Info regarding tomorrow night's seance

It's only playful insults, don't take offense to it. Happens to everyone no matter where they live.

Calling someone a 'scouse twat' is a playful insult?

Sloride, you did apologise yes. But only really because you didnt think anyone would end up confronting you about it.

Your only apologising because you offended me. Not because what you think you said was wrong. I would rather you didnt apologise at all, or next time dont insult someone based on where they are from. If you are going to insult someone, insult them for something that is exclusive to them.

Elusive moonwalker, im sorry I misunderstood you.
Elusive moonwalker, im sorry I misunderstood you.
its ok. i didnt realise it was a comment from a viewer. i thought it was some spirit actually saying that!! twats a horrible word i wouldnt call that playfull. why did they even air it. where they airing viewers comments?
its ok. i didnt realise it was a comment from a viewer. i thought it was some spirit actually saying that!! twats a horrible word i wouldnt call that playfull. why did they even air it. where they airing viewers comments?

Oh no. Somebody hear on this forum called Derrick a scouse twat. Its in this thread. It wasnt in the program.
ah right ok i get you.misunderstandings all around tonight
Calling someone a 'scouse twat' is a playful insult?

Sloride, you did apologise yes. But only really because you didnt think anyone would end up confronting you about it.

Your only apologising because you offended me. Not because what you think you said was wrong. I would rather you didnt apologise at all, or next time dont insult someone based on where they are from. If you are going to insult someone, insult them for something that is exclusive to them.

Elusive moonwalker, im sorry I misunderstood you.

I didn't think it was wrong as I know people from Liverpool and they call each other things like that all the time. It was honestly not my intention to generalise and insult people from Liverpool-I was just insulting Acorah as my Liverpudlian friend called Acorah a 'scouse twat' himself-which is why I thought nothing of it. If I had known that it would have offended you I would have never have said it. I honestly didn't think that you would take it as me insulting you, which would be the last thing I would do. If I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. Again all I can offer is my apologies and I now know that it is wrong to use it in an insult as it can offend people from Liverpool, even though that was never my intention. I should have just called him a scummy twat!
I didn't think it was wrong as I know people from Liverpool and they call each other things like that all the time. It was honestly not my intention to generalise and insult people from Liverpool-I was just insulting Acorah as my Liverpudlian friend called Acorah a 'scouse twat' himself-which is why I thought nothing of it. If I had known that it would have offended you I would have never have said it. I honestly didn't think that you would take it as me insulting you, which would be the last thing I would do. If I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. Again all I can offer is my apologies and I now know that it is wrong to use it in an insult as it can offend people from Liverpool, even though that was never my intention. I should have just called him a scummy twat!

I fail to see why your friend would call Derrick a scouse twat if he is scouse himself. But I think its best we just leave it now. This is way way off topic.
LTD - The funny side of it is that Michael would NEVER say that - ever. The way I read it, it was taking the piss out of this seance, not anyone from Liverpool. Sorry you took it that way, and I can see how... it's just a bad coincidence. :better:
I did briefly catch the end and I felt so awful for those poor fans. It just looked to me how they had been expolited just for entertainment. They are devastated fans and I'm angry at Acorah for preying on their emotions like that. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw David Gest there, I thought better of him. Sorry the whole thing just made me so angry.
frankly i want to know why the first thing mj said wasnt wheres the nearest KFC. now if that had happened ...

:rofl: Yeah, now if THAT had happened, :bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed we would have fallen off our muthafukkin SEATS haha!......................
If i had of known it was in ireland i would have went down and boxed the jaws off this scumbag. It's totally disrespectful to his family and friends.
This was awful. Those poor fans too, they so wanted to believe it. Acorah couldn't have been less specific if he'd tried. Exploitation right the way down the line. Why would Michael choose to talk to him anyway? Was there supposedly a message for the girl fan who was beside herself all the way through, or did I miss it?
What happened with the seance? Although I don't believe in any of this.

Jesus spoke to him instead, he said Michael the king has actually taken the throne up there and left him with nothing to do, it turns out he was only keeping the seat warm while they waited for Michael.
I always like to keep an open mind spiritual stuff like this, i have experienced things myself.
Not that i believe this, i mean, money making scam.
I think the only good it will bring, even if it is fake. To the people who will believe in this, fans, it will give them the comfort that Mike's ok, and is watching over us all.
well that was one hour of my life I will never get back..... that weird fan michael lewis....consistently stroking michaels (questionable) hat in a creepy kind of way.... crrrringeworlthy television at its best.

:lmao: Yea I know!!! My hubby and I pissed ourselves when we saw that guy show up! I was like..NOOOOOOOO!!!!! :doh: Dude he was stroking that hat like it was a damn cat! I'm sorry but I know we're all fans but some people just need to ya know... dude needs help. The girl looked a a bit.. not "all there"... I'm not being funny.. but OMG!

All's I'm sayin is there's always a few fans in the bunch that make MJ fans look a bad way!:no:
I've been looking through some YouTube videos, and yeah, Derek Acorah is a f**king cretin ...

Look at this video, the now infamous "Mary Loves Dick" episode of Most Haunted ... only this footage shows the camera rolling after where they go to the studio to "check if the historians got anything" from Derek's "possession".

Disgusting, they laugh and joke about it ... he's a f**king fraud, sorry for swearing twice.

And another, where someone visits one of Acorah's shows undercover, and makes up an imaginary Grandad, who Derek passes a "message" onto from him!

Owned, you bastard.
Oh, and the Kreed Kafer controversy that got him sacked from Most Haunted!

Yeah, that one is on YouTube too ... the thing about that, is I remember that when it was shown on Living TV.

My Mum used to be addicted to Most Haunted, had loads of DVD's, etc.

I feel sorry for the fans who believe him, especially those last night no matter how "extreme" the guy Michael seemed.

I actually thought Acorah screwed up right at the beginning when he (ie: "Michael") said that he loved his fans, loved his "new friends" here tonight ... and the fan Michael said, "I love you more".

Michael, in life, would normally say, "No, I love you more". I don't remember Michael ever not getting in the last "I love you" in those kind of situations, but Derek continued dribbling his pish.
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this just shows how low some ppl can get...i mean really how pathetic?..its kinda amusing how sad they r actually lol
Did anyone else not recognise two MJJC members as the superfans? I saw them at the 02 exhibition then at the Slug & Lettuce after...
I don't think I believed any of it.
jesus spoke to him instead, he said michael the king has actually taken the throne up there and left him with nothing to do, it turns out he was only keeping the seat warm while they waited for michael.


I've been looking through some YouTube videos, and yeah, Derek Acorah is a f**king cretin ...

Look at this video, the now infamous "Mary Loves Dick" episode of Most Haunted ... only this footage shows the camera rolling after where they go to the studio to "check if the historians got anything" from Derek's "possession".

Disgusting, they laugh and joke about it ... he's a f**king fraud, sorry for swearing twice.

And another, where someone visits one of Acorah's shows undercover, and makes up an imaginary Grandad, who Derek passes a "message" onto from him!

Owned, you bastard.

That second video is AWESOME, thanks for posting.

The first link says there's a problem with the link, and I'm dyin' to see it. Can you check it out? It sounds quadruple awesome...