John Landis in London - MJ related

^ It does not have to be THRILLER related... Landis did do Black Or White and had nothing in relation to Thriller...

If it were to me my personal guess, they would be working on a long music video/film... Why I say long, is because music videos take only DAYS for the filming process... NEVER has a 'music video' taken month(S)..

If there is something, it's more than a little video...
Oooorrr maybe they've been planning or talking about it for 'months' but never actually started anything.
^ It does not have to be THRILLER related... Landis did do Black Or White and had nothing in relation to Thriller...

If it were to me my personal guess, they would be working on a long music video/film... Why I say long, is because music videos take only DAYS for the filming process... NEVER has a 'music video' taken month(S)..

If there is something, it's more than a little video...

Did anything they do be more than "a little video"? :rofl:

Hell, they may be working on a full-length movie for all we know. :lol: Or maybe they're doing a documentary on "Thriller", lol...
^ Ya we don't know....

If Landis really said what the first page said he did... It's SOMETHING..

They've been talking since 2006.. (that we know of).. If they are working together, I would think they would have done the 'talking' within the past 2 years..

So If Landis says 'working' I think they are WORKING.. Maybe not FILMING for MONTH(s) but creating it, writting it, filming it etc..

And ya, a movie takes an average 3 months of filming.. SO!!!

But Landis does have other big projects this year, and another movie would be A LOT to take away from him.. Time wise...

So IDK.. it's fun to talk about though.. :)
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I have a sneaky feeling that its going to be a reinterpretation of the Thriller video. Not a remake as such but a video that celebrates Thriller but does something entirely new and fresh.
That's what I was trying to point out, maybe John has a workload and maybe they'll start working in '09, lol. :lol:

People so sure about this year. ;) I have nothing against MJ and Landis working together at all but until we know for sure what it is we will have to usual.

Some people believe it's for "Thriller". :lol:
crap!! how late am I???? anyway.......

I'd looove to see something from John and Michael!!! *getting excited*
just tossing this in:

I wonder if this has anything to do with why they deleted GHOSTS from MJ's youtube page.. Maybe the thought of people calling Ghosts a 'Thriller II' will effect there plans together...... lol!

just saying..

But I really hope SOMETHING is going on.. Anyone know if John has been spotted in Vegas often lately??
AHHHHH IF SOMEBODY SAYS NOW - oh well maybe Michael is going to edit videos for some other artists and John Landis will help, I will officially jump out of the window!
I know what's happening. It's related to the Thriller short film.
U KNOW what's happening? and it's Thriller related?

Then why was it not released when Thriller 25 was being promoted? And what THRILLEr related project would take 2 years to unfold??? Knowing that Mike was not planning Thriller 25 in 2006.
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U KNOW what's happening? and it's Thriller related?

Then why was it not released when Thriller 25 was being promoted? And what THRILLEr related project would take 2 years to unfold??? Knowing that Mike was not planning Thriller 25 in 2006.

Well, don't you know that Thriller the short film was released a year after the album. It was kinda "second promotion". Pure genious.
Don't you know that even if it's 25 years since the album release it becomes 25 years since the Thriller short film in December this year.
^ Ur sources of ur information?? Because I may or may not know a little more than what I tell people here..
Sounds yummy and exciting...whatever they're cooking up! And good on John for keeping the surprise a "surpise". Confetti for John!!! :D

Thanks for posting! :flowers:
I got my boots on for the new era to be launched.. But my feet are getting sweaty, just waiting and not being launched...

metaphor of course..
Oh , no, no. Correction. It's TOPFLUX who is gonna make me jump out of the window.

So...Goodbye cruel world.
Well, don't you know that Thriller the short film was released a year after the album. It was kinda "second promotion". Pure genious.

meh i have to disagree lol I'd rather Mj MOVE FORWARD than milking on the past...sorry. Thriller doesn't need to be remade.

I said this about T25 too...and ya know it was nice for getting MJ's name out there but he shouldnt rely soooo much on it. Ya know? JIMO
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meh i have to disagree lol I'd rather Mj MOVE FORWARD than milking on the past...sorry. Thriller doesn't need to be remade.

I said this about T25 too...and ya know it was nice for getting MJ's name out there but he shouldnt rely soooo much on it. Ya know? JIMO

Exactly. Some people are already thinking he's living the past so suggesting this is from "Thriller" will only make their opinion grow that MJ is milking "Thriller" for all its worth.
I don't know, I would like to hope they are working on something new! Rather than retreading the past like everyone else here is speculating, I would only hope they are working on that one thing that will make people go: "WOW, I wasn't expecting that!". That is what happened the last two times they worked together. First Thriller, then Black or White. Some of us remember how controversial BOW was when it first came out. The news that was broadcast in every nation around the world was about how shocking that video was. I believe that was the first time Mike did the crotch grab thingy and I'm sure a few old women may have fainted from that:swoon:. So that is what makes me think that the "surprise" John is talking about is something new. As you all are speculating about it being a remake of Thriller, how can it be a surprise when and if it comes out. There is no surprise if you are expecting it.
Think about it, it's gotta be something new! :angel::yes:

he did the crotch grab thingy way before the early 90s.

Hmph... lol

Everybody be saying they working with MJ then we don't see nothing, lol. Besides if they were to like bring back 'Thriller', how can they make something better of what has already been branded a classic/masterpiece? LOL
true. just look at billie jean 2008 and beat it 2008
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This is AWESOME News
I hope it is True and that it is a NEW
project and not just re-hashing Thriller
I want to see something NEW Please

Whatever it is I know it will be GREAT
Thriller related or not _ Im just stating
My preference ...
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There are a lot more people who think of Jackson a lot more worse than just being him stuck in the past. So hardly anything of Michael's decisions on this matter is actually important.

Also, Jackson by far does not always care of what media or whoever will think of his work anyway.

If he wants "Thriller" minifilm be updated with proper special effects -- this aspect of original video has nothing to do with being "perfect" -- then he wants it and whatever other opinions about it irrelevant.

If he wants to re-film "Thriller" altogether, then he will do it no matter what.

We have information on Michael's wish dated five years from now and from the source that could distort it because of ignorance and/or whatever other motives; so lets see.
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