Jackson Estate Opposes Stipend for Joe Jackson

The only thing I'm sayin' is why does Michael ALWAYS have the responsibility to support everyone? I just don't get it. I don't care if Joe was getting money prior to Michael's passing. Michael is not here anymore so, for Joe, I guess he is gonna have to choose another provider for himself out of his other nine children. Like I have been saying repeatedly Michael should NOT have the responsibility to take care of EVERYONE. It's high time that the other people in that house (the adults) take some responsibility for themselves. I think Michael has been supporting them ALL long enough now, give him a break already.

There are 9 other children that Joseph is the father of, where are they at? Why can't they support THEIR family now? Michael isn't even alive and he is still supporting them. I'm not saying Michael shouldn't have contributed a little bit, of course he should have they are his "family" but he should NOT have to do it all by himself. I mean really? Is that fair? And then you have family members like Randy going after the estate and Joseph as well. And then you have Jermaine saying that it's "Joseph's Estate" or "Joe made the estate." Jermaine? Joe must have "made" your estate too, if you even have one? Start helpin' out. Michael is not here to carry you anymore.

Joe is not living on welfare or on the streets. His lawyer makes it out like Joe is in desperate need. He looks just fine to me. He sees that his wife and grandchildren are getting all this money a month and feels he should have it too. I hope the judge sees that he has 8 other grown children that could help him. If Michael really wanted to provide for his father it would have been in the will. Michael doesn't have to be the provider for the Jackson family anymore. He did more than enough and it seems more than anyone in the family. The family talks about unity and sticking together well then they can help their father or each other if need be.
It also amazes me the wickedness with which executors seek to have a sizeable percentage of the estate profits while leaving the father with nill.

Who works for free? Most agents get 15% of their client's income. That's not wickedness, that's pay for services.

If MJ had better legal advice than people seeking to manage his affairs, they would have referenced other stars wills like Elvis Presley. In Elvis will, his family is provided for should a pressing need arise, e.g. medical, etc, even if they are not beneficiaries.

MJ did not explicitly exclude his father because some legal advice might have been given that provision might be arranged without him being a beneficiary to tamper with the running of the estate and possibly channelled through Michael's mother, unfortunately, that wasn't spelt out on paper.

Michael had his will drawn up the way he wanted to. He didn't need anyone to spell out what he wanted in HIS will. He was specific in mentioning chairites. If he wanted specific provisions for Joe, he would have put it in the will.

But fans need to watch with the hostility towards Joe as if he's a monster.

It's Joe's hostillity that has him out in the cold right now. Originally, it was indicated that the executors weren't oppose to a stipend, but Joe has been huffing and puffing about them basically being criminals and forging the will, and making other accusations. He's been antagonizing the very people who could help him.

It's his lawyer who should be spelling out he should keep his mouth shut until he gets what he wants. But unfortunately, his lawyer is an idiot.
It wasn't Joseph who brought in Branca, he was hired by Michael himself.

Thats right and Branca is the one who persuaded Michael to fire Joe as his Manager and Michael did, Google and find out for yourself and it was Michael who FIRED John Branca for his Dealings of Michael's Money and Controlling Ways.

Michael did not want joe in control..........

I dont agree; this is not June 25, 2009 when everyone was believing Michael Accidentally Overdose with his Druggie Doctor, this is an "Official Homicide" and LAPD will prove it. I believe Michael left no one in charge but JOE JACKSON and thats why he named every one of his children "Joseph" including Paris, and Joe was removed by Forgery and they know it thats why they are fighting so hard against Joe, but just like with everyone thinking "Accidental Overdose and its Murder" = the "Will real will up Fraudulent" and I dont care what no one else says either. Time will Tell like it is telling now and shutting people up.

Joe was getting his money from Katherine, who was getting it from Michael. Michael gave it to her unconditionally. If Joe wants the money to continue, it will be in the form of "spousal support," for whatever reasons. He needs to appeal to Katherine, and not the estate. Anything she gives him will come out of her own "allowance," and that is her choice.

