John Landis in London - MJ related

There are a lot more people who think of Jackson a lot more worse than just being him stuck in the past. So hardly anything of Michael's decisions on this matter is actually important.

Also, Jackson by far does not always care of what media or whoever will think of his work anyway.

If he wants "Thriller" minifilm be updated with proper special effects -- this aspect of original video has nothing to do with being "perfect" -- then he wants it and whatever other opinions about it irrelevant.

If he wants to re-film "Thriller" altogether, then he will do it no matter what.

We have information on Michael's wish dated five years from now and from the source that could distort it because of ignorance and/or whatever other motives; so lets see.

I sometimes think MJ inadvertently gives people to ammo to shoot at him, it just makes him too much of an easy target that they're not surprised by anything he does and think he'll fall flat on his face anyway.
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I don't know, I would like to hope they are working on something new! Rather than retreading the past like everyone else here is speculating, I would only hope they are working on that one thing that will make people go: "WOW, I wasn't expecting that!". That is what happened the last two times they worked together. First Thriller, then Black or White. Some of us remember how controversial BOW was when it first came out. The news that was broadcast in every nation around the world was about how shocking that video was. I believe that was the first time Mike did the crotch grab thingy and I'm sure a few old women may have fainted from that:swoon:. So that is what makes me think that the "surprise" John is talking about is something new. As you all are speculating about it being a remake of Thriller, how can it be a surprise when and if it comes out. There is no surprise if you are expecting it.
Think about it, it's gotta be something new! :angel::yes:

Mhm, very true, and you are right! :D
This could be something new.. but we will just have to see if this project happens.. and like you said, how can it be a 'surprise' if it has something to do with Thriller? Everyone knows Thriller already (lol), might as well make something new. :cheeky: Just a lil' hope that all goes well with them two again. Michael may have said some things in teh past like him wanting to remake Thriller with updated special effects, but here, that may not be the case. :lol: Just how Michael said after one of his tours he won't be touring again, and there he went out with the HIStory tour later on. :lol: Let's see guys.. but you never know when it's Michael Jackson. He likes the 'surprise' factor, and that is what John Landis said about what they are doing.. :D

:bugeyed BTW I love Thriller & Black Or White
. :woohoo: In both of those short films, were awesome special effects, and good storyline/scenes (if that is what it's called :mello::lol:).
Yes, Michael gives "ammo", because he decides to live his life the way he wants and not care about PR-effect of what he does, except for cases where he finds it "fun" to make something what can indeed do some bigger PR.

It is quite strong life-long position that not so many people (celebrities) could ever bear and Jackson paid his price for it.

That is part of his dignity to be unbendable, to be so big to stand as he wishes no matter what. There is a lot to respect in that.

Looking aside, Michael could have much better global sales to this date and PR image if he refused of what he is and "calculated" his lifestyle. But I am not in position to question Jackson's policy on that.
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wow I'm a little late here, but....MJ working with John Landis!? :eek: :wild: That would be great! Like some of you I'm also really hoping whatever they are working on doesn't have anything to do with Thriller. I really don't want to see an updated, or especially an entirely reshot Thriller video. I love Thriller, but I think it's time for a new video. I'm still hoping for a new album before too long, so hopefully MJ and Landis are working on a video for a song off of it.
I sometimes think MJ inadvertently gives people to ammo to shoot at him, it just makes him too much of an easy target that they're not surprised by anything he does and think he'll fall flat on his face anyway.

Ok that's really harsh. I disagree with that too because...even though i disagree with the idea of ThrillerReloaded being not so genius...we don't know 1.) if it's true completely and 2.) how good it might turn out. It might not be ammo. We don't know.
Ok that's really harsh. I disagree with that too because...even though i disagree with the idea of ThrillerReloaded being not so genius...we don't know 1.) if it's true completely and 2.) how good it might turn out. It might not be ammo. We don't know.

LOL, I was speaking at it hypothetically. If this is true... lol...

There's all these "they could work together" stories but they never come to fruition.

Can you say frustration?
i gueess...but i know that things happen when they happen if they happen. No big deal. Not really frustrated about it.

And even IF they decide to do might not turn out the way we expect or how we expect or when we might actually be a good thing, like T25 turned out to be.
I dont know why ,but I have the feeling that they are working on a new stuff, it is a hush hush thing ,then it must be about something new ....

Madonna says " Life is a mystery" but for me Mj is the real mystery. :D
meh i have to disagree lol I'd rather Mj MOVE FORWARD than milking on the past...sorry. Thriller doesn't need to be remade.

