How should a MJ fan behave, is it wrong to be too fanatic?

i agree with cinnamon, i am a fanatic but i dont let it take over my life, i love doing and buying things Michael related and love to bring him in to conversations just to talk about him. just listening to his music or anything like that makes me happy, and i love buying merchandise

but if soemthing important has to be done like college work i will make sure i do get it done
I think most agree that if someone or something takes over your life completely, It's too much. But again, It's all in the magical lens of perception. I don't think coming to a message board on the internet to discuss what or who one likes is very obsessive,. Especially when there are people out there who've given up their entire lives to follow Michael Jackson around like a lost puppy or something. There's networks of people constantly trying to figure out where he is on the internet and mobile phones. They try to track down his e-mail addys ect... To me,THAT'S obsessive. It's like the man gets hounded enough in his life. Let the poor guy have an internet connection in peace. lol
I think most agree that if someone or something takes over your life completely, It's too much. But again, It's all in the magical lens of perception. I don't think coming to a message board on the internet to discuss what or who one likes is very obsessive,. Especially when there are people out there who've given up their entire lives to follow Michael Jackson around like a lost puppy or something. There's networks of people constantly trying to figure out where he is on the internet and mobile phones. They try to track down his e-mail addys ect... To me,THAT'S obsessive. It's like the man gets hounded enough in his life. Let the poor guy have an internet connection in peace. lol
Say what?:bugeyed
Maybe I'm wrong and/or oversensitive... but I don't like language and meaning twisted around for some reason.
Fanatism is nothing positive to me. Fanatism in it's meaning is a complete intolerance for differing views/opinions right?! Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Cinnamon, I hope you can deal with being (sorry if this hurts lol) but you're (thankfully JUST) a fan... and yeah be proud of it... but geeeeez fanatism is something else.

Fanatism is some kind of blindness, it is pure intolerance... Nazis are fanatics... the KKKs are fanatics... please ppl stop joking around!

Obsession is a disease... ppl are suffering a hell lot and causing a lot of suffering sometimes destroying lives. Obsession is NOT TO CONTROLL! It CONTROLLS the person.

I so have enough of all such specialist fans talking other down in calling them fanatics or obsessive... but also I don't like ppl telling me they are fanatics and proud of it.

I don't wanna kill the fun here... but for some reason I can't take especially this and also I think there's other stuff to have fun with enough!
Maybe I'm wrong and/or oversensitive... but I don't like language and meaning twisted around for some reason.
Fanatism is nothing positive to me. Fanatism in it's meaning is a complete intolerance for differing views/opinions right?! Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Cinnamon, I hope you can deal with being (sorry if this hurts lol) but you're (thankfully JUST) a fan... and yeah be proud of it... but geeeeez fanatism is something else.

Fanatism is some kind of blindness, it is pure intolerance... Nazis are fanatics... the KKKs are fanatics... please ppl stop joking around!

Obsession is a disease... ppl are suffering a hell lot and causing a lot of suffering sometimes destroying lives. Obsession is NOT TO CONTROLL! It CONTROLLS the person.

I so have enough of all such specialist fans talking other down in calling them fanatics or obsessive... but also I don't like ppl telling me they are fanatics and proud of it.

I don't wanna kill the fun here... but for some reason I can't take especially this and also I think there's other stuff to have fun with enough!
I think ytou are over-reacting. People are fanatics in any walk of life. It could be a good think if it focuses your attention away from things which are destructive.
People who chose their hobbies as their jobs could be viewed as fanatics. But it doesn't destroy them if they are being uplifted by it If nobody is hurt then what is the problem. My parents talk about god and Jesus all the while. They are always praying or preaching or going to church. That is fanaticism, but it does them very little harm.:D
I think ytou are over-reacting. People are fanatics in any walk of life. It could be a good think if it focuses your attention away from things which are destructive.
People who chose their hobbies as their jobs could be viewed as fanatics. But it doesn't destroy them if they are being uplifted by it If nobody is hurt then what is the problem. My parents talk about god and Jesus all the while. They are always praying or preaching or going to church. That is fanaticism, but it does them very little harm.:D

that's what I'm talking about... the meaning of the word.
To me it's nothing positive. I see ppl are twisting the meaning 'their ways'... but to me fanaticism is blindness, like a limit of horizon and the danger is, one doesn't even notice or even doesn't want to know... well nothing really nice or positive.
So I was wondering...
Let's see what the dictionary says about it... I'll be back in a min.
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Noun1.fanatism - excessive intolerance of opposing views fanaticism, zealotry
intolerance - unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in opinions or beliefs

and this is what I've found... seems I'm at least not too wrong with my feelings about that word.

