John Landis in London - MJ related

:wub:I,m so excited somehing is about to happen. I have said all long we just have to wait Michael is full of surprises.
thanks for this great news
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Wow I thought I was in the wrong thread
subject matters sure change quick in here :bugeyed
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Maybe Mike has already choosen his first single to be released for the new album, and they are going to make a video for it!!

I hope this is going to be something to promote the new album!
Michael Jackson To Work With John Landis
September 01, 2006

Pop superstar Michael Jackson is in reunion talks with film-maker John Landis to direct his comeback video. The 48-year-old famously worked with THE BLUES BROTHERS director Landis on the famous promos for his hits THRILLER and BLACK OR WHITE. Landis says, "I talked to him last month. He was in Bahrain or some bizarre place. It was a business thing we had to talk about. "Michael is a genius. He's obviously an eccentric but he really has a great talent."

Contact Music/Yahoo! UK
Maybe Mike has already choosen his first single to be released for the new album, and they are going to make a video for it!!

I hope this is going to be something to promote the new album!
Woooah, I think we are getting too excited here. :lol: We do not know exactly what they are working on, but it's a very big possibility it's a video.. omg. I need a paper bag. lol
U know for over a decade Michael had this film idea that he wanted to do and STILL he has not done it..

SMALL PLOT: An orphan that has a hard time trusting people because of what they have done etc...

I wonder if John would ever take part in making it with Michael...
Huh? I never heard that idea...ever.

Me either

U know for over a decade Michael had this film idea that he wanted to do and STILL he has not done it..

SMALL PLOT: An orphan that has a hard time trusting people because of what they have done etc...

I wonder if John would ever take part in making it with Michael...

Sounds like the story of my life.................with exception to the orphan bit and the hard time trusting people b/c of what they have done bit.
he talked to Bryan Michael Stoller about it for years... But nothing ever came of it.
he talked to Bryan Michael Stoller about it for years... But nothing ever came of it.


I have the feeling John very often talks about stuff he actually don't know... just my feeling
Didn't he also say he wanted to direct and if I'm not mistaken this wasn't the idea MJ had. It had something to do with a horror theme, didn't it?
Not sure if MJ planned to be in that film... Knowing him probably.. If it were my GUESS, Mike would play the person that helps the kid see the beauty in people, and the person the kid can trust.. BUT that's just my GUESS..

Ya Mike still wants to direct film.. This is not the ONLY story he came up with, there have been several ideas and film topics that Mike came up with.. This is just one that he would come to Bryan with often..

He said that he likes film so much because you have the people for 2 hours and you can take them anywhere.. You can change there life.. etc.. He said he would like to use that film idea and incorperate his gifts in music to take the film..
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^ I remember :)

It first was talked about I think in 2003.. Then Bryan did some type of production on it in 2005.. Then nothing.. IDK what Bryan did, but he pulled the title and info back out and put it up on some website as a 'pre-production' film.. NOW IDK whatever happened..

They've talked about so many films together and only MISS CAST AWAY was made.. lol!

I think Mike should try out a different director.. lol!
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I'd like to hear all of the interview between Michael and Mr. Burch...would be great to see how their visit went between the two of them. I hope something comes of their meeting eventually...even if it was awhile ago.
I always had this fantasy of MJ doing a music video...of him, the MJ of today, "traveling" throughout all his famous videos...and all those vids would be recreated in todays effects, yet still recognizable as the 'thriller' video, or 'beat it', or TWYMMF. stupid idea but hey, i think it'll look cool and trippy:lol:

I agree with everyone that says they want something new, but I think the above suggestion is a great idea. Maybe it could be sort of like Leave Me Alone, only he's traveling through all of his vids.