How should a MJ fan behave, is it wrong to be too fanatic?

I think a fan should be respectfull and stay realistic. This includes seeing the person you admire as a normal human being and don't just blindy defend everything he or she does, because you won't do this towards someone else

I have to agree with this. I always saw the word "fanatic" as a fan that likes their idol too much and is really crazy about their idol. This can be a good thing because it does show, in a lot of ways, that the person truly loves their idol. However, when being fanatic becomes obsessive, it takes over ones life and they start to see their idol as a deity and not a human being, then there is a problem.

A fan, of anyone, should act like they have some sense. I think a fan should respect their idol and show loyality. A fan should also let their idol be. For example, if a fan knows where MJ is and he is with his children sharing a family moment, it would be respectful to let MJ and his family be. I remember a story I heard about Allen Iverson (and American basketball player) telling his fans not to bother him when he was eating. I was happy that he did that because he has a right to eat where he wants and not to be bothered. Those fans did not respect his space and let him be. I do not know if it is being wrong to be too fanatic, but I find it distrubing that there are fans that do idol worship someone that they do not know. That crosses the line.

There are so many things that I have noticed in these fan communities regarding Michael that bothers me. Sometimes, I wonder if fans are supposed to treat him in this way. For example, I remember three years ago, there was a thread about a woman who was in a scandal in the late 1980s who mentioned MJ. This woman was interviewed on Larry King Live and she had talked about a time she met MJ. Michael gave her advice about how to handle the media. The woman also stated that after MJ gave her the advice, he asked her if she could signed the Playboy magazine that featured the woman on the cover. The woman signed it and she said that she didn't believe the false allegations against Michael. I thought the woman's story was cute and funny - typical Michael. The replies of that thread really shocked me. I literally read people who have read every kind of thing about MJ totally trashing what the woman said. I realized that some of these fans were not treating Michael like a regular human being that just wanted an autograph from a woman who posed for Playboy. It was common knowledge that MJ likes girile magazines.

As for blindly defending what someone who I love, I have to tell you that I used to do that. When I first read that Whitney Houston was a drug addict, I didn't believe it. I had borrowed this book from the library about Whitney and I read most of the book, I had to stop reading it because they writer was talking about Whitney's drug use. I was pissed! LOL! I adored Whitney (and still do) and I didn't believe that she would be a druggie. I was in disbelief until I saw her interview that she did with that heifer Diane Sawyer and I was just stunned. However, I still love the woman. When I read that MJ has his own battle with pills, I was in disbelief until it was confirmed. I still love the man. I do not defend what they did. In fact, I wish they didn't do any of those things, but they did and I accept the fact that it happened. I wish that MJ didn't marry those women until he was SURE that they were truly right for him. However, I accepted the fact that it happened. I cannot and will never agree with it and I will never defend it, but I accept that it happened. Why? Because I feel that when you love someone unconditionally, then you love them that way and you accept the things you cannot change, like the mistakes that MJ and Whitney did in the past. You just love them. I am a fan and I and a loyal person so I tend to support the people that I am loyal to. These days, I look at all of the people that I like/love as PEOPLE. I have seen enough in my life (so far) to be treating people like deities ( I wouldn't be in the first place, but you get my point) and plus, I am Catholic and I cannot treat people like deities anyway. LOL.
I mean some people spend their time obsessing over things like comics or cars or whatever the case is, me on the other hand, I happen to love Michael Jackson lol. Being a fan is fun for me and listening to his music or seeing a video of his always puts a smile on my face. Like I said, I think it's okay as long as you have your priorities in order and don't let your love for Mike take over your life or interfere w/ your real life

As usual, on point. I liked what you stated because I am the same way.

When I was in college, I was so into the MJJF boards that I forgot that I had to do things like papers and such. (If you are curious, I handed in my papers on time) However, I slowly realized that I didn't have to spend too much time on there because I forgot most of the threads that I was on anyway. LOL.

How should a fan behave?


Doesn't matter how excitebale or crazy you want to be, doesn't matter how much you obsess, as long as you do it with respect towards the man and your fellow fans, then I say go for it.

Agreed. I cannot say it enough. MJ respects his fans so his fans should do the same to him.