See Datsy... I know meanings of words are twisted by using it certain ways over a long run at times... but still I'm also at times wondering if ppl really know what they are talking about or at least care...
while I'm with obsession maybe really a bit overboard cuz of my profession I admitt



b-) n. 1. Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
2. A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.


The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

1. something that preoccupies a person to the exclusion of other things: his principal obsession was with trying to economize
2. Psychiatry a persistent idea or impulse, often associated with anxiety and mental illness

certainly all ppl tend to and ppl like to see things like they want to see them. but there's some danger in doing so... I don't know if someone will understand where I'm coming from. But well I had to try... know what I mean?! I mean yeah sure if you tell on a Michael Jackson fan board you're a Michael Jackson fanatic then many ppl will probably smile. When you tell a professor at University to convince him how unfair media buildt opinion about Michael Jackson is by saying you're a Michael Jackson fanatic plus proud of it... you're probably not be taken too serious and that would might be sad and frusterating.
I'd like ppl to know what they are saying... yeah there is some fun in twisting meanings of words but there's also some danger... and the way words are used here to me seemed careless... ok it might be ok here... I was just wondering if ppl are aware of what they are saying.
There's lots of young ppl around. I want them to be aware somehow, that's all. It's nice to be careless when you know you are and chose to... not when you just have no real idea what you're doing.
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I have thought about this and I think there's two things that cross the line:

- if you hurt someone physically or with words when defending or adoring Michael, that's not right

- if Michael Jackson is the very most important thing in your life then it's not right either, for your own life. so mj can't be your life, it's elsewhere. he can be just a part of it. even the most professional impersonators have their own life although some may think they are just way too obsessed and can't think anything else. :)
I don't see anything wrong with appreciating music, but when you disregard everything else in favor of it, that tends to be a bit obsessive. I've seen plenty of MJ fans that listen to nothing else but Michael Jackson, and ban every artist or celebrity that doesn't like Michael Jackson. I'm sorry, but that's obsessive - not everyone will like Michael, and that's okay. And a person should have a healthy outlook on music and explore it, rather than stay within one artist.
I think they should be respectful to other fans and Michael, i think its fine for them to be excited but some people take it to the extreme, and then it just becomes chaotic.

At the WMA, a few fans were really awful, this one girl in particular who kept pushing to the front and shouting and being aggressive towards other fans, it really darkened the mood and if i wasn't seeing Michael that night, it would have really ruined the night.
What a deep discussion this has become. Loves it!!

It would make for philosophical and psychological topics as well. I like you Seeress.

I know, it's quite interesting! And thank you cc514! I don't post often, but the whole reason I come to these boards is not only to get news & my "MJ-fix", but also to give myself a voice. I don't get to share my MJ love with most of the people in my life. Many of my friends & family are not supportive or care to hear about it. So it honestly is nice coming to a place with fellow fans. :happy:. Plus, I'm a really big dork - and I like to geek out & spaz out over the things I like. It's like whatever makes you happy, you know?

However, I do not let my likeness for Michael interfere with my real life. I still go to work, go to school, spend time with my b/f, go out with friends/family, etc. I will admit though that there are times when I should be doing an assignment or something important, but instead I am watching damn MJ or Jacksons video's on youtube at like 3 am lol. I can't seem to pull myself away at times. Michael and his music are addicting. I just feel like as long as you are not too overboard and realize that Michael is human and realize that he does mistakes & are realistic when it comes to him and don't let your fanatacism take over your life, then I see no problem with it. Everyone has something that they are into.

