Jay-z: Usher could be the next King of Pop!

First, Confessions was the BIGGEST selling album by a solo artist in the 2000s according to Billboard. Next, I could care less about Jay Z. I can't stand him or his wife. Therefore, whatever he says about WATW is irrelevant because I loved it. Do I think Usher is the next MJ, no? He never tried to be. He always said he admired him. I love Usher's music regardless. However, less not try to belittle his talents. Thank you!

No, thank YOU for this great comment! :)
That's what I often don't like about some people - that they're trying to share their opinions but they're starting to get disrespectful while doing! They can't just keep it simple and mature while havin' a discussion. They always have to belittle the others, offend them or simply just disrespect them to be able to show or say how good their star is!
This is just the childish way of havin' a discussion!
UHM....NOWAY.....there will NEVER be another King Of PoP.....Michael was it...and it ends with him!!
the next Michael Jackson

This phrase right here just has to be the most ridiculous line I've ever read/heard and I'm sick of seeing it. People really miss Michael so much that they are trying to hard to find a "replacement." They need to realize that there will never be another Michael Jackson. Michael came here to do what he needed to do and now he's left us. There will never be another. They need to appreciate what he's left with us and stop trying to find "another one." There won't be. There's only one Michael Jackson.

As far as Usher goes, I have nothing for him and nothing against him. Honestly, I wouldn't recognize any of his songs if I heard one so I can't judge him. I don't really know Usher's music or talents at all. But I doubt he's anything close to Michael. However, I know that Usher admires Michael and I don't think he'd ever compare himself to him.
First, Confessions was the BIGGEST selling album by a solo artist in the 2000s according to Billboard. Next, I could care less about Jay Z. I can't stand him or his wife. Therefore, whatever he says about WATW is irrelevant because I loved it. Do I think Usher is the next MJ, no? He never tried to be. He always said he admired him. I love Usher's music regardless. However, less not try to belittle his talents. Thank you!

It isnt the biggest as of currently and the second half of my post was not directed towards you.
Usher is a great performer but there will never be a new Michael Jackson,no way !
When asked what was his favorite moment of the night, Jay-Z hinted it could be one of the performers that took part in the tribute to the late King of Pop.

"I thought the Michael Jackson tribute was fantastic and I thought Usher was doing a magnificent job," Jay-Z told Billy. "I think he's… He's one of the guys that's in line to, you know, fill those huge shoes."

Is this a joke?

All these comparisons are absolutely ridiculous. How can anyone compare Michael's career and successes to Usher's? I mean, come on! What a joke.
Better Usher than some of these other dickbags out there. I think he deserves it. I just hope he continues to do what he's doing, stays true to himself and his style... and does NOT change for anybody like those other idiots.
Why are people so hell bent on finding the next King Of Pop to replace MJ? You never hear of anyone trying to replace Elvis Presley as the next King Of Rock N Roll.

When MJ died the title of King Of Pop died along with him
Personally i don't think that any artist that's in the mainstream right now are worthy of being the king or queen of anything.
Why are people so hell bent on finding the next King Of Pop to replace MJ? You never hear of anyone trying to replace Elvis Presley as the next King Of Rock N Roll.

When MJ died the title of King Of Pop died along with him

Yep, I agree!
"Personally i don't think that any artist that's in the mainstream right now are worthy of being the king or queen of anything. "

I definitely disagree with that one. Do you even know how long Usher had been around? :unsure: Listening to Usher brings back many, many childhood and lifetime memories for me, too. He is like a breath of fresh air to me... and I really, truly hope he continues to do what he is doing for a long, long, LONG time.
Why are people so hell bent on finding the next King Of Pop to replace MJ? You never hear of anyone trying to replace Elvis Presley as the next King Of Rock N Roll.

When MJ died the title of King Of Pop died along with him

I totally agree on all counts. Enough already with who's the next KOP. There isn't going to be a next.
Usher couldn't sell out Wembley Stadium once, let alone eight times.

He'd probably manage Wembley Arena.
You can't fill shoes that are still being worn. You can't replace the irreplaceable. Sorry. It can't be done. Usher would have to have loads more hits, album sales, and sold out tours to pull that feat off and even if he did (which he won't)... he will never capture the world like Michael Jackson did. He doesn't have that magic. That "it" factor. Usher is completely unoriginal. His style is a complete rip-off. I'm not dissing him, I'm only telling the truth.