Is Michael Jackson a Dancer who can Sing OR a Singer who can Dance?

I don't agree with that at all. "Smooth Criminal" in particular is a brilliant piece of work, as is the entire "Bad" album. Michael was always a dancer. He was known for his dancing and singing before they signed with Motown, but Motown didn't want him dancing outside of the choreographey they did as a group, so the public really didn't get a chance to see Michael's talent as a dancer until he went solo.
Yeah that's true that he's always been a dancer but it wasn't really as big a part of his act as it became after 1983. I mean you can tell the MJ that emerged between 1969 and 1982 was different from the cat that emerged in 1983 onwards. I mean he was still a "singer who dance" per se by the Bad period but his dance had become as important as his music in the 1990s though in hindsight he's still regarded in music circles as a singer, first, though technically he's always been both. It's difficult to pinpoint everything, lol.
Well it's best just to say he's both, because he is, lol. I mean, he's always loved to dance, since he was a little kid. I remember watching an episode of Soul Train from around 1975 or 76 and Don Cornilious (sp?) said to Michael that he remembers seeing him and his brothers perform before they signed to Motown and that he used to dance a lot more back then, and Michael got kind of annoyed and said "I still dance a lot!" He used to do a lot of dancing between songs or during songs before going to Motown. He wasn't really allowed to show his stuff until later on after that point. He always had that ability, the world just didn't get a taste of it until later. But I don't think you can say one is better then the other, or more important. Michael is both a musical and a visual artist.
Michael's a world-class performer who can sing!
singing can be an awe-inspiring performance in and of itself. and with MJ, it is.

i hope Mike realizes that and starts singing live for us again.
I think he is the Chris Brown of the 1980s

Pardon me, I like Chris Brown, but apparantly you weren't witness to what happened in the 1980s!Chris Brown is no where near the level of superstardom that Michael Jackson was in the 1980s and thereafter for that matter. Michael created a height that Chris Brown and many of todays artists only still dream of acheiving, that in fact none other have yet to conquer. That's why Michael Jackson has been called the Greatest Entertainer Ever!

Lastly, this is a lame conversation... either way he is exactly a singer and a dancer. Dur.
this is the most entertaining thread i've seen in a while.
the longer this thread gets, the more a testament to both MJ's talents it is.(singing and dancing). not to mention the music. the music to 'bad' for example is so good, you have to the video backdrop for the music, or is the music backdrop for the video. this whole argument is really vain, because it's like wondering what came first, the chicken or the egg. i'm just glad we have both. :)
I've listened to enough Janet Jackson to know she isn't a strong vocalist. It's hardly an uneducated opinion of mine. I said it was silly to compare them as you were making the parallell that they both are referred to as singers even though neither is really a pure singer, which is at least what you implied. But Michael is very much a pure singer. But this isn't about Janet. Michael is as much a singer as he is a dancer. What you are known for or not known for isn't the question. The question is basically the same as "what is the stronger of his two talents?", only worded differently. You don't seem to be getting that. And the answer to THAT question is that he's equal in both fields. Michael is as good a singer as any of those you listed, and in my view better, and just because he isn't given the credit he deserves as a vocalist doesn't make that fact any less true.

Well your comments are just a matter of opinion concerning Janet. Nonetheless, I believe in my initial post I made a comment that MJ is known for his dancing. Ppl chose to refute my facts and it went from there. With that being said, he is a dancer that sings. And if you actually think that MJ is as good of a singer as he is a dancer, then bless your heart. And I thought the Madonna fans were delusional, but being on here i stand corrected.
And if you actually think that MJ is as good of a singer as he is a dancer, then bless your heart. And I thought the Madonna fans were delusional, but being on here i stand corrected.
mate if you consider that constructive opinion delusional, then you may need to brace yourself for stronger shit to come across your way through Michael Jackson boards.
Well your comments are just a matter of opinion concerning Janet. Nonetheless, I believe in my initial post I made a comment that MJ is known for his dancing. Ppl chose to refute my facts and it went from there. With that being said, he is a dancer that sings. And if you actually think that MJ is as good of a singer as he is a dancer, then bless your heart. And I thought the Madonna fans were delusional, but being on here i stand corrected.

