I believe 'Breaking News' is 100% authentic and I want to talk about it here

Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

I do think $ony scruwed up here, I like to call it a lack of communication. Clearly everyone has doubts about certain parts of the song, I also have doubts about certain parts. But it seems everyone agrees that from 2.00 it is MJ that we hear.

I dont care if $ony added vocals to complete te song but they shouls have told us. If they told us a month a ago that they would release MJ stuff with added vocals to complete a song, I think the majority would be okay with it, I would.

But now we get this track shoved true our troats and everyone is in doubt.....
Gotta love $ony
Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!

thank you for that little place here. i do need a quiet moment

it's like in the old times. Maybe we need that rumble once in a while? :scratch:

I wish soon there'll be clarity and we can all be celebrating that we will hear more more lyrics n' melodies :cheers:

for now i guess i will go back to work mode...

hugs to all who feel like me now :better:

...i love that icon :fortuneteller:it is pretty much all we do
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Re: Shelter from the storm: if BREAKING NEWS has broken your brain, come in here!


Ain't this the truth. :( (two of your other gifs won't show up, btw)

Hugs to everyone.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Firstly, I would just like to thank Sean for making this topic! :)

I have refrained from posting anything about this mess since it all started, mainly out of frustration towards so many members here who's posts and opinions I have enjoyed reading these past two and a half years...More on this later.

To me, it's quite clear that certain members of the Jackson camp have an agenda here, releasing statements about some tracks being false etc...They have done this knowing full well that many "hardcore" MJ fans would instantly buy into it and become skeptical, which is exactly what has happened! Who knows, maybe the Cascio's rejected some 3T material 15 years ago? Of course, that's random pure speculation that I've used and it's most likely totally incorrect lol but the point I'm trying to make is that there could be inumeral reasons as to why some of the Jackson's have said what they did. Citing LaToya as a credible source is mind blowing in it's inanity! Are many of you forgetting 1993?

Sure, Mike's vocals sound a little different in 'Breaking News'...and that's the point! I firmly believe Michael was attempting to add more dimensions to his vocals. There is no law stating that Michael Jackson has to sing every song the same way! I find his vocals sung in a lower register to be really refreshing...As I'm sure Michael himself did too.

As Sean stated, anyone with doubts as to the authenticity of Mike's vocals, go and buy yourself some good stereo headphones and give it a listen...Yes, the vocal track is a little rough due to the demo nature of them, however, there is no doubt in my mind that 'Breaking News' features 100% Michael Jackson lead vocals. Period.

Since so many fans here have used their Parents (lol) in there examples to "prove" that Mike isn't singing in BN, I thought I'd play the track a couple times to my own Mother! She's one month younger than Mike and been a fan since the absolute beginning, She is the main reason why I became an MJ fan as a young child in 1989.
I played her the song, after explaining all about the "controversy" without giving her my own opinions and thoughts about it. You know what? after hearing BN, she says it's Michael through and through.

To wrap up this post, as I alluded to earlier, I would just like to add that so many fans here have disappointed me exponentially with their behaviour these past couple of days. Threating to boycott the album etc is absolutely retarded. These same fans are making these drastic decisions based on hearsay and a sheep mentality.
By that, I mean following a crowd, peer pressure. For those fans in doubt, at least wait for this matter to be looked into properly before slandering MJ's good name and reputation with this horseshit. Many of you should feel very ashamed at the way younger members here have been influenced by many of you and your uneducated, speculatory opinions.

Finally, in my opinion, 'Breaking News' is a killer track, although somewhat unfinished...It has the potential to crack the mainstream in a way that Mike hasn't since You Are Not Alone!
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Firstly, I would just like to thank Sean for making this topic! :)

I have refrained from posting anything about this mess since it all started, mainly out of frustration towards so many members here who's posts and opinions I have enjoyed reading these past two and a half years...More on this later.

To me, it's quite clear that certain members of the Jackson camp have an agenda here, releasing statements about some tracks being false etc...They have done this knowing full well that many "hardcore" MJ fans would instantly buy into it and become skeptical, which is exactly what has happened! Who knows, maybe the Cascio's rejected some 3T material 15 years ago? Of course, that's random pure speculation that I've used and it's most likely totally incorrect lol but the point I'm trying to make is that there could be inumeral reasons as to why some of the Jackson's have said what they did. Citing LaToya as a credible source is mind blowing in it's inanity! Are many of you forgetting 1993?

