Jackson Estate Opposes Stipend for Joe Jackson

Hi im new here and this is my first post, but have to agree with all of you Joe Jackson deserves nothing, like some of you say there are other kids that could give him money, what gives him the right to Michaels money. He had no time for Michasel when he was alive, he is a parasite.
Hi im new here and this is my first post, but have to agree with all of you Joe Jackson deserves nothing, like some of you say there are other kids that could give him money, what gives him the right to Michaels money. He had no time for Michasel when he was alive, he is a parasite.
Welcome hun :D
We're always happy and glad to welcome folks like you around here :cheeky:
the Jacksons are like the Royal family of Britain. Everybody and their momma are up in their financial affairs.
Some fans behaving as if Michael was some dumb person who couldn't make his own choices so had his money forced out of him by his wicked family, poor michael, nunber one artist in the world but so oppressed by his own family.l

haha I bet the Jacksons would agree with you.
Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman, said the opposition filing means the issue will now likely be decided after lengthy proceedings. "It's a pretty difficult thing to go through," Oxman said. "Michael took care of most of his life."

Oxman said he intends to prove to a judge, who will have to decide whether to award Joe Jackson an allowance, that the superstar supported his father.

"I was present when Michael would take care of his father," Oxman said. "I saw it happen. Lots of people saw it happen."

Joe Jackson filed for the monthly stipend in November, saying he had little income and relied on his son's help to survive.

It will be up to a judge to decide whether Joe Jackson receives any money from the estate. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for Jan. 28.

Joe Jackson filed for the monthly stipend in November, saying he had little income and relied on his son's help to survive.

He is seeking payment for expenses that include $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.

I really wouldn't oppose if he needed money to survive however $2500 to eat out, $3000 hotels (while also asking for rent) and etc seems like lavish expenses as the estate lawyers say.
Would you like to see your father working at age 80?
Anyway. if the murderers are in control of the Estate it would not benefit them to give Joe an allowance because he would have the necessary finances to seek justice for his son. if he has no money he cannot pay the lawyers and the private investigators.

first of all let me say that my father would not try to rob my dead body...this is the feeling that Joe gives me about Michael.....To me Joe is like a damn hawk.....he is waiting to see what he can get from the rabbit.....Joe trying to get justice...NOT IN MY OPINION......I think Joe's only interest is in his own pocket!!!.....which he just keeps on proving over and over again.
If Joseph is as poor as he is acting like he is, he could always go work at Wal-mart as a greeter. That would get him some extra cash in his pocket.

If Joseph is as poor as he is acting like he is, he could always go work at Wal-mart as a greeter. That would get him some extra cash in his pocket.


OMG..I Love you...:lmao:......thanks for the laugh..:)
I find it hard to see so many of you disrespecting an 80 y/o, and the father of MJ (who MJ loved; make no bones about that). Some of you are speaking quite loosely and nonsensically. You think the brothers would be busy purging Joe of the "abusive" title if they didn't care for him? You think they hate him, and he is a pariah of the family? Are you hanging your hats on the legaleese of impersonal lawyers of the estate who knows less about MJ than we do?? Lawyers who are simply running a business with no thought, or care for personal affections?
I find it hard to see so many of you disrespecting an 80 y/o, and the father of MJ (who MJ loved; make no bones about that). Some of you are speaking quite loosely and nonsensically. You think the brothers would be busy purging Joe of the "abusive" title if they didn't care for him? You think they hate him, and he is a pariah of the family? Are you hanging your hats on the legaleese of impersonal lawyers of the estate who knows less about MJ than we do?? Lawyers who are simply running a business with no thought, or care for personal affections?

I am only stating what I have seen with my own eyes.....come on Joe was plugging his recording label a few days after Michael died...do you remember that??...Joe has been asking for money since Michael passed away.....He makes me sick...To me Joe is no average 80 year old man...I have much respect for my elders...its just that Joe needs to earn the respect....he has looked bad in my eyes since June 25th.....he needs to redeem himself..and if he never does then so be it...no sweat off my brow....he was mean and nasty to Michael when he was here..Michael stated so himself....and I Believe Michael!!!!....I am not God..so I cannot punish joe for what he did to Michael in the past...but believe me...Joe will face his maker some day..he will have to answer for everything that he did to Michael.....God is not gonna care about his excuses!!!!
What's funny about this is the media and some fans used to go on about how MJ supported everyne in his family, now when the father seeks support, some fans and media are in hysterics about it.

Joe may not be in his will, but that does not mean that if his son's estate can afford it, a sufficient maintanance amount should not be extended.

