John Landis suing Michael Jackson?!

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wrong actually.... tell that to Wesley Snipes who is sitting in jail thanks to him having a bad bookkeeper for his financial affairs. At the end of the day YOU are responsible for the $$ that passes through your companies, YOU are responsible for the people you hire to run your business... if the person you hire cant count and get's you into a mess, it's your fault for not hiring the right person.
Yes you can fire or even sue the person for causing you to lose $$ etc but it's still your problem first. ;) If it's your name at the top of the page it's your problem ;)
I agree. I always say, "if you are too busy that you can not look over your own money, you do not need the money".
I remember something like this being discussed here on the board some time back. John was reported then (it was probably at least a yr or two ago) to be dismayed (for lack of a better word) at the failure to receive money owed to him from his work/contract related to Thriller.

Difficult for me to remember exactly what John said, but he was more upset at the difficulty getting what was owed him. I seem to recall he made positive remarks about Michael as a performer, etc., but was disappointed in the business handling of the situation.

Surely one of the older members can recall something about that when we discussed it?
I remember this too but not more than you.
IF michael owes him indeed why didnt john landis call him on the phone or contact him somehow and asked him about the money ? why go to court right away ? if michael owed this guy and knew about it im sure he'd pay him right away. lawsuits must be the very last choice. if civilized convo doesnt work out then go to court.
i have this neighbour that used to complain a lot about my music being played loud. he came to me and politely asked me to keep it down during certain hrs that he sleeps or works. everything worked out fine. imagine if he went to court straight away and filed a lawsuit lol
To all the people who are slandering John Landis, this is nothing personal! He's not even blaming Michael for what happened, it's strictly a business decision.
I don't think this is Michaels fault he hires people to do his business, these people should have made sure John was paid, i'm sure this will be settled soon.

50% wow just for directing
This has been going on for a long time. By now, Michael should know. I love Michael but I am going to look at this with open eyes and call it like it is. John has been a friend for years who has been very loyal to Michael and has no need to go after Michael like the others. Sorry but everyone is not wrong. Michael is not only person who is rich or famous (hardly no one else is being accused of being broke) so why is Michael always going through this stuff. I remember I gave the example of Oprah and how she handles her money and some fans like to lost their minds (she is more a target now and she has more money than Michael (cashwise) than Michael, why isnt Oprah (along with many others) going through this being sued so much like Mike? Lets just be real now. Something is not being done by Michael).
4 years WOW John took a long time to sue Michael. Maybe thats his only income these days.
IF michael owes him indeed why didnt john landis call him on the phone or contact him somehow and asked him about the money ? why go to court right away ? if michael owed this guy and knew about it im sure he'd pay him right away. lawsuits must be the very last choice. if civilized convo doesnt work out then go to court.
i have this neighbour that used to complain a lot about my music being played loud. he came to me and politely asked me to keep it down during certain hrs that he sleeps or works. everything worked out fine. imagine if he went to court straight away and filed a lawsuit lol
How do you if John did not do this and Michael and his camp ignored it? I hope things work out.k
IF michael owes him indeed why didnt john landis call him on the phone or contact him somehow and asked him about the money ? why go to court right away ? if michael owed this guy and knew about it im sure he'd pay him right away. lawsuits must be the very last choice. if civilized convo doesnt work out then go to court.
i have this neighbour that used to complain a lot about my music being played loud. he came to me and politely asked me to keep it down during certain hrs that he sleeps or works. everything worked out fine. imagine if he went to court straight away and filed a lawsuit lol

Maybe that's the problem: maybe Landis has tried to get in contact with MJ but for whatever reason he couldn't so he had no choice but to file a lawsuit. I cannot imagine MJ refusing to pay JL just out of spite or malice; seems to be a lack of communication problem or just carelessness in issuing payments on MJ's part.

I'm just as sick and tired of hearing about Michael being sued as everybody else, but I'm confident he along with Londell McMillan and Landis will manage to resolve this problem together and everybody will move on.
i just hope the matter is resolved soon. I am sure John will get the money he is owed in teh end. Just liek when the Shiek did.
How do you if John did not do this and Michael and his camp ignored it? I hope things work out.k

i am talking about personal communication between michael HIMSELF and john. not about michael's camp and john. how do i know ? because i know michael as a person and i know for a fact that he'd never deny someones well-deserved payment. michael is someone who is generous to a fault and hes given fortunes to ppl that didnt deserve a nickle and to charities and here and there yet he'd deny to pay someone who worked hard for his money and was/is his friend ? thats how i know. he could have talked to michaels camp and they could have ignored it. but not michael himself. thats why i said and emphasized that he should have talked to michael personally and nobody else. by the looks of it he didnt.
Well, guess it had been a while since someone had sued him, lol.

I see it as a business move as well, nothing to do with them being friends or anything. I doubt John just woke up one morning and said: "He owes me, so I might as well sue him!" He probably tried to get hold of Michael many times, but I don't think it's as simple as some may imagine.