Sure, Mike's vocals sound a little different in 'Breaking News'...and that's the point! I firmly believe Michael was attempting to add more dimensions to his vocals. There is no law stating that Michael Jackson has to sing every song the same way! I find his vocals sung in a lower register to be really refreshing...As I'm sure Michael himself did too.

As Sean stated, anyone with doubts as to the authenticity of Mike's vocals, go and buy yourself some good stereo headphones and give it a listen...Yes, the vocal track is a little rough due to the demo nature of them, however, there is no doubt in my mind that 'Breaking News' features 100% Michael Jackson lead vocals. Period.

Since so many fans here have used their Parents (lol) in there examples to "prove" that Mike isn't singing in BN, I thought I'd play the track a couple times to my own Mother! She's one month younger than Mike and been a fan since the absolute beginning, She is the main reason why I became an MJ fan as a young child in 1989.
I played her the song, after explaining all about the "controversy" without giving her my own opinions and thoughts about it. You know what? after hearing BN, she says it's Michael through and through.

To wrap up this post, as I alluded to earlier, I would just like to add that so many fans here have disappointed me exponentially with their behaviour these past couple of days. Threating to boycott the album etc is absolutely retarded. These same fans are making these drastic decisions based on hearsay and a sheep mentality.
By that, I mean following a crowd, peer pressure. For those fans in doubt, at least wait for this matter to be looked into properly before slandering MJ's good name and reputation with this horseshit. Many of you should feel very ashamed at the way younger members here have been influenced by many of you and your uneducated, speculatory opinions.

Finally, in my opinion, 'Breaking News' is a killer track, although somewhat unfinished...It has the potential to crack the mainstream in a way that Mike hasn't since You Are Not Alone!

:) one of the best posts I have read on this forum in the last few days, period. You sum up exactly how I feel about this situation. Those boycott signs especially are repulsive to me. All we've had is a basic press release, and the release of ONE track from the album. All of a sudden people are cancelling orders, shouting fire & brimstone and organizing tea parties. I find it ironic that some of the lyrics in "Breaking News" could really apply to some of the fanbase in this situation.

I really, really enjoy "Breaking News." I agree about singing in the lower register and adding more dimension to his music. I love Teddy Riley's work ("Dangerous is by far my favorite MJ cd) and I think he did a great job with the track. And that beat... :wild:

Do I think it should be released as a single? Nah... you want fully completed tracks for that. But this shows what Michael was moving toward... how the people who have worked with him in the last 25 years, how they think that he would have interpreted and brought this track to the final stages. Is it exactly what Michael would have done if he were mastering in the studio? Nah, probably not. But it's probably pretty close, and I'd rather have that than have nothing at all.

I understand that some fans are upset by the "copy and paste" effect, but I do not think it is done in a way that changes the nature or style of the song and it's done within the realm of Michael's artistic canon.

The mere idea that some of you do not want this CD to come out just boggles my mind. I hope this estate announcement does not put anything behind schedule; this is going to be quite a nice Christmas gift that we've all been waiting on for a very long time.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Well what can i say... I LOVE this track!...and YES Michael is on it!

The vocals in parts have been layered (like a lot of artists) but it is definitely Michael Jackson singing...I suggest you get some killer headphones, sit back and listen because its undenyably The King of Pop on the track...anyways enough of this as i know that people are never going to agree...too many crazy conspiracy theories out there.

The Track itself...

What can i say the beat is infectious, its catchy as hell and I have played it to a lot of people who are not MJ fans and they have all said they liked it!

Michaels vocals are great, its good to hear him in his lower register again, and of course those head notes and faulsetto are still clear as day! :)
The trade mark heee heee's and aowws are there (as always) and reminded me a lot of the ones on "Weve had enough"...if u listen to Michaels vocal phrasing on that its very similar to "Breaking News".

FINALLY NEW MJ MUSIC! cant wait for the album!

