Jackson Estate Opposes Stipend for Joe Jackson

That's a good question. Joe Jackson's OTHER surviving children should step forward and give their Dad a helping hand. And by that I mean, help with his BASIC needs. To think that Joe wants all of this extra money for eating out, hotels, and airfare is beyond the norm, in my opinion. (Not to mention money for his daughter and her daughter, that's going a little too far. LOL!)

They can ALL just chip in a little each month and Joe will be fine. The fact that none of them have stepped up to the plate is very interesting.

Maybe the brothers can include Joe in their reality program. That should earn him a few extra dollars.

Honestly, I think Joe is taken care of. There is no way Katherine is not helping him out. He is her husband, and she still think highly of him regardless of what people say. I am sure MJ would not leave his father out in the cold either.However, it is apparent that the family isn't helping him support his "other" child and grand-daughter and the crazy lifestyle he wants to live.
As they get older, the kids should take care of their parents if they need help. Isn't Katherine letting others stay at her home because they have nowhere to go? I think they don't want to help Joe because they know he isn't starving or not living comfortably but he will use the money for other things that are not necessary. He will use the money for his "ideas".
Indeed she does, and Michael the past 20 years and the estate now is tolerating it. As the house was owned by Michael Jackson and now by is the estate the MJ estate pays all the bills. Nobody needs to pay a penny. It's hotel Michael, always been this way.
is there any document to read ?

Yes, marc_vivien posted it in the Randy thread:

Doesn't he had other EIGHT children to support him?
What about good Jermain?
Was it only to Michael to give him money? And what about his own money? I doubt he ever worked for free. If he didn't take care of his finances and always used Michael as his bank, then shame on him.

...and he dares to say he didn't abuse Michael... :ermm:

C'mon, 1000USD a month just for his "fun"... well, if you are almost starving, then make the neccessary adjustments to live according to what you have (and not have).

This is really disgusting! I totally agree we sons/daughters must support our parents, but in a positive and healthy way. This is way too much, way too wrong!!

Two weeks ago he was interviewed by a Chilean newspaper and when asked what had been the most difficult part of dealing with MJ's passing and he says.... "tracking all the money they are making with him"

Tracking all the money.... money!!!! he only cares for money for HIM, nothing else!! I was expecting him to say "miss my son", "see the kids suffering", whatever, but tracking the money????? That's disturbing, to say the least.

He is not starving. Remember Joe has a pension from his stint as a manager and money he's made since Michael's death. He wants to continue to live it up as he did when MJ was living. Now that MJ is dead Joe can't get free hotel rooms using Michael's name. That quote from the Chilean newspaper is something else. Thanks for sharing it with us.

They did not feel obligated to support their own kids , so why do you expect them to bail joe out ? Non of them paid Katherine a penny all these years , at some point Marlon even refused to sign the contract for the "Jacksons an American Dream " because Katherine's share would have been double each of the siblings' shares. Katherine was devasted by that incident but later ofcourse the family blamed Carol for Marlon's behaviour .

Why would have Katherine's share been double the siblings share? Is it because she gave information about the early days? Who's idea was that? Jermaine and Margaret were the ones who were producers and came up with the idea. I don't remember reading about Marlon's refusal in Margaret's book...Is it in Katherine's book?
Indeed she does, and Michael the past 20 years and the estate now is tolerating it. As the house was owned by Michael Jackson and now by is the estate the MJ estate pays all the bills. Nobody needs to pay a penny. It's hotel Michael, always been this way.

Well I am not sure who is living there, but the house was created as a FAMILY home. Therefore, it would be expected that family would live there even though MJ refinanced the house and got it remodeled and everything.
I am sure MJ would not leave his father out in the cold either. However, it is apparent that the family isn't helping him support his "other" child and grand-daughter and the crazy lifestyle he wants to live.

In my opinion, Michael DID leave his father out. I mean, he could have easily put instructions in his will that he wanted his father to be taken care of. But for whatever reason, Michael didn't do that.