It's no biggy though, I'm sure it will be sorted out soon :)

P.S. Couldn't help noticing the famous HUGE signature :rofl:
Since the documents state that this lawsuit was first filed on Jan 21st, does anybody else find it interesting that it has become public only yesterday, just when it was announced that Thriller might be going to Broadway?
Since the documents state that this lawsuit was first filed on Jan 21st, does anybody else find it interesting that it has become public only yesterday, just when it was announced that Thriller might be going to Broadway?

I noticed that right away. The media want to derail anything that might happen with the musical by reporting about the lawsuit.
Another thing is that as recently as early 2007, from what I understand, Michael was still having people manage things for him. And things didn't work out very well there. In 2005, the trial caused alot of problems for Michael on the financial front, meaning that people who should have been paid weren't due to other people taking over his affairs and then not doing things right. And two years later, he was still dealing with legal fallout from that in part because he wasn't in the U. S. for a time. The rest of 2007 through the majority of last year Michael was still cleaning up other lawsuits and the fact that they kept stacking up one after another wasn't helping matters any either IMO. With everything going on, Michael apparently lost John in the shuffle. I'm not saying that John doesn't have a right to what he is owed or the current legal process. And I'm also not saying that Michael shouldn't have to deal with this. But I don't think that Michael would just deliberately not pay someone. With 20 plus lawsuits coming at him almost at once and also the fact that his life is already hectic, somebody's bound to get lost somehow. So, of course John's legal team is going to say that Michael didn't pay on purpose. It's a way to bring their case. Doesn't mean it's true IMO. It's just what they think.
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I beleive Michael when he says the music business is full of sharks and thats why i think Michael takes ages to do new albums, and i guess thats why he he taking his time with this one and nothing is being said or leaked. He is being very careful.

I don't think Johns should get 50% Michael put all the work into Thriller and he shouldn't have to pay for that
4 pages? its not even something intresting. lol seems pretty obvious if its as straight forward as it seems. john stopped being paid around 2005 well we all know what was happening then. since then mj has had a huge amount of different staff trying to sort out all the lawsuits and what not and whoever is/was acting as his accountant has either not known about this ontop of the thousand of other agreements mj has with ppl/companies or hasnt been doing their job properly.seeing as vertually all the lawsuits have gone and theres been no new ones except this then its seems this agreement for some reason hasnt been delt with and has been lost along the way. why john has waited 4 years though i others said prob to do with the musical and john thinking about even more money he could lose lol but if the monies owed then it will be settled pretty quick. if theres more than meets the eye it will drag on and possible get to court. time will tell. but its hardly something to get excited about one way or the the other. and if mj signed and agreed to a contract for 50% then thats mjs doing. regardless of how bad it seems. mjs hardly the best practical business man
i am talking about personal communication between michael HIMSELF and john. not about michael's camp and john. how do i know ? because i know michael as a person and i know for a fact that he'd never deny someones well-deserved payment. michael is someone who is generous to a fault and hes given fortunes to ppl that didnt deserve a nickle and to charities and here and there yet he'd deny to pay someone who worked hard for his money and was/is his friend ? thats how i know. he could have talked to michaels camp and they could have ignored it. but not michael himself. thats why i said and emphasized that he should have talked to michael personally and nobody else. by the looks of it he didnt.
I know all of this; however that still does not take away what has happen. If Michael is leaving this up to others, Michael should still be up on it. I have boss who depends on me to do a job; however that boss still checks up on me. And lets be real, Michael makes himself hard to reach in some ways. Even Wycef Jean spoke about this who Mike owed money to at one time. Again, Michael is not handling his business.
I beleive Michael when he says the music business is full of sharks and thats why i think Michael takes ages to do new albums, and i guess thats why he he taking his time with this one and nothing is being said or leaked. He is being very careful.

I don't think Johns should get 50% Michael put all the work into Thriller and he shouldn't have to pay for that

Oh Pa-lease!!! Did Michael direct the video? No. If there was a contract between the two parties and MJ breached it for whatever reason, than Landis has the right to sue him. Just because MJ has been fu*ked over by shady, greedy people in the past, does not automatically mean that he's ALWAYS the innocent one in situations like this.
I beleive Michael when he says the music business is full of sharks and thats why i think Michael takes ages to do new albums, and i guess thats why he he taking his time with this one and nothing is being said or leaked. He is being very careful.

I don't think Johns should get 50% Michael put all the work into Thriller and he shouldn't have to pay for that

Without John Landis we wouldn't have the Thriller video!