I mean some people spend their time obsessing over things like comics or cars or whatever the case is, me on the other hand, I happen to love Michael Jackson lol. Being a fan is fun for me and listening to his music or seeing a video of his always puts a smile on my face. Like I said, I think it's okay as long as you have your priorities in order and don't let your love for Mike take over your life or interfere w/ your real life.

Oh man, I have so been there with the assignments thing and watching YouTube or something instead. It'd be a bold-faced lie if I said I hadn't. And it hasn't only been MJ-related things that have preoccupied me at such times - though as of late, it certainly has been (he is addicting! :doh: I reckon there's something hypnotic in those notes & moves :D ). But you're right - everyone has something they're into. I come from a BIGtime baseball city. (Almost) absolutely everyone's nuts about the games here (GO SOX! :clapping: Though I'm more of a football & basketball gal myself, YEAH PATRIOTS & CELTICS! :cheeky: lol), and you'd be hard-pressed to find someone not keeping up with the games and the records. How many people partake in rituals of staying up late to watch games or play with their fantasy sports lineups? (Anyone here see the movie Fever Pitch? Yeah, a lot of Bostonians are *really* like that :rofl:). The same could be said for hardcore gamers. I like games, but I could never play the way they do (personally, I usually get lazy after Level 1 :laugh: ). I know a few gamers and some would say their lives are steeped in virtual reality. Is it bad? That's debatable. It seems the general consensus here is that if it takes over your real life then you've got a problem. I don't disagree with this statement whatsoever. I'm just trying to figure out what the parameters are for being a fan/being heavily interested in something. Stepping back, what's the question here? Is the question what separates a fan from a fanatic? Er- to keep it on topic, what separates a MJ fan from a MJ fanatic?

The other day I watched a bit of VH1's "I Love the Millenium" series (out of boredom mind you - yes, we really need to reflect & point out the popular culture of what happened last year :smilerolleyes:) and for the 2005 segment what should come up but MJ's trial. And of course the comedians have to crack and go on and on and say things that happen to irk me a little, but I digress. What I found interesting about it though was when one commentator said that he always wondered how MJ sold so many records and the trial made him realize that MJ fans are NUTS. Okay - take that how you want to. I think someone on the show even said that the crowd there were fanatics. But even as they were cracking on that, seeing the footage again I was endeared by it. Judging by some of what has been said here, I would say that might be considered borderline - heck even full-blown fanatic behavior. Was it wrong? Should it be made fun of or thought less of? People showed up in Michael's time of need and showed him love & support (people even came from other countries! :eek:). And that's to be commended, I think. But are we to call them fans or fanatics? And label one as good and the other bad?

Maybe I'm wrong and/or oversensitive... but I don't like language and meaning twisted around for some reason.
Fanatism is nothing positive to me. Fanatism in it's meaning is a complete intolerance for differing views/opinions right?! Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Cinnamon, I hope you can deal with being (sorry if this hurts lol) but you're (thankfully JUST) a fan... and yeah be proud of it... but geeeeez fanatism is something else.

Fanatism is some kind of blindness, it is pure intolerance... Nazis are fanatics... the KKKs are fanatics... please ppl stop joking around!

Obsession is a disease... ppl are suffering a hell lot and causing a lot of suffering sometimes destroying lives. Obsession is NOT TO CONTROLL! It CONTROLLS the person.

I so have enough of all such specialist fans talking other down in calling them fanatics or obsessive... but also I don't like ppl telling me they are fanatics and proud of it.

I don't wanna kill the fun here... but for some reason I can't take especially this and also I think there's other stuff to have fun with enough!

that's what I'm talking about... the meaning of the word.
To me it's nothing positive. I see ppl are twisting the meaning 'their ways'... but to me fanaticism is blindness, like a limit of horizon and the danger is, one doesn't even notice or even doesn't want to know... well nothing really nice or positive.
So I was wondering...
Let's see what the dictionary says about it... I'll be back in a min.

Okay Mechi, I get what you're saying (and if I'm not getting it, please let me know). That the term "fanatic" shouldn't be thrown around so lightly, right? That some of us are deviating from the actual definition of the word? Perhaps, especially where the "intolerance" bit is concerned. But if people happen to exhibit signs of excessive interest and are getting something positive out of it as well not hurting anyone by it, then that's good right? What if people are actually inspired to be more tolerant and open because of what they are interested in? I don't want to turn my post into a novel, so I'll just ask: Do you prefer that people call themselves fans instead? I don't know - I'm actually just asking you :).