So why are WannaBe's comments about Janet opinion, but yours about Michael are fact?

If people chose to ignore your "facts" that proved that Michael was a dancer that sings, could you please list them again, because I don't recall seeing any facts.

I really don't see why this is so important to you. It really comes down to a matter of opinion anyway. Maybe you love Michael's dancing, and don't like his voice, but that doesn't mean he can't sing. :doh:

If I had to choose between a concert where Michael could only sing and not dance or a concert where he could only dance and not sing, I would go to the concert where he sang. Sorry, but he is that good.

I really don't like how you have to resort to name calling and I don't appreciate being referred to as delusional because I don't agree with you.:no:
mate if you consider that constructive opinion delusional, then you may need to brace yourself for stronger shit to come across your way through Michael Jackson boards.

I'm not worried. This is the most i've visited here since i joined LOL

So why are WannaBe's comments about Janet opinion, but yours about Michael are fact?

If people chose to ignore your "facts" that proved that Michael was a dancer that sings, could you please list them again, because I don't recall seeing any facts.

I really don't see why this is so important to you. It really comes down to a matter of opinion anyway. Maybe you love Michael's dancing, and don't like his voice, but that doesn't mean he can't sing. :doh:

If I had to choose between a concert where Michael could only sing and not dance or a concert where he could only dance and not sing, I would go to the concert where he sang. Sorry, but he is that good.

I really don't like how you have to resort to name calling and I don't appreciate being referred to as delusional because I don't agree with you.:no:

His/her comments are a matter of opinion. I've heard ppl say that Mariah can't sing. I've heard ppl say that Aretha's voice isn't that great. It's a matter of opinion.

It's a common FACT that more ppl no MJ for his dancing more than his singing. I can do a poll on just about any board and more ppl will say they know him for his dancing. Trying to get an unbiased opinion when you're preaching to the choir is a fail in itself.

Plz see the quote below the picture in my siggy.
See and I think opposite, I think if you started walking up to random people and asked a question like "What is Michael Jackson's occupation?", I think more people would say singer before dancer. So maybe we should just agree to disagree :yes:
Well your comments are just a matter of opinion concerning Janet. Nonetheless, I believe in my initial post I made a comment that MJ is known for his dancing. Ppl chose to refute my facts and it went from there. With that being said, he is a dancer that sings. And if you actually think that MJ is as good of a singer as he is a dancer, then bless your heart. And I thought the Madonna fans were delusional, but being on here i stand corrected.

so we're supposed to feel that the comments of a person that slams a lot of people personally, should be objective? u admit u only have an opinion, then state it as if it's fact, then slam a whole two communities of people in the process.
I'm not worried. This is the most i've visited here since i joined LOL

His/her comments are a matter of opinion. I've heard ppl say that Mariah can't sing. I've heard ppl say that Aretha's voice isn't that great. It's a matter of opinion.

It's a common FACT that more ppl no MJ for his dancing more than his singing. I can do a poll on just about any board and more ppl will say they know him for his dancing. Trying to get an unbiased opinion when you're preaching to the choir is a fail in itself.

Plz see the quote below the picture in my siggy.

people change their minds everyday and new people are born and come along and become and don't become fans everyday, and u cannot be sure about the validity of polls and u did not and can never take a personal accurate concensus of every person alive, (as numbers are bound to keep changing). plus people may say one thing and think another. so u can never state ur opinion as fact. plus, the quote under ur siggy is one person's opinion. and..the 'choir' as u put it, consists of people with opinions, too.
This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because........

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because........

This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because........