SO have some respect, jeeeez!
I don't think Johns should get 50% Michael put all the work into Thriller and he shouldn't have to pay for that
Well Mike sign off on it. Remember some people do not think Mike should own the Beatles catolog because that is Paul and JOhn's work but when you do not handle your business, you lose it.
The quote feature on this funky old computer is not working. Sorry! But I want to respond to Roxanne's posts. I know people who knew/worked with Michael for many years, and then suddenly found it impossible to reach him. . . . continuing. Michael is well-known for changing his phone number often. He "screens people, and has his staff screen people as well. For mail, he has assistants who go through it before he ever sees it. People are either on the "in list," or they are ENTIRELY unable to get through to him.

The contract is one of long-standing and it is only in recent years that Michael has not been paying Landis his share. Apparently they were partners on the video, and both worked hard and no one is questioning the contract's validity. If they are, it will come out in court, but then would have to be retroactive?

Landis mentioned that he was owed this money, quite awhile ago. At that time he had positive things to say about Michael, and I can't imagine that he'd want to go through the courts to get his payment. I'm sure this is the only way.

This is actually not complicated (FOUR pages of a thread?). It is not Landis' fault that Michael owes him money. Michael should pay the debt, just as ANYONE should pay what is owed, and get on with things.

Oh Pa-lease!!! Did Michael direct the video? No. If there was a contract between the two parties and MJ breached it for whatever reason, than Landis has the right to sue him. Just because MJ has been fu*ked over by shady, greedy people in the past, does not automatically mean that he's ALWAYS the innocent one in situations like this.
I agree. And again, Michael knows the business. ANd I do not buy into this "Michael is practical business man". For years, the best business people from Donald Trump to even Paul Mac has said Michael is a shrewed business man. Again, I love Michael but he needs to get stuff together by now. He is not touring, he is not promoting a cd, etc so he should have some time on his hand to handle all of this stuff by now. This was going on since 2005, it is 2009 now.
know all of this; however that still does not take away what has happen. If Michael is leaving this up to others, Michael should still be up on it. I have boss who depends on me to do a job; however that boss still checks up on me. And lets be real, Michael makes himself hard to reach in some ways. Even Wycef Jean spoke about this who Mike owed money to at one time. Again, Michael is not handling his business.


i dont think u can compair your job with a billion $ empire with dozens of off shoots. mj hires ppl such as accountants etc to do a job that hes not obviously capable of doing himself.we have seen in the past hes not a good practical businessman and u dont sprend money on hiring accountants if u are supposed to do their job for them when your not qualified in any shape or form to do it .when theres 100's of agreements and contract to deal with i would think its very difficult to keep track of everything. thats why u hire accountants and managers to make sure everything is running smoothly. like raymone putting all the businesses into one ie the MJ company. well that obviously didnt work.cause someone missed this one. hopefully at least hes finally got some decent staff who seem to have more than a college pass at business studies.
i dont think u can compair your job with a billion $ empire with dozens of off shoots. mj hires ppl such as accountants etc to do a job that hes not obviously capable of doing himself.we have seen in the past hes not a good practical businessman and u dont sprend money on hiring accountants if u are supposed to do their job for them when your not qualified in any shape or form to do it .when theres 100's of agreements and contract to deal with i would think its very difficult to keep track of everything. thats why u hire accountants and managers to make sure everything is running smoothly. like raymone putting all the businesses into one ie the MJ company. well that obviously didnt work.cause someone missed this one. hopefully at least hes finally got some decent staff who seem to have more than a college pass oat business studies.
Honey, I do not care if you are making $50,000 or a million dollar, it all is the same when it comes down to this: HANDLING YOUR BUSINESS. Period. This why some people with little bit of money can manage and do well while some people who are making twice as much can do nothing. It is all about management and handling your business. And to me, the one who is making the MOST money should be MORE into his/her business because you have more to lose. So you still prove my point.
Without John Landis we wouldn't have the Thriller video!

SO have some respect, jeeeez!

Noone is disrespecting anyone, Michael did the singing danceing, John was only the director.
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Honey, I do not care if you are making $50,000 or a million dollar, it all is the same when it comes down to this: HANDLING YOUR BUSINESS. Period. This why some people with little bit of money can manage and do well while some people who are making twice as much can do nothing. It is all about management and handling your business. And to me, the one who is making the MOST money should be MORE into his/her business because you have more to lose. So you still prove my point.
yeah well thats easy for you to say. walk a day in someones else shoes. and having 50 k and paying your local taxes and gas bills is hardly the same as dealing with a billion £ business and all its off shots. one is slightly harder to deal with and run than the other. a single individual who has what mj does obviously cannot and doesnt deal with everything on their own.yes it would be great if he knew the ins and outs of everything but i doubt that is even possible. that is why u hire ppl to deal with those issues. . i doubt trump does all his own paper work and doesnt hire a single accountant. and considering the amount of times trump has filed for bankrupty hes hardly a role model to use
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As i said before Michael hires people who he thinks he can trust to take care things like this, he probably thought he had been paid. Michael has been struggling the last few years, i'm sure this will be sorted out soon.
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