Have you ever...?

Yes, I was like 6 i think, and i can still see it - and mum put detol on it!!!! that stuff stings like hell on open flesh!!

Have you ever made a cocktail
Probably my finger :p haha otherwise no.

Have you ever got a ring stuck on your finger?
Too many times... I've got chubby fingers :lol:

Have you ever crashed your car?
I dont drive, but i was in a pretty terrible car crash a few years ago.

Have you ever eaten a peanut butter and mayonaise sandwhich? (if you havent you should!)
Yeah, when I was little and my leg hurted so much...

Have you ever had a bad dream that came true?
No, but my hubby dreamt of huge waves the night before the 2004 tsunami, it was so eerie..

Have you ever cut your own hair?
No...thank god, because dude I have some pretty scary nightmares :lol: I think I would have been done a longggg time ago if any of my dreams came true.

Have you ever pulled a prank on April Fool's Day?

I have never been scared on Halloween...but I once hid in my sister's closet on Halloween and scared the Sh*z out of her...:lol:

Have you ever woke up and thought it was the wrong day the entire day (like thinking it's Wednesday when it's really Thursday)?
Yes! Too many times!

Have you ever eaten sheeps brain (or any animal brain for that matter)?
No but I hear that through your life you inhale/swallow/one climbs in your mouth 10 spiders or something...probably an old wives tale though hehe

Have you ever had to have a injection in your gums?
Yessss, omigoodness, it's scary/hurts. I had it in my jaw through my gums! When I had my wisdom teeth out, they were impacted and they had to actually remove a piece of my jaw bone to get to them!!!

Have you ever witnessed a robbery?
yes, in france the one time i went, HATED it, lol....im not an outdoors girl nor animal lover it seems

have you ever done a dare that you regretted?
No...but all my friends have. Silly people...Someone always gets hurt tut tut

Have you ever poked yourself in the eye?