I said this about T25 too...and ya know it was nice for getting MJ's name out there but he shouldnt rely soooo much on it. Ya know? JIMO

I never said anything about "remaking Thriller", did I?
k "relating to the Thriller short film"......bottom line, leave Thriller alone! :lol:
Speaking of sequel, I think they could take it in a couple of different directions. 1) they can completely make the film "Thriller" which is the movie the couple was watching in the theater. This would give Mike a chance to put back on the cat makeup; 2) they could take up where the short film left off at the end so we can see what happens when she sees his yellow eyes (which by the way doesn't make any sense to me. First of all, the cat monster with the yellow eyes was in the movie that they were watching, not the real Michael. Then, while he's walking her home, they start to be attacked by some zombies, so he becomes one of them and he chases and attacks her. Just when he grabs for her as a zombie, she screams, closes her eyes and when she opens them, all is right with the world. He is back to his normal self, but when he turns around, he has yellow eyes like the cat monster in the movie they were watching. Some screwed up stuff there. Anyway, or 3) they could bring out to 2008 and take up making a video where the short film left off but 25 years later. What do you think are some of the possibilities with this new joint venture with Mike and John?

oookay a sequel would be more interesting. But generally I'm sticking with my "leave Thriller alone" stance lol
^ Me too.. I was just saying..

Oh and whats this talk about MJ living in the past?? Because he choses to work with a person he worked with before?? Well he chose him in the first place in 1984 for a reason.. And that is the same reason why he would pick him today.. Because he finds John Landis does well..

And knowing that Michael 2 most sucessfull videos have been with John Landis does not hurt.. And does not make him living in the past.. If it's not broken, why fix it??? THRILLER revolutionizing videos, and BLACK OR WHITE getting a rating of 500 million is untouchable.. 2 feates that can never be duplicated..

Michael simply knows talent, and when he finds it, he sticks with it..
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no i was bringing the "living in the past" thing in the event that they are doing something with Thriller....not the fact that they are working together.
^ I wasn't refuring to your comment, I got what you were saying.. I saw some other comments that kind of were like. 'wo' to me..

maybe I should have put that part in a different reply.. lol! I thought putting a bunch of space between the 2 would do enough, but I guess not..

for next time though.. ;)
i gueess...but i know that things happen when they happen if they happen. No big deal. Not really frustrated about it.

And even IF they decide to do might not turn out the way we expect or how we expect or when we might actually be a good thing, like T25 turned out to be.

That's the point tho. When the subject in question is Michael Jackson, you don't know what's gonna happen nowadays. :giggle: Am I lying? :lol: I mean, one minute we could be seeing something new from him and the next... nothing, lol.
It must be something BIG for John Landis to take time away from his projects to work on this..

John Landis had 5 films to work on this year.. A couple of them recently were canceled.. Even with I think 3 films left to make this year, for him to sqeez in a project that is not his own.. must be really important and BIG..

that's what I would think anyways.
why isnt anyone saying.. "Black Or White 2" lol!!! Or stay away from 'Black or white."??

just messing around, I understand the reasons, but it's still funny to me
why isnt anyone saying.. "Black Or White 2" lol!!! Or stay away from 'Black or white."??

just messing around, I understand the reasons, but it's still funny to me
LOL, what are you going to do with it anyway. Redo it with MJ (supposedly) in different countries and what add all the colours of the rainbow to the chorus. lol

EDIT: I wouldnt mind him performing it again though, do a whole dance mix and add some of the thriller dance and his other dances plus new styles to it. But he wouldnt need landis if he was performing

EDIT AGAIN LOL: But then again if he did do something Thriller related I'd just be so happy for an MJ appearence all my "boo! dont touch Thriller" would probably fade pretty quickly
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^ Well they could add the rest of the people aside from black or white.. bring in all colors..

HA HA!!!!!

"It's black, it's white, it's brown, every tint in between"
"Just color of the skin, and red is what we bleed"
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^ Hey but I don't think MJ will really shy away from things that can be interperated wrong.. ;)

He does it all the time, both in real life and in music... if people want to think it's about LSD, that's there problem.. As long as he keeps out the purple mountains, the yellow rivers, and the floating umpa-lumpas.. lol!
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I can just imagine it...

Somewhere down the line like 10, 20 years from now (if John lives up to 90 and MJ up to 70-something), they'll be doing THRILLER 50 and in the video, MJ and Ola Ray comes rolling through in wheelchairs.

After Michael changes into a werecat, he'll clobber her with a stick but we won't see it and MJ and Ola slowly walk out after Ola gets frightened, then MJ does some moves but he moves as if his hips are broken, then Ola walks real slow, trying to smile but her dentures fly out.

They get to the cemetery and these old-ass zombies come out more crippled than they were 50 years before. By the time they dance, they would all be dancing as if their hip fractures are part of the movement.


It could be worse, it could end up looking like this:

Old-ass Don Cornelius trying to host "Old Train", lol.
^ But if Mike takes part.. It will still SELL crazy.. ha ha!!

moonwalking in a little walker and all... Still doin' his little MJ faces.. lol!
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