And a person should have a healthy outlook on music and explore it, rather than stay within one artist.

Exactly. I always try to encourage fans to think out of the box when it comes to different artists and check them out. I cannot stand it when a fan states that they do not know who a certain artist is. Well, if they can use thet energy to posts a comment like that, they can use that energy to look up the artist on google or yahoo. I also have an issue when an artist who clearly is inspired by MJ gets bashed by his fans for no reason and then claims it is "their opinion". No, that is an insult. Those people who are highly inspried by MJ are fans as well and they should be respected. They are trying to make a living and follow their dreams. If they want to be inspired by MJ, then let them be. They do not have to sing, dance, act, behave like MJ because they are not being THEMSELVES. Those people aren't bothering anyone, just doing their thing, so what is the issue really?

One more thing before I leave. I do not like it when fans think they "know" MJ just because of what they see. The truth is, we ALL DO NOT KNOW MJ. There are many sides of him that we, as fans, as consumers, do not see. I think that fans should know this and let people who do know him very well, say what they have to say about the man. If a woman, for example, comes forward and says that she had a relationship with MJ, that doesn't mean that fans should automically assume that the woman is a "liar", "discredible", etc. The truth is, we do not know anything about that. We should just let the person state what they have to state and figure it out for ourselves based on what the information that is given. These boards were made, imo, for information and debate/discussion purposes. Not to censor people, to trash people, to assume that something is wrong with a certain fan just because that fan doesn't believe what another fan believes. We agree, we disagree, we love, we hate, we support and we fight and that is just life. So, I think fans should start to look at MJ in a more realistic way and just let things be the way they are.

However, no matter what I say about this, there will be some fans that still look at MJ a certain way and trash others in a way because maybe they have some issues of their own.
In my opnion, it is a fan. I have had enough lecturing in church. It doesn't work. Do what you wanna. Don't hurt other people or yourself, but do what you wanna. If you wanna build a shrine for your idol and worship him, It's your think, do what you wanna do. IMO.
No body has the right to tell others who to worship anyway. Human beings have always been worshipped anyway. Check history books. All the gods were humanbeings to start off with., apart from the egyptian ones which we still worship today, ie Amen..
In my opnion, it is a fan. I have had enough lecturing in church. It doesn't work. Do what you wanna. Don't hurt other people or yourself, but do what you wanna. If you wanna build a shrine for your idol and worship him, It's your think, do what you wanna do. IMO.
No body has the right to tell others who to worship anyway. Human beings have always been worshipped anyway. Check history books. All the gods were humanbeings to start off with., apart from the egyptian ones which we still worship today, ie Amen..

Great post Datsymay! It`s so true - no body has the right to tell others who to worship anyway. Fan reactions like screaming, yelling - frickin`out or remain calm -hey the important thing is: that must happen without hurting others or even Michael.

Each of us shows "love"to his wise. So, let every one`s expression of his devotion.
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I'm sorry to say this but although i truly truly love mj fans and see them as like "a family", some people who are too fantatic have just lost my respect. Because it's like if they believe MJ is god and you say you believe otherwise they start arguing with you and being all "upset" and everything...


I think being a mj fan means to love him, respect him and to see him as a human being and as stated before, not just defend him because you like him.

I personally think thinking he's an angel or god or doesn't make any mistakes is just far too fanatic and wrong but if anyone doesn't agree with me, i'm cool with that.
I'm sorry to say this but although i truly truly love mj fans and see them as like "a family", some people who are too fantatic have just lost my respect. Because it's like if they believe MJ is god and you say you believe otherwise they start arguing with you and being all "upset" and everything...


I think being a mj fan means to love him, respect him and to see him as a human being and as stated before, not just defend him because you like him.

I personally think thinking he's an angel or god or doesn't make any mistakes is just far too fanatic and wrong but if anyone doesn't agree with me, i'm cool with that.
I don't agree with you, but I am cool with that.:D

I believe in the freedom of the individual to worship whatever or whomever they please. It is nobodies business but their own. I get irritated with my parents christian beliefs, but I am not about to tell them to stop worshipping Jesus, even though, I don't worship him myself. I'm practising religious tolerance.:angel:
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I'm sorry to say this but although i truly truly love mj fans and see them as like "a family", some people who are too fantatic have just lost my respect. Because it's like if they believe MJ is god and you say you believe otherwise they start arguing with you and being all "upset" and everything...