-Sorry but that is what this thread has become. It's getting so repetitive at this point and is getting off topic. I believe the question was do you personally think Michael is a dancer who can sing or a singer who can dance? The question wasn't about what do you think others think of Michael as a singer or a dancer, it's about your personal opinion, so i'm not sure why a certain poster is going out of their way to prove that some people think of Michael as a dancer first and don't think highly of him as a singer. Who cares already? Yes it would be nice if he got more recognition for his voice, but at the end of the day who really cares that some others think of him as a dancer first? Most of us fans know Michael can sing his ass off. I don't need other people to validate that for me, I already know he can sing. Too bad for those who just think of him as a dancer, all I can say is it's their loss, but there's no need in stressing over it.

Why some MJ fans care so much about what the general public and the media thinks of Michael, i'll never understand. I just think that's the wrong attitude to have. I'm glad I stopped caring a long time ago about what the media thinks (well for the most part anyway).
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Well your comments are just a matter of opinion concerning Janet. Nonetheless, I believe in my initial post I made a comment that MJ is known for his dancing. Ppl chose to refute my facts and it went from there. With that being said, he is a dancer that sings. And if you actually think that MJ is as good of a singer as he is a dancer, then bless your heart. And I thought the Madonna fans were delusional, but being on here i stand corrected.

You're funny. You haven't presented any facts but have only made an observation on how Michael is more known for his dancing. Yet you've done nothing to prove that Michael is less of a singer then dancer and I could argue with many facts as to why his vocal ability is every bit as good. Technically aswell as emotively. If you think I'm dillusional for saying so, then that's your problem, but I've got a million and one legit. reasons why I don't think that, but know it. So far you've done and said nothing to prove otherwise. In fact, all you've done is repeate, over and over, that Michael is more "known" for his dancing but have said nothing outlining why he's a better dancer then a singer.
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I'm not worried. This is the most i've visited here since i joined LOL

His/her comments are a matter of opinion. I've heard ppl say that Mariah can't sing. I've heard ppl say that Aretha's voice isn't that great. It's a matter of opinion.

It's a common FACT that more ppl no MJ for his dancing more than his singing. I can do a poll on just about any board and more ppl will say they know him for his dancing. Trying to get an unbiased opinion when you're preaching to the choir is a fail in itself.

Plz see the quote below the picture in my siggy.

Why don't you seem to understand that the question ISN'T about what he's more known for, but about which he's better at?
Lordy, I see ppl are still pressed. I'm not even gonna entertain it all. I've already stated my position. I even did a poll on on what is MJ's signature talent: Singing or dancing? Sadly 15 to 5 dancing won. MJ is more known for his dancing. His dancing overshadows his singing. He's a dancer that can sing. Build a bridge and get over it.
Lordy, I see ppl are still pressed. I'm not even gonna entertain it all. I've already stated my position. I even did a poll on on what is MJ's signature talent: Singing or dancing? Sadly 15 to 5 dancing won. MJ is more known for his dancing. His dancing overshadows his singing. He's a dancer that can sing. Build a bridge and get over it.



It's all good it's just a difference in opinion that's all.
Lordy, I see ppl are still pressed. I'm not even gonna entertain it all. I've already stated my position. I even did a poll on on what is MJ's signature talent: Singing or dancing? Sadly 15 to 5 dancing won. MJ is more known for his dancing. His dancing overshadows his singing. He's a dancer that can sing. Build a bridge and get over it.

I guess you're not too good at reading. And JJ's fans? You mean that large group of jealous haters? lol. I bet half of them have actually convinced themselves that Janet's better at both then Michael.
I guess you're not too good at reading. And JJ's fans? You mean that large group of jealous haters? lol. I bet half of them have actually convinced themselves that Janet's better at both then Michael.

and i LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mj was known for his singing b4 he was known for his dancing. of course he always danced but pple didnt even recognize him for his dancing until the videos for thriller came out and of course motown25. there4 hes a vocalist who is a amazing dancer now thread closed, moving along

And i stand corrected