YES!!!!! I love it! Forensic evidence doesn't lie. And I have been a fan for over 25 years and it is Michael's breathy style, absolutely Michael. Thank you for posting.


I kinda agree with Sean, There is MICHAEL in that song but NOT FULLY! As I said before, the first time I heard it I thought it was him but After reading comments on MJ Boards, I went back to listen to it over 5 times and I started to doubt my self.

If sony really knew what they were doing, its gonna be a huge loss for them! Michael's name wont be rediculed. $ony will though!!! I'll see to it!


Romi, you've been posting for so long, Believe me it is Michael. Sony and the estate conducted separate forensic investigations and it is Michael. I believe my ears and complete forensic evidence.

It is a great song. I love it.! Don't be fooled by conspiracy theories, or Evil Sony stuff. It is ridiculous.

Be happy, this is great!:clapping::yes:
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Firstly, I would just like to thank Sean for making this topic! :)

I have refrained from posting anything about this mess since it all started, mainly out of frustration towards so many members here who's posts and opinions I have enjoyed reading these past two and a half years...More on this later.

To me, it's quite clear that certain members of the Jackson camp have an agenda here, releasing statements about some tracks being false etc...They have done this knowing full well that many "hardcore" MJ fans would instantly buy into it and become skeptical, which is exactly what has happened! Who knows, maybe the Cascio's rejected some 3T material 15 years ago? Of course, that's random pure speculation that I've used and it's most likely totally incorrect lol but the point I'm trying to make is that there could be inumeral reasons as to why some of the Jackson's have said what they did. Citing LaToya as a credible source is mind blowing in it's inanity! Are many of you forgetting 1993?

Sure, Mike's vocals sound a little different in 'Breaking News'...and that's the point! I firmly believe Michael was attempting to add more dimensions to his vocals. There is no law stating that Michael Jackson has to sing every song the same way! I find his vocals sung in a lower register to be really refreshing...As I'm sure Michael himself did too.

As Sean stated, anyone with doubts as to the authenticity of Mike's vocals, go and buy yourself some good stereo headphones and give it a listen...Yes, the vocal track is a little rough due to the demo nature of them, however, there is no doubt in my mind that 'Breaking News' features 100% Michael Jackson lead vocals. Period.

Since so many fans here have used their Parents (lol) in there examples to "prove" that Mike isn't singing in BN, I thought I'd play the track a couple times to my own Mother! She's one month younger than Mike and been a fan since the absolute beginning, She is the main reason why I became an MJ fan as a young child in 1989.
I played her the song, after explaining all about the "controversy" without giving her my own opinions and thoughts about it. You know what? after hearing BN, she says it's Michael through and through.

To wrap up this post, as I alluded to earlier, I would just like to add that so many fans here have disappointed me exponentially with their behaviour these past couple of days. Threating to boycott the album etc is absolutely retarded. These same fans are making these drastic decisions based on hearsay and a sheep mentality.
By that, I mean following a crowd, peer pressure. For those fans in doubt, at least wait for this matter to be looked into properly before slandering MJ's good name and reputation with this horseshit. Many of you should feel very ashamed at the way younger members here have been influenced by many of you and your uneducated, speculatory opinions.

Finally, in my opinion, 'Breaking News' is a killer track, although somewhat unfinished...It has the potential to crack the mainstream in a way that Mike hasn't since You Are Not Alone!

OMG! Thank you Steve, there is hope! I couldn't have said it any better. I see others here feel the same way, and it really makes me very happy. I love the song, it is amazing, a killer track as you put it.

Again, I endorse every single word you just posted, with special emphasis on the bolded parts. Thanks a million! :agree::clapping:
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

love the song, love MJ and can feel him through the whole thing.. i just wish others would stop being so paranoid and enjoy the song for what it is.. im gettin really tired from trying to convince people to see it is him.. but i guess we all need to wait to find the truth..
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

:) one of the best posts I have read on this forum in the last few days, period. You sum up exactly how I feel about this situation. Those boycott signs especially are repulsive to me. All we've had is a basic press release, and the release of ONE track from the album. All of a sudden people are cancelling orders, shouting fire & brimstone and organizing tea parties. I find it ironic that some of the lyrics in "Breaking News" could really apply to some of the fanbase in this situation.

