Human Nature Clip(s) All discussion here.

Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

aww bless him. how cute.
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

Wheres the longer clip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

Michael has always been thin, I think in this clip it is the jacket makes it stand out.

I loved this clip and I can't wait to see the movie :wub:
yes i know i,ve been a fan of his for 23yrs,yes he has always been thin but i have never seen him that thin before,maybe it is the clothes who knows,
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

It is like the victory tour, stop saying he was thin.Every tread with something new from the TII and everybody starts debating how thin he was.Here is an advise, just be grateful for what you have and not complain instead
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

It is like the victory tour, stop saying he was thin.Every tread with something new from the TII and everybody starts debating how thin he was.

I have to agree on this :yes:

Thanks for sharing Human nature is one of my favourite songs
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

It is like the victory tour, stop saying he was thin.Every tread with something new from the TII and everybody starts debating how thin he was.Here is an advise, just be grateful for what you have and not complain instead

Yepp always the same. Don´t look at the TII clips when all you can do is bitch about how skinny he is. YESSSSS he is skinny nothing new but it doesen´t get better if you preach it 1000 times he´ll remain skinny so move over!!

-enjoy the music or don´t look and bitch afterwards!
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

I think posters should really be as tolerant as they possibly can of people who mention how thin Michael was in the clip. At the end of his life something went terribly, terribly wrong, so the clips are not only about the dance-moves, but are from just a short time before he DIED. It's only natural to express concern about how he looked in terms of physique. Some are quite unable to separate out the dance and song, from the fact that he's no longer with us? Tolerance, please. The comments about his weight/condition will continue regardless, and that should be ok. Please!
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

for a 50 year old man he move well he looked his age i can see he age gracefully. He did take me back the the victory tour days I love him no matter what god bless his soul even thro them people stress him to do this tour he did it for the love he knows that he was loved by so many people he wasn't ready to leave but he left us die hurted fans with footage we all will never forget.
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

It is like the victory tour, stop saying he was thin.Every tread with something new from the TII and everybody starts debating how thin he was.Here is an advise, just be grateful for what you have and not complain instead

Bless you!:clapping:
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

Extra Seconds!



DOWNLOAD Audio + Video:
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

Mike was on his A game with them vocals! they are beautiful almost perfect! his voice was in fantastic shape
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

yeh but the thing is we know he was thin. instead of turning every thread we have of This Is It stuff into a debate about his size make a thread to talk about it instead.. in fact there probably is one in the investigative forum.

Oh new clip - his vocals are great.

what was that all about at 0:10..? lol
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

his VOICE!!!!!!!!! Oh MY GOD. Amazing.
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

Cracking up at the move at 0.08 :rofl: oh Michael :wub: too cute!
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

At the end of his life Michael was surrounded by people who were enthralled by his excellence, yet failed to see the obvious. He was RIGHT THERE and alive, and someone should have helped him. Instead of discussing his weight only in the Investigative Unit, we are discussing the Human Nature clip, in all of its aspects. That includes how energetic he looked, his great dance moves, and yes, his weight. That should be ok. TOLERANCE, people, instead of shutting down posters you may not agree with. If you want to discuss his dance moves, his outfits, and so on, you are surely free to do so. Allow others the courtesy of being able to discuss what THEY see in the clip.
Re: Human Nature TII - Complete Video of Michael showing the band how to play

He sounded great on Access Hollywood.
Re: Human Nature TII - Complete Video of Michael showing the band how to play

Cool. Thanks for posting!
Re: Human Nature TII - Complete Video of Michael showing the band how to play

Merging this with the other thread. Thanks. :)

I LOVE HUMAN NATURE! I prayed he was gonna perform it!!!

Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals) New and better quality post 47

Is that move at 9 seconds the one that was going to be better than the moonwalk?

Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals) New and better quality post 47

whats up with the ppl on youtube sayin this clip shows its not MJ? for goodness sake..
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals) New and better quality post 47

haha.. maybe its part of his ermm 'creative genius' ... he's just fillin the gap before he sings? seeing the beat? i dont think thats a dance move..

Is that move at 9 seconds the one that was going to be better than the moonwalk?

Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals) New and better quality post 47

hahha that is a wicked clip...I wonder how they get this ? Because aeg has the full footage so are they selling bits off? I guess we will see more until the actual release, just like any film...I would rather they gave us bits that maybe might not make the final cut...I WANT EVERYTHING!!

AND OMG..THOSE FIRST FEW SECONDS PUTS IT IN CONTEXT SO MUCH MORE...I bet Kenny ortega got a bit shocked when he did that move at 9 seconds...I rarely see him do that in shows...I don't remember him ever doing it in hn..But then he never performed human nature like he did in ths clip..How I wishhhhhh he did haha..But at least we see it here..It is amazing....But that move at 9 seconds comes outta no whereeeeeeee and is sooo fast and spontaneous...pure relation to the music
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals) New and better quality post 47

omg im at school how is it
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

I know people are able to talk about they want, but every thread like this is turning into an argument about his size. Why continue arguing about it.. on every thread.

At the end of his life Michael was surrounded by people who were enthralled by his excellence, yet failed to see the obvious. He was RIGHT THERE and alive, and someone should have helped him. Instead of discussing his weight only in the Investigative Unit, we are discussing the Human Nature clip, in all of its aspects. That includes how energetic he looked, his great dance moves, and yes, his weight. That should be ok. TOLERANCE, people, instead of shutting down posters you may not agree with. If you want to discuss his dance moves, his outfits, and so on, you are surely free to do so. Allow others the courtesy of being able to discuss what THEY see in the clip.
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Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals) New and better quality post 47

Amazing, you don't know how f*cking excited I am for this movie. I will buy this DVD for myself and everyone else I know so we can all treasure Michael's last moments alive.
Re: new clip this is it-human nature(rehearsals)

Is every single thread about This Is It going to turn into how thin Michael was.

I know right? I personally don't see him as too skinny in these clips. Maybe it's my eyes or something. I don't know, but he's ALWAYS been skinny.

Can we just enjoy the fact that we're finally seeing new footage of MJ doing what he does best? :)