Joe says MJ is NOT buried yet!

I can't help but think that turning Neverland into the modern Graceland would turn Michael into a commercial product. People will forget this is a human being....even placing him in Las Vegas....

Fans do go to Neverland, but would it seem right to have to pay to go through the gates, ultimately to look at Michael's final resting place? Would you do that for a relative or close friend - and we all value Michael at that level if not more in some people's cases?

It just doesn't seem right. Let him be buried somewhere normal - even if it is unmarked. A shrine somewhere where people can lay flowers/tributes would be apt. His legend is huge enough for us to pay tribute to - and the internet certainly helps.

We're gonna hear more of his music for years to come, so we can keep him in the public eye through our support. I just think now he deserves not to have people trudging past his grave (can't accept I'm saying this!!!!!) to glimpse at him.
i don't know if this is true or not,but Joe doesn't have any idea about anything related to Michael!he just feels the need to talk and talk...
i don't know if this is true or not,but Joe doesn't have any idea about anything related to Michael!he just feels the need to talk and talk...
Maybe that's why it's possible the rest of the family hid it from Joe. lol
geez.. let his poor body get to rest.. how long can they keep it looking alright o_0
How long can you even keep a body out??

I'm actually angry now, they are just flippin' ripping the piss now. ARRRGHHH I WANNA SCREAM.
what he wants to make a neverland in vegas?o_O
But for real,I think it would be the best to bury him on neverland,but family has to decide..
Just seen this thread now, I am starting to get angry now at this. Why can't they lay his body to rest. The longer they wait the harder it must be for the children knowing their Dad his not layed to rest yet.
This isn't right!!! How can we say R.I.P when MJ's not been buried yet!! He deserves to R.I.P.
I didnt believe that Michael was buried yet because the story originated from Diane Dimond on ET and she is always full of shit!

Yes, I agree!
It's all so disgusting... I can't believe it anymore. I'm lost for words!

In my opinion the LAS VEGAS idea is a really sick idea. It makes me angry - that seems the only way to earn much more money from 'the big cake' MJ!

And one thing makes me really 'tired' - every day I wake up asking myself "What's going on today?" - it's like a neverending story. I hate it!
I disagree with Joe on this one.
Neverland ain't Vegas. Neverland is in California (not counting the Neverland in our hearts).

John Lucas
I disagree with Joe on this one.
Neverland ain't Vegas. Neverland is in California (not counting the Neverland in our hearts).

John Lucas

I think fans are understandibly in denial. But honestly there's no Neverland in California anymore.
There is a place called Sycamore Valley Ranch. Yeah it's a beautiful piece of land.
This Ranch is formerly known as Neverland... but Michael removed all stuff in case ppl don't know. The Ranch left is certainly not Neverland anymore.

So honestly if you build up Neverland here or there again... there's not that much a difference... just that in Vegas nature is different therefore ppl are used to the money making circus and maybe would welcome a 'spectacular new attraction' bringing them thousands of tourists even more.
While ppl around Sycamore Valley Ranch don't want Michael there, if you do believe officials there.
I bet if Barack wants to start business there on the Sycamore Valley Ranch it will cost him a hell lot of millions more than if he would start it in Vegas or wherever... but maybe officials of the valley are not to buy? I guess we will see sooner or later.

Somehow I personally can adapt better to the unmarked grave story and hope Michael is already really resting somewhere... and it will never be confirmed nor denied.

But clearly again, I don't feel this is about me... so...

To me this is such a private matter... and just once in his life Michael should be allowed to be recognized as Michael Jackson, the private person, the father, the son, the brother, the uncle, the friend.
And even if it is just to express that me as a fan Michael has given so much more already than I would ever ask for. I said it before when he was still alive... to me he has to give nothing anymore, also for sure not his family... they owe me nothing!
Once in a life it should be enough.
That's why I am willing to always respect the families decision without any complain if there should ever be an official one. If there's no official one then it's as much ok with me for sure also.
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