How should a MJ fan behave, is it wrong to be too fanatic?

please don't compare a MAN to two people that are highly praised and worhsipped through religion. what miracles has mj created or done? when he turns water into wine, call me.
When you can provide me with the evidence that water was turned into wine, call me.
Michael is worshipped by millions of fans whose lives have been changed through his music. To them he is sacred. How are you going to take that away from them because Michael isn't invisible? Everything starts at zero or from the ground up. I believe that one day MJ will be turned into a religious icon. Maybe not in my lifetime, but the seed has been sown.
When you can provide me with the evidence that water was turned into wine, call me.
Michael is worshipped by millions of fans whose lives have been changed through his music. To them he is sacred. How are you going to take that away from them because Michael isn't invisible? Everything starts at zero or from the ground up. I believe that one day MJ will be turned into a religious icon. Maybe not in my lifetime, but the seed has been sown.

i'd like to think i am objective about things...but, let me ask you...

isn't that a lot of pressure to put on a guy?

and i am not being funny here. i am dead serious. MJ said, himself he is NOT GOD.

Jesus said otherwise, of Himself.

now, since evidence is important to you...

how much do you count a statement as evidence of something.

you only have to dig up the '93 oprah interview for the evidence of what Michael said.
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I think this argument needs to be taken to te religious debate thread..

This is going into a bad direction.. Many people would get offended by some of these comments.. And it will lead into more of those type of comments, and in a deeper level..
oh boy...

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I think this argument needs to be taken to te religious debate thread..

This is going into a bad direction.. Many people would get offended by some of these comments.. And it will lead into more of those type of comments, and in a deeper level..
There is nothing here to be offended about. People are having a discourse about the role MJ plays in their lives. That is what the thread is about. It is about fan behaviour. Worshipping MJ comes into it as you did define worship earlier on.:angel:
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i'd like to think i am objective about things...but, let me ask you...

isn't that a lot of pressure to put on a guy?

and i am not being funny here. i am dead serious. MJ said, himself he is NOT GOD.

Jesus said otherwise, of Himself.

now, since evidence is important to you...

how much do you count a statement as evidence of something.

you only have to dig up the '93 oprah interview for the evidence of what Michael said.

Miichael cannot control the behaviour of his fans, so he has no say in whether fans worship him as god anymore than he can control those female fans who vow to save themselves for him. All Michael can do is go on living his life, which he is doing. I also believe that he already know what fans do think of him. he knows that there are some that worship him. He will have ready many fan letters that tells him so. There isn't a darn thing he can do about it. Just like Emperor Hailiselassi could not do a thing about the rastas worshipping him as god, even when he said he wasn't.:angel:
Did Jesus ever pop a squat? Mary? Mother Theresa? Ghandi, even? I'm just curious.

I mean, did they all not eat, too?

is about FANDOM. if u guys want to make this holy and religious i suggest we close this thread now b/c these threads never go well and people always end up w/ a bitter taste in their mouths.

datsy, it's great u think the way u do but by being so flippant w/ ur words, you're setting up a situation in this thread that doesn't need to happen...let's NOT GO THERE
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I think this argument needs to be taken to te religious debate thread..

This is going into a bad direction.. Many people would get offended by some of these comments.. And it will lead into more of those type of comments, and in a deeper level..

Well, I can tell ya KOPV, that is NOT going to happen. If it goes in that direction, peeps will get some infractions because I have already warned everyone once.
And Katie, I agree.

People ought to have some self control and that goes for discussing matters of this kind. Fans need to have some self control and self respect for themselves. You guys say you don't want anyone telling you what to think or act like, yet is it the very lack of constraint that affects Michael Jackson when his fans get out of control with no sense of putting themselves in his shoes or his children's shoes.

Perhaps this should be considered when you elevate Michael Jackson or any other celebrity to deity-status.

Especially since as much as you like to THINK you KNOW, you don't know how any of these people are in real life.

That's what I meant Lovely One.


And there will be no religion discussion here. We have a thread(s) for that. Take it there if you want to.

i think if the people who say they love him truly loved him as much as they THINK they do, they'd never pull the stunts they've pulled risking his saftey on the road, while he's w/ his kids, or when he's staying at a particular hotel.

when do the lines get blurred and erased? that's y man made others on the outside could pull those who've fallen in back to REALITY
And Katie, I agree.