I guess you like some others have forgotten and alot have and some just didnt know Joe Jackson Managed a Group that made Millions and still are to this day name "The Jackson Five", like Joe told Larry King "I dont care I got Money". So people trying to act like Joe Jackson dont have money and trying to steal whats really Legally his anyway, maybe they dont know the beginning of Michael's Money.

People can say whatever they wanna say about the true nature of the father son relationship between MJ and Joe, but the FACT is, Michael Joseph Jackson DID NOT name his father as a beneficiary in his WILL period! Michael could've if he wanted to BUT HE DID'T for his own reason and that should be respected.

This still remains to be Proven, and the Conspiracy now is not was "Michael Murdered" that was then this is now and The FEDS and LAPD has established that as FACT its a "Homicide", the Conspiracy now is to cover-up "Who and Why he was Murdered", its time to catch up people.

why is it that Joe can't look to them for monetary support? Janet's got a lot of money, whats the problem? no, everybody is expecting Michael even in death to continue supporting everybody and their offsprings! Its about time people start standing on their own two feet and give Michael Jackson a damn break! It just seems like it has always just been about the MONEY! God!

Joseph Jackson will not be getting a dime from that Estate, believe that!

Its strange how everyday the Executors are asking for more money or not revealing what they have done with the money thus far, or banning the family from getting anything and the Public from known how Michael was Murdered and it seems to me not as much in the I.U., but over in the "Whats Happening" forum that people just overlook The Executors Greed and Lust for Control, even though they automatically get a percentage of the Estate every year paid to them Annually just being the Executors depending on what state it ranges from 10 - 25%, Im not sure what Calif. is but they are already MILLIONAIRS just from this payment alone, and no one calls them Greedy, but the Jacksons Family are getting per hell, this is Michael's Family how in the World would anyone think Michael in his Death as a Forethought in preparing a "Will" would leave his Inheritance to People he knew where Thieves and Devils and that maybe even are his "Murderers", that even he had accused them in Public of stealing from him and not leave his Inheritance to his Family how in this World could anyone believe this crap, its just beyond all my reasoning and disrespectful of Michael to believe such Hollywood Movie Crap.

I think it will be up to the judge now . I have a feeling the judge is not so fond of joe's parental skills .

If anyone think a Judge is going to look back 40 years at a Man rearing his children and Ignore what was really happening in Michael's Life now especially his Business Deals and realize who was really "Beating on This Man so much that they caused his Homicide Murder" I would say that person has a hard time dealing with the Truth and facing Facts thats OFFICIALLY right in their face. Because Joe Jackson sure wasnt the person beating on Michael Jackson June 25, 2009 and caused his Homicide Murder.
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some of you are really over the top with the negativity against the family with the minimal amount of info we have. JMO (not saying u all should not post negative things, just ease up)

and let the hate begin!~!
I guess you like some others have forgotten and alot have and some just didnt know Joe Jackson Managed a Group that made Millions and still are to this day name "The Jackson Five", like Joe told Larry King "I dont care I got Money". So people trying to act like Joe Jackson dont have money and trying to steal whats really Legally his anyway, maybe they dont know the beginning of Michael's Money.

Well, if they made millions and Joe doesn't need the money, whats the problem? What did he do with all of his money?
I guess you like some others have forgotten and alot have and some just didnt know Joe Jackson Managed a Group that made Millions and still are to this day name "The Jackson Five", like Joe told Larry King "I dont care I got Money". So people trying to act like Joe Jackson dont have money and trying to steal whats really Legally his anyway, maybe they dont know the beginning of Michael's Money.

Well, if they made millions and Joe doesn't need the money, whats the problem? What did he do with all of his money?