As to the crazy lifestyle, poor Joe Jackson wants to live like he did when the Jackson 5 were riding the top of the charts. Trying to RECAPTURE the good old days, instead of just enjoying where he is today. Ole boy is 80, he should be thankful for that if nothing else, a lot of folks never get to see the age of 80.
Mammon, n.: The god of the world's leading religion.
Ambrose Bierce

Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness.
Henrik Ibsen

No matter how hard you hug your money, it never hugs back.
Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money.
Author Unknown
Why would have Katherine's share been double the siblings share? Is it because she gave information about the early days? Who's idea was that? Jermaine and Margaret were the ones who were producers and came up with the idea. I don't remember reading about Marlon's refusal in Margaret's book...Is it in Katherine's book?
YEs Margaret wrote just that. In her book Joe and Katherine's share was bigger than the siblings and Marlon had a problem with it. I will look for the exact page and let you know.
Well I am not sure who is living there, but the house was created as a FAMILY home. Therefore, it would be expected that family would live there even though MJ refinanced the house and got it remodeled and everything.
Yes it was designed as a family home but Michael Jackson owned and paid for it, after his passing it's still deceased Michael's money being used. The house costs the estate around 100k monthly, employees, workers, maintenance etc. The executors made a point to let the judge and court know who the house the MJ3 are living in belongs too, and also who bears the costs of the house.
In my opinion, Michael DID leave his father out. I mean, he could have easily put instructions in his will that he wanted his father to be taken care of. But for whatever reason, Michael didn't do that.

As to the crazy lifestyle, poor Joe Jackson wants to live like he did when the Jackson 5 were riding the top of the charts. Trying to RECAPTURE the good old days, instead of just enjoying where he is today. Ole boy is 80, he should be thankful for that if nothing else, a lot of folks never get to see the age of 80.
You hit the nail! His own son never got the chance to turn that old. He should be ashamed of himself and the way he's acting, he should thank God for still being alive, and living the life he does. Because God knows there are way ''poorer'' 80 year old folks around.
Joe Jackson does not need a job. He is 80 years old, and he needs to retire.
Joe already recieves a pension and Social Security.

If he really needs more money he should
ask one of his other children or adult grandchildren to provide it for him.

well IMHO...if Joe already gets a pension and a social security check then he is doing ok for himself.....do you think he realizes how lucky he is to get even those things??...My point being...he has income for himself....why does he need to continue to make a spectacle out of himself by trying to get money out of the estate....like I have said on this forum many times before...If Michael would of wanted his father to have money after his passing then Michael would of left his father something in his will.....by Michael not doing that.....it speaks volumes to me about Michael and Joe's relationship in general....that's all I gotta say..
They can ALL just chip in a little each month and Joe will be fine. The fact that none of them have stepped up to the plate is very interesting.

This statement really hit home. It's apparent to me that you don't have to be wealthy for a family to experience a problem such as this (each sibling equally supporting a parent in their "golden" years). My family and myself are relatively poor and not famous and yet we have this problem to a lesser extent. Imagine the pressure and complexity of being a Michael Jackson.

Edit: Sometimes I'm glad I'm not wealthy. Sometimes. ;)
Joe pissed them off, and this is the result. They might have given him some kind of stipend, nothing like $15K, but something if he and Oxman had approached them differently.

It's hard to be considerate of someone who's insinuating you're a criiminal and forged the will.
mhmmm.. that's what I'm sayin'. :clapping:

But if he really needs cash that badly then he could always ask Jermaine? :rofl:

Since Jermaine seems to think that Joe shouldn't have to ask for money at all, it should just "be given to him automatically." :smilerolleyes: So come on Jermaine, give your father money, he shouldn't have to ask you. :cheeky:

:clapping::clapping::clapping: agree!!!!
damn it Joe..give it a break!!....Go get a job
Would you like to see your father working at age 80?
Anyway. if the murderers are in control of the Estate it would not benefit them to give Joe an allowance because he would have the necessary finances to seek justice for his son. if he has no money he cannot pay the lawyers and the private investigators.
Joe pissed them off, and this is the result. They might have given him some kind of stipend, nothing like $15K, but something if he and Oxman had approached them differently.