I'm apologize for my long posts (I was never good with brevity -_-), but this is a very intriguing topic. One that's real food for thought :yes:. But I just want to reiterate what I said in my last post: "At least it's important for people to try and come to their own conclusions about their fanhood & what balance is because it could all be relative or not - most of us don't know about other members' personal lives on these forums, nor are we really in any position to assume or judge. Don't get me wrong - it's absolutely important to keep healthy habits though. I'm just saying it's difficult to define an exact set of rules for a fan's behavior." It certainly may not be safe to call one's self a fanatic, but I don't think it's necessarily our place to call each other such either.

That being said...
Especially when there are people out there who've given up their entire lives to follow Michael Jackson around like a lost puppy or something. There's networks of people constantly trying to figure out where he is on the internet and mobile phones. They try to track down his e-mail addys ect... To me,THAT'S obsessive. It's like the man gets hounded enough in his life. Let the poor guy have an internet connection in peace. lol

Wow, that's um.... yeah. That's a bit much :lmao:. I'm with Datsymay: :bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed SAY WHAT?!! I have a hard time even believing it... I mean with skills like that, shouldn't these people be working for the CIA or something? :hysterical: LOL
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Okay Mechi, I get what you're saying (and if I'm not getting it, please let me know). That the term "fanatic" shouldn't be thrown around so lightly, right? That some of us are deviating from the actual definition of the word? Perhaps, especially where the "intolerance" bit is concerned. But if people happen to exhibit signs of excessive interest and are getting something positive out of it as well not hurting anyone by it, then that's good right? What if people are actually inspired to be more tolerant and open because of what they are interested in? I don't want to turn my post into a novel, so I'll just ask: Do you prefer that people call themselves fans instead? I don't know - I'm actually just asking you :).

The question is why it's not enough for some to call themselves fan.

Excessive interest is different from just interest... or is it already different from some 'healthy' interest?

I don't know... does intolerance hurt, do ppl who are intolerant notice at all they are always?!

If ppl are actually inspired to be more tolerant and open and don't hurt anyone by it... then fandom does them good. Why wouldn't that describe it enough?

Again the question, why it's not enough to be just a fan? Isn't there already the tendency of some 'we are better than they are' only in language?
Where's the need?

Again if you want to give the words 'fanatism' or 'fanatic' or 'obsession' a new meaning talking to ppl outside the fan-world... it could be good to make sure ppl notice in the beginning to not make them think even more MJJfans are weird or just stupid or really fanatics in every 'negative' meaning of some words thrown around here (to me) pretty careless.
if i were to rate titles of threads..i would say this is the greatest title in a long time, because it allows me to say this.

don't let anybody tell you how to behave. there's a lot of worse things in the world than being an MJ fan or fanatic.

the only reason why people try to make any of us look bad, no matter how extreme our fandom is this...(and i don't care what people say..this is the reason) it's because they don't want MJ to have fans...they don't want any more addition to the true meaning of success, which is Michael Jackson.

You can't go around in the world letting other people define how you should act in this case, because there's been no harm done in the forty plus years of fandom of MJ...

you can't go worrying about how people view you as weird or whatever. because when the chips are down, where will those people be, who put you down..they'll be NOWHERE in sight. don't owe them ANY sort of behaviour to suit them. they've done NOTHING for you don't owe them ANYTHING. i don't let people define me or my behaviour. that's why i am happy and successful in life. i am sure that is why MJ is successful...because he doesn't let people define him. and i am sure that that rule would apply to anyone who isn't being destructive toward their fellow man and the earth. and being an MJ fan or fanatic does NOT fit into the category of destroying the earth, or hurting one's fellow man. and some crazed idiot trying to make me feel bad for how i behave is not going to change me, whether i say something to them or not. they'll go away from me, and i'll still be here, happy, the same as i ever was, with my fandom intact.

