Jay-z: Usher could be the next King of Pop!

Jay-Z definitely doesnt know Robbie Williams, he was to be the KoP, but... hey... who really knows him except GB, Germany and some other EU countries?

Thats why I think its important to stress who Usher or Williams are and why they can not be Kings of Pop at all.
We fans have to add comments on the articles about that nonsense..., reader of such articles have to know the reality!
Usher is cheap imitation. He, nor anyone else, will EVER come close. It doesn't matter if someone comes along and breaks his records or sells more albums, Michael Jackson will ALWAYS be the KoP. Michael did it and it like no one else could. These topics are maddening. I get so so SO sick and tired of people trying to replace the irreplaceable.
One thing I don't get. People say they hate these topics and such, but they keep posting talking about how much they hate it. If you are sick of the topic, then don't click and post. It is really a waste of time.

As for the whole title of King of Pop, people need to chill. Even Michael didn't take his title seriously and only really used it for promotion purposes. It is the public who decides what someones title will be, not the media. It is also about what will stick. James Brown had several different titles when he was introduce in his performances and Godfather of Soul just happen to stick. Such as King of Pop sticking to Michael after Liz proclaimed him as such. Before then, they were actually trying to give him Elvis' title. Yes, they actually called him the new King of Rock&Roll during the Victory Tour. They also called him the Thriller or Glove One.

Titles are just that, a title. It does not define a person, but is simple something artists, media, and the general public use to promote someone they like. Jay-Z can call Usher anything he likes, but unless the public agree, then Michael is the King of Pop.

There really is nothing more to say.
Usher is a great singer, good dancer...but something about him just rubs me the wrong way.
Why do these people keep disrespecting or downplaying Michael!?!? And it's not just the media, but artists, as read in the JZ quote. I've never heard anyone say, "Hm, I think Greenday will replace the Beatles as the biggest band" Or say, "Wow, I think Adam Lambert will take the crown of 'The King' from Elvis." It's ridiculous! Jay-Z go make up a new nickname for Usher, just like you create those brilliant raps so it should be easy.

And sadly when Michael was alive, everyone but us fans said "Self-proclaimed KoP, self-proclaimed," so now that people are finally accepting Mike's title, they want to pass it to someone else? That's really messed up.

And no, fans don't need to 'chill' or 'calm down' about it. For a full generation now people have tried to erase Michael's legacy -- deny his rightful spot in HIStory! -- and it's infuriating that anyone would do such a thing to such a gifted, giving man! As a fan community, we cannot and will not let this disrespect continue, and we will proudly let the world know Michael's rightful place as music royalty and a true humanitarian!!! KING OF POP! KING OF POP! KING OF POP!!!!!!!!!
Well if your Jay-Z and Usher is your friend. I guess you get excited and carried away in the moment. Hes probably proud of his friends talents and everybody gets excited and carried away in certain moments.

Artists are no different. Ive exagerrated things when ive been excited at certain times.
Why do these people keep disrespecting or downplaying Michael!?!? And it's not just the media, but artists, as read in the JZ quote. I've never heard anyone say, "Hm, I think Greenday will replace the Beatles as the biggest band" Or say, "Wow, I think Adam Lambert will take the crown of 'The King' from Elvis." It's ridiculous! Jay-Z go make up a new nickname for Usher, just like you create those brilliant raps so it should be easy.

And sadly when Michael was alive, everyone but us fans said "Self-proclaimed KoP, self-proclaimed," so now that people are finally accepting Mike's title, they want to pass it to someone else? That's really messed up.

And no, fans don't need to 'chill' or 'calm down' about it. For a full generation now people have tried to erase Michael's legacy -- deny his rightful spot in HIStory! -- and it's infuriating that anyone would do such a thing to such a gifted, giving man! As a fan community, we cannot and will not let this disrespect continue, and we will proudly let the world know Michael's rightful place as music royalty and a true humanitarian!!! KING OF POP! KING OF POP! KING OF POP!!!!!!!!!

King of Pop is a title, nothing more, nothing less. It does not define Michael and it kind of shallow to get bent out of shape about what other people said. If you are going to let other dictate how you act, then they already have won. They try to give Michael Elvis' title and it didn't stick, so this is not new. Elvis was also known at the former King of Rock&Roll during his final years as well. So, Michael was not the only who went through this.