I really, really enjoy "Breaking News." I agree about singing in the lower register and adding more dimension to his music. I love Teddy Riley's work ("Dangerous is by far my favorite MJ cd) and I think he did a great job with the track. And that beat... :wild:

Do I think it should be released as a single? Nah... you want fully completed tracks for that. But this shows what Michael was moving toward... how the people who have worked with him in the last 25 years, how they think that he would have interpreted and brought this track to the final stages. Is it exactly what Michael would have done if he were mastering in the studio? Nah, probably not. But it's probably pretty close, and I'd rather have that than have nothing at all.

I understand that some fans are upset by the "copy and paste" effect, but I do not think it is done in a way that changes the nature or style of the song and it's done within the realm of Michael's artistic canon.

The mere idea that some of you do not want this CD to come out just boggles my mind. I hope this estate announcement does not put anything behind schedule; this is going to be quite a nice Christmas gift that we've all been waiting on for a very long time.

OMG! Thank you Steve, there is hope! I couldn't have said it any better. I see others here feel the same way, and it really makes me very happy. I love the song, it is amazing, a killer track as you put it.

Again, I endorse every single word you just posted, with special emphasis on the bolded parts. Thanks a million! :agree::clapping:

Thanks guys...You could always Rep me! :) :cheeky: hehe...
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Guys I know you're trying to be positive here, and I applaud you for that. This forum has always been about staying positive and standing by Michael.

However, this time, standing by Michael does not mean that you have to stand by every track that Sony puts out in his name. We as fans have a duty to voice our concerns if we don't trust the sound of a new song. I don't believe it's Michael in this song and I never will believe it. The fact that I don't believe it's him does not make me any less of an MJ fan or any less of a positive contributor to this forum. It makes me loyal and honest.

Yes, our negativity may hurt the sales of this album, but if we as fans aren't given genuine MJ tracks, this album doesn't deserve success. That is no fault of Michael's and no fault of ours as consumers, it is the fault of the dishonest corrupt individuals who have chosen to exploit our love of MJ in the pursuit of profit.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

:) one of the best posts I have read on this forum in the last few days, period. You sum up exactly how I feel about this situation. Those boycott signs especially are repulsive to me. All we've had is a basic press release, and the release of ONE track from the album. All of a sudden people are cancelling orders, shouting fire & brimstone and organizing tea parties. I find it ironic that some of the lyrics in "Breaking News" could really apply to some of the fanbase in this situation.

I really, really enjoy "Breaking News." I agree about singing in the lower register and adding more dimension to his music. I love Teddy Riley's work ("Dangerous is by far my favorite MJ cd) and I think he did a great job with the track. And that beat... :wild:

Do I think it should be released as a single? Nah... you want fully completed tracks for that. But this shows what Michael was moving toward... how the people who have worked with him in the last 25 years, how they think that he would have interpreted and brought this track to the final stages. Is it exactly what Michael would have done if he were mastering in the studio? Nah, probably not. But it's probably pretty close, and I'd rather have that than have nothing at all.

I understand that some fans are upset by the "copy and paste" effect, but I do not think it is done in a way that changes the nature or style of the song and it's done within the realm of Michael's artistic canon.

The mere idea that some of you do not want this CD to come out just boggles my mind. I hope this estate announcement does not put anything behind schedule; this is going to be quite a nice Christmas gift that we've all been waiting on for a very long time.

Great post! I agree with you, Steve001, and tricia.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

this was meant to be a positive thread...it would be polite that the ones that aren't positive to don't write here but in the other thread dedicated to the song...I love the song,it sounds like the ones in Invincible!just wait for the album:)
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Firstly, I would just like to thank Sean for making this topic! :)

I have refrained from posting anything about this mess since it all started, mainly out of frustration towards so many members here who's posts and opinions I have enjoyed reading these past two and a half years...More on this later.