Which one of the Jackson's look broke to you? they may not have been out in the spotlight like Michael and some chose not to be others at least still worked, but they still get Royalties and as long as any Jacksons 5 music is sold or used in a movie or anyway they will get paid, Im sure alot of Jackson 5 Music was sold after June 25, and if any is found anywhere now its probably on Ebay, Where have you seen or heard of Joe Jackson or anyone in the Jacksons Panhandling ?
Thats right and Branca is the one who persuaded Michael to fire Joe as his Manager and Michael did, Google and find out for yourself and it was Michael who FIRED John Branca for his Dealings of Michael's Money and Controlling Ways.

I dont agree; this is not June 25, 2009 when everyone was believing Michael Accidentally Overdose with his Druggie Doctor, this is an "Official Homicide" and LAPD will prove it. I believe Michael left no one in charge but JOE JACKSON and thats why he named every one of his children "Joseph" including Paris, and Joe was removed by Forgery and they know it thats why they are fighting so hard against Joe, but just like with everyone thinking "Accidental Overdose and its Murder" = the "Will real will up Fraudulent" and I dont care what no one else says either. Time will Tell like it is telling now and shutting people up.

I guess you like some others have forgotten and alot have and some just didnt know Joe Jackson Managed a Group that made Millions and still are to this day name "The Jackson Five", like Joe told Larry King "I dont care I got Money". So people trying to act like Joe Jackson dont have money and trying to steal whats really Legally his anyway, maybe they dont know the beginning of Michael's Money.

This still remains to be Proven, and the Conspiracy now is not was "Michael Murdered" that was then this is now and The FEDS and LAPD has established that as FACT its a "Homicide", the Conspiracy now is to cover-up "Who and Why he was Murdered", its time to catch up people.

Its strange how everyday the Executors are asking for more money or not revealing what they have done with the money thus far, or banning the family from getting anything and the Public from known how Michael was Murdered and it seems to me not as much in the I.U., but over in the "Whats Happening" forum that people just overlook The Executors Greed and Lust for Control, even though they automatically get a percentage of the Estate every year paid to them Annually just being the Executors depending on what state it ranges from 10 - 25%, Im not sure what Calif. is but they are already MILLIONAIRS just from this payment alone, and no one calls them Greedy, but the Jacksons Family are getting per hell, this is Michael's Family how in the World would anyone think Michael in his Death as a Forethought in preparing a "Will" would leave his Inheritance to People he knew where Thieves and Devils and that maybe even are his "Murderers", that even he had accused them in Public of stealing from him and not leave his Inheritance to his Family how in this World could anyone believe this crap, its just beyond all my reasoning and disrespectful of Michael to believe such Hollywood Movie Crap.

If anyone think a Judge is going to look back 40 years at a Man rearing his children and Ignore what was really happening in Michael's Life now especially his Business Deals and realize who was really "Beating on This Man so much that they caused his Homicide Murder" I would say that person has a hard time dealing with the Truth and facing Facts thats OFFICIALLY right in their face. Because Joe Jackson sure wasnt the person beating on Michael Jackson June 25, 2009 and caused his Homicide Murder.

:bugeyed........whats the point of your post again?
Which one of the Jackson's look broke to you? they may not have been out in the spotlight like Michael and some chose not to be others at least still worked, but they still get Royalties and as long as any Jacksons 5 music is sold or used in a movie or anyway they will get paid, Im sure alot of Jackson 5 Music was sold after June 25, and if any is found anywhere now its probably on Ebay, Where have you seen or heard of Joe Jackson or anyone in the Jacksons Panhandling ?

Then why the heck does'nt Joe seek financial support from ALL OF THEM then?????:doh: he should'nt need his deceased son's money then!
People can say whatever they wanna say about the true nature of the father son relationship between MJ and Joe, but the FACT is, Michael Joseph Jackson DID NOT name his father as a beneficiary in his WILL period! Michael could've if he wanted to BUT HE DID'T for his own reason and that should be respected.

