Joe says MJ is NOT buried yet!

has anyone seen this video? This guy was appointed by Michael's HOA to ask him take down the Xmas wreaths, this guy is kind of an "insider" and in this clip he shows a grave, and it is kind of sketchy and raises some eye brows.
Naa he wasnt appointed by the HOA _ and he is NOT an insider
he is from and he has always made jokes about Mjs
christmas wreaths :LOL:
And even if it is just to express that me as a fan Michael has given so much more already than I would ever ask for. I said it before when he was still alive... to me he has to give nothing anymore, also for sure not his family... they owe me nothing!

I like this point. Michael doesn’t owe us anything. It is very true. At the same time I believe that we still owe him something. Just everybody understands and looks at things different depending of the age, life experience and religion..
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I'm tired of all theses conflicting rumours.

edit: I have just been informed that it is true. MJ is not burried yet. I don't know what they are waiting for, but it seems they are waiting for something.
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Today was the first time that I could understand why they have not buried him yet.
I can kind of understand that they want to wait until all the police investigations and stuff are over so the final move could be to put him into the ground. - Instead of the final move being a police report saying that Michael was on drugs or whatever.
And maybe they're afraid that Michael's body could be "needed" more in the investigations.

I don't know if what I said is likely, but that is might how my thoughts would have been if I were in their position.

We can say a lot about Joe, but he's a proud father of his son's entertainment legacy - and if he can decide, then he'd refuse to let his son fade to oblivion by having him at some guarded cemetery where fans can't visit.
But it's all up to Katherine.

When I visualize Michael's tomb, I see something that is almost larger than life.
A castle, a church, an amusement park (Read: Neverland), itself dedicated to Michael.

Maybe I'm thinking "too big" because I'm a fan, but just look at the memorial on TV - how many "celebrities" get their memorial aired all over the world?
And then you're gonna put Michael, the fakking king of pop, Jackson, in an unmarked graved?!

(Credits to whoever created this fantastic picture that I stole from twitter)
How exactly do you move Neverland to Vegas? If something develops in Vegas regarding a memorial for Michael, it wont be Neverland. Neverland is in Los Olivos.

didn't he fall in love with a house in Vegas last year? I say let the Estate buy that house and make a place we can visit if we want. the only thing is, Neverland is so rife with Michael's memories, his touch, his love, his presence... I can't ever think of any other place as his.
we need to let him go at some point. we need to say goodbye. I'm not there yet, I admit, but I need to do that. I believe he'd want us to move on. all this talk about putting him to rest... it's a moot point right now. he's already free.
I wouldn’t judge him for that. No matter what he did to Michael he is still his father and Michael forgave him. I remember Katherine was saying that he is a good grandfather to MJ kids. Maybe in the end of his life he wants to do something good for Michael. Who knows? I do not think man in his 80s wants to make more money.
u always needmoney. and think of every interview everyone has done. the ONLY ones not being paid for are on larry king. everything else, u get a check.

so everyone talking aboutmj is being paid. if it wasn't about money, they'd respectively decline it. :no:
Geez!!!!! WHY is This so DifficulT???!!!

JUst burY it at somewhere SAVE! Like Forrest Lawn and Friends and Family can always visit. ANd turn NeverLand into museum like GraceLand for fans to visit. It's okEy that we have to pay since the place needs to be maintain as well, as Long as the children and the family are the one mostly benefiting from it!

It's RIDICULOUS to Cremate him and spread the ashes on Neverland, Moon or Everest! If anyone support that kind of idea, it just make him look more BiZZarE to the public!