The public, not fans, not the media, not other artists, decides who someone's title is. Even then, the title is more of a marketing tool. It really had nothing to do with their legacy either way. If you want to continue to fight over a title, that is fine. However, it still doesn't mean much.

When it is all said and done, people will not remember Michael as the King of Pop. They will remember him as on of the great entertainer of all time. Nothing can take that from him.
You dont need to prove it....we all know already that Mj is a million times better than Usher. Everyone does.

Usher is cheap imitation. He, nor anyone else, will EVER come close. It doesn't matter if someone comes along and breaks his records or sells more albums, Michael Jackson will ALWAYS be the KoP. Michael did it and it like no one else could. These topics are maddening. I get so so SO sick and tired of people trying to replace the irreplaceable.

Hey guys, of course MJ is the best but still I have a few things to say about always criticizing the others:

1. Try to imitate MJ yourself and try bein good at it! (It's not easy at all!)
2. Usher still has his own style - he doesn't try to copy MJ one to one! He's just lovin him really much and is admireing him alot, so that's why he's doing all of this - he's just showin some love!
3. MJ didn't own Usher at the 30th Anniversary Concert, they both danced like crazy, it was really awesome!!! If we talked about dancing in general, then ok, no question Mike would win but you can't say that Mike owned Usher just in this lil' scene of dancing cuz' in this scene Usher danced really good - just like MJ!

That is my opinion... ;)
I'm a fan of Usher. I think he's talented and the best of the MJ "wannabe's" to be honest. Plus he's always been really respectful of Michael, so it's not like he's the one saying this. Usher loves Michael, I don't think even he'd ever say that he can take his place. It's the media doing this.

I just don't understand why they never look for a new "King of Rock 'n' Roll" or "Queen of Soul". Yet they always want to try to find someone to replace Michael. Too bad for them that they will be searching always 'cause no one can replace MJ. The media needs to give it up already.
When was Usher last relevant? In fairness..those are some pretty bold words by Mr. Carter.
This is all I'm going to say.

Michael Jackson will FOREVER be the King Of Pop. I don't see anyone degrading Elvis in this sense by saying that they will be the next King Of Rock and Roll. We should just stop this nonsense talk and leave Michael to be the King of Pop because honestly, he's the greatest. It is stupid to compare these other artists to Michael because yes they have talent but nothing near to Michael's talent. Once these other artists can start being original and creating their own styles and techniques without stealing something of Michael's, well I don't think this will ever happen. When seeing other artists perform it seems they all take something from Michael. Once they can make an impact on entertaining like Michael ... once they can do a performance like Motown 25..do a short film like Thriller...beat Thriller's Record sales...have thousands upon thoughts of people attend their concerts, be so excited that they won't sit down...have to have tents on the sides for their thousands of fainting fans..have to stop talking during an award show to let the fans scream their names and their love for them...actually respond to their fans and say they love them...well I don't think anyone can ever do any of that. So...Michael will always ...ALWAYS remain the King Of Pop...end of discussion.
Look, I have nothing against Usher so I'm not going to get into petty name-calling against him. But I will say this:

Despite Teena Marie and Marie J Blige---Aretha Franklin is STILL hailed the Queen of Soul.

Despite the Beatles having broken up almost 40 years ago and only 2 surviving members, they are STILL hailed as the FAB 4.

Despite Muhammad Ali frailties and his days of boxing is long gone---He's STILL hailed as The Greatest. Period.

Despite Michael Jackson---James Brown was AND STILL IS hailed as the Godfather of Soul and Elvis Presley is STILL hailed as The King.

Michael Jackson's King of Pop is HIS Title and will ALWAYS be HIS title (along with The Greatest Entertainer That Ever Lived) regardless of what artist is current or future.

Any current or future artist will have to EARN their OWN Title---but NO ONE is taking Michael's. Got that?!

Incredibly well said
Perfectly said! :)

I like Usher for just being him, he should stay this way and I think he will! :)

Me too.....Usher is sweet and very sincere with his praises to Michael Jackson.....but Usher is Usher....he has his own traits that makes us like him.