I think being a mj fan means to love him, respect him and to see him as a human being and as stated before, not just defend him because you like him.

I personally think thinking he's an angel or god or doesn't make any mistakes is just far too fanatic and wrong but if anyone doesn't agree with me, i'm cool with that.

So true. I think we can worship him for his music tho. That's why I bow down to him. :lol:
wowza......i think that if someone builds shrines for a person, worships them, and spends whatever little free time they have on that'll be impossible for them to remain calm when a situation goes down...IMPOSSIBLE! lol
wowza......i think that if someone builds shrines for a person, worships them, and spends whatever little free time they have on that'll be impossible for them to remain calm when a situation goes down...IMPOSSIBLE! lol

They'll faint at the littlest sight of "trouble". :lol: Bless their hearts, lol.
wowza......i think that if someone builds shrines for a person, worships them, and spends whatever little free time they have on that'll be impossible for them to remain calm when a situation goes down...IMPOSSIBLE! lol
:wild: Not really. Some shrine builders may not really want to be close to him because it may take away thier fantasy. Many may not want to meet him at all, they just want to be with him in spirit. It may just be a spiritual thing for them.
:lol: I sometimes worry about you, Dat. :lol:
I'm open minded and believe in freedom of worship, even if your god is bealzibub. Why you worry about me.:angel:

As a little girl living in Jamaica, I went to the catholic church on friday, the churh of god, sunday morning, I watched the Pokominians ( an african style revivalist group)at the street corner at afternoon,, and then visit the Salvation Army in the evening. By wednseday afternoon, I visit the Gospel Hall for bible class and to learn chidrens chorus like 'Deep and wide' or,'How did Moses cross the Redsea'.
I also used to watch the Rastafarians as they gather for their annual meetings at the memorial park under the statue of Marcus garvey.
Of course when I holiday with my grandma. she would take me to the Anglican or the Moravian church. Oh, I forgot, after I left the catholic school, I attended the Baptist school, which included visiting the baptist church.

Yes, I am very open minded when it comes to peoples worshipping habits.
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I;m open minded and believe in freedom of worship, even if your god is bealzibub. Why you worry about me.:angel:

You don't seem to mind folks who pledge their entire life to one person. That's how I see it. I remember when my parents would come in the room and the only place I'll go online was to anything Michael Jackson, lol. That's troubling. :lol: That's why I worry a bit. ;)
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You don't seem to mind folks who pledge their entire life to one person. That's how I see it. I remember when my parents would come in the room and the only place I'll go online was to anything Michael Jackson, lol. That's troubling. :lol: That's why I worry a bit. ;)
I really don't mind what folks do with their life as long as it isn't harmful to themselves and others. I am not bothered by it at all. I grew up with a religious family who have devoted themselves to one man, ie Jesus. I see no difference at all.
Religious tolerance is what I advocate. Just because I do not believe in heaven or hell, doesn't mean that I should condemn those that do.
Oh no, I'm not saying that. :)

Shoot, I believe in God but I think organized religion is a joke but that's another discussion.

I guess I don't worship anyone unless I feel they were responsible for my life, ya know? It doesn't mean that I'm a hater or anything. That's just who I am.
Oh no, I'm not saying that. :)

Shoot, I believe in God but I think organized religion is a joke but that's another discussion.

I guess Idon't worship anyone unless I feel they were responsible for my life, ya know? It doesn't mean that I'm a hater or anything. That's just who I am.

