Info regarding tomorrow night's seance

Great catch! Derek Acorah (Kreed!) was apparently returning from the seance when he was drunk on a flight. I particularly enjoyed his "Is that your f*cking baby?!" and this:
"Office manager Jenny, of Weybridge, Surrey, ...spotted him stumbling around the baggage hall. She said: "It was hilarious. For someone who is meant to be a psychic, he couldn't tell which bag was his."

Here's one clip from the seance I found:

The crying fan is MJ impersonator Michael Lewis, whose website features not only him in MJ costume, but a gruesome semi-porn picture of him in underwear only with hand on privates. (I'll link only if begged.) He depressingly tweeted afterward: "Thank you Derek Acorah for making me belive and giving me the faith, Michael was truly with us last night, you are truly a wonderful man.8:59 AM Nov 7th from web "
Digital Spy today report that Derek Acorah "will speak to Michael Jackson again".

Derek Acorah will attempt to contact Michael Jackson again, he has revealed to Digital Spy.

The medium, who claims to have conducted a live séance on Friday night with the late singer, said that he would like to speak to Jackson for longer this time around and may contact him off camera.

Asked about a second attempt at contact, Acorah replied: "You know what? I would love it. Now that Michael knows me, I hope so - I really, really do.

"It wasn't long enough - Michael would have said more. I apologised to Michael - quietly, mentally - and he said to me, 'We will speak again'.

"I don't know whether it's got to be personal. I believe that he will make some kind of contact. He may go to my home, he may choose to do it on the camera - I don't know."

Reflecting on Friday night's séance, the 59-year-old added: "I found it very emotional and touching. We only had a certain amount of time in the programme and as I explained to the makers, he may not step forward. So I was surprised.

"But earlier in the day, we did a walk round and we got quite a bit of spiritual activity. Even my guide Sam said that Michael was in the atmosphere in his own way."

Personally, I'd like nothing better than to kick seven shades of shite out our "dear friend" Mr Acorah.

You can see the actual article here:
That second video is AWESOME, thanks for posting.

The first link says there's a problem with the link, and I'm dyin' to see it. Can you check it out? It sounds quadruple awesome...

Sorry, I messed up the link ... here is the infamous "Mary Loves Dick" possession, complete with footage after they cut away to the studio and viewers are left none the wiser as they mock and joke.
Sorry, I messed up the link ... here is the infamous "Mary Loves Dick" possession, complete with footage after they cut away to the studio and viewers are left none the wiser as they mock and joke.

OMG! This is famous in the UK, apparently. It even spawned a YouTube video, with Derek rapping "Mary loves Dick! " Delicious.

Even with all this, Sky News still put him on the air -- amazing. Anyone who knew of his reputation and agreed to appear on the show he was on deserve the reputation he's got. Sky News knew dang well it would be a hit anyway: Jackson séance seen by 607,000
OMG! This is famous in the UK, apparently. It even spawned a YouTube video, with Derek rapping "Mary loves Dick! " Delicious.

Even with all this, Sky News still put him on the air -- amazing. Anyone who knew of his reputation and agreed to appear on the show he was on deserve the reputation he's got. Sky News knew dang well it would be a hit anyway: Jackson séance seen by 607,000

First of all, those viewing figures are interesting. Given that Sky has some 10 million UK subscribers, little over 600,000 viewers is pretty poor given that the channel the seance was shown on, Sky1, is a basic channel on Sky's entry level package.

And second, that "rap" is hilarious!
First of all, those viewing figures are interesting. Given that Sky has some 10 million UK subscribers, little over 600,000 viewers is pretty poor given that the channel the seance was shown on, Sky1, is a basic channel on Sky's entry level package.

And second, that "rap" is hilarious!

It's stuck in my head now. :) Boy, I hope you're right on the ratings. The article said it was a "ratings hit" and seemed to be a fairly credible regular tally of ratings. I've no idea what's a regular rating for that timeslot for them. But I think that source is in a gray area. Yet, I admit I would not have been able to resist watching, and I'm trying to find a video of the whole program. The bit before the seance is rumored to have at least some interesting new information about his stay in Ireland.
It's stuck in my head now. :) Boy, I hope you're right on the ratings. The article said it was a "ratings hit" and seemed to be a fairly credible regular tally of ratings. I've no idea what's a regular rating for that timeslot for them. But I think that source is in a gray area. Yet, I admit I would not have been able to resist watching, and I'm trying to find a video of the whole program. The bit before the seance is rumored to have at least some interesting new information about his stay in Ireland.

The whole thing was a farce being honest, the show prior to the "seance" was called "The Search for his Spirit" and basically they went to places around America where Michael would have possibly "gone in spirit" because of their meaning.

They went to the theatre where the opening to Thriller was filmed, and sat in the seat Michael did with his date. The final location was the theatre and stage where Michael burned his head filming the Pepsi commercial, and they said they got their strongest "readings" of Michael's presence there ... in a place that he suffered the injury that possibly shaped his life? Idiots.

Acorah wasn't in the first show at all by the way, but the actual seance show lasted one hour. However, the seance didn't begin until around half an hour into the show and there was at least three full length commercial breaks, so it was lucky if there was even 20 full minutes footage of the "live" seance.

As for it being a "ratings hit", Peter Andre's latest show raked in some 1.2m viewers and was raved about ... so this fraud's seance only pulling in 600,000 shows it up for the sick joke it was.

And for one final comparison I dug up ... Jeremy Kyle, the UK version of Jerry Springer who slates Junkies, Alcoholics, Teenage Pregnancy, and general Chav's rakes in over 400,000 in the UK, and he's a lunchtime/daytime TV show for mothers bored while the kids are at school, or unemployed people too bored with their PlayStations.

600,000 for this joke is nothing to brag about, especially for Sky.
600,000 for this joke is nothing to brag about, especially for Sky.

Yay then. There has been a growing campaign to expose more of these frauds, I'm sure you know. In this day of YouTube and tiny video cameras, it's getting a lot easier to do these kind of investigations. Derren Brown, and his counterparts in the US (though none approach him in brilliance) and other countries, are finally getting airtime, and they're helping tremendously in making a difference. Derren has set an amazing new standard for intelligence, imagination, vast human insight, creativity and stagecraft. I'm hoping he's inspiring more. There's hope yet. Uri Gellers of the world... your day is waning...
Yay then. There has been a growing campaign to expose more of these frauds, I'm sure you know. In this day of YouTube and tiny video cameras, it's getting a lot easier to do these kind of investigations. Derren Brown, and his counterparts in the US (though none approach him in brilliance) and other countries, are finally getting airtime, and they're helping tremendously in making a difference. Derren has set an amazing new standard for intelligence, imagination, vast human insight, creativity and stagecraft. I'm hoping he's inspiring more. There's hope yet. Uri Gellers of the world... your day is waning...

I saw Derren live when I was 18 and he did a 'seance' and said that the person contacting them was the grandfather of the person sitting in seat c7, which it was. But as the Brits know Derren Brown says everything is illusion and trickery, so he proved that seances are illusion and tricking. When you leave or watch a Derren Brown show, you don't think 'omg he has pyschic powers', you think 'wow that's clever, how did he do that?' Derek Acorah is a fraud who manipulated the emotions of these poor fans all for ratings which is deplorable.
I'm deeply concerned about the downward spiraling of mass media and journalistic integrity. There are a few organizations trying to spur more accountability that I support when I can.

Derren Brown's short film "Messiah," which is easily found on YouTube, is mindblowing.