Althought NeverLand is the best place to bury, aRe they able to mainTain it well and keep it save??! It will be a lot of effort and not easy! I'm sure Michael is happy with Forrest Lawn, lots of famous people that Michael admired is also there!
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u always needmoney. and think of every interview everyone has done. the ONLY ones not being paid for are on larry king. everything else, u get a check.

so everyone talking aboutmj is being paid. if it wasn't about money, they'd respectively decline it. :no:

It wasn't my point. I do not see anything wrong if a family member gets some money from the press. A lot of Michael's haters get their own piece of cake and nobody says anything. My point was that this man doesn't keep in mind just an option of making money from his son in his 80s.But to take care of his son's legacy he has to be involved in some financial problems. Who else can do it? There are no angels working in Sony as we know.
There is something more important for Joe to do in the end of his life is to take care of MJ legacy and be a good grandfather. I believe he feels that he has to give something for his son he didn't give before. It was my point.
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So, let me get this straight.
Michael isn't buried yet.
And the media is basically still playing a game of mindf*ck with us.

Great. :rolleyes:

neverland would not be a good place b/c he didn't want it. he let it get rundown and finally took everything off the property. once he donated the animals, i knew it was over.

neverland is a state of mind, not a physical place. he's in his neverland in the sky. where his physical body ends up is anyone's guess. those looking to exploit him even in death are the ones holding this up

and sure, family can take money but then don't say they're not looking to make money. i can do an interview where they would normally pay me and then respectfully decline or ask that the monies be donated.
Michael should be buried @ Encino then he would be close to his children and family but the law doesnt allow that plus it might be too much for the kids too. I dont know, its a tough one. I wish Michael had put his thoughts on this in his will.
This is too painful to read and so have no idea what to say...............:-(
I have headphones on right now as it's like 2.30am here in UK.
''It's the falling in love'' that is playing right now and God knows I am SO in love with MJ :-(
I guess I am what the psychologists call being in denial......................even now.........:-( Totally gutted. :-(
Where and when is my beautiful sweet Michael going to be laid to rest? His body might just be a shell................but it was a shell I LOVED so please .............. :-(
Michael never let Neverland go. He still owns it with Colony Capital.

I wonder what Prince, Paris and Blanket have to say about where they think their father should be buried? I hate to say it, but I agree with the judge giving them a guardian ad litem. Their voice will now be heard. I love Ms. Katherine, but when you really look at it, she IS going going against her son's wishes. If Michael wanted her to have a "seat at the table", he would have given it to her in his will and trust. I believe Michael had his reason for not wanting his family involved with his financial affairs and I think I can see why. Everything Branca and McClain are trying to do with the estate is being questioned by Ms Katherine's lawyers. But why? They are not making money for the estate, which means money for her and the children and the charities. So what is the problem? What? They aren't dong things exactly the way she wants them done? Come on. Now that the kids have a court appointed attorney, they will have their own voice and the judge will take into account their wishes. And remember, they have been listening to their dad only for their entire they know what their dad wanted. And how much you wanna bet, Michael left letters to his children? This sounds like something Michael would do. A sort of "if anything ever happens to me" letter. Michael was thougthful like that.
Are they waiting for him to heal? Or are they planning to have the best doctor in the world wake him up?

lmfao i was thinking the same exact thing! I'm not naive, in denial or anything but....I was super sure Michael had died, and then the whole Hoax death thing started coming about. And the fact that its been over a month and he still isn't buried is weird. The only thing that came to my mind was, maybe he isn't dead. Maybe he faked his death to disappear and have a normal life? Make sense, right? But then they said they had "buried" him, and i was like knew it, he is dead. w.e but now it turns out they HAVEN'T buried him yet. wtf? either he is still alive, or they are really waiting for him to heal, or they are planning to have the best doctor in the world wake him up. What the heck! lol this is way too much, i wish we had some sort of communication to the jackson family. Someone that for sure knows whats going on because this is all way too confusing.

and i dont like joseph, but thank god he finally spoke!
I am wondering if this has to do with california private land burial rules. Maybe Las Vegas doesn't have that or less restricted? Maybe the other owner of Neverland wants something ridiculous and the family wants to make sure it's a place they can make sure there are no strings attached with other businessmen and the money will go to his children? I don't know right now. It's approaching the 2nd month!

Would it be better on private land as far as security goes? I'm guessing it would because you could make sure nobody knows where he is buried including the tabloids.
they said on sky news a little while ago a service will be held at forest lawns soon where michael will be buried but joe doesnt know who is attending.