There are a lot of young people who genuinely feel that their lives would be worth nothing if it hadn't been for Michael jackson. many of these people may have never set foot in a church or able to quote a verse of scripture, yet they do know everything MJ. I thing it is unfair to tell them that they are stupid if they say MJ 'is their saviour' or he is their angel or even their god.
They know he is human, they know he didn't create the world, but to them, he may as well did, he raised them and saved them from a fate worse than death. Why do we lambast them, when MJ gave them hope through his poems, his songs and his courage and his strength.:no:
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I ain't tellin' them anything. That's just my opinion but if they feel like they wanna do that, that's on them. It ain't like I'm giving them advice. :lol:

Is it really that serious? :lol: :flowers:
I ain't tellin' them anything. That's just my opinion but if they feel like they wanna do that, that's on them. It ain't like I'm giving them advice. :lol:

Is it really that serious? :lol: :flowers:

No, it shouldn't be that serious. I don't worship anyone at the moment. When I am in trouble I do pray to god. But I don't know who god is. I don't care to tell anybody who god is either. I don't believe anybody knows.
However, I do not get offended when someone tells me he worships Michael as his god. Why should I. The argument that MJ is human, doesn't stand, because people can worship anything or anyone. It is their right to do that if that is what they want. there is no law that says you have to worship an invisible god.:angel:
it's funny that those who do meet this man still hold on to teh fantasy b/c they create unrealistic images of the dude....remember, if u ever want to put ur fave person down on ur level...imagine them on the john poppin' a squat w/ a vein bulging in they forehead.....cuz um...that'll crash the image real quick
it's funny that those who do meet this man still hold on to teh fantasy b/c they create unrealistic images of the dude....remember, if u ever want to put ur fave person down on ur level...imagine them on the john poppin' a squat w/ a vein bulging in they forehead.....cuz um...that'll crash the image real quick

So true. People think they know you and wanna still believe their image of that artist once he's spotted when in the end of the day, he's flesh and bones like us.

p) n. 1. a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.

2. Ardent devotion; adoration.
3. often Worship Chiefly British Used as a form of address for magistrates, mayors, and certain other dignitaries: Your Worship.
please don't compare a MAN to two people that are highly praised and worhsipped through religion. what miracles has mj created or done? when he turns water into wine, call me.
please don't compare a MAN to two people that are highly praised and worhsipped through religion. what miracles has mj created or done? when he turns water into wine, call me.

He doesn't have to turn water into wine.

All he has to do is make amazing music that changes people's lives for the better. All he has to do is save children's lives (literally), and donate to organizations for children. All he has to do is be the biggest superstar the world has ever seen. All he has to do is have the charisma and talent to bring millions of people together, and to fill up stadiums of hundreds of thousands of people who are there to share love and have a good time.

The man is a saint! Along with many other people in this world who are not famous. No he's not perfect, but he has done so much in SOOOOO many people's lives.
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There are a lot of young people who genuinely feel that their lives would be worth nothing if it hadn't been for Michael jackson. many of these people may have never set foot in a church or able to quote a verse of scripture, yet they do know everything MJ. I thing it is unfair to tell them that they are stupid if they say MJ 'is their saviour' or he is their angel or even their god.
They know he is human, they know he didn't create the world, but to them, he may as well did, he raised them and saved them from a fate worse than death. Why do we lambast them, when MJ gave them hope through his poems, his songs and his courage and his strength.:no:

This is so very true. People find hope in many things. There is nothing wrong with this, in my eyes.

No one I know has ever met Jesus Christ. Only read about him in a book. Some people believe that Jesus was merely a man, nothing more.

And how do we know that Jesus worked miracles? We don't. All we know is what we've read about in some ancient book. At least we have actual tangible evidence for what Michael Jackson has done, lol. We have pictures, video footage, documents, alive witnesses, etc.

And I am NOT putting Michael on a pedestal of worship lol, so don't even start that with me (anyone who might)...don't get me wrong. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that, some people want to justify worshipping Jesus, a man that lived thousands of years ago that you can't even say that someone you know, let alone yourself, has ever met him in person, but if someone were to put Michael (a mere human--like some believe Jesus to have been) in such high esteem, they'd be wrong.
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it's funny that those who do meet this man still hold on to teh fantasy b/c they create unrealistic images of the dude....remember, if u ever want to put ur fave person down on ur level...imagine them on the john poppin' a squat w/ a vein bulging in they forehead.....cuz um...that'll crash the image real quick

Did Jesus ever pop a squat? Mary? Mother Theresa? Ghandi, even? I'm just curious.

I mean, did they all not eat, too?
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