nuff said.
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it's also important not to be distructive towards yourself, the others and Michael :)

the people that these naysayers refer to never fit into any of the categories you mention.

it's way to rare to find any extremes. it's just overreported.

this is just anti Michael rhetoric those naysayers are all about.

anyway...i surely am not destructive..and i am a fanatic...and like i said..i don't let others' opinions affect me.

i've seen riots and death at the concerts of other artists..and it never gets reported, save to say, the reporters end up building a shrine to those artists...

anyway..i keep looking real hard to find what these rhetorical people keep claiming against MJ fanatics...and all i see is people trying to make the world a better place..and inspired charity of all kinds. it's just plain envy on the part of the rhetorical people...and when the smoke clears...MJ and his fans always come out smelling like a rose....

the universal rule is...if it's really'll stick. it just never sticks, as evidence, when it comes to the rhetorical crap leveled against MJ and his fans. just a lot of loud noise from jealous talking heads is the only consistent thing. follow up reports just show MJ and his fans, like i said..smelling like a rose.

you see...without even trying, whenever i would look around and see why fans were being attacked for being 'destructive', was in response to a fan who seemed never to have anything negative to say about MJ. that's it. the naysayers tended to be less extreme in their reaction to death and destruction, than they were to an MJ fan who couldn't find a negative thing to say about Michael. that's the reality.

the fact that fans may be making up for the cauldrons of negativity unwarrantingly leveled against MJ over the years,(no harm to the environment, and, which is the rule of karma, which is too powerful to do anything about, and justified, so no use for anyone trying) is far from a destructive thing. but the naysayers would rather us believe it IS a destructive thing. the commentary i have against those naysayers is...well....i'd rather not comment.
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I hate it when people call me a hater because i hate his latest work :/
To me, personally, it would be "wrong" to follow Michael EVERYWHERE. In my opinion that would be taking it too far. That would be "too obsessed" for my taste. I mean, Michael is just a human too and he deserves to have privacy. And as much as he loves his fans and I love him (and with "love" I don't mean being "in love", but just admiring him and caring about how he's doing)...he doesn't KNOW me. I am not his best friend or anything like that, so I am sure he would not appreciate having me around EVERYWHERE he goes. Sort of like if I knew someone vaguely, I wouldn't mind having that person around if we were for example at some party at the same time or something like that...but if that person would follow me EVERYWHERE, I'd be very annoyed and like "WTF is his/her problem!!". I do go to Michael's hotel and hope to see him at the window...that's where my limit is. But I don't go grab him, I don't mob his car and bang on his car windows, etc. To me all that is a bit "crazy". And scary. I am very well aware that one could have endless discussions about if going to the hotel is okay or not...but I think that's at least some kind of "compromise". I mean, at least Michael can choose if he wants to see the fans or not. And he is safe inside, so even if he comes to the window to wave, he won't get hurt. But like I said, for me personally, as soon as he leaves the hotel, that's "off limits" to me. In my opinion he has a right to go where ever he wants in peace. And there has been times when fans were told to go home from the hotel, so I go when we are told to. Like in Munich after the MJ& Friends concert. I came to the hotel after the concert and heard MJ had gotten hurt and was taken to the hospital. And then there were rumors he was back at the hotel...Anyways, I can't remember if it was Grace or Teddy (they were both out talking to fans), but someone from MJ's staff came out and told fans to go home and come back the next day around 10 a.m. or so. So I left when I was told to do so. I think you need to respect that.

To me, a fan should be respecful towards Michael AND the other fans. If you are told to stay behind the barriers, then you should do that. And you shouldn't try to hurt or deceive other fans just to get closer to Michael yourself. I think that is horrible. :( (And yes, unfortunately there are fans like that...One guy was intentionally drilling his elbow into my back at the stadium gates before the MJ&Friends concert so that I'd be in so much pain that I'd let him go in front of me. How crazy and insane is that?! If you have to try to HURT another person to get closer to MJ, then you seriously need HELP! I mean, that is just CRAZY! And there are fans who tell other fans lies and I don't think that is alright either).