But as the King Of Pop................I don't think I'm gonna see another one in my life time.
Yeah I think that Usher shounld stay at his game for like a lest a 2 years until he counld be the next king of pop, but MJ will be the always a king of pop thats all I got to say!
LOL I think its messed up that people are beating up Usher because of some wack comments Jay Z made! I'm pretty sure Usher would probably think Jay Z was crazy for making them. But I agree, Michael is irreplaceable.
not one memorable song yet that jay z or usher has. selling alot of records and popularity are cool, however where are there memorable songs, albums and tours?? they ain't matched what MJ did as a kid let alone as a adult. Mj changed the course of music twice

they baely changed there mouthwash.
LOL I think its messed up that people are beating up Usher because of some wack comments Jay Z made! I'm pretty sure Usher would probably think Jay Z was crazy for making them. But I agree, Michael is irreplaceable.

Nicely said!

not one memorable song yet that jay z or usher has. selling alot of records and popularity are cool, however where are there memorable songs, albums and tours?? they ain't matched what MJ did as a kid let alone as a adult. Mj changed the course of music twice

they baely changed there mouthwash.

Well, Usher has "You Make Me Wanna" and "My Way" and "You Remind Me" and a few others that many, many people know well! ;)
Of course not as much as MJ's songs but just read the post above - Usher didn't say this himself, it was Jay Z...

Whatever it is, I like Usher and I'm always gonna like him! :)
Nicely said!

Well, Usher has "You Make Me Wanna" and "My Way" and "You Remind Me" and a few others that many, many people know well! ;)
Of course not as much as MJ's songs but just read the post above - Usher didn't say this himself, it was Jay Z...

Whatever it is, I like Usher and I'm always gonna like him! :)
like i said Usher doesn't have one memorable standard song that folks know. those songs aren't exactly being covered and held to the same standard that Smokey Robinson, Lennon and Mccartney,Stevie Wonder,Cole Porter.etc.. songs are held to.

Usher got cute bubble yum songs which are cute for your teeth,however they don't have any lasting taste IMO
like i said Usher doesn't have one memorable standard song that folks know. those songs aren't exactly being covered and held to the same standard that Smokey Robinson, Lennon and Mccartney,Stevie Wonder,Cole Porter.etc.. songs are held to.

Usher got cute bubble yum songs which are cute for your teeth,however they don't have any lasting taste IMO

May be! As opinions happen to be different! ;)
All I wanted to say is only that you can't blame Usher for something he didn't even say himself!
Well Usher did have probably the most commercially successful album of the past decade.....

No he hasnt.. and I find it very funny how people are riding all of Jay now just because he made a couple of statements about WATW that everybody already knows.
Anyway I find this whole discussion is quite pointless here! Nah, it's even ridiculous! I mean I find it really ridiculous to compare everyone with MJ only to say that MJ is better anyway then!
We all know that MJ is one of the best or even THE best to the most of us here and it's very common but I think it's unnecessary always to say that MJ is better anyway and noone can come close to him and that it be ridiculous to compare them other artists to him and stuff like that!
We're all humans and we all have our own opinions and I bet here are many people who also like many other stars outthere as MJ happens to be not the only big star and it is just quite unfair to be disrespectful or kinda rude to them other celebs/artists because this just ain't right and shouldn't be done!
It's not like Usher is really bad or even a stupid person, an idiot or whatever only because MJ is the one and only and the very best for y'all! MJ can be the one and only to you, you can surely say that he's the best out of every star in the world and you like him the most or whatever it might be - you can say all of this, tho' in my opinion it is just wrong to always say that the other artists we have outthere really suck or are stupid, dumb, crazy, ridiculous or whatsoever! This is just pointless and everybody has different opinions as some of us here really like artists like Usher for example. It is just wrong to not give them any respect or make them look bad just like that!
You can have your opinions, say what you wanna say but the most important thing is not to be disrespectful while doing so!
Long story short - don't be too harsh or rude while posting/saying your opinions, please!

Always remember - it's all for love! :)
No he hasnt.. and I find it very funny how people are riding all of Jay now just because he made a couple of statements about WATW that everybody already knows.

First, Confessions was the BIGGEST selling album by a solo artist in the 2000s according to Billboard. Next, I could care less about Jay Z. I can't stand him or his wife. Therefore, whatever he says about WATW is irrelevant because I loved it. Do I think Usher is the next MJ, no? He never tried to be. He always said he admired him. I love Usher's music regardless. However, less not try to belittle his talents. Thank you!