One may have had some sympathy for Joe if his behaviour following his sons death were different. A few days after your son dies, you go on t.v. plugging your record company????? and now he goes and file a claim stating ludicrous expenses? What about his other children? why is it that Joe can't look to them for monetary support? Janet's got a lot of money, whats the problem? no, everybody is expecting Michael even in death to continue supporting everybody and their offsprings! Its about time people start standing on their own two feet and give Michael Jackson a damn break! It just seems like it has always just been about the MONEY! God!

Joseph Jackson will not be getting a dime from that Estate, believe that!

Great post, and the truth. Joe is too old to "get a job," though. He has been supported by Katherine, who was apparently supported by Michael. Joe will not get a dime from the estate. Katherine may give him a cut of what she gets, but that is her choice. Michael cut him out of the will for a REASON. Whatever else happens, it is not Michael's responsibility. He made his choice, and that should be respected.
some of you are really over the top with the negativity against the family with the minimal amount of info we have. JMO (not saying u all should not post negative things, just ease up)

and let the hate begin!~!

I Agree, I just hope Michael knows how they are talking about his family and why dont the Executors go and get a Job its plenty of new talent they can hussle into a deal they seem to be so good at what they do. I guess this is the Executors Retirement Money they must really be tired after all this work they have done.
There is no need to be rude to each other.

I thought twice (actually, a lot more times) about posting this but anyway...

Joe was getting his money from Katherine, who was getting it from Michael. Michael gave it to her unconditionally. If Joe wants the money to continue, it will be in the form of "spousal support," for whatever reasons. He needs to appeal to Katherine, and not the estate. Anything she gives him will come out of her own "allowance," and that is her choice.

I agree, that would be a solution.

Michael knew that Katherine was giving money to Joe, we've heard it from his own mouth.

You know, if Joe doesn't get his allowance I worry that we'll be hearing a lot more from him as he gets the money he needs by other means... I'd rather he didn't have to sell Michael out completely.

Two weeks ago he was interviewed by a Chilean newspaper and when asked what had been the most difficult part of dealing with MJ's passing and he says.... "tracking all the money they are making with him"

Tracking all the money.... money!!!! he only cares for money for HIM, nothing else!! I was expecting him to say "miss my son", "see the kids suffering", whatever, but tracking the money????? That's disturbing, to say the least.

I hate having to somehow defend Joe, but I have to say - the first paragraph - he's saying this because he thinks Michael was MURDERED FOR HIS MONEY - he said this himself. Thats why he opposes Branca and McClain, because he believes (as some in the IU here believe) they don't have pure intentions and that they are making a lot of money off Michael. Thats why he wants to see the full autopsy records.. so everyone can know what really happened in MJs last hours. Thats why he made the comment that people say MJ is worth more dead than alive, because he thinks someone murdered him for his money...and it looks like he believes that some of the people involved are now in charge of the estate. (I'm not saying I agree with this). What is strange to me is the mention we had about a more recent Will. Al Malnik said there was a new one in.. 2004 (I think) and I know a lot of people believe this could be true.

And Joe has already said the things in your second paragraph, he also said his heart hurts (it was a translation from a german interview) and he cried when he was alone at home, but everyone ignores that.

I know Joe has done bad to Michael, I've heard it from Michael and it is terrible how it affected him...but I have also read what Michael says about him in his book Moonwalk and I've listened to him speak very positively and lovingly about his dad. I've seen it in snippets of phm when it was joe jackson day, and importantly during the Oxford Union speech. I have heard him speak highly about his father and I know he was making his peace with him in recent years especially during and after the trial where he was always by his side. The person who said 'Michael didn't like Joe' - thats not true. Michael did love Joe, he said so himself, he wanted to move on from the past, he wanted a relationship with him. He didn't cut him out of his life as some of you seem to think. Michael had Joe with him in meetings last year, they were together as recently as May and June, with Katherine too and the children..all of them smiling and happy.

I listen to everything Michael says about Joe, the bad, the good and his reasoning for it and the hopes he had for their relationship. I understand believe me, I take a lot from that Oxford Union speech and what he said about his father.. and how Michael evaluates everything. I don't think I've ever said this before here but I can identify with this issue on a personal level, thats why I feel I identify with Michael on a personal level. If you haven't listened or read the OU speech in a while, maybe you should. You shouldn't and can not just ignore that speech, its very important, it was an important message Michael wanted to say and it has helped me in my life.