I think as long as you are not hurting anyone and you can balance your personal life and being a fan... it's all good.
To me, personally, it would be "wrong" to follow Michael EVERYWHERE. In my opinion that would be taking it too far. That would be "too obsessed" for my taste. I mean, Michael is just a human too and he deserves to have privacy. And as much as he loves his fans and I love him (and with "love" I don't mean being "in love", but just admiring him and caring about how he's doing)...he doesn't KNOW me. I am not his best friend or anything like that, so I am sure he would not appreciate having me around EVERYWHERE he goes. Sort of like if I knew someone vaguely, I wouldn't mind having that person around if we were for example at some party at the same time or something like that...but if that person would follow me EVERYWHERE, I'd be very annoyed and like "WTF is his/her problem!!". I do go to Michael's hotel and hope to see him at the window...that's where my limit is. But I don't go grab him, I don't mob his car and bang on his car windows, etc. To me all that is a bit "crazy". And scary. I am very well aware that one could have endless discussions about if going to the hotel is okay or not...but I think that's at least some kind of "compromise". I mean, at least Michael can choose if he wants to see the fans or not. And he is safe inside, so even if he comes to the window to wave, he won't get hurt. But like I said, for me personally, as soon as he leaves the hotel, that's "off limits" to me. In my opinion he has a right to go where ever he wants in peace. And there has been times when fans were told to go home from the hotel, so I go when we are told to. Like in Munich after the MJ& Friends concert. I came to the hotel after the concert and heard MJ had gotten hurt and was taken to the hospital. And then there were rumors he was back at the hotel...Anyways, I can't remember if it was Grace or Teddy (they were both out talking to fans), but someone from MJ's staff came out and told fans to go home and come back the next day around 10 a.m. or so. So I left when I was told to do so. I think you need to respect that.

To me, a fan should be respecful towards Michael AND the other fans. If you are told to stay behind the barriers, then you should do that. And you shouldn't try to hurt or deceive other fans just to get closer to Michael yourself. I think that is horrible. :( (And yes, unfortunately there are fans like that...One guy was intentionally drilling his elbow into my back at the stadium gates before the MJ&Friends concert so that I'd be in so much pain that I'd let him go in front of me. How crazy and insane is that?! If you have to try to HURT another person to get closer to MJ, then you seriously need HELP! I mean, that is just CRAZY! And there are fans who tell other fans lies and I don't think that is alright either).

I think as long as you are not hurting anyone and you can balance your personal life and being a fan... it's all good.

Completely Agree!!!! 100%!!! I also agree with the point vnwilliam made about how some people don't even want Michael to have fans. TOO bad cause he has us and we ain't going anywhere!!!
I think that its fine to be a fan and go crazy and like some celeb alot, but when it comes to the point where it rules your life and you're completely obsessed, then maybe some help is needed to keep you down into reality.

I was actually really obsessed with mj when i was a teenager and i got stuck in some scary dark place, and im glad i was able to get out of it and actually be myself and not think of him constantly lol.
How should a fan behave?


Doesn't matter how excitebale or crazy you want to be, doesn't matter how much you obsess, as long as you do it with respect towards the man and your fellow fans, then I say go for it.
Well, this is my opinion BASED on facts regarding fanaticism.

Fanaticism can be dangerous to Michael Jackson and I'll tell you why . . . I'll try to make it short.

In October 1990 I was on my way to Las Vegas to meet relatives who were there for a Cosmetology Convention, but I stopped in Los Angeles to visit my Uncle first. The next morning in the LA newspaper was an article about MJ being honored at the Century Hotel and my uncle out of the blue ask if I wanted to go, I declined. So instead he took me to various places around the Hollywood area. When I decided to leave that same day to Vegas, it was unfortunately bumper to bumper traffic. I tuned into the traffic station on the radio and heard that there was an accident on the freeway and traffic was backed up to Highway 15, where I needed to get to, to travel to Vegas. So, I decided I would go back to my Uncle's and get a fresh start in the morning. Well, surprisingly the next exit to get off the freeway was the Century exit, so I thought okay I'll check it out. I called my Uncle and told him about the traffic and by the way, I'm going to check the MJ thing out.

I had never been to anything like this so I had no idea what to expect.

