Joe says MJ is NOT buried yet!

I think the Neverland idea (in Vegas or at the REAL one) will take time IF it even happens. Michael needs to be buried. I just think they are worried about the security issue. Who knows we are being thrown off and it has already happened? :(

This delay makes me think of the situation w/ James Brown. :cry: :(

Michael didn’t want to be buried anyways. I do not see any problem if they keep his body temporarily in Forest Lawn crypt till they will make a decision and prepare a final place for him.
Its possible that they wait for approval for him to be buried in Neverland. But I thought they were told they werent allowed? I guess they have gone back to apply seeking burial (permit?) again...

By the way, I like the idea of spreading his ashes in the ocean like they did on Barry Whites funeral... Its a nice gesture... And besides, he dosnt need to be buried that way, not having to worry that someone steals or loots his grave.
Why do I get the feeling the family is waiting on approval for Michael to be buried at Neverland? They certainly arent' waiting on no brain.
I have this feeling too actually... the autopsies are done, brain returned I suppose (not that it matters)... Only possibility is this...
(and yeah, can't believe either that I'm writing words like autopsies and MJ in the same sentence... even though I have adopted a kinda cynical and detached approach, which helps I think atm).
(and yeah, can't believe either that I'm writing words like autopsies and MJ in the same sentence... even though I have adopted a kinda cynical and detached approach, which helps I think atm)

I think alot of us do. I sort of have a technical CSI type of mentality and detached approach to be even able to talk about Michael in this manner. And yes, it helps. The only time I allow myself to get emotional is when I watch/read/talk about Michael in a time when he was living.
I didnt believe that Michael was buried yet because the story originated from Diane Dimond on ET and she is always full of shit!
When I was watching TMZ's stream yesterday when they were answering questions after the court hearing... the question of the Vegas Neverland idea came up, and then they started laughing and saying they were the ones that made the story up & thought of the idea. :mellow: But they think themselves it is a good idea cause of the benefits and stuff that will bring into the estate, and started talking about how the company that owns Neverland also has some type of relation to some hotels here etc, etc (sorry this is a bit vauge I don't remember much what they said), but the point is that Neverland in Vegas idea is just a rumor. Just saying... :S Well at least that is what I saw when I watched them on the stream. They seemed to have a kick out of it...
Hmmmm....? Apparently I shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore... Expect the unexpected...
Michael would not have wanted an anonymous grave at Forest Lawn, don't you think. I think there should be a huge public burial with all his fans just like Elvis had in the 70s. I am pretty sure that is what Michael would have wanted.

Therefore I hope this news is true. On the other hand, it's coming from the same man who claims Omer Bhatti to be MJ's son :/
Did anyone stop to think that maybe this confusion regarding burial is being done on purpose?
I think MJ has been buried already.

I do wonder about I said: Who knows if we are being thrown off and it has already happened?
wtf. :huh: I'm tired of all this, never knowing what to believe. I don't think we'll ever know wth is going on. I'm coming to terms with that being what I've got to accept, not where/when it's happening/happened.
All this confusion...
Maybe MJ's planning to come back as a zombie in the Thriller video... lol :rolleyes:
Back on June 26th who would have thought that a month and a half later we still wouldn't know whether or not he is even buried? Is there ANYTHING regarding Michael either in life or death, where it's possible get a straight and definitive answer without hearing 20 different and conflicting versions first?
lol @ Sunnyday

Jesus christ:doh: "Whatever happened to the truth, did it go out of style?"
Back on June 26th who would have thought that a month and a half later we still wouldn't know whether or not he is even buried? Is there ANYTHING regarding Michael either in life or death, where it's possible get a straight and definitive answer without hearing 20 different and conflicting versions first?

Apparently not. It gets tiresome pretty quickly, especially when it's about this.
oh boy. this is never going to end, is it?

I take comfort from the fact that Mike is finally free of the tug-of-war over him. he had it in life, he has it now.

I say cremate him, then throw his ashes all over the Himalayas. he always loved India. I think his soul felt Indian. let him rest atop Mount Everest -- the highest point of the world... where a king should be.
Thanks God there is something official from the family came out! Thank you very much for sharing.Thank you Joe for telling us the truth.Tabloids are just crap, garbage.

PS. Please, do not hate me but I like Las Vegas idea.

Actually I like the Vegas idea too. It would be easier to visit, there are great rates to get to Vegas & I would like the family to control it as Neverland is owned by Colony, more people could visit too.
Someone for the love of God, please put a muzzle on Joe's mouth. Shut him up.
Did anyone stop to think that maybe this confusion regarding burial is being done on purpose?
I think MJ has been buried already.

The thought did cross my mind. But I'm not put off by it either way. Whether he's buried yet or not, he's gone. :( I just hope his soul is finding some kind of rest regardless.

Michael would not have wanted an anonymous grave at Forest Lawn, don't you think. I think there should be a huge public burial with all his fans just like Elvis had in the 70s. I am pretty sure that is what Michael would have wanted.

Therefore I hope this news is true. On the other hand, it's coming from the same man who claims Omer Bhatti to be MJ's son :/

Ouch! :fear:

If the family hasn't buried him yet, it's possibly they are still trying to decide on what they want to do as far as Michael's final resting place OR maybe they may feel burying the body during a criminal investigation might be unwise. What if some new evidence pops up and another sample of something is needed for testing? I've heard of bodies being exhumed years and decades later for certain tests to be the fact that his body has been embalmed and everything doesn't mean no further testing can ever be done on his body. Depends on what they're looking for and what part of the body they need to look at again.

oh boy. this is never going to end, is it?

I take comfort from the fact that Mike is finally free of the tug-of-war over him. he had it in life, he has it now.

I say cremate him, then throw his ashes all over the Himalayas. he always loved India. I think his soul felt Indian. let him rest atop Mount Everest -- the highest point of the world... where a king should be.

that would be nice if the family would do that
Hmmmm....? Apparently I shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore... Expect the unexpected...

I really want him to fake up his death. I am ready to forgive him for me crying for a few Unexpected..... .Hmmm What else it can be? Just thinking about possibility some sort of miracle which will bring him back to life.
Its possible that they wait for approval for him to be buried in Neverland. But I thought they were told they werent allowed? I guess they have gone back to apply seeking burial (permit?) again...

By the way, I like the idea of spreading his ashes in the ocean like they did on Barry Whites funeral... Its a nice gesture... And besides, he dosnt need to be buried that way, not having to worry that someone steals or loots his grave.

noway no cremation for Michael I just cannot bare the thought of that. I understand that his soul is free and in heaven but I just cannot think of him being ......oh God so sad.