To me, it's quite clear that certain members of the Jackson camp have an agenda here, releasing statements about some tracks being false etc...They have done this knowing full well that many "hardcore" MJ fans would instantly buy into it and become skeptical, which is exactly what has happened! Who knows, maybe the Cascio's rejected some 3T material 15 years ago? Of course, that's random pure speculation that I've used and it's most likely totally incorrect lol but the point I'm trying to make is that there could be inumeral reasons as to why some of the Jackson's have said what they did. Citing LaToya as a credible source is mind blowing in it's inanity! Are many of you forgetting 1993?

Sure, Mike's vocals sound a little different in 'Breaking News'...and that's the point! I firmly believe Michael was attempting to add more dimensions to his vocals. There is no law stating that Michael Jackson has to sing every song the same way! I find his vocals sung in a lower register to be really refreshing...As I'm sure Michael himself did too.

As Sean stated, anyone with doubts as to the authenticity of Mike's vocals, go and buy yourself some good stereo headphones and give it a listen...Yes, the vocal track is a little rough due to the demo nature of them, however, there is no doubt in my mind that 'Breaking News' features 100% Michael Jackson lead vocals. Period.

Since so many fans here have used their Parents (lol) in there examples to "prove" that Mike isn't singing in BN, I thought I'd play the track a couple times to my own Mother! She's one month younger than Mike and been a fan since the absolute beginning, She is the main reason why I became an MJ fan as a young child in 1989.
I played her the song, after explaining all about the "controversy" without giving her my own opinions and thoughts about it. You know what? after hearing BN, she says it's Michael through and through.

To wrap up this post, as I alluded to earlier, I would just like to add that so many fans here have disappointed me exponentially with their behaviour these past couple of days. Threating to boycott the album etc is absolutely retarded. These same fans are making these drastic decisions based on hearsay and a sheep mentality.
By that, I mean following a crowd, peer pressure. For those fans in doubt, at least wait for this matter to be looked into properly before slandering MJ's good name and reputation with this horseshit. Many of you should feel very ashamed at the way younger members here have been influenced by many of you and your uneducated, speculatory opinions.

Finally, in my opinion, 'Breaking News' is a killer track, although somewhat unfinished...It has the potential to crack the mainstream in a way that Mike hasn't since You Are Not Alone!

MWAH .... many kisses to you for this excellent post Steve !!! :lol:
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Steve,I want to thank you for your incredible post.You almost read my mind about Breaking News.

After 3 days of listening of the song I'm now 100% it's Michael on the track.I've been listening to the song non stop till then and to me it sounds more and more like Michael every time I listen to it.

Remember guys,even if it was fake and was released when Michael was alive there wouldn't be any question because guess what,Michael was alive.What if 2000 watts/Shout was released after Michael's death.Would you guys still think it's him,or would you treat the song just like `Breaking News`?

Beside,even before the single was released,most of the fans had the idea that the track might be fake because of the statements released by the family members.You have also to realize that maybe Michael tried some new ways of singing,some new effects on his voice,or more than this,just something new.

Many people say that the song is fake.How do you know it's fake?Have you been there?Sony doesn't need to demonstrate that it's a genuine song,the others need to demonstrate that it's fake,and guess what,they can't.Beside this,I find it completely rude cause `the fans` are being rude to one another.It's their opinion and you might not be able to change it.Read my post,I'm not being rude to anyone,but some of them are like "OMFG ARE YOU BLIND?!I'VE BEEN AN MJ FAN FOR 57295279525 YEARS HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S HIM?!IT'S CLEARLY NOT HIM IT'S JASON MALACHI!".Here I also address to the fans that believe the song is real and are rude with the others.

About Jason Malachi.What's with him?He's just a guy the world forgot all about.Why did you guys start to talk about him.Is he really so relevant in this subject?There are many other people who are MJ sound alikes like Ne-Yo,Justin Timberlake,etc.

Now let's talk about Sony.Is really their fault?What if the songs are real?What will the fans that denied to then?Why would Sony put so much effort in a fake song and not chose another song that's complete.There must be a complete song in Michael's catalog.Why would they buy the Cascio tracks if they were incomplete.Why would Sony risk so much just for a fake trak?
There are many questions that I can't find a rational answer if `Breaking News` was fake indeed.Sony are not stupid,they won't lose a lot of money just because of this.

Lastly you have to know that it isn't only Sony's fault for what happened,it's also the estate,cause Sony's is job is mostly to promote and distribute the album.