Anyway, that said.. this is about the current Will. I don't think it should be any of our business who should have what. Michael wrote this Will in 2002 and Joe wasn't named. That is what we have, pure and simple. Perhaps he should have written in no uncertain terms that Joe shouldn't have anything, then he wouldn't have a chance of asking for an allowance. Whether there is a more recent Will we don't know, but this one is all there is right now.

I wish all this financial information, the stuff about the kids allowance would just remain private. They'll deal with it in the right way..I hate how they lay all his business and financial affairs out in public. Especially laying that info out about the children's allowance..:no:

This thing about Joe and an allowance isn't anything new.. so we're all just rehashing old news and comments. This is just news of the progress.

This thread is sad though, I've noticed in lots of threads that people are more hostile and harsh towards Joe and certain other family members than the person(s) who killed Michael and took him from us, his family and his 3 little children.

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Finally...someone is standing up to uphold MICHAEL JOSEH JACKSON's last will.
why can't Janet the millionare take care of Joe..why in death as in life its Michael...Michael...Michael

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When I read the documents I believe that the first paragraph means that they are okay with paying for any reasonable expenses if he is indeed dependent on MJ.

1. there's no evidence that he was dependent on MJ.
2. Even if he was/is, the expenses listed are far away from being reasonable. There's a rent and then hotels, then entertainment, money to support his children and grandchildren, legal expenses etc.
Fact is, Michael made NO provision in the will for Joe. I see no reason to disrespect Michael's wishes.

If people want to see Joe as solely responsible for the J5, fine. Let him go suck money off the other 4. Jermaine has said his father "shouldn't have to ask". True that, Jermaine, pony up, then, if that's how you feel. No way in hell should MICHAEL be solely responsible for his father. Michael's main responsibility is to his children and his children's guardian - for whom he properly provided for.

Joe has grown, living children who can support him if he needs it so much. Where are they??? Why is it that Michael is suddenly an only child when it comes to forking over money??? It is sad, sorry, and ridiculous. And Joe knows it, which is why he tried to have this whole thing filed under seal so the media wouldn't know about it. If Katherine wants to give HER money, that's on her. If he wants more than that, pick another son or daughter. Don't THEY have any sense of gratitude or responsibility????
Fact is, Michael made NO provision in the will for Joe. I see no reason to disrespect Michael's wishes.

If people want to see Joe as solely responsible for the J5, fine. Let him go suck money off the other 4. Jermaine has said his father "shouldn't have to ask". True that, Jermaine, pony up, then, if that's how you feel. No way in hell should MICHAEL be solely responsible for his father. Michael's main responsibility is to his children and his children's guardian - for whom he properly provided for.

Joe has grown, living children who can support him if he needs it so much. Where are they??? Why is it that Michael is suddenly an only child when it comes to forking over money??? It is sad, sorry, and ridiculous. And Joe knows it, which is why he tried to have this whole thing filed under seal so the media wouldn't know about it. If Katherine wants to give HER money, that's on her. If he wants more than that, pick another son or daughter. Don't THEY have any sense of gratitude or responsibility????
Like I said, Joe only made Michael the others were made by themselves.
katherine never said she gave money to joe. In fact, in joe's petition, there are two statements : one from Oxman, one from L. Rowe. Nothing from Katherine or acountants.