It's the object of wickedness when a child can afford yet the father is left wanting.
This is not to say that Joe is wanting but proportionally, his son's estate is vast.

It also amazes me the wickedness with which executors seek to have a sizeable percentage of the estate profits while leaving the father with nill.

I know quite well that in the will, only one person is named EXPLICITLY as a non-beneficiary, and that is Debbie Rowe, because hers was sorted out during divorce.

If MJ had better legal advice than people seeking to manage his affairs, they would have referenced other stars wills like Elvis Presley. In Elvis will, his family is provided for should a pressing need arise, e.g. medical, etc, even if they are not beneficiaries.

MJ did not explicitly exclude his father because some legal advice might have been given that provision might be arranged without him being a beneficiary to tamper with the running of the estate and possibly channelled through Michael's mother, unfortunately, that wasn't spelt out on paper.

MJ knew with his mother owining 40% of the estate, she would oversee teh family needs. Unfortunately, we see the Judge and executors limiting her payouts and flexibility, which goes back to how Elvis' will was better laid out and went into detail over such issues with family.

MJ's will was way too summarised. And that's the source of this debacle. When grey areas are left, they are subject to interpretation.

But fans need to watch with the hostility towards Joe as if he's a monster. Yes, MJ had a bad experience with him as a child when he used to rehearse them, but so would any child whose further was a boxer, a steel mill worker and suddenly training a children's group.

Show me a boxer and worker from the steel mill given the duty to go and train some nursery and elementary school kids for entry into competitions.
The guy will lose his patience so fast and beat up the kids into line.

It was not a good combination. That's how Joe was, he was never a nursery or elementary school choir mistress with ounces of patience in her veins. He was a steel mill worker working with hot melting metal all day and overtime to maintain his family, then exhausted and tired, he returns home to train these group of kids to pursue dreams of success from this low-down life and has to deal with kids tantrums and all that. This was bound to happen.
That's why people who teach children take training into how to manage them.
But this was Joe, father, provider, trainer, all in one and ever present.

Think of the teacher who was hash in school whom you dreaded. Then imagine that tough teacher is your father, and personal trainer so he is ever present around you. There is no chance to get away from him for "fresh air", which is the way many kids cope with tough adults. The result is you grow up resenting and loathing that person at every sight. And the guy may not fully understand why you hate him so much.

If you hate Joe so much, go to MJ's Oxford speech when he came round to seeing both sides of the coin. Yeah, they were failures, but that that doesn't justify teh father being left out while strangers enjoy all the fruits of his and his son's hard work.

Michael did his best to placate his father and what hurts a father more is seeing strangers controlling his son and all his affairs.

Just as Joe said about Jermaine remaining about motown, that what hurt him most was Jermaine choosing to stay with Berry Gordy to please him rather than his own father.

Say what you will but this matter could have been sorted out easily without objection from executors who are sort of trying to have a go at Joe using his son "see, we control your son's affiars and you can't do nothing", just like Jack Gordon taunted Joe when controlling Latoya.

Joe filed excecively knowing the judge would reduct, just the way he di to Katherine (even when she hadn't drawn up her needs for review). The move was to aim for teh highest then settle for the average. The executors hadn't objected and had left it to the judge.

Now that they are getting involved in objecting, it's not nice and a sign of taking things personal since 1977 when Joe brought in Branca to manage Michael's affairs and then they fell out.

But then, this thing will be litigated.
This is my first post on this site and just want to say that MJJ is a wonderful community that seems more like a family.
I just wanted to also say that I think it’s horrible that people keeps laughing at that family. No family on earth is the perfect family. Instead people should be encouraging them to work through these tough times and repair their relationships and keep a strong family bond.

I’m on the side that encourages family bonds and working to build better relationships. I hate inner turmoil in family’s as it’s just so destructive. I think people just need to work on healing hurt feelings instead of wallowing in them (which I think MJ did to a point) and working on repairing and rebuilding those relationships. Its sad that MJ took his personal beef with Joe to his grave while Joe moved on with his life. People should be encouraging the Jacksons to work out their issues instead of laughing at them all the time and making it seem like one big fat joke with them and MJ and all of this. It’s such nonsense. MJ couldn’t entirely fix his problems with his father and the family, but it’s not to late for the Jacksons to try to work it out. Especially now that MJ’s kids are there I hope that they do because I don’t want those kids growing up with the same issues that MJ had.