Well, I pulled into the Hotel's inside parking structure and walked in the first door available. The first person I saw was this baldheaded man that turned out to be a t.v. actor. I can't remember his name, but he always had a lollipop in his mouth on the show. Anyway, I realized I may have gone into a private area and was on my way out, but first I decided to go to the ladies room to freshen up. Well as I was washing my hands, these two ladies walked in with beautiful dresses on and I complimented them. One of the ladies had put a book on the counter with a young MJ on the cover and I said that's cute and she replied that she had met MJ and written the book to give to him. I really thought that was sweet. Then she said she was selling the books for $5 bucks and I told her I would buy one. I was really curious about what was in it considering I had met MJ years earlier.

I spent time in the reception/cocktail area but I didn't want to go inside the actual event because I wasn't sure if MJ would be wearing his shades or not. (Don’t speculate but that's the reason)

Okay, this is longer than I thought so although interesting, I'm skipping a lot of good stuff to get to the fanatical part.

So after the event, I bought the book and she told me that she also made a video about MJ (oh by the way I know her name but I'm not trying to embarrass her). At some point in time she mailed the video to me.

After, I got home from Vegas, I had totally forgotten about the book, so when she called to inquire what I thought about it, I told her I would read it later and to call me back or I called her back. Well after reading the book I found it to be a really sweet groupie story with a twist at the end. When we talked about the book, she asked what I thought of the ending and I said it was sweet, and then she revealed to me that part was a fantasy. I was like, okay, but I was wondering to myself, why throw that into the mix. But, I never said anything disrespectful toward her book, nor did I call her and tell her what I thought of her video.(I still have both by the way)

Okay. This is what I'm driving at. I had never told ANYONE that I had met MJ, not my family or friends, and in one second I blurted out to her while on the phone with her that I too had met MJ and that hey, I'm gonna write a book too. But before I could say another word, this nice person went from nice and understanding to someone acting like the wicked witch of the east, north, south and west combined. Without even hearing a word I had to say about how, where and when I met MJ, she behaved like a two year old and called me a liar and she (apparently) was going to make it her mission to ask Michael if he actually knew me. Of course she called me back with (her) definitive words as to what MJ had to say. It really wasn't what she said he said, that sparked me, it was HOW she said it.

Until that point in time, I had not one disparaging remark or bad thought about MJ regarding what happen between us, but she put so much anger in my heart and mind so deep, that that's all I wanted to hear him say is what she said with my own ears. Now, I was on a mission, and my heart and mind just couldn't seem to rest until I had that closure. If she had just given me a few moments to explain about my book idea, she would have realized what I was going to write about and what I had planned. My plans didn't involve selling MJ out to the World or even selling it to the world. My book was going to be about explaining to MJ how I got to Los Angeles County when I met him, why I left, how he found me, and why I left again. That sort of stuff. But, because of her hateful mentality, my book plans took a dark turn, and later I made serious allegations against Michael, which I do regret making because I didn't think or feel that way during the time I met him, nor the time when I realized that I did meet him.

So, the moral to my story is . . . People, stay out of other people's business, especially if you have NO IDEA what a person does or has done in their life. Being a fan is all sweet but when you become fanatical and try to intervene because of hate, jealousy or whatever, think about the person you are admiring first, because you can do him or her more harm than good, and this is definitely the best case scenario that illustrates that.

How should a fan behave?


Doesn't matter how excitebale or crazy you want to be, doesn't matter how much you obsess, as long as you do it with respect towards the man and your fellow fans, then I say go for it.

See, someone said everything that needed to be said in one word and a three line paragraph.
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^ Then that would strike the debate..

what about losing self respect for yourself in the process... Putting him above yourself, and/or others that need or deserve you.
'Respect' is very multy demensionable though..

It wont be an issue regarding Michael, but it could effect you as a person..

In FAN terms then I can see what you're saying.. It wont hurt others, wont hurt Michael... BUT many times when respect for someone else gets so important, mentally you start to disrespect yourself in the process.

P.S. when I say 'you'.. I don't mean YOU.. just a term in the sentance as PEOPLE..
I don't see how you can start to disrespect yourself just because you have the utmost respect for someone else. If that's the case, then you had little regard for yourself to begin with.