I guess we'll have to wait for the estate to make the announcement these days and see what happens.If the vocals are proved to be MJ,I'm sure I'll see threads like `SONY PAYED THEM TO SAY THAT!`.If they're proven to be MJ vocals live with it!

In the end,Breaking News it's a great track.It's radio friendly and has the Michael feeling to it.Period.

P.S. I know many people will hate me for this post ;)
The last few days, I've been tweaking Breaking News for my personal listening pleasure with the help of the repitched version.
I love to dance to it and get groovy with it. :D

With all the stress going on with the media, the new CD , the trial etc I've hit the Jesus juice a little

I urge you all to give it a try and allow yourself to find good in it. There's plenty of it.

My personal favorites:

The beginning. The thumping rythm made me play air drums.

Looove the strings.

The cascading drums with AOW! at the end. It makes my heart flutter.:angel:

The voices harmonizing. James Porte has a beautiful voice and matches very well.

I blasted the song in my ears on a loop and really really felt Michael in it and I balled my eyes out hurting for him just like the day he died.

Who are we to question Michael's touch on it? The funky music, the attitude, the melody and the hooks. It's all there.
So for the love of God and Michael, EMBRACE IT!

If it doesn't grow on you, I give up!!

Peace out

Turn it up!


Breaking News!

Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson
Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson
Just when you thought he was done
He comes to give it again

They could put around the world today
He wanna write my obituary

No matter what, you just wanna read it again
No matter what, you just wanna feed it again

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogieman your thinkin’ of?
Or am I crazy cause I'm just in love
This is breaking news
This is breaking news

Everybody watching the news on Michael Jackson
They wanna see that I fall cause I’m Michael Jackson
You write the words to destroy like it’s a weapon
You turned your back on love and you can’t get it again

No matter what, you just wanna read it again
No matter what, you just wanna feed it again

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogieman your thinkin’ of?
Or am I crazy cause I just in love
This is breaking news
This is breaking news

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogieman your thinkin’ of?
Or am I crazy cause I just in love
This is breaking news
This is breaking news

On the news today they say (we’re) crazy celebrity
(and) on the screen today we want display baby

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogieman your thinkin’ of?
Or am I crazy cause I just in love
This is breaking news
This is breaking news

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogieman your thinkin’ of?
Or am I crazy cause I just in love
This is breaking news
This is breaking news (Breaking the news)
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Re: [Have you REALLY let yourself appreciate the harmonies??

thank you for the positive reamrks:)
Re: [Have you REALLY let yourself appreciate the harmonies??

yeah, it's a very MICHAEL song. no one else writes songs like that, because no one else experienced the things that he did.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

I will just say that I like this song a lot and have been listening to it a lot. I support this song and will support it until it's proven that it is not Michael. Because I think that it's Michael.
Re: [Have you REALLY let yourself appreciate the harmonies??

I like the melody and syncopation in the "no matter what, you just wanna..." lines. Reminds me of "He really thought...." in This Time Around. I also like the beats and the vocal harmonies. It's definitely gotten into my head and I like it decently as far as composition goes. Maybe not single-worthy to me, but worthy of inclusion on an album AS A COMPOSITION (no comment on authenticity of the vocals, I don't want to derail your thread).
Re: [Have you REALLY let yourself appreciate the harmonies??

Well said riviera1992, I like this song from the very beginning to the very end. T.R. did a amazing job on the production.

BTW I love your siggi, Snot for Oprah :')
Re: [Have you REALLY let yourself appreciate the harmonies??


I've to damit, i destroyed the release & and following 2 1/2 Days of the FISRT NEW Michael Jackson Song since "You Rock My World" in 2001 for me, myself & i.

I did not find the key to the song, to his Voice & by reading what was written all over the net, i was damn sure the Voice on 'BN' is not Michael's.

You should have read what i've written in german fan forums, trying to convince others it is not MJ. I was 100% sure! I don't know what happened:
Yesterday in the late afternoon, 'someone' (or my ears, my better self, or what not) opened the door for me!