The estate asked for documentation from Oxman ; they are still waiting
There was a report that katherine agreed that joe should get a monthly allowance, according to that report the lawyer's for the estate at that time did not oppose his request, but now they are against joe request, but I believe katherine will still support joe on this.
i think the estate is not really opposed, but not for this kind of expenses : travel, hotels, legal fees, etc..
For me Michael is the most important person of them all, no matter how good or bad the rest of the family is. Actually, he's the only one who's important (and the MJ3 of course) I support Michael. I respect him and I love him. If he decided not to include the Jacksons in his will, then I say so be it. It's his money and his decision. And taking into account he had the same will in 1997 and 2002, it was a decision he was comfortable with. That's more than enough for me.
For me Michael is the most important person of them all, no matter how good or bad the rest of the family is. Actually, he's the only one who's important (and the MJ3 of course) I support Michael. I respect him and I love him. If he decided not to include the Jacksons in his will, then I say so be it. It's his money and his decision. And taking into account he had the same will in 1997 and 2002, it was a decision he was comfortable with. That's more than enough for me.

i agree
There is no need to be rude to each other.

I thought twice (actually, a lot more times) about posting this but anyway...

I agree, that would be a solution.

Michael knew that Katherine was giving money to Joe, we've heard it from his own mouth.

You know, if Joe doesn't get his allowance I worry that we'll be hearing a lot more from him as he gets the money he needs by other means... I'd rather he didn't have to sell Michael out completely.

I hate having to somehow defend Joe, but I have to say - the first paragraph - he's saying this because he thinks Michael was MURDERED FOR HIS MONEY - he said this himself. Thats why he opposes Branca and McClain, because he believes (as some in the IU here believe) they don't have pure intentions and that they are making a lot of money off Michael. Thats why he wants to see the full autopsy records.. so everyone can know what really happened in MJs last hours. Thats why he made the comment that people say MJ is worth more dead than alive, because he thinks someone murdered him for his money...and it looks like he believes that some of the people involved are now in charge of the estate. (I'm not saying I agree with this). What is strange to me is the mention we had about a more recent Will. Al Malnik said there was a new one in.. 2004 (I think) and I know a lot of people believe this could be true.

And Joe has already said the things in your second paragraph, he also said his heart hurts (it was a translation from a german interview) and he cried when he was alone at home, but everyone ignores that.

I know Joe has done bad to Michael, I've heard it from Michael and it is terrible how it affected him...but I have also read what Michael says about him in his book Moonwalk and I've listened to him speak very positively and lovingly about his dad. I've seen it in snippets of phm when it was joe jackson day, and importantly during the Oxford Union speech. I have heard him speak highly about his father and I know he was making his peace with him in recent years especially during and after the trial where he was always by his side. The person who said 'Michael didn't like Joe' - thats not true. Michael did love Joe, he said so himself, he wanted to move on from the past, he wanted a relationship with him. He didn't cut him out of his life as some of you seem to think. Michael had Joe with him in meetings last year, they were together as recently as May and June, with Katherine too and the children..all of them smiling and happy.

I listen to everything Michael says about Joe, the bad, the good and his reasoning for it and the hopes he had for their relationship. I understand believe me, I take a lot from that Oxford Union speech and what he said about his father.. and how Michael evaluates everything. I don't think I've ever said this before here but I can identify with this issue on a personal level, thats why I feel I identify with Michael on a personal level. If you haven't listened or read the OU speech in a while, maybe you should. You shouldn't and can not just ignore that speech, its very important, it was an important message Michael wanted to say and it has helped me in my life.

Anyway, that said.. this is about the current Will. I don't think it should be any of our business who should have what. Michael wrote this Will in 2002 and Joe wasn't named. That is what we have, pure and simple. Perhaps he should have written in no uncertain terms that Joe shouldn't have anything, then he wouldn't have a chance of asking for an allowance. Whether there is a more recent Will we don't know, but this one is all there is right now.

I wish all this financial information, the stuff about the kids allowance would just remain private. They'll deal with it in the right way..I hate how they lay all his business and financial affairs out in public. Especially laying that info out about the children's allowance..:no:

This thing about Joe and an allowance isn't anything new.. so we're all just rehashing old news and comments. This is just news of the progress.

This thread is sad though, I've noticed in lots of threads that people are more hostile and harsh towards Joe and certain other family members than the person(s) who killed Michael and took him from us, his family and his 3 little children.