People ought to have some self control and that goes for discussing matters of this kind. Fans need to have some self control and self respect for themselves. You guys say you don't want anyone telling you what to think or act like, yet is it the very lack of constraint that affects Michael Jackson when his fans get out of control with no sense of putting themselves in his shoes or his children's shoes.

Perhaps this should be considered when you elevate Michael Jackson or any other celebrity to deity-status.

Especially since as much as you like to THINK you KNOW, you don't know how any of these people are in real life.

That's what I meant Lovely One.


And there will be no religion discussion here. We have a thread(s) for that. Take it there if you want to.

Exactly. :kickass:
And Katie, I agree.

People ought to have some self control and that goes for discussing matters of this kind. Fans need to have some self control and self respect for themselves. You guys say you don't want anyone telling you what to think or act like, yet is it the very lack of constraint that affects Michael Jackson when his fans get out of control with no sense of putting themselves in his shoes or his children's shoes.

Perhaps this should be considered when you elevate Michael Jackson or any other celebrity to deity-status.

Especially since as much as you like to THINK you KNOW, you don't know how any of these people are in real life.

That's what I meant Lovely One.


And there will be no religion discussion here. We have a thread(s) for that. Take it there if you want to.

I never said I knew any of "these people" in "real life". I don't know them in "fake life" either, I suppose.

All I said in my last post is that none of them have actually met "Jesus Christ" either, only read about him in books, and therefore don't "know him" either.

If that offends anyone I'm sorry, but I'm only stating a fact. Other people brought up Jesus/Mary, not me. But I guess people FEEL like they know "Jesus", just like some peopple FEEL like they know Michael.

Just trying to clarify my previous statement and why it was "religious". That's all. OK, carry on folks lol.
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the ONLY reason y mello directed that to u was b/c U urself asked for clarification so please don't get upset after the fact.
the ONLY reason y mello directed that to u was b/c U urself asked for clarification so please don't get upset after the fact.

lol I'm not upset at all. I'm just telling him/her what I was saying. Like you said...clarification.
Folks you all need to move on from the religious comparisions.

This thread is not about that and wont become about that so move on.
I have always had such a love for Michael ever since i saw him the first time in the Jackson five. That was many years ago i,m thinking he was 10 and i was 18. I now am 60 years and i guess you would call that a fanatic in a way. But not to the point i i put him before my family even though i consider him part of my everyday life. I hope that i can restrain myself and try remember Michael needs his space and there is a time and place to love and respect the guy. I have no idea what i would do if i ever saw him. I hope i would controle myself and not get to crasy over him , which would be hard. I injoy looking into the websites to talk to other fans and see how everyone feels about the man. I will always follow him to make sure if he needs me i,m there for him. I think Michael Jackson is the greatest intertainer in the world , but more important he is a fine human being who only wants to do good for his fellow man.So fanatic i guess i am hoping i can use it in the right way . the way Michael deserves . we all have our ways of loving and reacting to Michael Jackson . I think its a honor.
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I never said I knew any of "these people" in "real life". I don't know them in "fake life" either, I suppose.

All I said in my last post is that none of them have actually met "Jesus Christ" either, only read about him in books, and therefore don't "know him" either.

If that offends anyone I'm sorry, but I'm only stating a fact. Other people brought up Jesus/Mary, not me. But I guess people FEEL like they know "Jesus", just like some peopple FEEL like they know Michael.

Just trying to clarify my previous statement and why it was "religious". That's all. OK, carry on folks lol.

My comments actually have nothing to do with what you said.

But you asked me to clarify and I did.

And we will carry on.
All I'm going to say is some "fans" are out of their damn mind. :lol: They really take the term "fanatic"and run with it, lol.

I think with some it's reached the point of obsession. We use the word loosely, but it's been proven to be a dangerous thing time and time again. From my observations, it's almost like they can't control themselves. When you idolize someone and finally get to see them in person, anything can happen. That's unfortunate for Michael, but he's most likely used to it.
No body has the right to tell others who to worship anyway. Human beings have always been worshipped anyway

I could say something, but I just can't. LOL. Why can people just like a person based on their music? Damn. And no human being was EVER worship. EVER. I would check history books, but they lie most of the time.