Now i'm the exact opposite. I truly believe 100% for myself that this is Michael! Heavily tweaked, from a session with all but not the equipment he would usually record, when it comes to recording for final version of a song! This was not Hit Factory NY, or something like that!

Teddy took the best out of it & now i'm so happy he did and that they released it! It's something Michael worked on, for his next Studioalbum. It's as close as we can get to the work we would have gotten, if MJ would still be here!

I feel embarrassed that i didn't take my time, listen for some time longer & making my mind up! I feel most sad & embarrassed that i tried to convince others from MY WRONG point of You!

I ask other people & fans, especially the ones who have great value to & influence on the other fans (Damien, SmoothCriminal05, mkGenie, etc..) to reconsider, listen more often & trying to make Your mind up.

I know this is hard and i know & feel Your instant reaction, if should read this.
I was the same as You, from listening to the first stream, on monday at 06:00 o'clock in the Morning (german time) till Yesterday in the late afternoon. I abandoned this song, fought & tried to convince others.

Now, i'm all on the other side. I know it's him, Michael Jackson. I feel bad for not recognizing him in the first place & for almost 3 following days. Better late then never, i'm able to enjoy this song now! And it's a great one: The beat (THX Teddy), the strings, the harmonies, the lyrics. This IS TRULY BREAKING NEWS!

I'm a huge Michael Jackson - Fan since watching Moonwalker for the first Time. I'm 29 years old and lived with MJ & his Music through 21 Years of my live.
How could i destroy a release of a new track since many years for myself??
It's a shame and...
I will buy this Album & fully embrace it! I won't read as much on the net, especially not the negativity anymore. Music & releases had better times without the internet!

I will do it old school: Take a day of from work, got to the shop, buy more than one copy of the 'MICHAEL' Album, go home AND LISTEN TO IT THE WHOLE DAY.
(without listening to, or reading someone else opinion!)

Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

You can all be proud of yourselves for staying positive!

'Vindication' has been given this morning!

Let's go and make Michael's album Number 1 all over the world, and forget those trying to tear it down and spoil it for others!
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Well, thank God !
I will just admit I was confused about all this but I felt in my gut it is Michael.
So many " experts" said their opinion...ha, ha.
I will be positive as allways.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

So looking forward to this now:) I know It's not just Michael on these Cascio tracks, but at least he is there, plus there are the other tracks to look forward too.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Dont boycott the album!!
You are more than happy to quote his familymembers when they say the track is fake, but you turn a blind eye on when Taj also said we should NOT boycott the album because they (the media i guess) will then say that MJ is no longer relevant.

I was looking through some anti-SONY/Boycott SONY facebook pages/twitters and the Karen Fake's twitter-- oh god. These are the ones that are INCREDIBLEY happy now. They are SPITEFUL!!! They have made such comments like "SONY did it much easier for us now to convey our message".. "who would know what SONY would help us this much"...

These aggressive nutcases are lauhing at everyones faces and thanking SONY for putting that track out because they have not got the impression that the album will flop and THIS is exactly what they want!! Karen Fake said she now feels that more and more ppl understand what she has been trying to say since June 25.
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Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Great post guys. Now on to the song.

I like the lyrics because while simple and at times a bit corny lol, it represents something that was unfortunately very common for MJ. Everything he did WAS "Breaking News". From the baby dangling incident, to going to Disneyland, to just going to an art store in LA with the kiddies. But he's also saying that the WAY he has be extensively covered throughout his life is literally "Breaking the News". To me, he's sharing a sentiment that I (as a holder of a Bachelors in Journalism) wholeheartedly agree with. That the mainstream media that used to be about facts, serious stories that stimulate and inform, and journalists that actually follow and abide by ethics codes... is going down the drain. Nice song.
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Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

fail fail FAIL!

I will not be buying this farce of an album, sure as hell would not recommend anyone else to buy it either!!!

all those who said it was the real deal were sell outs!

This is supposed to be a positive thread for those who believe that at least, Michael is on the song.There are plenty of other threads where you can put your opinion across with like minded people. We don't want this thread to turn into a shouting match as well.Thanks.
Re: "Breaking News" Genuine Song Talk Here

Its quite a nice song. The beat is good, but for me it never really takes off. It's still good though.