I would agree with your post - Joe does think his son was murdered for his money. The people benefitting the most are Sony & the Estate executors.
I don't trust them at all, especially Weitzman & Branca. I don't think they have pure intentions at all. They are making huge profits. Dileo started bashing the family within a week for a reason. Dileo & AEG (Phillips) have not been honest.

Joe's relationship with his son to me is a complicated one. According to Geraldine Hughes, he was her biggest supporter of his book & took copies of it everywhere.


Joe Jackson has been my biggest supporter ever since releasing the book. Every time he goes out of town he takes my book with him. I start getting calls from people from Germany, Canada, from Japan, I have a lady now that is looking to bring the book into Japan, and Joe Jackson has been my biggest supporter ever since. The whole family. As a matter of a fact, we did one press conference where he wanted everybody to know that the whole family was supporting me and the book. So that was good.

As far as the amount of money Joe is asking for, its alot but it is really a small pittance compared to what is being made. Probably all the allowances should be raised so they can all save up some money before the executors sell the catalog & line their pockets.
a very good decision!Joe shoulnd't get any more money from Michael ...especially for luxury expenses...enought is enought!
I would agree with your post - Joe does think his son was murdered for his money. The people benefitting the most are Sony & the Estate executors.
I don't trust them at all, especially Weitzman & Branca. I don't think they have pure intentions at all. They are making huge profits. Dileo started bashing the family within a week for a reason. Dileo & AEG (Phillips) have not been honest.

Joe's relationship with his son to me is a complicated one. According to Geraldine Hughes, he was her biggest supporter of his book & took copies of it everywhere.


Joe Jackson has been my biggest supporter ever since releasing the book. Every time he goes out of town he takes my book with him. I start getting calls from people from Germany, Canada, from Japan, I have a lady now that is looking to bring the book into Japan, and Joe Jackson has been my biggest supporter ever since. The whole family. As a matter of a fact, we did one press conference where he wanted everybody to know that the whole family was supporting me and the book. So that was good.

As far as the amount of money Joe is asking for, its alot but it is really a small pittance compared to what is being made. Probably all the allowances should be raised so they can all save up some money before the executors sell the catalog & line their pockets.

You don't have to trust them, but they have done nothing to show or prove that they somehow murder Michael. They were in the will in 97 and 02, so I find it hard to believe that they would wait seven years before they just decided to kill him. It also doesn't matter either way if Brance was rehire or not since he was name in the will, both of them.

Also, they didn't even gotten paid for their serves, so how are they getting in benefices? They're not even getting the full price for people in their position, so it is not like they are taking 50% of the earnings. They even increased the allowance of what the kids were getting.

I also don't see what Dileo & AEG has to do with this considering they were going to make alot of money anyway since Michael hired them to do a huge concert. They actually would had gotten more from a living Michael, even if he didn't do all the dates.

Btw, it was the family themselves trying to sell Michael's catalog, so they will have to see them as guilty too. Also, you want them to rape the estate because they might sell the catalog, that does not make sense and when was the Jacksons known for saving money? They also can't just sell the catalog anyway since the children have their own lawyer seperate from the Jacksons and the estate and he would protest since it would not be in the best interest of the kids.

On the last note, Michael's relationship with is father is clear by the will. He didn't give him shit, not even an allowance. He had seven years to change the will and he did not. That shows Michael's feelings for his dad more than any written statement or Michael's own words for that matter.

Joe treated Michael like a bank machine and he is getting what had been owe to him for a long time. I just wish Michael gave him the bird when he was alive.
IF as some of you claim, the Jacksons have lots of money and don't need Michaels, fine. Then Joe doesn't NEED this money from Michael so whats the problem?

IF as some of you claim, there is another will....where is it? If it wasn't filed anywhere....there isn't one. Its very simple.

Michael himself appointed McClain and Branca. If you believe he didn't, go to the PRIOR will. They are still there. The claims that Branca is the boogey man are just ridiculous.