People ought to have some self control and that goes for discussing matters of this kind. Fans need to have some self control and self respect for themselves. You guys say you don't want anyone telling you what to think or act like, yet is it the very lack of constraint that affects Michael Jackson when his fans get out of control with no sense of putting themselves in his shoes or his children's shoes.

Perhaps this should be considered when you elevate Michael Jackson or any other celebrity to deity-status.

Especially since as much as you like to THINK you KNOW, you don't know how any of these people are in real life.

Exactly. People also have to understand that it isn't respectful to treat someone less than a human being just because that person is larger than life. Yes, MJ has this magical thing about himself but that is about it. If anything, he should used that to help others, which he has been doing. His music, his songs, his singing talent, are proof of his God give talent. That doesn't mean that it should be compared to other singers or that it is the best there ever was. He just is exteremly talented. I think that fans forget that the stuff you read in the media of ANY celebrity should be taken with a grain of salt. MJ is an entertainer and part of being an enteratiner is to ENTERTAIN. That is what he is doing. It is a job. I can understand if MJ's songs saved someone life, if he songs got someone out of a bad day, if his videos made a person dying feel better for a few minutes. That is the great thing about MJ but a lot of singers done that for people as well. That doesn't mean that MJ's songs have the ability to do those things that he should looked up as someone to worship. That just isn't right and fair to MJ knowing that he is a man of faith and it is just disrespectul to him. It is not about the fact that people should tell people how to treat MJ, it is about having self respect for oneself and others.

I like this thread. Continue.
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People in the public eye are human beings...and all Artists want is to be treated as such.

Most are very personable, kind, and friendly.

It is understandible for the public, fan (s) to get excited about seeing, touching, or even having the opportunity/connections to the/an Artist...

Every Artist/person in the public are aware that this type of energy comes with the territory...

The problem that comes to light is when the public/fans cross that fine line of safety, privacy, and respect of the individuals rights.

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
I have always had such a love for Michael ever since i saw him the first time in the Jackson five. That was many years ago i,m thinking he was 10 and i was 18. I now am 60 years and i guess you would call that a fanatic in a way. But not to the point i i put him before my family even though i consider him part of my everyday life. I hope that i can restrain myself and try remember Michael needs his space and there is a time and place to love and respect the guy. I have no idea what i would do if i ever saw him. I hope i would controle myself and not get to crasy over him , which would be hard. I injoy looking into the websites to talk to other fans and see how everyone feels about the man. I will always follow him to make sure if he needs me i,m there for him. I think Michael Jackson is the greatest intertainer in the world , but more important he is a fine human being who only wants to do good for his fellow man.So fanatic i guess i am hoping i can use it in the right way . the way Michael deserves . we all have our ways of loving and reacting to Michael Jackson . I think its a honor.

Oh welcome....;-) So, can I say, you are one of the super long-time Michael Jackson fans?:) Great....60 years old and still a dedicated Michael fan, I love it:):)
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i think if the people who say they love him truly loved him as much as they THINK they do, they'd never pull the stunts they've pulled risking his saftey on the road, while he's w/ his kids, or when he's staying at a particular hotel.

when do the lines get blurred and erased? that's y man made others on the outside could pull those who've fallen in back to REALITY

I TOTALLY agree with you,Ive been a fan over 20 years now and I love MJ but no way would i be one of those crazy people chasing him in the streets putting his life and his kids lifes at risk.Offcourse i would be so damn excited to see the man in the flesh but i know my boundries and find it unfair to be chasing the guy,jumpin on his car and jumpin and pushing others to get close to him.I remember when mike was in London i think it was the Carlton towers hotel and fans had pushed mike in the lobby to get near him and he hit his head on the wall and Michael turned to his security and said "Im getting really hurt here".
That for me is why i prefer to Collect his Music Merchandise behind my own walls instead of chasing him all over London,dont get me wrong if i knew Michael was coimg to town i would be there to try and see him but no way would i act like an animal to get near him.