MJ should have at least left something for his family just to silence them. Not a lot of it by any means as in my own opinion he doesn’t have to take care of anyone except his kids & Katherine. otherwise there is going to be nothing but bad blood and fighting between them and his kids. And even the cousins and the kids.
what part of OUT OF THE WILL does Joe not get! Michael didn't like him why would he give his father money!? god the Jackson family needs to learn to live off someone else or learn a new craft!
I believe joe should get his monthly allowance katherine agreed, I dont think the estate should oppose it if katherine approves of it, if katherine said michael gave her enough money for her to give to joe that should continue, michael did love joe he did not agree with joe all the time, joe is michael father! and I believe michael knew katherine would continue to give joe his part , he should not be cut off , I hope the judge will rule in favor of joe,
If MJ had better legal advice than people seeking to manage his affairs, they would have referenced other stars wills like Elvis Presley. In Elvis will, his family is provided for should a pressing need arise, e.g. medical, etc, even if they are not beneficiaries

yeah sure but Vernon was no joe . Vernon loved his son , did not beat him , did not call him names , he saw the world throw that boy's eyes . Elvis was Vernon's life . so please don't compare , I'm sure if any one told Vernon he was joe , he would have cut his head .

and the family is living off MJ , even in the reality TV show , they had to keep mentioning him all the time .

the family are staying in a house paid by MJ, their expenses are covered . They sold stories to tabloids , each one of them has collected hundreds of dollars since he died .

what would have been left to his kids if he said Katherine had the authority to pay incase something happened to any member of our family ? Believe me every day a cheque would have been signed , because everyday one of the siblings and their kids would have come to her and said they were in trouble and in dire need of help .

He gave them enough , he did not owe anyone of them .

He supported Katherine since ever. Marlon was in debt and got $ 60.000 from katherine to pay his debts off , where do you think that money came from ?

Tito refused to pay his kids' education, MJ supported them when their father abandoned them .

Randy's kids have been living off MJ since 1989.

Jermaine's kids also have been living off mj since forever .

What else he was supposed to do ?

that's what we know , God knows what else they made him pay for .
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Michael did not want joe in control, but michael gave money for joe according to katherine, that should continue.

katherine never said she gave money to joe. In fact, in joe's petition, there are two statements : one from Oxman, one from L. Rowe. Nothing from Katherine or acountants.

The estate asked for documentation from Oxman ; they are still waiting
Joe was getting his money from Katherine, who was getting it from Michael. Michael gave it to her unconditionally. If Joe wants the money to continue, it will be in the form of "spousal support," for whatever reasons. He needs to appeal to Katherine, and not the estate. Anything she gives him will come out of her own "allowance," and that is her choice.
Joe was getting his money from Katherine, who was getting it from Michael. Michael gave it to her unconditionally. If Joe wants the money to continue, it will be in the form of "spousal support," for whatever reasons. He needs to appeal to Katherine, and not the estate. Anything she gives him will come out of her own "allowance," and that is her choice.

it's Joe theory, but the estate wants docs.
I think it will be up to the judge now . I have a feeling the judge is not so fond of joe's parental skills .
people seems so easy to ignore Joe's other children. Michael was not his Only child! when the story had "Michael Jackson" on it, people had double standard.
People can say whatever they wanna say about the true nature of the father son relationship between MJ and Joe, but the FACT is, Michael Joseph Jackson DID NOT name his father as a beneficiary in his WILL period! Michael could've if he wanted to BUT HE DID'T for his own reason and that should be respected.

One may have had some sympathy for Joe if his behaviour following his sons death were different. A few days after your son dies, you go on t.v. plugging your record company????? and now he goes and file a claim stating ludicrous expenses? What about his other children? why is it that Joe can't look to them for monetary support? Janet's got a lot of money, whats the problem? no, everybody is expecting Michael even in death to continue supporting everybody and their offsprings! Its about time people start standing on their own two feet and give Michael Jackson a damn break! It just seems like it has always just been about the MONEY! God!

Joseph Jackson will not be getting a dime from that Estate, believe that!
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People can say whatever they wanna say about the true nature of the father son relationship between MJ and Joe, but the FACT is, Michael Joseph Jackson DID NOT name his father as a beneficiary in his WILL period! Michael could've if he wanted to BUT HE DID'T for his own reason and that should be respected.

One may have had some simpathy for Joe if his behaviour following his sons death were different. A few days after your son dies, you go on t.v. plugging your record company????? and now he goes and file a claim stating ludicrous expenses? What about his other children? why is it that Joe can't look to them for monetary support? Janet's got a lot of money, whats the problem? no, everybody is expecting Michael even in death to continue supporting everybody and their offsprings! Its about time people start standing on their own two feet and give Michael Jackson a damn break! It just seems like it has always just been about the MONEY! God!

Joseph Jackson will not be getting a dime from that Estate, believe that!

brilliant post..:clapping::clapping: