Is Michael Jackson a Dancer who can Sing OR a Singer who can Dance?

His dancing definitely overshadows his singing. So what does that tell you? No one went to his tours to hear him sing.
You made such a bold statement. How do you know if NO ONE went to his tours to hear him sing?

Like some members already pointed out, if he tours only singing without doing any dancing routines, people would still go crazy and pray the live cd or dvd will come out. I can easily see him doin that type of tour or show in the future.
It is indeed part of the performance but it's never been the highlight of the performance. And he sings live all the time doesn't he? lol

Let's be real, when ppl think of MJ, no one says "OMG MJ is such a powerful singer."

I've heard that plenty of times from fans and non-fans alike, especially in reference to MJ's earlier stuff. I ALWAYS hear people talk about what a great singer MJ was as a child. Lets be serious here Lonely1814, Michael Jackson is not Janet or Madonna or someone like that who are both artists that are ONLY known for their dancing and performing and NOT their voices lol. He is known for being an all around talent. Yes, it's true,people do tend to think of Michael as a dancer first and certainly he is not seen as being as gifted a singer as Marvin Gaye, Stevie, etc. but most people DO agree that Michael is a good singer. He's made countless best singers of all time lists , some chosen by the public.

Personally, I love both his singing and dancing. I think that's something that made Michael so great because usually you have artists that are either just good singers (i.e. Whitney, Mariah, Aretha,etc.) or good dancers (Madonna, Janet, Paula Abdul) but not too many that are talented at both like Michael is. If forced to choose though, I'll say I'd take his singing ANYDAY over his dancing. I'd rather go to a concert and listen to him sing over seeing him put more emphasis on his dancing. I've just always loved Michael's voice.
You're clearly reading too much in to it.

MJ does have a superb voice, but no one knows MJ for his singing. Ppl know him for his dancing/performing.

Ppl like Whitney, Mariah, Marvin Gaye, they are KNOWN for their singing.

That's because that is all that they do onstage is sing. Not that it's a bad thing. They are amazing. MJ is just mesmerizing. He's not a step one ,step two kind of dancer, he has a natural flow to his dancing, like good dancers do. He has a cool style. His videos are still the standard, that is probably why some may consider him a dancer first.
Michael's voice is as good as anyone's and people don't realize it because he doesn't clutter it up with vocal gymnastics or belt, even though he could. Just the quality of his voice, and then with his range, technical prowess, his timing and control and phrasing, it makes him as good as anyone. It makes me really angry when people don't understand how good a vocalist Michael is.
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It makes me really angry when people don't understand how good a vocalist Michael is.

yeah... i'm having a really hard time comprehending some of the comparisons being made, and the accompanying statements. i've never heard a voice like his. i've heard the others people are making comparisons to but i never consider their voices as good as Michael's. yes, they are good, im not taking anything away from them, but as good... or better? im just smh wondering how that can even be thought of. i never think of him as just a this or that cause he is both of these, and so much more that isn't even on topic... he's light years away from anyone in voice and dancing to me.
I agree with you friend. I think Michael is the best singer and the best natural dancer ever.
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It is indeed part of the performance but it's never been the highlight of the performance. And he sings live all the time doesn't he? lol

Let's be real, when ppl think of MJ, no one says "OMG MJ is such a powerful singer."

Maybe not for you, but the concerts that I've been to he has sang live. I don't know where you've been hiding, but people talk about Michael as a powerful singer all the time.

Look you are entitled to your opinion, everybody is... but to assume that everyone else feels the same way you do is wrong. So I'll say again, I DO go see MJ (wish I could do that more often, lol) to hear him sing, and I Do think he is one of the greatest singers of all time, and you can argue with me all you want, but you won't win because those are my opinions...:punk:
Well thank you for letting me know I am entitled to my own opinion. I'm sorry but the reality of the situation is that more ppl know him for his dancing rather than his singing. The problem is that as fas we tend to become so immersed in his talents that we actually begin to believe that EVERYONE knows MJ for ALL of his talents. Sadly that is not the case. When ppl they of MJ they know him best for his dancing. The artists today that TRY to emulate what MJ has done are trying to emulate his dancing first, and then his singing. Just like ppl know Janet for her dancing, ppl know Whitney for her power, ppl know Mariah for her range, it's all about what ppl know MJ best for and it's his dancing. For example he was ranked #25 on RS Greatest Singers list, but (though irrelevant) on BET's Top 25 Dancers he was ranked #2. It's all about what an artist is known best for and in this case it's his dancing..
I think he is the Chris Brown of the 1980s

that was the dumbest thing i have ever heard. michael had 2 of the biggest selling albums of that decade the biggest selling single of that decade. the highest grossing tour ever. countless awards numerous chart toppers and was pure michaelmania. chris brown has neither of those acccomplishments this decade. and there is know chris brown mania so yea WRONG!! and how wud he be "the chris brown"? if anything chris clown wud be the michael jackson of today which wud still be false so maybe u shud just edit ur post and try again
LMAO!!!! too funny :rofl:

it's just chaos Humor :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
that was the dumbest thing i have ever heard. michael had 2 of the biggest selling albums of that decade the biggest selling single of that decade. the highest grossing tour ever. countless awards numerous chart toppers and was pure michaelmania. chris brown has neither of those acccomplishments this decade. and there is know chris brown mania so yea WRONG!! and how wud he be "the chris brown"? if anything chris clown wud be the michael jackson of today which wud still be false so maybe u shud just edit ur post and try again
I disagree , personally I reckon the only thing that Michael has over Chris Brown are his skills when it comes to drawing stuff, vocally I see him as being potentially as good but not better than Chris Brown...
that was the dumbest thing i have ever heard. michael had 2 of the biggest selling albums of that decade the biggest selling single of that decade. the highest grossing tour ever. countless awards numerous chart toppers and was pure michaelmania. chris brown has neither of those acccomplishments this decade. and there is know chris brown mania so yea WRONG!! and how wud he be "the chris brown"? if anything chris clown wud be the michael jackson of today which wud still be false so maybe u shud just edit ur post and try again

It's like something I heard about Rebbie (MJ's sister).... 'I don't look like Janet. Janet looks like me!'

so Chris Brown is like Michael Jackson, not MJ being like CB..... not really close - because if there wasn't a MJ, there probably wouldn't have been a CB....
It's like something I heard about Rebbie (MJ's sister).... 'I don't look like Janet. Janet looks like me!'

so Chris Brown is like Michael Jackson, not MJ being like CB..... not really close - because if there wasn't a MJ, there probably wouldn't have been a CB....
are you trying to say that Chris Brown is Michael's love child? :eek:
I think he is the Chris Brown of the 1980s

As much as I like CB...are you serious? MJ was and is a world wide phenomenon. CB is popular, but no where near Michael. Same goes talent wise.

Likewise, CB is not the MJ of today.
As much as I like CB...are you serious? MJ was and is a world wide phenomenon. CB is popular, but no where near Michael. Same goes talent wise.

Likewise, CB is not the MJ of today.
Yes, I am serious.
You guys need to pay more attention to what people write on this board, haha.

Anyway, Michael may not be known as much for his singing, but he's easily as good a singer as he is a dancer. He's as good as it gets. If the casual listener doesn't get that, then it's their problem.
You guys need to pay more attention to what people write on this board, haha.

Anyway, Michael may not be known as much for his singing, but he's easily as good a singer as he is a dancer. He's as good as it gets. If the casual listener doesn't get that, then it's their problem.

yeah...i'm back..i couldn't resist. i hear a lot of recordings where people do the hee hee's..and the hoos...and the high voice imitations of MJ and their recordings get to number 1, so...while some people will go by media polls...this debate can go on
How does anyone even take what Chaos says seriously! :lol:

Anyway, I think Lonely has a point. Michael HAS been known for being this amazing dancer. Yeah the media does call him a "singer" first but I think it's the dance that brought/brings Michael closer to people.

So some can be shocked when they do hear him SING at any period in his life pre-Thriller/Bad or whatever.
How does anyone even take what Chaos says seriously! :lol:

Anyway, I think Lonely has a point. Michael HAS been known for being this amazing dancer. Yeah the media does call him a "singer" first but I think it's the dance that brought/brings Michael closer to people.

So some can be shocked when they do hear him SING at any period in his life pre-Thriller/Bad or whatever. depends on who u ask, depends on who u ask. it's not like anyone here took a census or :lol:

i mean..for me, how do you not notice a voice that remains, all his life, like that of an otherworldly mature, adult-powered unique choirboy's voice.

while the dancing was just a given.
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I disagree , personally I reckon the only thing that Michael has over Chris Brown are his skills when it comes to drawing stuff, vocally I see him as being potentially as good but not better than Chris Brown...

lol u honestly think i wud fall 4 that lol depends on who u ask, depends on who u ask. it's not like anyone here took a census or :lol:

i mean..for me, how do you not notice a voice that remains, all his life, like that of an otherworldly mature, adult-powered unique choirboy's voice.

while the dancing was just a given.

LOL, that's what I was saying actually (it depends on who you ask). ;)
are you trying to say that Chris Brown is Michael's love child? :eek:

ah :smilerolleyes:

more like if MJ didn't do what he does best - then Chris Brown wouldn't have been inspired to learn to dance and sing at the same time - and do them well.