There is no proof either of the estate executors have done anything wrong.
And, according to estate lawyers, the so-called "maintenance expenses" Joe wants include vacations, air travel, hotels, assistants and legal fees.

And Joe Jackson says the allowance will include money so he can "support his children or grandchildren."
See, this is exactly what makes me angry. Joe Jackson is still tryin to live it up. He should be thankful for what he got esp. during this economically hard times. Doesn't he watch TV and read newspaper and see all these people esp. old people struggling these days?
Doesn't he had other EIGHT children to support him?
What about good Jermain?
Was it only to Michael to give him money? And what about his own money? I doubt he ever worked for free. If he didn't take care of his finances and always used Michael as his bank, then shame on him.

...and he dares to say he didn't abuse Michael... :ermm:

C'mon, 1000USD a month just for his "fun"... well, if you are almost starving, then make the neccessary adjustments to live according to what you have (and not have).

This is really disgusting! I totally agree we sons/daughters must support our parents, but in a positive and healthy way. This is way too much, way too wrong!!

Two weeks ago he was interviewed by a Chilean newspaper and when asked what had been the most difficult part of dealing with MJ's passing and he says.... "tracking all the money they are making with him"

Tracking all the money.... money!!!! he only cares for money for HIM, nothing else!! I was expecting him to say "miss my son", "see the kids suffering", whatever, but tracking the money????? That's disturbing, to say the least.
Just like I expected:smilerolleyes: Always on the go, always make moves to get money, the man don't even get tired at that age.

Yeah, their getting all this money off of him and he is not getting all of it.

Maybe if you treated your son better instead of turning him into an ATM in life he would had supported you in death too just like your wife. We weep what we sow Joe and you are getting exactly what you deserve.

Have a nice long, peaceful life.
Well said.
Michael didn't have emotional connections with Joe Jackson, but AT LEAST tried his hardest to show him respect and gave credit where credit is due. Some people think this is a sign of a complete forgiveness, but it is not. Two people involved here, but what did Joe Jackson do to make the relationship better? Nothing. You don't expect something positive to come out of this one-sided process.
Leaving him out of his will does not speak everything about their relationship, but it does tell me something about the depth of his hurt and struggle regarding the relationship.
Remember, Michael was a good-hearted person, but he was not Jesus who could love even those who hurt him.
See, this is exactly what makes me angry. Joe Jackson is still tryin to live it up. He should be thankful for what he got esp. during this economically hard times. Doesn't he watch TV and read newspaper and see all these people esp. old people struggling these days?

Just like I expected:smilerolleyes: Always on the go, always make moves to get money, the man don't even get tired at that age.

Well said.
Michael didn't have emotional connections with Joe Jackson, but AT LEAST tried his hardest to show him respect and gave credit where credit is due. Some people think this is a sign of a complete forgiveness, but it is not. Two people involved here, but what did Joe Jackson do to make the relationship better? Nothing. You don't expect something positive to come out of this one-sided process.
Leaving him out of his will does not speak everything about their relationship, but it does tell me something about the depth of his hurt and struggle regarding the relationship.
Remember, Michael was a good-hearted person, but he was not Jesus who could love even those who hurt him.

The question I have, how do you know?????? I love when fans make an assumption about Joe and Michael's relationship when they have no proof. MJ said he forgave his father..There is proof in many interviews where he stated Joe is the reason for his success. We don't know what went on behind closed doors. Unbelievable! I think we need to let go of the past. The fans are the only ones holding onto the past and won't move on. By all means, its not our business!
Joe and Michael's relationship was between them to figure out during the good and the bad.
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For me Michael is the most important person of them all, no matter how good or bad the rest of the family is. Actually, he's the only one who's important (and the MJ3 of course) I support Michael. I respect him and I love him. If he decided not to include the Jacksons in his will, then I say so be it. It's his money and his decision. And taking into account he had the same will in 1997 and 2002, it was a decision he was comfortable with. That's more than enough for me.
I too only care about MJ and MJ3.