Joe says MJ is NOT buried yet!

How exactly do you move Neverland to Vegas? If something develops in Vegas regarding a memorial for Michael, it wont be Neverland. Neverland is in Los Olivos.
noway no cremation for Michael I just cannot bare the thought of that.

But his body decaying and being eaten by worms etc is something you can bare? Uggh. Whatever happens, it wont please us all.

And how do we know that Joe isnt telling the truth about this and about Omar? We dont know for sure if Omar is or isnt.
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This is insane........

give that beautifull body his final rest place..........michael his body didn,t deserved al this madness......

i hope his body has rest right now and that it will stay that way untill at least they have a good place for him, i hope neverland.
But his body decaying and being eaten by worms etc is something you can bare? Uggh. Whatever happens, it wont please us all.
Not true. the fluid funeral homes use today is great and can keep the body intack. Meger Evers was killed in the 60's and his son was too young to remember. His body was resume and his son, who was now an adult, got a chance to see his father who he looked just alike. and this was 30 years this man was dead. plus, cremation is almost like you are off the face of the earth. At least if the body is bury, you can go it and continue to see it and touch where that person lay. I know it is just a shell but still it is important.
noway no cremation for Michael I just cannot bare the thought of that. I understand that his soul is free and in heaven but I just cannot think of him being ......oh God so sad.
I agree. This is the body that is well loved, many people wanted to touch, traveled all over the world, etc. I want it buried instead of burned.
How exactly do you move Neverland to Vegas? If something develops in Vegas regarding a memorial for Michael, it wont be Neverland. Neverland is in Los Olivos.

That's very true. I live in Vegas and think that the "Neverland in Vegas" idea is terrible. There is such a magic and peacefulness at Neverland that can never be replicated in Vegas. It's like slapping a Ferrari emblem on a Ford and trying to pretend you're now driving a Ferrari. Even aside from that I still feel it's a poor idea. No "Neverland in Vegas" please.
I rest for them to bury him Gary than Vegas if it is going to come down to this.
Personally, I think Michael wanted to be buried at Neverland. His death was just came too soon and he was not expecting to die. Neverland was NEVER sold totally from MJ which mean he still wanted some ties to it.
I really think moving neverland to vegas is bad taste. But i really like MJ to lay in rest.
fed up with rumours ging around with stories about MJ's resting places. Althrough it's something I thought i would never hear during the present time.
That's very true. I live in Vegas and think that the "Neverland in Vegas" idea is terrible. There is such a magic and peacefulness at Neverland that can never be replicated in Vegas. It's like slapping a Ferrari emblem on a Ford and trying to pretend you're now driving a Ferrari. Even aside from that I still feel it's a poor idea. No "Neverland in Vegas" please.

Well if you say so.... However, I heard that Michael wanted to move to Vegas?

At least we know that family is still thinking about it, which is good news. Finally we got an official statement from family member. Unmarked grave for King is the most terrible idea ever imho.
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I still have a gnawing feeling he was buried just before the memorial. And I'd actually like to think that was the case too.

I can only think if he hasn't yet been its either because there's things going on still in the background on the Neverland front ...which again I hope not as I'm with Katherine where thats concerned... or its to do with the investigation and thats the reason I'd go for of the two. Especially if a cremation is planned.

Or, another I've just thought of- they're waiting deliberately for things to calm down hoping when he IS buried by that point there is less chance of mobs of crowds wanting to view the grave.

I'd really like to think he's buried somewhere no one knows about except the family, but the likelihood of keeping that place a secret is very slim anyway.
How exactly do you move Neverland to Vegas? If something develops in Vegas regarding a memorial for Michael, it wont be Neverland. Neverland is in Los Olivos.


I wish that he could be laid to rest in a place that is closest to his childern, and Neverland be kept seperate...but as a kind of homage to him. God....this is just all sooo sad. So confusing and unreal.
Shoot, I've just read this now...
Damn! Damndamndamn DAMN IT!!!
Don't I know better by now not to trust the damn media???
Damn it!!!!
But his body decaying and being eaten by worms etc is something you can bare? Uggh. Whatever happens, it wont please us all.

And how do we know that Joe isnt telling the truth about this and about Omar? We dont know for sure if Omar is or isnt.

Jeez thanks for the vision...:( Now can all have pleasant dreams!!!! You should not post stuff like this you dont know someones psychological mind. It might just drive someone over the edge. Not me but someone.
I agree. This is the body that is well loved, many people wanted to touch, traveled all over the world, etc. I want it buried instead of burned.

Me either it is just to painful to think about. He was far to special for that...
IMO, I think it would be a great idea for him to buried in a unmarked grave, look at Jim Morrison's grave, it's a mess!!!! A good thing about Forest Lawn is there is a place in the back where it is not open to the public, so even if he was buried fans wouldn't be allowed back there. On another note, has anyone seen this video? This guy was appointed by Michael's HOA to ask him take down the Xmas wreaths, this guy is kind of an "insider" and in this clip he shows a grave, and it is kind of sketchy and raises some eye brows.
I don't even know what to say anymore about this.......
This is just madness now.....
Whether its true or false
Joseph loves talking to the media, doesn't he.
Joseph loves talking to the media, doesn't he.

I wouldn’t judge him for that. No matter what he did to Michael he is still his father and Michael forgave him. I remember Katherine was saying that he is a good grandfather to MJ kids. Maybe in the end of his life he wants to do something good for Michael. Who knows? I do not think man in his 80s wants to make more money.