It's hard to be considerate of someone who's insinuating you're a criiminal and forged the will.

true. thats what happens when u have a idiot for a lawyer. oxman should rep murray.im surprised hes not offered
As they get older, the kids should take care of their parents if they need help. Isn't Katherine letting others stay at her home because they have nowhere to go? I think they don't want to help Joe because they know he isn't starving or not living comfortably but he will use the money for other things that are not necessary. He will use the money for his "ideas".

*sarcastic*Aw c'mon Joe Cola was a great idea!:smilerolleyes:

Bingo! The Jackson family from what I see is living rather comfortably despite bogus reports of them struggling. I think JohVohnie and Joe were living together in Vegas before the falling out. And she seem like the only person that Joe will have to take care of. Marlon, Latoya, Jermaine, Janet, Rebbie, Tito, and Jackie all seem to do their own things and have thier own places.
huh? :brow:
I don't get why the others in the family don't help Joe out if he is in dire straits.

He's not in dire straits, he just wants to live big, lavish life.
YEs Margaret wrote just that. In her book Joe and Katherine's share was bigger than the siblings and Marlon had a problem with it. I will look for the exact page and let you know.

Thanks. I have read the book, but I couldn't remember that from it.
Well I am not sure who is living there, but the house was created as a FAMILY home. Therefore, it would be expected that family would live there even though MJ refinanced the house and got it remodeled and everything.

Yes it is a "family home" but you would think the other adults who live there, and the siblings who just dropped off their kids at the house with grandma would at least pay something. Michael should not have to pay for everything and everyone. I don't mind that others live there, but they should be payin' something. Chipping in some money, like for food or w.e they can afford to contribute to the household instead of just living there freely off of Michael's money.
I'm sorry but WHERE THE HELL is MISS Jackson a.k.a Janet? Why is Michael (RIP) expected to take care of Joe when he has CHILDREN to care for, while still caring for his Mother and her home? Why is Joe not bothering her? she atleast is stil ALIVE and working. And from the reality show...it looks like his OTHER 7 children are doing just fine aswell.
I'm sorry but WHERE THE HELL is MISS Jackson a.k.a Janet? Why is Michael (RIP) expected to take care of Joe when he has CHILDREN to care for, while still caring for his Mother and her home? Why is Joe not bothering her? she atleast is stil ALIVE and working. And from the reality show...it looks like his OTHER 7 children are doing just fine aswell.
Joe only made Michael. The others were made by themselves.
the Jacksons are like the Royal family of Britain. Everybody and their momma are up in their financial affairs.
Some fans behaving as if Michael was some dumb person who couldn't make his own choices so had his money forced out of him by his wicked family, poor michael, nunber one artist in the world but so oppressed by his own family.l
The child they are referring to is the daughter that Joe had with "another" woman. And the grandchild they are referring to is HER daughter.

Which really boggles the mind, because this daughter of Joe's is an adult, capable of taking care of herself and her daughter. Or should be able to take care of herself and her daughter.


In Chile we call this people a "Cara dura" (hard face)
The man shows no shame!!
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:
I have seen worse that that done to michael on youtube. You want to laugh at that as well? Every nasty thing said about joe Jackson, multiply it by 10 and it has been said about Michael.
the Jacksons are like the Royal family of Britain. Everybody and their momma are up in their financial affairs.
Some fans behaving as if Michael was some dumb person who couldn't make his own choices so had his money forced out of him by his wicked family, poor michael, nunber one artist in the world but so oppressed by his own family.l

Quote of the day !!!!!:smilerolleyes: