long time, so it's probably one of his best bets to make cash, besides going on documentarys about Michael and talking about how Michael bleaches his skin.

John's always comes across as a total flake to me. I'm not saying that he's not legally entitled to his money, because I guess he is, but his timing is suspect as is his whole attitude towards Michael. The way he talks about Michael has always rubbed me the wrong way. He's a weirdo.
Well he gives back handed compliments. He'll talk about Michael being ultra talented or ultra sweet, and at the same time call him a freak.
Yeah what is up with that. John if you are owed money then ok but to act that way? Sounds like a jealous lover
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